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Okay so for my part i have at this point played for about 16 ours and in that time i have given it a go trying to communicate with the other players in the lobbies both over mic and with the other players around me. i have tried it both in a party in the "Game" chat mode and not in a party at all. i have restarted my console and tried a different mic. i know for my part that the problem is not my mic as i was and have been using the mic in my party chats with my friends. so i anyone knows what might be the problem i would really like to know how to fix it, otherwise this should hopefully be used to notify BI that there is a problem. Oh last thing, i did look through the settings as well and found absolutely nothing that might have cause it as i made sure that all voice chat options were on multiple times, the only thing i can possible mark it to at this point is that i have a KB plugged in to my ps5 pro and it is supposed to be enhanced for us who cashed out for that too XD. But yah let me know what's up.
bugs Orbat Creator autogen.hpp error
memerguy78 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS - CONFIGS & SCRIPTING
I get the error (file x\testmod\addons\test\autogen.hpp, line 207 : config: end of lineencountered after O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_rifleman7_01 script: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Config Automatically Generated by ALiVE ORBAT Creator // Generated with Arma 3 version 218.152405 on Stable branch // Generated with ALiVE version ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CfgFactionClasses { class O_MexicpCartel_CJNG { displayName = "CJNG"; side = 0; flag = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\flags\nato_ca.paa"; icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\flags\nato_ca.paa"; priority = 0; }; }; class CfgGroups { class EAST { class O_MexicpCartel_CJNG { name = "CJNG"; class Infantry { name = "Infantry"; class o_omexicpcartelcjng_infantry_squad1 { name = "Squad1"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\o_inf.paa"; rarityGroup = 0.5; class Unit0 { position[] = {0,0,0}; rank = "SERGEANT"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Squad_Leader_01"; }; class Unit1 { position[] = {5,-5,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_RIfleman_01"; }; class Unit2 { position[] = {-5,-5,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Sniper_01"; }; class Unit3 { position[] = {10,-10,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Sniper2_01"; }; class Unit4 { position[] = {-10,-10,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Auto_Rifleman_01"; }; class Unit5 { position[] = {15,-15,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman2_01"; }; class Unit6 { position[] = {-15,-15,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman3_01"; }; class Unit7 { position[] = {20,-20,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman4_01"; }; class Unit8 { position[] = {-20,-20,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman5_01"; }; class Unit9 { position[] = {25,-25,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman_6_01"; }; class Unit10 { position[] = {-25,-25,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_AT_operator_2_01"; }; }; class o_omexicpcartelcjng_infantry_operator_squad { name = "Operator squad"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\o_inf.paa"; rarityGroup = 0.5; class Unit0 { position[] = {0,0,0}; rank = "SERGEANT"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Squad_Leader_01"; }; class Unit1 { position[] = {5,-5,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Sniper3_01"; }; class Unit2 { position[] = {-5,-5,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Sniper4_01"; }; class Unit3 { position[] = {10,-10,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Submachinegunner_01"; }; class Unit4 { position[] = {-10,-10,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Shotgunner_01"; }; class Unit5 { position[] = {15,-15,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Ar_Operator_01"; }; class Unit6 { position[] = {-15,-15,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Ak_operator_01"; }; class Unit7 { position[] = {20,-20,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Machinegunner_01"; }; class Unit8 { position[] = {-20,-20,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_TAR_01"; }; class Unit9 { position[] = {25,-25,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Grenade_Launcher_Operator_01"; }; class Unit10 { position[] = {-25,-25,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_ZASTAVA_operater_01"; }; class Unit11 { position[] = {30,-30,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_M16A1_Operator_01"; }; class Unit12 { position[] = {-30,-30,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Barrett_Op_01"; }; class Unit13 { position[] = {35,-35,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_p90_operator_01"; }; class Unit14 { position[] = {-35,-35,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_FN_SCAR_op_01"; }; class Unit15 { position[] = {40,-40,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_AT_Op_01"; }; class Unit16 { position[] = {-40,-40,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Xm_operator_01"; }; class Unit17 { position[] = {45,-45,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_rifleman7_01; }; class Unit18 { position[] = {-45,-45,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_AK_operator_2_01"; }; class Unit19 { position[] = {50,-50,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_AR_operator_2_01"; }; class Unit20 { position[] = {-50,-50,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_AK_operator_3_01"; }; class Unit21 { position[] = {55,-55,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_shotgunner2_01"; }; class Unit22 { position[] = {-55,-55,0}; rank = "PRIVATE"; side = 0; vehicle = "O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_submachinegunner2_01"; }; }; }; class SpecOps { name = "Special Forces"; }; class Motorized { name = "Motorized Infantry"; }; class Motorized_MTP { name = "Motorized Infantry (MTP)"; }; class Support { name = "Support Infantry"; }; class Mechanized { name = "Mechanized Infantry"; }; class Armored { name = "Armor"; }; class Artillery { name = "Artillery"; }; class Naval { name = "Naval"; }; class Air { name = "Air"; }; }; }; }; class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base; class CfgVehicles { class DFM_AIO_O_Cartel_Rifleman_AK; class DFM_AIO_O_Cartel_Rifleman_AK_OCimport_01 : DFM_AIO_O_Cartel_Rifleman_AK { scope = 0; class EventHandlers; }; class DFM_AIO_O_Cartel_Rifleman_AK_OCimport_02 : DFM_AIO_O_Cartel_Rifleman_AK_OCimport_01 { class EventHandlers; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_RIfleman_01 : DFM_AIO_O_Cartel_Rifleman_AK_OCimport_02 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "RIfleman"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"NMG_weapons_aks74_wtdt","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"NMG_weapons_aks74_wtdt","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17","30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17","30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"NMG_weapons_aks74_wtdt","","side_HG_all_drevo_NMG","",{"30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F",30},{},"rebr_rama_NMG"},{},{"MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9","","","",{"MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17",17},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",7},{"PiR_bint",2},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F",1,30}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",3},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F",4,30},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",5,20}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","B_NSHD_Skull",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Sniper_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_RIfleman_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Sniper"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"ASZ_M107_Blk","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"ASZ_M107_Blk","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; magazines[] = {"10Rnd_127x99_mag_ASZ","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17","10Rnd_127x99_mag_ASZ","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"10Rnd_127x99_mag_ASZ","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17","10Rnd_127x99_mag_ASZ","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"ASZ_M107_Blk","","","rhsusf_acc_premier",{"10Rnd_127x99_mag_ASZ",10},{},""},{},{"MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9","","","",{"MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17",17},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",9},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"10Rnd_127x99_mag_ASZ",1,10}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",4},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",5,20},{"10Rnd_127x99_mag_ASZ",7,10}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","B_NSHD_Skull",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Sniper2_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Sniper_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Sniper2"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"ASZ_M107_Blk","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"ASZ_M107_Blk","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; magazines[] = {"10Rnd_127x99_mag_ASZ","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17","10Rnd_127x99_mag_ASZ","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"10Rnd_127x99_mag_ASZ","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17","10Rnd_127x99_mag_ASZ","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"ASZ_M107_Blk","","","",{"10Rnd_127x99_mag_ASZ",10},{},""},{},{"MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9","","","",{"MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17",17},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",11},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"10Rnd_127x99_mag_ASZ",1,10}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",5},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",5,20},{"10Rnd_127x99_mag_ASZ",7,10}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Auto_Rifleman_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Sniper2_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Auto Rifleman"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_TK_camo_arid","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"hlc_m249_pip1","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"hlc_m249_pip1","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; magazines[] = {"hlc_200rnd_556x45_M_SAW","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17","hlc_200rnd_556x45_M_SAW","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"hlc_200rnd_556x45_M_SAW","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17","hlc_200rnd_556x45_M_SAW","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17"}; backpack = "CUP_B_AssaultPack_Black"; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"hlc_m249_pip1","","","",{"hlc_200rnd_556x45_M_SAW",200},{},""},{},{"MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9","","","",{"MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17",17},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",13},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",6},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",5,20},{"hlc_200rnd_556x45_M_SAW",1,200}}},{"CUP_B_AssaultPack_Black",{{"rhsusf_200Rnd_556x45_box",2,200}}},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Squad_Leader_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Auto_Rifleman_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Squad Leader"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_TK_camo_arid","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_o"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_M4A1_black","CUP_hgun_Colt1911"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_M4A1_black","CUP_hgun_Colt1911"}; magazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911","CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911","CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"CUP_arifle_M4A1_black","","","",{"CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",30},{},""},{},{"CUP_hgun_Colt1911","","","",{"CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911",7},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_o",{{"ACE_CableTie",11},{"PiR_bint",2},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",1,30}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ",{{"PiR_bint",6},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",5,30},{"CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911",3,7},{"9Rnd_45ACP_Mag",3,8}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman2_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_RIfleman_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Rifleman2"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"NMG_weapons_ak74n","MPP_FN57_MK3_BLK_BLK"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"NMG_weapons_ak74n","MPP_FN57_MK3_BLK_BLK"}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3","30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3","30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"NMG_weapons_ak74n","rhs_acc_dtk1983","side_HG_all_drevo_NMG","",{"30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F",30},{},""},{},{"MPP_FN57_MK3_BLK_BLK","","","",{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3",20},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",9},{"PiR_bint",2},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F",1,30}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",4},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"30Rnd_545x39_Mag_F",2,30},{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3",5,20},{"rhs_30Rnd_545x39_AK_plum_green",3,30},{"rhs_30Rnd_545x39_AK_green",1,30},{"hlc_30Rnd_545x39_EP_ak",1,30}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman3_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman2_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Rifleman3"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"CDM_FNFal_Carabine_short_Lmag","MPP_CZ75C_9_BLK_BLK_BLK"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"CDM_FNFal_Carabine_short_Lmag","MPP_CZ75C_9_BLK_BLK_BLK"}; magazines[] = {"20Rnd_FAL_MAG","MPP_15rnd_9MM_124JHP_CZ","20Rnd_FAL_MAG","MPP_15rnd_9MM_124JHP_CZ"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"20Rnd_FAL_MAG","MPP_15rnd_9MM_124JHP_CZ","20Rnd_FAL_MAG","MPP_15rnd_9MM_124JHP_CZ"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"CDM_FNFal_Carabine_short_Lmag","","","",{"20Rnd_FAL_MAG",20},{},""},{},{"MPP_CZ75C_9_BLK_BLK_BLK","","","",{"MPP_15rnd_9MM_124JHP_CZ",15},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",11},{"PiR_bint",2},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"20Rnd_FAL_MAG",1,20}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",5},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"20Rnd_FAL_MAG",3,20},{"MPP_15rnd_9MM_124JHP_CZ",3,15},{"30Rnd_FAL_MAG",1,30},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_147FMJ_CZ",5,20},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_147JHP_CZ",1,20}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman4_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman3_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Rifleman4"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_u"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"hlc_rifle_augsr","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"hlc_rifle_augsr","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; magazines[] = {"hlc_30Rnd_556x45_B_AUG","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19","hlc_30Rnd_556x45_B_AUG","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"hlc_30Rnd_556x45_B_AUG","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19","hlc_30Rnd_556x45_B_AUG","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"hlc_rifle_augsr","","","",{"hlc_30Rnd_556x45_B_AUG",30},{},""},{},{"MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9","","","",{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",20},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_u",{{"ACE_CableTie",11},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",2,20}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",6},{"ACE_CableTie",2},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"hlc_30Rnd_556x45_B_AUG",7,30},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",1,20}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Sniper3_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Sniper2_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Sniper3"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_l"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"rhs_weap_svdp","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"rhs_weap_svdp","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; magazines[] = {"rhs_10Rnd_762x54mmR_7N1","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17","rhs_10Rnd_762x54mmR_7N1","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"rhs_10Rnd_762x54mmR_7N1","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17","rhs_10Rnd_762x54mmR_7N1","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"rhs_weap_svdp","","","rhs_acc_pso1m21",{"rhs_10Rnd_762x54mmR_7N1",10},{},""},{},{"MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9","","","",{"MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17",17},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_l",{{"ACE_CableTie",13},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"rhs_10Rnd_762x54mmR_7N1",1,10}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ",{{"PiR_bint",6},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",5,20},{"rhs_10Rnd_762x54mmR_7N1",6,10}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","B_NSHD_Calavera",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman5_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman4_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Rifleman5"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_M16A1","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_M16A1","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; magazines[] = {"CUP_20Rnd_556x45_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19","CUP_20Rnd_556x45_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"CUP_20Rnd_556x45_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19","CUP_20Rnd_556x45_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"CUP_arifle_M16A1","","","",{"CUP_20Rnd_556x45_Stanag",20},{},""},{},{"MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9","","","",{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",20},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",11},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",2,20}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",7},{"ACE_CableTie",2},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",1,20},{"CUP_20Rnd_556x45_Stanag",9,20}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Sniper4_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Sniper3_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Sniper4"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_l"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"cwr3_srifle_l42a1","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"cwr3_srifle_l42a1","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; magazines[] = {"CUP_5Rnd_762x51_M24","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17","CUP_5Rnd_762x51_M24","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"CUP_5Rnd_762x51_M24","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17","CUP_5Rnd_762x51_M24","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"cwr3_srifle_l42a1","","","",{"CUP_5Rnd_762x51_M24",5},{},""},{},{"MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9","","","",{"MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17",17},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_l",{{"ACE_CableTie",15},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ",{{"PiR_bint",7},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",5,20},{"CUP_5Rnd_762x51_M24",6,5}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Submachinegunner_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman4_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Submachinegunner"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_u"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"cwr3_smg_sterling","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"cwr3_smg_sterling","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; magazines[] = {"cwr3_30rnd_sterling_m","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19","cwr3_30rnd_sterling_m","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"cwr3_30rnd_sterling_m","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19","cwr3_30rnd_sterling_m","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"cwr3_smg_sterling","","","",{"cwr3_30rnd_sterling_m",30},{},""},{},{"MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9","","","",{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",20},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_u",{{"ACE_CableTie",11},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",2,20}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",7},{"ACE_CableTie",2},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",1,20},{"cwr3_30rnd_sterling_m",7,30}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Shotgunner_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman4_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Shotgunner"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"sgun_mas_idf_benelli_F","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"sgun_mas_idf_benelli_F","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; magazines[] = {"7Rnd_mas_idf_12Gauge_Pellets","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19","7Rnd_mas_idf_12Gauge_Pellets","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"7Rnd_mas_idf_12Gauge_Pellets","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19","7Rnd_mas_idf_12Gauge_Pellets","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"sgun_mas_idf_benelli_F","","","",{"7Rnd_mas_idf_12Gauge_Pellets",7},{},""},{},{"MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9","","","",{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",20},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",11},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",2,20}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",7},{"ACE_CableTie",4},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",1,20},{"7Rnd_mas_idf_12Gauge_Pellets",3,7},{"CUP_2Rnd_12Gauge_Slug",2,2},{"CUP_2Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets_No4_Bird",17,2},{"CUP_2Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets_No1_Buck",23,2}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Ar_Operator_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman4_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Ar Operator"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_o"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"ASZ_AR7090","MPP_FN57_MK3_BLK_BLK"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"ASZ_AR7090","MPP_FN57_MK3_BLK_BLK"}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"ASZ_AR7090","","","",{"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",30},{},""},{},{"MPP_FN57_MK3_BLK_BLK","","","",{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3",20},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_o",{{"ACE_CableTie",11},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3",2,20}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",7},{"ACE_CableTie",4},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",7,30},{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3",5,20}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_TAR_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman5_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "TAR "; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"arifle_TRG20_F","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_TRG20_F","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"arifle_TRG20_F","","","",{"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",30},{},""},{},{"MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9","","","",{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",20},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",11},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",2,20}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",7},{"ACE_CableTie",4},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",1,20},{"30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",3,30},{"hlc_30rnd_556x45_SOST",4,30}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Machinegunner_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Auto_Rifleman_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Machinegunner"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_TK_camo_arid","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_r"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ2","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ2","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"rhs_weap_fnmag","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"rhs_weap_fnmag","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; magazines[] = {"rhsusf_100Rnd_762x51","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17","rhsusf_100Rnd_762x51","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"rhsusf_100Rnd_762x51","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17","rhsusf_100Rnd_762x51","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17"}; backpack = "CUP_B_AssaultPack_Black"; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"rhs_weap_fnmag","","","",{"rhsusf_100Rnd_762x51",100},{},""},{},{"MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9","","","",{"MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17",17},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_r",{{"ACE_CableTie",15},{"PiR_bint",3},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ2",{{"PiR_bint",6},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",5,20},{"rhsusf_100Rnd_762x51",1,100}}},{"CUP_B_AssaultPack_Black",{{"rhsusf_100Rnd_762x51",2,100},{"CUP_100Rnd_TE4_LRT4_White_Tracer_762x51_Belt_M",1,100}}},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Ak_operator_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman4_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Ak operator"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_AKM_Early","MPP_FN57_BLK_BLK"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_AKM_Early","MPP_FN57_BLK_BLK"}; magazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_bakelite_M","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_bakelite_M","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_bakelite_M","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_bakelite_M","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"CUP_arifle_AKM_Early","","","",{"CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_bakelite_M",30},{},""},{},{"MPP_FN57_BLK_BLK","","","",{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7",20},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",13},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7",2,20}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",7},{"ACE_CableTie",2},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7",5,20},{"CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_bakelite_M",3,30},{"rhssaf_30Rnd_762x39mm_M67",2,30}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_ZASTAVA_operater_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman4_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "ZASTAVA operater"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"arifle_INDa_mas_m70_F","fm_m95cw"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"arifle_INDa_mas_m70_F","fm_m95cw"}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F","13Rnds_9x21_Mag","30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F","13Rnds_9x21_Mag"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F","13Rnds_9x21_Mag","30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F","13Rnds_9x21_Mag"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"arifle_INDa_mas_m70_F","","","",{"30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F",30},{},""},{},{"fm_m95cw","","","",{"13Rnds_9x21_Mag",13},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",13},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"13Rnds_9x21_Mag",1,13}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",7},{"ACE_CableTie",2},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F",6,30},{"13Rnds_9x21_Mag",2,13}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Grenade_Launcher_Operator_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Ak_operator_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Grenade Launcher Operator"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"hlc_wp_SCARL_STD_300AAC_EGLM","CUP_hgun_Duty"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"hlc_wp_SCARL_STD_300AAC_EGLM","CUP_hgun_Duty"}; magazines[] = {"1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell","16Rnd_9x21_Mag"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"hlc_wp_SCARL_STD_300AAC_EGLM","hlc_muzzle_KX3_comp","","",{},{"1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",1},""},{},{"CUP_hgun_Duty","","","",{"16Rnd_9x21_Mag",17},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",15},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"16Rnd_9x21_Mag",1,17}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",7},{"ACE_CableTie",2},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",3,1},{"16Rnd_9x21_Mag",2,17},{"hlc_29rnd_300BLK_STANAG",2,30},{"CUP_1Rnd_HE_M203",4,1},{"MPP_19rnd_9MM_115FMJ_CZPO9",2,19}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_M16A1_Operator_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman4_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "M16A1 Operator"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"hlc_wp_M16A1","rhsusf_weap_m9"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"hlc_wp_M16A1","rhsusf_weap_m9"}; magazines[] = {"hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR","rhsusf_mag_15Rnd_9x19_JHP","hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR","rhsusf_mag_15Rnd_9x19_JHP"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR","rhsusf_mag_15Rnd_9x19_JHP","hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR","rhsusf_mag_15Rnd_9x19_JHP"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"hlc_wp_M16A1","hlc_muzzle_A1_FlashHider","","",{"hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR",30},{},""},{},{"rhsusf_weap_m9","","","",{"rhsusf_mag_15Rnd_9x19_JHP",15},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",13},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"rhsusf_mag_15Rnd_9x19_JHP",1,15}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",7},{"ACE_CableTie",2},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR",7,30},{"rhsusf_mag_15Rnd_9x19_JHP",2,15}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Barrett_Op_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Sniper3_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Barrett Op"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_o"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"rhs_weap_M107","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"rhs_weap_M107","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; magazines[] = {"rhsusf_mag_10Rnd_STD_50BMG_M33","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17","rhsusf_mag_10Rnd_STD_50BMG_M33","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"rhsusf_mag_10Rnd_STD_50BMG_M33","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17","rhsusf_mag_10Rnd_STD_50BMG_M33","MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17"}; backpack = "fatpack_coy"; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"rhs_weap_M107","","","",{"rhsusf_mag_10Rnd_STD_50BMG_M33",10},{},""},{},{"MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9","","","",{"MPP_17rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G17",17},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_o",{{"ACE_CableTie",13},{"PiR_bint",3},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ",{{"PiR_bint",6},{"ACE_CableTie",2},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",5,20},{"rhsusf_mag_10Rnd_STD_50BMG_M33",1,10},{"CUP_10Rnd_127x99_M107",1,10}}},{"fatpack_coy",{{"CUP_10Rnd_127x99_M107",7,10}}},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_p90_operator_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman3_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "p90 operator"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"CUP_smg_p90_olive","CUP_hgun_CZ75"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"CUP_smg_p90_olive","CUP_hgun_CZ75"}; magazines[] = {"50Rnd_570x28_SMG_03","CUP_16Rnd_9x19_cz75","50Rnd_570x28_SMG_03","CUP_16Rnd_9x19_cz75"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"50Rnd_570x28_SMG_03","CUP_16Rnd_9x19_cz75","50Rnd_570x28_SMG_03","CUP_16Rnd_9x19_cz75"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"CUP_smg_p90_olive","","","",{"50Rnd_570x28_SMG_03",50},{},""},{},{"CUP_hgun_CZ75","","","",{"CUP_16Rnd_9x19_cz75",16},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",13},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig",{{"PiR_bint",6},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"CUP_16Rnd_9x19_cz75",3,16},{"50Rnd_570x28_SMG_03",5,50}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_FN_SCAR_op_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Ak_operator_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "FN SCAR op"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"rhs_weap_SCARH_STD","MPP_FN57_BLK_BLK"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"rhs_weap_SCARH_STD","MPP_FN57_BLK_BLK"}; magazines[] = {"rhs_mag_20Rnd_SCAR_762x51_m80_ball_bk","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7","rhs_mag_20Rnd_SCAR_762x51_m80_ball_bk","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"rhs_mag_20Rnd_SCAR_762x51_m80_ball_bk","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7","rhs_mag_20Rnd_SCAR_762x51_m80_ball_bk","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7"}; backpack = "CUP_B_USPack_Black"; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"rhs_weap_SCARH_STD","hlc_muzzle_17SBrake","","",{"rhs_mag_20Rnd_SCAR_762x51_m80_ball_bk",20},{},""},{},{"MPP_FN57_BLK_BLK","","","",{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7",20},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",15},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7",2,20}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",7},{"ACE_CableTie",2},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7",5,20},{"rhs_mag_20Rnd_SCAR_762x51_m80_ball_bk",3,20}}},{"CUP_B_USPack_Black",{{"CUP_20Rnd_TE1_White_Tracer_762x51_SCAR_wdl",12,20}}},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_AT_Op_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_FN_SCAR_op_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "AT Op"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_u"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ2","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ2","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"hlc_rifle_M4","rhs_weap_maaws","MPP_FN57_BLK_BLK"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"hlc_rifle_M4","rhs_weap_maaws","MPP_FN57_BLK_BLK"}; magazines[] = {"hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR","rhs_mag_maaws_HEAT","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7","hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR","rhs_mag_maaws_HEAT","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7","hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7"}; backpack = "B_AssaultPack_tna_F"; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"hlc_rifle_M4","","","",{"hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR",30},{},""},{"rhs_weap_maaws","","","",{"rhs_mag_maaws_HEAT",1},{},""},{"MPP_FN57_BLK_BLK","","","",{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7",20},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_u",{{"ACE_CableTie",17},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7",2,20}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ2",{{"PiR_bint",8},{"ACE_CableTie",2},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7",5,20},{"hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR",3,30}}},{"B_AssaultPack_tna_F",{{"rhs_mag_maaws_HEAT",1,1},{"WNZ_EMP_MAAWS_Mag",1,1}}},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Xm_operator_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman4_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Xm operator"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"cwr3_arifle_xm177e2","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"cwr3_arifle_xm177e2","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; magazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19","CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19","CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"cwr3_arifle_xm177e2","","","",{"CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",30},{},""},{},{"MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9","","","",{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",20},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",11},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",2,20}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",7},{"ACE_CableTie",4},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",1,20},{"CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",3,30},{"CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Emag",5,30}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_At_operator_2_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Squad_Leader_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "At operator 2"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_TK_camo_arid","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_o"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_AK74M","CUP_launch_RPG7V","CUP_hgun_Colt1911"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_AK74M","CUP_launch_RPG7V","CUP_hgun_Colt1911"}; magazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK74M_M","CUP_PG7V_M","CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK74M_M","CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK74M_M","CUP_PG7V_M","CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK74M_M","CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911"}; backpack = "CUP_B_USPack_Black"; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"CUP_arifle_AK74M","","","",{"CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK74M_M",30},{},""},{"CUP_launch_RPG7V","","","",{"CUP_PG7V_M",1},{},""},{"CUP_hgun_Colt1911","","","",{"CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911",7},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_o",{{"ACE_CableTie",13},{"PiR_bint",3},{"MiniGrenade",1,1}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ",{{"PiR_bint",6},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911",3,7},{"9Rnd_45ACP_Mag",3,8},{"CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK74M_M",3,30}}},{"CUP_B_USPack_Black",{{"CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911",4,7},{"CUP_30Rnd_Subsonic_545x39_AK74_plum_M",8,30},{"rhs_rpg7_PG7V_mag",5,1},{"MiniGrenade",5,1}}},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_AK_operator_2_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Ak_operator_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "AK operator 2"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_l"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ","CDS_HelmetBlufor4","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ","CDS_HelmetBlufor4","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_AKS_Gold","MPP_FN57_BLK_BLK"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_AKS_Gold","MPP_FN57_BLK_BLK"}; magazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7","CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"CUP_arifle_AKS_Gold","","","",{"CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M",30},{},""},{},{"MPP_FN57_BLK_BLK","","","",{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7",20},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_l",{{"ACE_CableTie",15},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7",2,20}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ",{{"PiR_bint",7},{"ACE_CableTie",2},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7",3,20},{"CUP_30Rnd_762x39_AK47_M",3,30},{"30rnd_762ak_uspalm_nmg",2,30},{"30rnd_762ak_bakel_trs_green_nmg",1,30}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor4","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_AR_operator_2_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Ar_Operator_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "AR operator 2"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_o"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"hlc_rifle_SAMR","MPP_FN57_MK3_BLK_BLK"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"hlc_rifle_SAMR","MPP_FN57_MK3_BLK_BLK"}; magazines[] = {"hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3","hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3","hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR","MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"hlc_rifle_SAMR","","HLC_Panel_Side_CQBR_6xXTME_RG","",{"hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR",30},{},""},{},{"MPP_FN57_MK3_BLK_BLK","","","",{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3",20},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_o",{{"ACE_CableTie",11},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3",2,20}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",8},{"ACE_CableTie",4},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_57_Ball_Five7_Mk3",5,20},{"hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR",3,30}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman_6_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Rifleman4_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Rifleman 6"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"rhs_weap_m4a1_carryhandle","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"rhs_weap_m4a1_carryhandle","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; magazines[] = {"rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855A1_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19","rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855A1_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855A1_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19","rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855A1_Stanag","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"rhs_weap_m4a1_carryhandle","","","",{"rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855A1_Stanag",30},{},""},{},{"MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9","","","",{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",20},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",11},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",2,20}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",7},{"ACE_CableTie",4},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",1,20},{"rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855A1_Stanag",3,30}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_AK_operator_3_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_AK_operator_2_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "AK operator 3"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_r"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_AK74_Early","MPP_CZPO9_9_BLK"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"CUP_arifle_AK74_Early","MPP_CZPO9_9_BLK"}; magazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","MPP_19rnd_9MM_124JHP_CZPO9","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","MPP_19rnd_9MM_124JHP_CZPO9"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","MPP_19rnd_9MM_124JHP_CZPO9","CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M","MPP_19rnd_9MM_124JHP_CZPO9"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"CUP_arifle_AK74_Early","rhs_acc_dtk","","",{"CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M",30},{},""},{},{"MPP_CZPO9_9_BLK","","","",{"MPP_19rnd_9MM_124JHP_CZPO9",19},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_r",{{"ACE_CableTie",19},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"MPP_19rnd_9MM_124JHP_CZPO9",1,19}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",8},{"ACE_CableTie",2},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"CUP_30Rnd_545x39_AK_M",7,30},{"MPP_19rnd_9MM_124JHP_CZPO9",2,19}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_O_rifleman7_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_AK_operator_2_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "rifleman7"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_TK_camo_arid","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_o"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"CUP_srifle_Remington700","CUP_hgun_Colt1911"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"CUP_srifle_Remington700","CUP_hgun_Colt1911"}; magazines[] = {"CUP_6Rnd_762x51_R700","CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911","CUP_6Rnd_762x51_R700","CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"CUP_6Rnd_762x51_R700","CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911","CUP_6Rnd_762x51_R700","CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911"}; backpack = "CUP_B_USPack_Black"; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"CUP_srifle_Remington700","","","CUP_optic_Remington",{"CUP_6Rnd_762x51_R700",6},{},""},{},{"CUP_hgun_Colt1911","","","",{"CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911",7},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_o",{{"ACE_CableTie",15},{"PiR_bint",3},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_MZ",{{"PiR_bint",7},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911",3,7},{"9Rnd_45ACP_Mag",3,8},{"CUP_6Rnd_762x51_R700",3,6}}},{"CUP_B_USPack_Black",{{"CUP_7Rnd_45ACP_1911",4,7},{"MiniGrenade",5,1}}},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_shotgunner2_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Shotgunner_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "shotgunner2"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_b"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"CUP_sgun_SPAS12","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"CUP_sgun_SPAS12","MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9"}; magazines[] = {"CUP_8Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets_No00_Buck","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19","CUP_8Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets_No00_Buck","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"CUP_8Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets_No00_Buck","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19","CUP_8Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets_No00_Buck","MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"CUP_sgun_SPAS12","","","",{"CUP_8Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets_No00_Buck",8},{},""},{},{"MPP_P80_BLK_BLK_9","","","",{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",20},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_b",{{"ACE_CableTie",11},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",2,20}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",8},{"ACE_CableTie",6},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"MPP_20rnd_9MM_124FMJ_G19",1,20},{"CUP_8Rnd_12Gauge_Pellets_No00_Buck",9,8}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; class O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_submachinegunner2_01 : O_OMexicpCartelCJNG_Submachinegunner_01 { author = "User"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "submachinegunner2"; side = 0; faction = "O_MexicpCartel_CJNG"; identityTypes[] = {"Head_Tanoan","LanguagePER_F"}; uniformClass = "PMCA_tee_uniform_u"; linkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CJNG_CarrierRig_3","CDS_HelmetBlufor3","ItemMap","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch"}; weapons[] = {"CUP_smg_SA61","hgun_INDa_mas_ACP_F"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"CUP_smg_SA61","hgun_INDa_mas_ACP_F"}; magazines[] = {"CUP_20Rnd_B_765x17_Ball_M","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag","CUP_20Rnd_B_765x17_Ball_M","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"}; respawnMagazines[] = {"CUP_20Rnd_B_765x17_Ball_M","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag","CUP_20Rnd_B_765x17_Ball_M","9Rnd_45ACP_Mag"}; ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout[] = {{"CUP_smg_SA61","","","",{"CUP_20Rnd_B_765x17_Ball_M",20},{},""},{},{"hgun_INDa_mas_ACP_F","","","",{"9Rnd_45ACP_Mag",8},{},""},{"PMCA_tee_uniform_u",{{"ACE_CableTie",11},{"PiR_bint",2},{"ACE_EarPlugs",1},{"MiniGrenade",1,1},{"9Rnd_45ACP_Mag",1,8}}},{"CJNG_CarrierRig_3",{{"PiR_bint",7},{"ACE_CableTie",4},{"HandGrenade",1,1},{"SmokeShell",1,1},{"SmokeShellGreen",1,1},{"Chemlight_blue",2,1},{"CUP_20Rnd_B_765x17_Ball_M",3,20},{"9Rnd_45ACP_Mag",3,8},{"rhsgref_20rnd_765x17_vz61",7,20}}},{},"CDS_HelmetBlufor3","",{},{"ItemMap","","ItemRadio","ItemCompass","ItemWatch",""}}; class EventHandlers : EventHandlers { class CBA_Extended_EventHandlers : CBA_Extended_EventHandlers_base {}; class ALiVE_orbatCreator { init = "if (local (_this select 0)) then {_onSpawn = {_this = _this select 0;sleep 0.2; _backpack = gettext(configfile >> 'cfgvehicles' >> (typeof _this) >> 'backpack'); waituntil {sleep 0.2; backpack _this == _backpack};if !(_this getVariable ['ALiVE_OverrideLoadout',false]) then {_loadout = getArray(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _this) >> 'ALiVE_orbatCreator_loadout'); _this setunitloadout _loadout;reload _this};};_this spawn _onSpawn;(_this select 0) addMPEventHandler ['MPRespawn', _onSpawn];};"; }; }; // custom attributes (do not delete) ALiVE_orbatCreator_owned = 1; }; }; -
WorldEditor makes wrong override function for OnPlayerKilled
Depechivo posted a topic in Arma Reforger - Configs & Scripting
I try create OnPlayerKilled override from GameMode_Editor_Full by pressing "+" in Script section, but World Editor makes: "override void OnPlayerKilled(int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, Instigator killer)" and in SCR_GameModeEditor we have: "override void OnPlayerKilled(int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator killer)" that why i have error when compile script (Overloaded function 'OnPlayerKilled', argument 'killer' is not compatible with prototype argument type or spec 'Instigator'). How can i unlock function modify in script editor to add "notnull" in created function or make another actions to resolve this problem? -
Problems & Bugs Information : Feel free to share and discuss , about Problems & Bugs. Problems & Bugs ,should refer only to Ravage Mod and CBA , without any addons. In case of a problem that is associated to Ravage Mod , alonside with other addons or scripts added , then it should refere as : Ravage Mod MODED + [ List of addons or Scripts added ] List with the issues : [ SOLVED , UNSOLVED , CONFIRMED , UNCONFIRMED ] 1.Bug, uniform behaviour - Spawned units without clothes == SOLVED 2.Bug, in the original topic about Horde Spawn Module == CONFIRMED - UNSOLVED 3.Problem, can't spawn zombie on USS Liberty or USS Freedom == SOLVED // NOT YET ADDED !
Arma 3 Exile AI script GMS ger/eng
Feldwebel Juri posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hi friends of arma i need some help i installed gms with all addons to my exile server to get missions and roaming AI so far it works but not the Roaming AI id like to get some help ❤️ also we hire people sadly nonprofit for script/edit/bugfix if you want add me in discord : Darktechnology#8885 second issue is Traders we tryed implement RHS to them but server would stop working after that but mian issue for now is roaming ai Now to the issue id send here the RPT of server im new to make a server but i got far for being someone with low knowlesge i guess -
1. Fall damage is OP, you jump off a pebble and BOOM... you’re almost half dead already. 2. Weapon Accuracy is dreadful, bullets do not hit efficiently enough especially with a controller. 3. You need to add K/M support for this game. 4. Too many bugs and glitches causing myself and many other VIGOR players to lose all items in game and have to re grind the items over and OVER AGAIN. 5. Every character looks identical to each other. Needs a lot more clothing items in the store. 6. You do not even know who your own team mate is due to lack of HUD, you need to add an Icon above there player to symbolise it’s uour friend and not enemy. 7. Bullets to not shoot properly from a gun and what I actually mean is that when you’re trying to spray your machine gun, only a couple bullets come out and you then have to tap the RT button rapidly as if it’s a single bullet gun. 8. VERY repetitive, needs to add in game events to keep players wanting to play more and not do the same thing which is sprint to the safe house and then sprint to a safe zone and repeat over and over again. 9. WHY IS CROUCHING IN THIS GAME SO DAMN LOUD JESUS. 10. Dev support is ridiculously slow, this game came out in July 2018 and what has happened but add an in game lobby and some guns? Every patch update has done nothing but make the game worse, I’m still finding myself freezing in random spots, server kicks or not being able to use my weapon and die. 11. Add a ranking system so again it’s fun to be able to rank up and see the levels in game lobby. 12. Add some stats so we can actually see how many kills we have made, or how long we’ve walked, how long been playing for ETC... 13. Focus on your player base, I’ve seen soooooooo many players making suggestions or mentioning about bugs and nothing is being done. They’re simple bugs to fix and we’re still facing these every day. 14. Loads more to complain about but I would probably go to 100+ so I’ll leave it here. Feel free to continue this on in the comment section if I have missed anything you guys may be struggling with for this game, I will be adding an IDEA poll soon so once again share some ideas and I’ll add them in.
Something wrong with the game? Here you can report any bugs or technical issues you may encounter while playing.
I have been an Arma player for over a decade now. I am an avid fan of the series and I have played nearly 3000 hours of both Arma 2 and 3. I was very hyped when I first heard about Arma Reforger, as we had heard next to nothing about the next Arma game in the decade since Arma 3 released. Upon purchasing the game, I found that it was very barebones; something that Bohemia said was part of the plan. I understand that at release it was only supposed to be essentially a tech demo for the Enfusion engine. However, what little that was there, should have been functional. The server issues and constant crashing was really amateurish by modern standards, but even with those very major problems, I was willing to play. I thought that those issues would be fixed in no time; That I could dive into the workbench and enjoy this new engine and it would all work soon. Fast-forward to 2 months after release, things were very bleak. The server issues had been worked on, but most players still couldn't go 20 minutes without being disconnected from the session, and any time I tried to use the workbench, progress was at a crawl due to the constant crashing. The playerbase had decreased by nearly 90% and I was ready to give up too, but then BI released a roadmap. It honestly was a pretty simple roadmap; one that was very much achievable if development continued at a steady rate. The promised content was the bare minimum expected for an Arma game; Helis, Mortars, Mines, ETC., and was set to release in the coming 12 months. Fast-forward to now, nearly a whole year since Reforger was released, and next to nothing has been added. We received maybe half of one of the 'milestone' updates, and nearly all of the bugs, crashes, and server issues are still present. I am not here to lobby against BI, nor am I here just to rant. Everyone is familiar with the state of the game. I am here to ask Bohemia Interactive to be more transparent. If the very achievable roadmap couldn't even be 15% completed, There must be something seriously wrong with the company right now. Features that are seriously needed, asked for by the community, and ridiculously easy to add (such as a proper arsenal, a simple civilian faction, destructible trees, ETC.) have not made it into the game. I would love for them to add the promised content and more, but I really think that by now, it is too late to save this game. Arma Reforger averages around 230 players at a daily peak, and unless BI can perform a miracle, I don't see that number increasing anytime soon. The whole point of Arma Reforger was to give the community a window into what Arma 4 was going to look like. If we are to take this at face value, then Arma as a series is doomed. We, the community, should expect Arma 4 to be an overpromised, underdelivered, and content dry game that will not only be unplayable, but will receive almost no support after launch, not even the most simple of asks. Bohemia Interactive, is this seriously what we should expect? If there is anyone listening who is part of the Arma team at Bohemia, then please, all I ask is for some transparency. Make a video or something that details the problems that lead to Reforger being in the state that it is. Give us an honest view into how you plan to go foreword. The lack of communication is almost as tedious as playing Reforger in the state that it is (lol). Bohemia Interactive, you owe this to your very loyal community. If there are problems, we will understand, and many are willing to help, we just need you to communicate with us. I hope that Arma 4 will be all we need it to be, and that Reforger gets the love that it needs; and very soon at that. However, for this to be possible, there needs to be some serious change at BI. I know that I am not alone in feeling this way, every Arma player I've met agrees. Sincerely, a big fan, who cares a lot about these games.
- 23 replies
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Hi everyone! I have a problem that I can't pass checkpoints when I wear a gendarme uniform, for example. The guards shout me to get lost and then fire me. However, when I wear a common clothes, there are no problems. I use full outfit and I wear a stealth balaclava, so I have a green question mark. I really don't know what's the problem. Why does it happen?
Use this as a topic to report any bugs or issues you might encounter, so the devs might find out more easily or to make sure you are not reporting anything that was already discovered (Maybe Pin This As Bug/Issue Report Area). So eventually only new issues will be sent to and make it easier on devs in preventing multiple reporting of the same issue. Feel free to post anything you find here that might be helpful to the game. :)
workbench bugs Possible Map Update/Upload bug (workbench)
OC OfficialMikeJTv posted a topic in Arma Reforger - Workbench
I have been stuck with my map only showing as a 2.9MB file size in the game workshop for over 2 months now can't seem to find a fix for this. Thought I would report this as a bug if this is the right place for that. as shown in my screenshot below It shows as a 2.9MB file size when My map is pretty large and should be a few hundred megabytes to at least 1 more gigabytes in size. this is not the case. If this is a bug I hope it gets fixed soon or if there's something I am doing wrong. Anyway I figured I would report this as a bug just in case it could be a one off bug that's persistent with my map or something else not too sure. the screenshot is below to show that it is indeed 2.9MB in file size. Screenshot of file size Mike. -
1. In shootout you go to a weapon crate push the button to open it, the inventory of that weapon and it’s ammo show up….and you can’t pick them up. The only way to get out of it is to close the menu and the weapon box and contents disappear. This is happening more and more frequently and sometimes entire matches. The only weapons and ammo you can pick up is off dead players 2. You go to aim down sights and your front arm is over the weapon and sights.this has been an ongoing problem for months.
What..? Crows now hibernate during Christmas? No crows at all
Shadowsoul24 posted a topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Crows don’t work at the naturally unlocked exit on batterie, died to some guy prone behind the camper van and he t bagged me and left. Can’t attach videos as it doesn’t work with mobile -
Извините за мой английский, я русский. Уву Я просто хотел поиграть в Mini dayz, но когда я попытался войти в свой профиль, сайт просто перезагрузился, и все! Я даже не знаю что делать 😞
During an encounter, I try to go into the Prone stance, only that it doesn’t allow me lay down, leaving me exposed which has gotten me killed before and is beginning to ruin my gaming experience. I’m not sure what steps I took to have this happen, I’d run around, find a person, then try to lay down and crawl closer to them. This doesn’t occur in every Encounter, but is extremely annoying when it does happen. Sometimes I’d begin the match being able to get in and out of Prone, but further into the Encounter, the game doesn’t allow me to enter Prone anymore. This can’t be my controller, since I’ve recently bought a new one.
Hello, just a few bugs to report: * Bandits walk through houses. * Bandits shoot through walls ( this might not be a bug IDK ) * Zombies spawn in walls and sometimes pop out spontaneously * After save and continue equipped items disappear randomly. * After save and continue item spawn are all back, its easy to just cheat this way.
No Player slots when trying to play vanilla arma stuff
nautilus82 posted a topic in ARMA 3 - TROUBLESHOOTING
Just downloaded SOGPF and can't play the missions as there are no player slots available. Tried other missions on other maps, same thing, no slots. While I originally tried to play with mods, I unloaded all of them and verified the game yet there are still no slots. Given as I have verified the game and unloaded any mods, idk what else to do. I'm running base arma now. Reinstalling the game rn but doubt that will be useful. Below is most recent log file. might have mods but almost certainly not the issue as I tried with and without mods. -
trophies Trophies "World Traveler" and "Safecracker"
Salvatore Ferro posted a topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Ehi, I just want to adress the fact that even after the new season, the trophies ( World Traveler and Safecracker ) are not showing achieved even if I meet the requirement. This is an issue that bothers not only me, but a lot of people too. ( here's players complaining about it on one of many online forums : - ) It really doesn't seems like much but as a completionist it is annoying, I really hope the devs can fix this issue since it's not that big of a bug. Thanks. -
Just ran an encounter on Fiske.. I had someone come up on me on my way to the exit and killed him, taking all of his loot. It had a kitted AUG and lots of resources I needed to upgrade the shelter(i.e: fertilizer(42)). When I returned to shelter I had neither the weapon or anything else I obtained in the encounter. Is there a ticket system or some way for me to get the loot I am owed ? I have video clip and more to prove it.
Sometimes when switching or reloading weapons my character bugs out and I am unable to aim, shoot or holster my weapon. Also not really a bug, but the sound of footsteps and opening doors is really quiet resulting in players just stumbling into each other. Anyway other than that I love the game and can't wait to watch it grow it a full fledged masterpiece. Thanks Vigor Team!
Why is there only one place to loot from now? Absolutely terrible. I don't want to fight the entire lobby for something mildly decent. This makes me want to delete the game just as much as the garbage battle pass. Really sucks that simple changes can be made to make the game more enjoyable but bohemia literally does not want to take any steps in that direction. Like for instance why the fck is triangle not switch to last weapon automatically, why the fuck do I have to keep switching constantly for the game to register that it was my last weapon? Why the fuck do you think your shitty battle pass deserves to cost $20 of real in game money? For all that I'll buy a real game on steam. Good fucking day, fix your shit and maybe you'll get less people like me shitting on your already buggy ass games you never seem to want to fix. Couldn't get your other games right, why would I expect this one to be any good? Saw a meme that showed the report problem screen with the description as, "Do I even bother? What's the fucking point?" Like why the fuck does almost every map make the game bug the fuck out? And you want people to buy your PURELY COSMETIC shitpass? FOR $20???? YOU REALLY THINK THATS HOW MUCH THE SHITFEST IS WORTH? Just couldn't keep the battle pass at a $10 cost like all the other games right? Go fuck yourself your greedy fucking bastards. Fix your shit of a game. And less people will delete it like I am.
So noticed that when I interacted with the com station on the bridge on Brodalen just as the drop was about to be inbound I got locked into the map screen, encounter continued playing but I couldn’t move or back out of the com screen. Needs to be an auto boot from that interface if your navigating the options and run out of time.
In warlords mode, there are players who specially install autonomous machine guns and grenade launchers in the textures of destroyed houses, as well as in iron containers, because of which they cannot be destroyed, they do not receive any damage !!! And sectors cannot be captured !!! Please consider the possibilities for eliminating this texture bug. The meaning of the game is lost ...
From like a week or two I have that anoying problem. I just cant leave a vechicle, it keep "sucking" me into it, and when i actually leave it ppl cant see me, they still see me in the vech. Tried reinstalling, moving to another drive...
I tried to reinstall Arma 3 and the game asks to do a 173 GB update and, when it ends, it is canceled and starts all over again, my hd has enough space and my computer has the correct settings, because I was playing and I already have 930 hours of play. I deleted the download cache and nothing, I can't install arma 3. I analyzed my antivirus and disabled it when installing and updating. I checked the local files I checked the disk for errors, which are new and Arma 3 was installed and noticed the download folder, I cleaned the download data, restarted the PC and Steam and reinstalled windos and nothing, tried to install it again and now ARMA 3 ALREADY ASKS FOR A 337.8 GB UPDATE, ALREADY CHECK THE FILES, REPLACE THE INSTALLATION FOLDER, CHECK THE DISK ERRORS, THE CLEANED DOWNLOADS, THE CLEANED DOWNLOADS, THE ANTIVIRUS IS CONFIGURED, I HAVE ALL, AND THE GAME CONTINUES TO REQUEST AN UPDATE ON THIS SIZE BEFORE ORDERING 173 GB AND NOW PASSING TO 337.8 GB HELP ME NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO. I am having a PBO error on the servers I try to log into as well. this error log appeared: Registro de Exceção do Arma 3 Launcher ============================= O Arma 3 Launcher encontrou um erro inesperado descrito abaixo. Desculpe pela inconveniência. Por favor, reporte isso no Arma 3 Feedback Tracker ( Graças a você, podemos corrigir o problema mais rapidamente! ---------------------------- Informações do sistema -------------------- -------- Data: 2020-05-05 08:46:50 / 2020-05-05 05:46:50 -03 Dir atual: 😧 \ ARMA 3 \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 3 AppData dir : 😄 \ Users \ karli \ AppData \ Local Linha de comando: "D: \ ARMA 3 \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 3 \ arma3launcher.exe" Versão: Versão do CLR: 4.0.30319.42000 Versão do sistema operacional: 10.0.18363.0 Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.18363.0) SO de 64 bits: Verdadeiro processo de 64 bits: Falso Dir pessoal: 😄 \ Usuários \ karli \ OneDrive \ Documentos Cultura: pt-BR Cultura da interface do usuário: pt-BR Cultura da interface do usuário: pt-BR Ponto de log: exceção não tratada ---------------------------- Exceção --------------------- ------- System.InvalidOperationException: Coleção foi modificada; talvez uma operação de enumeração não seja executada. em System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException (recurso ExceptionResource) em System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNextRare () em System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Enumerator.MoveNext () em System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault [TSource] (origem IEnumerable`1, predicado Func2) em Launcher.Extensions.ViewModels.ExtensionManagementViewModel.GetDownloadProgress (ExtensionInfo extensionInfo) em Launcher.Extensions.ViewModels.ExtensionViewModel.UpdateProgressStatus (ExtensionInfo extensionInfo) EM Launcher.Extensions.ViewModels.ExtensionViewModel.UpdateProperties (extensionInfo extensionInfo) em Launcher.Extensions.ViewModels.ExtensionViewModel. <> c__DisplayClass43. <ExtensionInfoOnPropertyChanged> b__42 () em System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.InvokeDelegateCore () EM System.Windows. Threading.DispatcherOperation.InvokeImpl () --- Fim do rastreamento de pilha local anterior, onde uma exceção é gerada --- em System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess (tarefa de tarefa) em System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccess (Tarefa de tarefa) em System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.Wait (TimeSpan timeout) em System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.InvokeImpl (operação DispatcherOperation, CancellationToken cancellationToken, TimeSpan timeout) em System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Invoke (retorno de chamada de ação, prioridade DispatcherPriority, CancellationToken cancellationToken, TimeSpan timeout) em System.Windows. Dispatcher.Invoke (callback ação) em Utils.Threading.DispatcherContext.Invoke (ação a) em Utils.Presentation.Execute.OnUIThread (ação ação) em Launcher.Extensions.ViewModels.ExtensionViewModel.ExtensionInfoOnPropertyChanged (Object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) em Sistema .ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler.Invoke (Remetente do objeto, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) em SharedResources.ObservableObject.NotifyPropertyChanged (String propertyName) em SharedResources.ObservableObject.SetValue [T] (campo e valor, valor T, String propertyName) em Launcher.Extensions.Models.ExtensionInfo.set_IsBusy (valor booleano) em Launcher.Extensions.Models. ExtensionInfo.RemoveToken (CommandToken) em Launcher.Extensions.SteamExtensionStorage.InnerSyncHelper. <SynchronizeModAsync> d__af.MoveNext () --- Fim do rastreamento de classe do local anterior em uma instância gerada --- em System.Runtime.CompilerServices. TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess (Task task) em System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification (tarefa Task) em Launcher.Extensions.SteamExtensionStorage. <> c__DisplayClass86. <<SteamDownloadManagerOnUgcDownloadComplete> b__85> d__88.MoveNext () --- Fim da pesquisa de local do local anterior em uma instância gerada --- em System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilder. <> c. <ThrowAsync> b__6_1 (estado do objeto) em System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.WaitCallback_Context (estado do objeto) em System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal (ExecutionContext ExecutionContext, ContextCallback callback, System.Threadding). ExecutionContext.Run (ExecutionContext ExecutionContext, retorno de chamada ContextCallback, Estado do objeto, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) em System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem () em System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch () em System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback () ---------------------------- Módulos e montagens ------------------- --------- - mscorlib, Versão =, Cultura = neutra, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v4.0.30319 \ mscorlib.dll - arma3launcher, versão =, cultura = neutra, PublicKeyToken = null; 😧 \ ARMA 3 \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 3 \ arma3launcher.exe - log4net, Versão =, Cultura = neutra, PublicKeyToken = 669e0ddf0bb1aa2a; 😧 \ ARMA 3 \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 3 \ Launcher \ log4net.dll - Sistema, versão =, Cultura = neutra, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089 \ System.dll - System.Configuration, versão =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.Configuration \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a \ System.Configuration.dll - System.Core, versão =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.Core \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089 \ System.Core.dll - System.Xml, versão =, Cultura = neutra, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.Xml \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089 \ System.Xml.dll - SharedResources, versão =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null; 😧 \ ARMA 3 \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 3 \ Launcher \ SharedResources.dll - PresentationFramework, versão =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ PresentationFramework \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35 \ PresentationFramework.dll - WindowsBase, versão =, Cultura = neutra, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ WindowsBase \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35 \ WindowsBase.dll - PresentationCore, versão =, Cultura = neutra, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_32 \ PresentationCore \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35 \ PresentationCore.dll - System.Xaml, versão =, Cultura = neutra, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.Xaml \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089 \ System.Xaml.dll - Utils, versão =, Culture = neutra, PublicKeyToken = null; 😧 \ ARMA 3 \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 3 \ Launcher \ Utils.dll - UIAutomationTypes, Versão =, Cultura = neutra, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ UIAutomationTypes \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35 \ UIAutomationTypes.dll - UIAutomationProvider, versão =, Cultura = neutra, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ UIAutomationProvider \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35 \ UIAutomationProvider.dll - mscorlib.resources, versão =, Cultura = pt-BR, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ mscorlib.resources \ v4.0_4.0.0.0_pt-BR_b77a5c561934e089 \ mscorlib.resources.dll - arma3launcher.resources, versão =, Culture = pt-BR, PublicKeyToken = null; 😧 \ ARMA 3 \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 3 \ Launcher \ pt-BR \ arma3launcher.resources.dll - SharedResources.resources, versão =, Culture = pt-BR, PublicKeyToken = null; 😧 \ ARMA 3 \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 3 \ Launcher \ pt-BR \ SharedResources.resources.dll - SharedResources.resources, versão =, Culture = en-US, PublicKeyToken = null; 😧 \ ARMA 3 \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 3 \ Launcher \ pt-BR \ SharedResources.resources.dll - PresentationFramework.resources, versão =, Cultura = pt-BR, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ PresentationFramework.resources \ v4.0_4.0.0.0_pt-BR_31bf3856ad364e35 \ PresentationFramework.resources.dll - System.Xaml.resources, versão =, Culture = pt-BR, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.Xaml.resources \ v4.0_4.0.0.0_pt-BR_b77a5c561934e089 \ System.Xaml.resources.dll - Microsoft.GeneratedCode, versão =, Cultura = neutra , PublicKeyToken = null; (montagem dinâmica) - System.Runtime.Serialization, versão =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.Runtime.Serialization \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089 \ System.Runtime.Serialization.dll - System.Xml.Linq, versão =, Cultura = neutro , PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.Xml.Linq \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089 \ System.Xml.Linq.dll - SMDiagnostics, versão =, Culture = neutra, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ SMDiagnostics \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089 \ SMDiagnostics.dll - PresentationFramework-SystemXml, versão =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ PresentationFramework-SystemXml \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089 \ PresentationFramework-SystemXml.dll - System.ServiceModel, versão =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.ServiceModel \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089 \ System.ServiceModel.dll - PresentationFramework-SystemCore, versão =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ PresentationFramework-SystemCore \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089 \ PresentationFramework-SystemCore.dll - PresentationFramework.Aero2, versão =, Cultura = neutra, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ PresentationFramework.Aero2 \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35 \ PresentationFramework.Aero2.dll - System.ServiceModel.Internals, versão =, Cultura = neutra, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35 ; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.ServiceModel.Internals \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35 \ System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll - System.Drawing, versão =, Culture = neutra, PublicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.Drawing \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a \ System.Drawing.dll - PresentationCore.resources, versão =, Culture = pt-BR, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35 ; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ PresentationCore.resources \ v4.0_4.0.0.0_pt-BR_31bf3856ad364e35 \ PresentationCore.resources.dll - PresentationFramework-SystemXmlLinq, versão =, Cultura = neutra, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089 ; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ PresentationFramework-SystemXmlLinq \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089 \ PresentationFramework-SystemXmlLinq.dll - SteamLayerWrap, versão =, Culture = neutra, PublicKeyToken = null; 😧 \ ARMA 3 \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 3 \ Launcher \ SteamLayerWrap.dll - Newtonsoft.Json, versão =, Cultura = neutra, PublicKeyToken = 30ad4fe6b2a6aeed; 😧 \ ARMA 3 \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 3 \ Launcher \ Newtonsoft.Json.dll - System.RunTime.Serialization.resources, versão =, Cultura = pt-BR, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.Runtime.Serialization.resources \ v4.0_4.0.0.0_pt-BR_b77a5c561934e089 \ System.Runtime.Serialization.resources.dll - System.Web, versão = , Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_32 \ System.Web \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a \ System.Web.dll - System.Management, versão =, Culture = neutro, PublicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.Management \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a \ System.Management.dll - System.Numerics, versão =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.Numerics \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089 \ System.Numerics.dll - System.Data, versão =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_32 \ System.Data \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089 \ System.Data.dll - PresentationFramework-SystemData, versão =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ PresentationFramework-SystemData \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089 \ PresentationFramework-SystemData.dll - System.resources, versão =, Culture = pt-BR, PublicKeyToken = b77a5c561934e089 ; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.resources \ v4.0_4.0.0.0_pt-BR_b77a5c561934e089 \ System.resources.dll - System.Runtime.Caching, versão =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = b03f5f7f11d50a3a; 😄 \ Windows \ Microsoft.Net \ assembly \ GAC_MSIL \ System.Runtime.Caching \ v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a \ System.Runtime.Caching.dll ---------------------------- Resolução da montagem -------------------- -------- Resolvendo SharedResources.resources, Versão =, Culture = pt, PublicKeyToken = null solicitado por: desconhecido resolvido para: SharedResources.resources, Versão =, Culture = en-US, PublicKeyToken = nulo em 😧 \ ARMA 3 \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 3 \ Launcher \ en-US \ SharedResources.resources.dll Resolvendo SharedResources.resources, versão =, Culture = pt, PublicKeyToken = null solicitado por: desconhecido resolvido para: SharedResources.resources, versão =, Culture = en-US, PublicKeyToken = null em 😧 \ ARMA 3 \ steamapps \ common \ Arma 3 \ Launcher \ en-US \ SharedResources.resources.dll Resolvendo SharedResources.XmlSerializers, versão =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null solicitado por: desconhecido não resolvido Resolvendo SharedResources.XmlSerializers solicitado por: desconhecido não resolvido