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  1. I am porting over a mod from ARMA 2 called vf-1s super Valkyrie http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14518 I kind of grew tired of waiting for somebody to port it over so I'm trying to do it myself I have no experience and I've mostly got it working except for sounds and I need to figure out how to move the location inside of the aircraft of the pilot further down but that part can wait I want to get the sound working I've already got jet sounds to work properly and I have yet to switch everything to WSS for Arma 3 yes I have to convert it out of WSS from ARMA 2 that part's easy however coating is not my strong suit neither is punctuation and I've already got the sounds for the engine working somehow Any help or advice would be deeply appreciated and I can't seem to really find any good tutorials anywhere on explanations here's the config.cpp code
  2. Welcome to the Adaptive music mod known as Mood Jukebox. This mod will allow music to play on the start of a mission and will adapt to the scenario you are in. This Adaptive music mod is based on a stress level system which is managed by how many gunshots/bullets are going in the vicinity. From my testing, it seems to decrease the stress either by eliminating all enemies in the surrounding block or getting a long distance away from the enemy. I find it nice for the combat music to still be playing when trying to finish clearing buildings to build tension if the last guy is still around. No map modules or scripts needed to start which makes this script a ton of fun to use when doing some of the workshop based scenario that needs some "UMF" to it to kick start the action. This mod is multiplayer compatible as long as CBA 3 is permitted and allowed (life servers may be difficult to use on, if they require CBA 3 then it may be an exception). (Demonstration Video here) I have posted these mods on Steam for now. I don't know about ArmaHolic right now but I can leave a Google Drive link for the time being. Google Drive Link (Contains both): https://drive.google.com/file/d/14-ADjm04lzwZFVi3_NVH_ndOP-iVyPY9/view?usp=sharing Steam With Debug Window HUD link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1777807089 Steam No Debug window HUD link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1777898611 The current selection of songs is completely safe to use on streams and "should" not be recognized when played. (proof of songs not detected in a video I did a while back: https://youtu.be/JIXmkoB9A8g). !!NOTE!!: I have no problem with people changing the music in the mod to update/change your assortment of songs so have at it :). I will provide a tutorial video on how to change the songs on the picture section and it will require "WORK". Also, a Readme file placed in the mod will have the same set of instructions and a template of the format. Current Bugs: - A black window showing an error on line 15 of the script called main.sqf (everything is working correctly, just wait 20 seconds and it will disappear) - This mod is compatible to use on servers without any prereqs but it will not restart the script after respawn or being revived. - I have noticed at times, probably if the audio sources max out, the music may not play ... I cannot conclude if that is the problem since the Config and file audio files are there in the correct place. !!!!!!!! CALLING ALL MODDERS!!!!!!!! I am asking for help from any modder's and helpers to help with this mod! I am still trying to figure out this issue with the mod not being able to restart the music after a respawn or after going down. Any assistance is appreciated. As well as helping with creating a server key. My knowledge of Arma 3 modding is limited but I do hope that there are people that are willing to help make this mod succeed. PLEASE LEAVE ANY INTEREST IN HELPING IN THE CALLING ALL MODDERS FORUM PAGE ON THIS WORKSHOP PAGE OR ON THIS FORUM POST. thanks. This is the Real author (Scifer) description of the script/mod addon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This script automatically sums an unlimited number of music packs, dynamically selects the most appropriate mood according to player's stress level, engagement and weather and randomly plays its track. This is a very powerful script/addon which can dynamically turn the silent Arma3 into a completely musical game. Features: Playlist building: Every music packs entered in arguments list are automatically summed and its tracks are assigned to its respective mood playlists. Shoot detection: The player is influenced by two event handlers. When the player is "hit" his stress is set to 100%, and when he's "firedNear" his stress increases by 10. Units Detection: When you spot enemies, their threat is proportional to how much you know about them. Then the stress level increases towards "tension" mood according to the sum of their threat level. Defining mood by stress level: There are four moods: - "truce" for stress levels under 50% in clear day - "darkness" for stress levels under 50% in heavy weather or night - "tension" for stress level above 50% - "sadness" for death scene. Selecting random track: Random track are dynamically selected according to mood players mood. Playing music: Music will be played whenever the mood changes or the track ends. Display: You can customize which MoodJukebox data and music data are displayed. Dynamic fading: Music volume dynamically drops as stress level approaches a change of mood. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please, If you decide to make a separate mod upload. BE SURE TO LINK THE MOD BACK TO HERE IN THE MOD DESCRIPTION PLEASE AND GIVE CREDIT TO WHERE IT IS NEEDED! Help Make this mod succeed! please like and share! Please comment on any ideas or feedback. I will do the best I can to reply to questions. Anything related to interest in helping, please go to the Calling All Modders link and ask to see what can be done. Thanks, and enjoy 🙂 Cheif22
  3. Hello, someone knows how a trigger can be activated just when a sound ends? For example when a trigger starts a sound, i want when it ends, another trigger should be activated. I would be so grateful, thanks
  4. Adding needful sounds one-by-one to the Description.ext is annoying. I want to add all the sounds by defining the class as ALL of cfgsound. The sound browser mod, here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=34408, has all the sounds loaded usable by defining the whole cfgsound library but I can't figure out how. Any ideas how to accomplish this?
  5. This has been going on for a couple of weeks now, on the main version as well as the dev branch. Everytime I start the game in both Virtual Arsenal as well as normal gamemodes I can't hear any shooting, talking music etc. I checked the in game sound settings, verified A3 files, uninstalled and reinstalled the game, checked if my settings worked with other games and appes, if it's a problem with my headset or speakers and everything points in the direction of ArmA simply not playing sound properly. Does anyone have an idea how I can solve this problem?
  6. Hello everyone, I just started playing ARMA 3 on my new pc, fixed the fps issues and now I have another problems, regarding game sounds. To begin with, while in single player missions or showcases, I can hear random car sounds, like a car passing right besides me, or even pulling up behind me, just because for me to run away from my position. These bugs also happen with helicopters and bullets. Now in multiplayer the story is a bit different, but yet kinda similar. I can hear tanks from a mile ahead of me, and the bullet sounds are just ugh... I can stand behind an enemy tank just to hear a suppressive enemy fire and not the actual tank's sound effects. I've been trying to find anyone with a similar problem, but yet had no results. If anyone have experienced this issue please let me know, or maybe this is the part of the game bugs. Anyway, thanks in advance!
  7. This has really bugged me for a long ass time whenever I shoot it always does a distorted sound and I just have turned it off and I really want it on HeadSet: https://www.amazon.com/Micolindun-Headphones-Surround-Reduction-Smartphones/dp/B074X2LK3L/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1548646500&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=hunterspider+gaming+headset&psc=1 Discord: Doc#4839 If you know the fix add me on discord to tell me -Doc
  8. Hello. I want to keep the reload sound of the tank from outside. I have been looking for a way to do this for 5 months, but I could not find a solution because I am not good at English. The current situation is where Leopard2's reloadsound from BWMOD can be heard from both inside and outside. Other addons are not (e.g. RHS M1, T-Series, Arma3 Basic Tank etc..) I want to find a solution to this problem. I checked to see if the Sound.cfg of the other addons was different, but I didn't see any difference. There are many experts here, so I ask you a question. Please help me. What I want: (Reload Sound will not be heard from outside (3 person)
  9. Hey, I'm working on a horror mission with puzzles. The trouble has to do with some scripts due to my knowledge. I have one trigger playing a sound. The sound is 21 seconds long. Once the sound trigger has been activated, the player has to go and activate another trigger within those 21 seconds. The second trigger should be activated only when the sound is being played. I'm asking for a solution for the condition field of the second trigger. I'm thinking of something like: this && while {true} do (or something like this) Puzzle idea from Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Link to video: https://youtu.be/dLTcEDjR4VY?t=408 Highly appreciate your help, and thanks in advance! :)
  10. I connect the controller and listen to the sound through the earphone. Inside the game, the sound is only heard to the left and the 3d sound does not work except voice chat and announcer voice. What happened to my sound?
  11. Meaning - if I make a script, that plays a sound or music track origining from a DLC, would it play for the one, who doesn't own that DLC, or he'll see only error message about not existing sound/music classname?
  12. MadSKillz389

    Door and Step Sounds

    Hi, So far is a very interesting game and is going to get far in this genre. My suggestion is that the steps of other players and our own character should be better. If someone is on the same house you can barely hear the steps at all and I have gaming headphones. Also the door should make a better sound when you open it that would make othr players aware of danger and even the odds. The closing and opening of doors should make a louder sound as well. When you land from a higher position it should make a sound as well. There are some flashing items that you can not get. I got shot trying to get items from different positions because the X would not appear. Some openings would not let you go through even if they are clearly a way through. That’s my input.
  13. Hello Everyone! So I'm making a custom campaign for me and some of my friends to play coop. So far I have been using audacity to create sounds files and declaring them with the description.ext using "class cfgsounds". So first I record my audio, then distort the voice and add static to simulate a radio effect, then I simply create a trigger that will play the sounds using the in game UI under EFFECT --> ANONYMOUS ---> MOB1(my custom radio sounding ogg file). So far it has worked great! Everyone can hear the sounds, it sounds like comms over a radio, its plenty loud and clear, and everything is great! On the 3rd mission I have all players inside a flying helicopter and attempt to use the same technique as the previous missions but for some reason the audio is so quiet that I couldn't even tell it was playing unless I listened very closely. I've tried using audacity to amplify the sound to insane values, use the "cfgsounds" to increases the volume, but no matter what I try the sound is still near silent and muffled. I tried to search around google, armaholic, and here to no avail. Does anyone know why the sound is so quiet in helicopters? Or even better, how to make the volume and clarity normal? Thanks for the help guys!
  14. MrMagnificent

    No Sound What so ever

    Upon launching Arma 3 I am unable to hear all sounds related to the game. I have restarted the game, as well as my computer, Along with reinstalling arma 3 but to no success. I had recently purchased DLC's for Arma 3, Those including Apex, Helicopters, Karts, and marksmen. However i do not believe these to be the problem as when i launched the game yesterday (the day i bought the dlc's) everything seemed perfectly fine. The problem occurred all within the span of a day with no real indication as to what caused it. I had not changed any settings involving the audio in arma 3 recently and i have made sure to change headsets as well as making sure i didn't accidentally mute the sound coming from it. I do not have any mods installed
  15. he Sound overhaul that came with Tanks DLC and 1.82 audibly backfired. Two main problem manifested. 1.The engine pitch and RPM barly change when driving. Most vehicle seem to shift an endless set of gears at low rpm instead of shifting at a high rpm. This is particularly noticable uphill, when one would exspect to shift in low gear with high rpm. What we see on the dials is not what can be heard, the two factors, audible and intrument feedback don't corelate. 2. Volume and audible distance for vehicles. Audible range is simply much to short, onyl a few hundred meters. After 500m all vehicles, and that includes Tank, run completly silent. From my personal experience I remeber that MBT at med to high rev speed can be heard from a kilometer away and even beyond over an hill quite easily. Another issue is that you hear the road noise befor you even get to hear the tracks, but that road noise is that of a car on gravel. Much later you can barly hear the engine. This should be reversed...you hear the engine first, followed by the track noise and then, if not completly overlayed, you can hear gravel sound from track contact. The game entered a very strange stage now, introducing such problems at the end of its development. A Solution must make it into the planned hotfix.
  16. This is designed to work where you have 'enableSentences False' either on server or mission, adding dynamic sounds to units (on death, reload, low ammo, friendly fire, being sniped, nearby teammate is killed, killing an enemy, being shot-wounded etc.) for German, US and Russian factions (POL units sharing US sounds for now). It is similar to my other VO mod, this one uses Day Of infamy and Rising Storm sound samples for factions, well done native Russian and German voice-overs. Still needs lot of work, some sounds are not at equal level, some sound too loud some are silent in firefight etc. nonetheless, I've tested this properly and it is working fine. NOTE: I've only tested with IFA3_LITE so I don't know its compatibility with other mods. Download/subscribe: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1361160962
  17. Hello, Does anyone know of a way to make the Arma sounds continue playing when I'm tabbed out? I'm aware of the -noPause parameter and I'm using it and it works for picture, however the sound is paused.
  18. Author: göko 'the0utsider', Spectre, 654Wak654 Website/Repo: https://github.com/the0utsider/unit-voiceovers Short description: Dynamic 3D-positional voiceovers MP compatible: Yes *Has to be loaded on both server and client Requirements: CBA Version: v1.46 "Imbroglio" Signed: Yes Description: This is not a regular replacement mod to patch/replace existing sound files. It is a unique experiment using NWI's iconic game "Insurgency" resources; this addon is created to improve overall experience and bring dynamism to increase situational awareness, to simulate better close quarters combat in Arma 3. Features Complete overhaul for default arma unit voice-overs Opfor, independent, and blufor sides use different sets of voices Randomized samples for each action Spot enemy / callout targets direction (Default key 'T') ACE3 Medical compatibility Custom Nationality system (@spectre) Almost 1000 different sound samples total Supports transferring unit locality Works independent from 'enableSentences false' setting For more information on features and customizability, please see github readme For defining custom nationalities and other functions, please see github wiki Special thanks: 654wak654 Thanks bud, none of it would exist without your imagination and experience. gebbet for support sergentKappa for help Spectre For giving proper test and feedback since I first created this, and becoming a part of development: implementing CBA methods like 'statemachine', solutions to add custom sounds/creating custom samples. Also providing a WIKI and taking a step to make this a true community mod, thanks. And thank you all the rest at the other end who enjoy and cherish this.
  19. Hello all! Newly released is the EA-18G RealSound mod! Having completed the F-16C sound mod, it paved way for a whole new era for us here at RealSound. The newest addition to the lineup is Firewill's EA-18G Growler! Here's a brief video of what it sounds like in-game: Major features overview: Entirely new sound-sets for interior and exterior samples - including startup/shutdown! BUG REPORTS / FEEDBACK: If you encounter any other bugs, issues or have feedback that I would find constructive - please share it below or send me a message. DOWNLOAD! Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1289519912 ArmAHolic: Coming Soon Google Drive: Link 1 --NOTES--- * This mod requires Firewill's EA-18G Growler mod, available on ArmAholic and the Steam Workshop. --CHANGELOG / MOD STATUS:-- Known issues: - Sometimes the plane is silent when flying over, think this is an ArmA scripting issue. Happens with other aircraft as well. *Wishlist* - Change pitch of idle based on throttle inputs (not sure how to do this) - Get distance filters to work properly (buggy, issues with implementing) - Stereo processors implementation (same as ^)
  20. Legija Missaky


    how can I let music be heard continuously in the game? So literally nonstop is played on the trigger
  21. playsound3d ["A3\dubbing_radio_f_data_eng\Male01ENG\RadioProtocolENG\Normal\140_Com_Status\AmmoCritical_1.ogg",player]; playsound3d ["A3\dubbing_radio_f_data_gre\Male01GRE\RadioProtocolGRE\Normal\140_Com_Status\AmmoCritical_2.ogg",player]; not working, playsound3d ["A3\dubbing_f_beta\firing_drills\Timing\firing_drills_timing_ROF_0.ogg",player]; it's working,
  22. Good morning/evening! This is my first post on the forums after years of reading and searching, so please bear with me! I have been attempting to put a weapon into the game, and I have had great success so far, currently it is working in game, the model, textures, configs (mostly) and all properties like firing speed, and the ammo and magazines work. However. I cannot, after 50+ times of trial and error, get the weapon firing sound effect to work. The empty sound effect, and reloading sound effect work but not my custom firing sound. Blow is a copy of my script in its current state. This is a Star Wars weapon, and I am 100% sure i have all my file names correct. I am convinced maybe I have the path to the sound effect "wpn_rep_blaster_fire.wss" located in the "DC15SMOD\sound\" folder incorrectly formatted, as the weapon reload and empty sounds are just dependencies from another star wars mod. Most of this is practice based off of the Weapon Sample config in ARMA Samples. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know there is also a parameter for suppressed/non-suppressed weapon sounds, but this weapon will not be suppressed at all, and I could not find any information on how to set the sound configs up correctly either. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  23. Hello, I bought myself a Logitech G430 and reinstalled Arma 3. Everytime I go in a vehicle in first person my sounds starts to stutter, my FPS drop and finally my game freezes. I saw this bug is around since nearly a year now, but I didn't find any fix for it. The game is unplayable for me right now so I hope someone can help me out quick. Here are some related topics: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124112
  24. It is finally here, ladies and gentleman! After several months of waiting, implementing and overhauling - the sound mod for Firewill's F-16C/D Fighting Falcon is now in v1.0! Whoo hoo! To celebrate, I made a short video showcasing a taste of what it's like in-game. Huge shout out to the Air Combat Command guys (Dogs, Haze, Fett and Bomb) for helping me out with filming and MP testing. Also a big shout out to Laxemann, who helped me understand a few things about the new audio system and answered all of my questions. Here it is! There's been a LOT done to this aircraft since the initial video I released in October, which showcased what I've been working on, but the end result is an improvement I never thought we could make. A changelog is available below, if you're into that sort of thing. One thing that I'm still trying to get working is the low-pass filters and new stereo processors for use with this and future aircraft sound mods, it's on the wishlist - hopefully I can add it in a patch later down the road if we ever figure it out. Oh yeah, this will also be available for download on the ArmA 3 Workshop! This is a huge milestone for me and Shazer, so why not give this mod the full treatment? ;) Major features overview: Implemented several new soundsets to the aircraft Much more realistic interior Clearer / better sound samples for exterior Finally; If you encounter any other bugs, issues or have feedback that I would find constructive - please share it below or send me a message. DOWNLOAD! Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?edit=true&id=1193740840 ArmAHolic: Coming Soon Google Drive: Server 1 --NOTES--- * This mod requires Firewill's F-16C/D Fighting Falcon mod, available on ArmAholic and the Steam Workshop. --CHANGELOG / MOD STATUS:-- Known issues: - Sometimes the plane is silent when flying over, think this is an ArmA scripting issue. *Wishlist* - Change pitch of idle based on throttle inputs (not sure how to do this) - Get distance filters to work properly (buggy, issues with implementing) - Stereo processors implementation (same as ^) v1.0.1 TWEAKS: - Increase volume on nearly all exterior samples - Tweaked shutdown/startup volumes. FIXES: - Fixed exterior shutdown sequence not working properly (incorrect file format) - Exterior idle_distant sample was not correctly defined. v1.0 - Successfully implement all new Jets DLC soundSets and Shaders - New idle samples - All new interior samples - New close proximity rear forsage (afterburner) sound - Low throttle distance sound - Frontal approach sound - Custom ranges set for some samples - New customized filters for current and future releases - Cleaned up config, new separated shader/set files - Interior / exterior idle volume increase - Eliminate noticeable exterior idle loop int/ext (0.7.8) - Mid-throttle sound for close proximity - New full throttle sounds (distance and forsage) - Implement "D" variant into config. - A lot of tweaks and fixes I can't fully list v0.4 (10-2017) - Implement shaders / sets into aircraft config. - Initial sound adjustments v0.2 (02-2016) - Firewill's F-16C varient release - Overhaul of all sound files - Added actuator sound upon thrust (exterior) - Added several high/low pass filters to interior for more realism - Exterior start-up sequence changed - Idle sound replaced - Exterior throttle up a/b added - Eden compatibility (currently trying to remove Firewill's afterburner scripted sound file as it just ruins the realism, will be added in a hotfix) v0.1 (04-2015) - Initial release for USAF Mod.
  25. Hey there guys; Working on the F-16C sound mod and was curios to know how I could go about adding in environmental reverb to the sound sets / shaders in the mod? So when the aircraft is moving around the environment there is more of a "surround" effect? I think something like this would be a huge improvement for jets/helicopter audio as it would definitely enhance the soundscape in general, providing a more realistic sense of direction as well as being able to hear the aircraft's effect on buildings, trees and even fields. Thanks all!