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  1. Full disclosure: I'm very new to scripting - I know I'm probably not doing things the most efficient way, so any tips will be warmly welcomed! I'm making an Exile WWII zombie server using Ravage zombies. The built-in ambient spawner for Ravage works okay, but I wanted to add greater variety in uniforms, loot, etc, so tried to write something myself. As disclosed above, this isn't my strong suit at all. I want the script to trigger at certain locations. I'd got in mind that I'd create an array (called _trgPos) that would hold the positions and radii of each trigger then create each trigger in a loop. This is what I've got so far: _trgpos = [ [[7365.57,2201.88,0],200], // A [[6422.59,2424.74,0],200] // B ]; { pos = _x select 0; _rad = _x select 1; _trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", pos, true]; systemChat format["Creating trigger at %1",pos]; _trg setTriggerArea [_rad, _rad, 0, false, _rad]; _trg setTriggerActivation ["GUER", "PRESENT", true]; _trg setTriggerStatements ["this", "null = [pos] execVM 'zombiespawner.sqf'; systemChat format['Spawning zombies at %1',pos];", ""]; } forEach _trgpos; It's meant to pass pos to the script, which then causes the zombies to spawn when an Exile player enters the area. What actually happens is both triggers are created at their correct location, but when either A or B trigger is activated, the zombies spawn at the location of B. I've seen it works like this in 3DEN or when executed on the server. It seems that B's location is being passed to the script on both triggers. Have I missed something basic? Any insight anyone could offer would be fantastic! (Including zombiespawner.sqf in case it's useful):
  2. Addons/Server features: *Server Restarts every 4 hours *Roaming and Mission AI (details below) *Zombies (details below) *Mods: 4 RHS, TRYK, CUP (CORE), EXILE, Extended base mod, Ryans Zombies,----- Exile *XM8 Apps (view distance, customizable statsbar, crafting) *Full day/night cycle-- At night the time is sped up to 24x and day is 4x *Day/Night voting system (type /vote day or /vote night) *PVP (Play how you want | You can be friendly) *Optional Mods: JSRS and blastcore --- More to come *****NEW BASE RESPAWNS****** Mod Downloads: Required: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1494503178 Optional: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1510537696 Server IP : Additional server info: The server is pretty new and has a pretty decent player base. The server is well set up with active admins and changes/fixes constantly rolling in! Don't let that deter you from joining! Within our discord, I will be posting changelogs for each day that I change/add/balance things. We are always open ears to suggestions that's why we set up a suggestions chat within the discord. The server is set up on the map Chernarus 2035 with 3 trader cities (safezones), 2 aircraft traders and 2 boat traders. The mods we use on the server are all 4 RHS mods, TRYK (multiplay uniforms), Chernarus 2035 (duh), CUP terrains Core, Exile (super duh), Ryans zombies, and Exile extended base mod! We also allow blast core and JSRS (with and without RHS compatibility)! Although those are completely optional! We aim to have a harder more realistic feel for the game. New players to the server will start with 5k in their bank. To keep this challenging for the players we have added zombies which are very balanced and will spawn in zones marked in red on the map... Hordes have a chance of spawning around players in order to keep them on their toes. Roaming AI are implemented to keep players aware of their surroundings and to simulate a more alive environment (good and bad AI). Of course we have AI missions on the server and will soon be adding more. We are always adding new things and as said before open to new ideas and suggestions. !!SERVER RULES ARE POSTED IN GAME ON THE XM8 APP IN THE UNDER THE MORE TAB "Server Rules" (should have a picture of a book) not the one on the first page!! *Please note that we are constantly adding things so whats posted here is likely to differ a little bit from ingame (meaning there will be more custom addons than whats listed)*
  3. Hi everyone, I have been on a mission for the last few weeks to get BIS wiki VectorDirandUp into the hands of as many mods as possible. This is because VECTOR BUILDING is being used as a cash grab, yet their work is based off of the hard work of others. BIS Wiki, its contributors and the entire community is being ripped off when they purchase this work. This vector building is based off of EXAMPLE 1 here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVectorDirAndUp I originally wrote this KeyDown EH for my anarchy build, then fully ported it into Exile for my eXpoch addon for exile, it then was made for Altis Life as an eXpanded Housing system for building furnishings / security from EMPTY cfgVehicles. Then last week Operation BlockHead needed a building system for its awesome bricks and plates! And last night I decided to create a lite version for Exile itself so that it can be used by the majority of the servers with ease and without spending half a days pay. This release was a test of Exile Mod's take on the whole money aspect and selling of scripts, now we know It seems that Exilemod.com is actually in favor of the money making going on within the arma community and will not allow the FREE vector building to be released on their site It was removed within 1 hour of its posting. It was Titled "FREE VECTOR BUILDING for ALL courtesy of eXpoch Devs". So I take this FREE script and I bring it here to BIS forums for everyone to see and use and learn from Here are all the links to the various Vector Building that I have released so far to the public FREE Vector Building for Exile: http://epochmod.site.nfoservers.com/donkeypunch/index.php?topic=696.0 Altis-Life eXpanded Housing with Vector Building https://www.altisliferpg.com/topic/1820-altis-life-expanded-housing-system-with-vector-building/ Operation BlockHead eXpanded with Vector Building http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=862243337 eXpoch Addon for Exile with Vector Building, Snap 2 Any Objects, Vehicle Attachements and more https://discord.me/eXpoch ArmA 3 Wasteland R3F Vector Building https://github.com/ravmustang/ArmA3_Wasteland_VectorBldg.Altis GAME ON!!! -sTanG http://DonkeyPunch.INFO https://discord.me/eXpoch
  4. KillerKremp

    Square Soldiers PvE Server!

    Square Soldiers is a "in-progress" server. It's in the first stage of development and is still in the on going to get new players. It's a PvE server so for all the new Exile players this server is a begin server. You can learn all about exile here, from building a base to get better at missions. ( Hardcore missions is the best goal, as they're the most worth ) So come and join the new Arma 3 Exile server! Owner of the server is not me; "Opmis" is the server owner. Server name: "Square Soldiers" Discord: "https://discord.gg/md4fYMS" If you do decide to join the server please join the discord, you get updates on what is going on to the server, announcements for maintance or something else. Regards, SupremeCatx, just a "Square Soldier" Member.
  5. CantkillPhantom

    Eden editor

    Hello I’m wondering if anyone has a new guide on using the 3D editor as I’m trying to take a community made map and run it on my servers both a standard arma server and an exile server. I have done my exile.missionname but server failed to run with the rpt boot looping and I just don’t want to do one for my vanilla server in case the same happens any help would be appreciated thanks
  6. This might sound stupid some might hate or ignore this but is it possible to have 2 pbos working together. Like I like altis and tanoa but when I start my server up I basically want it to show choose map then have a click altis or click tanoa it must be possible to have working on server together I mean other games have this feature online.
  7. Hey there, So I rented a server 2 days ago and have successfully uploaded Exile on Server through my server provider (Host Havoc). Yesterday I realized that the debug console was not working and started looking into how to change it. Short disclaimer: I'm new to all this. So I logged into the server via filezilla and went to MPmissions and went into Excile.Altis.pbo to change "enableDebugConsole = 0" to "enableDebugConsole = 1" so that I could access the console via game as admin. Every time I do this, I run into the problem that my server won't properly load game and I cannot log in. After trying to start up server again I get the following message: "ErrorMessage: Data file too short 'mpmissions\Exile.Altis.pbo'. Expected -777871866 B, got 358682 B". I went back and changed it back to "enableDebugConsole = 0" and now it still won't upload. If I change the map/mpmission to Exile.Tanoa.pbo which I have not touched, server loads up just fine. Does someone know what I am doing wrong? I might just be making a obvious mistake since I am new to this. If someone could help me, I would really appreciate it! thank you:D
  8. Hello, This is my first time posting on these forums. Along with a small group, I've been playing Arma on and off for a few years now, but only recently got into Exile with Zombies. We've been playing on a "BS-Free" Malden server, which is awesome, but it's PVE-only. We would like to find a PVP server to play on as well. Obviously hosting servers is expensive, we're looking for a server we can donate to monthly and stick with long-term. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions of good servers playing on Esseker or Altis with Exile, Zombies, and PVP. We're located in Western Canada, but almost anywhere in NA would be fine. p.s. I apologize if this is the wrong place for this post. I wasn't sure between here and the servers section (which seemed more for server admins helping each other)
  9. david_david

    Mes serveurs Exile

    Bonjour, je vous présente 2 serveurs Exile Voici pour le premier. [FR] No Man's Land Exile Altis /PVP/Patrouille/Missions ip: Dessus missions DMS, ZCP et ville prise par VEMFR, ainsi que plusieurs patrouilles A3XAI. Retrouver des scripts tels que réanimer vos compagnons, remorque un véhicule, rappel urbain. Pour nous rejoindre, il vous suffit d'avoir Exile Mod, ainsi que enhanced movement. Et maintenant le deuxième. [FR] No Man's Land Exile Kerama /PVP/Patrouille/Missions ip: Dessus missions DMS, ZCP et ville prise par VEMFR, ainsi que plusieurs patrouilles A3XAI. Retrouver des scripts tels que réanimer vos compagnons, remorque un véhicule, rappel urbain, claim vehicle. Pour nous rejoindre, il vous suffit d'avoir Exile Mod,@Hidden Ghillies, ADR-97 Weapon Pack (Official Mod), Full NVG, Extended Base Mod, @LRR silenced FFAA MOD V6.0.7.2, NATO SF & SPETSNAZ Weapons, @No_Man's_Land_exile, et bien sur Kerama Islands. Pour des renseignements ou un souci, passez nous voir sur Teamspeak " lesPiedsPlats.nitrado.fr " . A bientôt.
  10. -Oasis Gaming- is looking for some new faces. We all use to run the server EXP, and that has not gone so well with the owner. So we are here under new management to create a server that will last. EXP had a great community with a terrible staff and we are here to change that and restart from the bottom up. We have a lot of resources to make this server big, we just need the assistance in creating it. If you would like to be apart of the next big thing please do not hesitate to contact me on either steam or on discord. Steam: OGTaken (http://steamcommunity.com/id/ruthlessone0/) Discord: OGTaken#5275 (We are also up for making more then one server, of different variants.)
  11. Server has scripted custom skilled AI and tons of map additions. Start Gear is Custom also. Mods: -Exile (obviously), -Zombies & Demons, -CBA_A3, -Cup Weapons, -Units, -Vehicles -Maps Core Scripts: -Deploy Bike -Base Payment Notifications -Sell Crates at Traders (R3F) -Igiload -Virtual Garage -Adjustable View Distance -Custom Status Bar -Ejecting Bodies from Vehicles when dead -Towing,Lifting with balanced Classes, Advanced Slingloading Addons: -VEMF Mission System,Custom AI -DMS Mission System,Custom AI (with selfmade Missions) -ExileZ 2 Map is full of stuff me and my wonderful fiancée added,feel free to enjoy the dark atmosphere the server was made for. Last but not least theres something very very special on the server only some people will manage to find out.check the biggest dms mission on the server to get a clue well thats it
  12. We are happy to annouce that we are starting new Exile server Currently we are beta testing and would like your feedback,the map is Tanoa from apex DLC which is required to play, server has 40 slots, the difficulty is set on medium we are planning on adding mods in the later stages of tests. We also offer TS3 server to talk to other players and your friends currently we only have 20 slots but if needed we are going to increase it. Exile IP: Teams speak IP: blackshark.net-speak.pl
  13. Dear Exile Community, Today i've got something special for one of you! My team and I have a spare dedicated server left from our previous project and we're looking into giving it to someone who is able to build and lead an awesome and hopefully huge exile project and community! So, do you have some ideas for an awesome exile project, or already have a project running and want to expand to a bigger server, then keep on reading! The server you'll be getting i7 3930K 6x3,20GHz 24GB RAM 1000MBits Connection Hosted by Hetzner in Germany You're probably asking yourself now:"What does it cost? What do you want?" Well, we actually want nothing, but we do have some requirements. Requirements re/Naming the project so that it gets an recall value and players will be like:"Ohh, yeah lets play on Exiliron (just an example)!" Website, forum (we will provide this), and a teamspeak server! This will help growing a bigger community. Every Map you want except for Altis and Stratis! Mainly PVE but with a PVP Area with better loot! No Pay2Win, everything that is in the Donator Shop needs to be available by normal playing too! !!! One thing that is really important to us !!! Commitment! If you know that you won't have much time working on the server because of your work/school and your real life than you should probably take care of those things first instead of thinking about creating and leading an exile project. That means, only apply to this sponsorship when you're confident to invest some time, that you really have, into this project. Also, if you don't have a lot of knowledge in arma3, exile and administrating and programming for such a server we probably won't choose you! We want to give this server to those who are really able to get the most out of it. Other things needs to be discussed out in a teamspeak conversation. How can you apply to this sponsorship? PM me here in the arma3 forums with some information about you (age, occupation,where you live, knowledge regarding arma 3 (sqf, etc)). Email me: loohney@gmail.com Thats it! Hope that someone will take the chance. Regards, Loohney
  14. MaximumLoser1

    Arma 3 Application error

    About 3-5 minutes into a game of exile on any server the game would crash leaving an error alert. saying 'The instructions at 0x0000000002099C00 referenced at 0x0000000000000000. The memory could not be read.'. I've many different solutions from the other forums but none of them have worked and i haven't found one with the same error code. Please help, I just got Arma and have barely been able to play because of this issue.
  15. Hello guys, as my first mod ever, I decided to recreate and expand the Mad Max universe. At the moment the mod contains: Vehicles: Weapons: Helmets: Facewear: Vests: Charakters: In case if you wonder, original stands for content, wich has been seen in the movies or in the game, I does not means, it was ripped of the game. Known buggs and errors: - plymouth rock missing .rvmat error - the wheels of the plymouth rock are not at the correct postion - the vest is not fitting, gets sucked into the body directly under the armpit and has only texture on one side - the shadows are not perfect - the shotguns can use scopes, this is not wanted, so make shure you have an empty sight slot on the shotguns (or you will see nothing and think the gun is broken) BI Forums WIP Discussion: Special Thanks: - Fled for releasing the model of the plymouth rock - I3lueVein for his models of the mad max and the inspiration - KingDom for spending his freetime, while searching with me via teamviewer for the errors - ianbanks & Pennyworth for helping me with the first person error Credits can be found in the Files. If theres interest in my mod, you can join the discord server: here! Download Links: STEAM: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=815962700 Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=32034 (Might not have the lastest update) You can use it for Exile or whatever you want, but please don't repack or reupload it anywhere else without giving credits.
  16. TheEgelNL

    Strider explode

    After the update we have striders explode for no reason. They look fine and have no damage. Riding on road or grass and boom it does. No mission near and it goes for all type off striders. Are there more people who have that experience and is there going to be a fix. Because it used to be a reliable vehicle but turned it to a driving deathtrap.
  17. Toni Strife

    [DQG] Arma 3 Exile Server

    We are a new exile server, looking for active players, staff, and developers! We have already got a great server that is up currently and we want you to come play!!!!!!Why you should you join us? 1. We offer a great staff team that are very active and provide support as soon as possible, not only that we have ingame admins thats constantly monitor the server for rule breakers! 2. We have a great server! ! We offer a awesome EXILE experience with a great economy, missions etc 3. We love change, we want to create something you and we love, so why not tell us our faults! we are always happy to listen and make changes!Staff Team: Our staff team are currently recruiting so if you are interested ask a staff member for the application! Once completed our Director of Administration will contact you! Good Luck!Quick links: Teamspeak IP: Server IP: Mods: Cup Terrains, Cup Core, Cup Weapons, Cup Vehicles, Cup Units, TRYK, Extended Base Mod, Advanced Towing, Advanced Slingloading, Urban Rappelling, Advanced Rappelling, DMS Mission System, Zupas Capture Points,CBA_A3,Open Chernarus with JBADWe hope to see you soon!!!
  18. We are a new exile server, looking for active players, staff, and developers! We have already got a great server that is up currently and we want you to come play!!!!!!WHY YOU SHOULD JOIN US? 1. We offer a great staff team that are very active and provide support as soon as possible, not only that we have ingame admins thats constantly monitor the server for rule breakers! 2. We have a great server! ! We offer a awesome EXILE experience with a great economy, missions etc 3. We love change, we want to create something you and we love, so why not tell us our faults! we are always happy to listen and make changes!STAFF TEAM Our staff team are currently recruiting so if you are interested ask a staff member for the application! Once completed our Director of Administration will contact you! Good Luck!QUICK LINKS Teamspeak IP: Server IP: Mods: Cup Terrains, Cup Core, Cup Weapons, Cup Vehicles, Cup Units, TRYK, Extended Base Mod, Advanced Towing, Advanced Slingloading, Urban Rappelling, Advanced Rappelling, DMS Mission System, Zupas Capture Points,CBA_A3,Open Chernarus with JBAD''We hope to see you soon!!!''
  19. Hello Bohemia Community; I recently ran into a really confusing and frustrating issue with Arma 3 servers, and I'm hoping for some potential insight. What's happening is that, when I connect to certain servers, the game loads into a place devoid of objects, terrain details, and even my own 1st/3rd person character model; the only things that I can see are the grass and the terrain color/texture itself (I've attached some image links). I'm absolutely certain that these images are not in debug areas too. I've connected to a good variety of servers with the same sort of outcome. Here is a small list of servers I experienced this issue: Trailerpark Wasteland on Tanoa (A3 Wasteland Version 1.3B) BIB Wasteland (A3 Wasteland Version 1.3C) BFC Exile Esseker US #2 EXP Exile Chernarus EXP Exile Napf However, to make it more confusing, these results are rather inconsistent. For instance, I can load into an A3Armory (runs A3 Wasteland Version 1.3C) hosted server, and everything would load in fine: I see buildings, terrain details like rocks and underbrush, trees, etc., vehicles, weapons, and my character model. As potential fixes to this problem, I've tried: Reverifying my game cache of Arma 3 on Steam A clean reinstall of the game itself A clean reinstall of my game mods Isolating mods reported to have issues (a Steam forum page noted that the "CUP Terrain - Maps" mod specifically had this rendering issue - the forum suggested the "Auto Detect" button in the Arma 3 video settings, but that didn't work). I'm unsure of what else I could possibly do, and so now I turn to a community that knows much more than me, at least. I hope to hear back from those of you who could possibly help. BFC Exile Essker US #2: Trailerpark Wasteland on Tanoa:
  20. October 2025 A.D. The world is in chaos. Stock Markets blown up in early 2019, countries and alliances did literally fall apart. Europe isn't anymore, the whole continent is in anarchy. You have been displaced to the southern region of former Russia. There are no rules, except to survive. Several smaller groups established a basic infrastructure of trading, where the only currency seem to be Poptabs, it's probably the metal the Warlords are after. Nobody knows the details. There is no communication, no other infrastructure. Just you in a hostile environment of fear, panic, and greed. Expect no mercy. Don't try to escape. You simply won't make it. You'll die before you can reach any border. There are rumors about a UN base somewhere in the area, but they don't care about your business. As you should not about theirs, for your own safety. Sometimes their resupply convois get stuck somewhere. Maybe that's a chance for you to gather some useful things, but - and that's more likely - you will be shot while you attempt. We don't want to lie to you. It's easier for you to end your life by killing yourself. Welcome to Chernarus, the worlds true anarchy. --- Server Details --- Name: [EU]zoo-gaming.com|Exile Chernarus|Sector B|New and Wiped IP: Website: http://www.zoo-gaming.com Teamspeak: ts.zoo-gaming.com Discord: discord.zoo-gaming.com Slots: 50 Map: Chernarus Isles Style: PVP, PVE, but no "hilarious Warzone" - no Navid, no Ghosthawk etc. Loot is balanced and handpicked, further changes possible. Safes are really rare. You need to care about your stuff! Specials: No Demolition Charges or launchers available for players. “Sector B”. There is a Sector controlled by the UN with lots of stuff. But be warned, the UN is very well equipped and try to secure the sector! Extended Base Mod and Extended items with custom crafting. Needed Mods: CBA_A3 Chernarus_Isles Open Chernarus Project with JBAD CUP Terrains - Core CUP Terrains - Maps CUP Units CUP Vehicles CUP Weapons Extended_Base_Mod Extended_Items_Exile Exile Mod The easiest way to join is via the A3launcher. You can download it here: https://a3launcher.com/ See you @ the Server Black
  21. You are playing Arma 3, Arma 2 or DayZ and looking for group/community to play with? Great, then join our growing community and be a part of it. Who we are? We are a (mostly) german speaking community who likes to play games like Arma, Squad, DayZ and so on. The age in our community differs from 16 to 40 and the most important part of our community is FUN. Although we want to play organized and tactical, at the end of the day we want to have fun after work, school, etc… What do we offer? We offer a teamspeak server with 500 Slots (if you are a member, you can have your own channel) We offer you three different Arma3 Servers (Exile, Antistasi and Wasteland)? A Friendly Community full of active and mature members A own homepage with forum for disscussions. A mature community full of active and friendly members and a few other things Contact: Website: http://www.zoo-gaming.com Teamspeak: ts.zoo-gaming.com Discord: discord.zoo-gaming.com Community rules: There are no specific rules in our community. Have fun, be nice to the other members and help them if you can. If you are unable to be online everyday, it`s okay and you also won`t be kicked out of the community because you were a week absent or so… So let`s have fun together ?
  22. spikester184@gmail.com

    FPS drop after update. Exile mod.

    Hello, I recently started playing the Exile mod for Arma 3. I was having no issues and getting around 60-70 fps in game. After the recent update I am only getting around 20 fps in game. I haven't changed any settings so I assume that it was because of the update. I was told by the admins of the server that it was something to do with the recent update and that there would be a fix released for it soon. I was wondering if anyone had anymore information on the problem and if there is or will be a fix? Im running the game on windows 10. Thanks for any help,
  23. So, I just got arma 3 as a gift to play with my friend but he hasn't even jumped on it since. Free game I guess. But I've tried asking him several times what arma 3 is about, because Im completely ignorant to the series. I just know its about warefare, but I see others saying its about survival. I've seen a few mods like exile, epoch and ryans zombies that I really like and i have them and several other mods now, but I want to know if there are any guidelines? Like.. can I just join the server that says pvp or pve, kos or no kos, and treat it like ark? just jump in, gear up and kill players or ai (if the server allows pvp)? Also, I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post this!
  24. Dear Exile Community, Today i've got something special for one of you! My team and I have a spare dedicated server left from our previous project and we're looking into giving it to someone who is able to build and lead an awesome and hopefully huge exile project and community! So, do you have some ideas for an awesome exile project, or already have a project running and want to expand to a bigger server, then keep on reading! :) The server you'll be getting i7 3930K 6x3,20GHz 24GB RAM 1000MBits Connection Hosted by Hetzner in Germany You're probably asking yourself now:"What does it cost? What do you want?" Well, we actually want nothing, but we do have some requirements. Requirements re/Naming the project so that it gets an recall value and players will be like:"Ohh, yeah lets play on Exiliron (just an example)!" Website, forum (we will provide this), and a teamspeak server! This will help growing a bigger community. Every Map you want except for Altis and Stratis! Mainly PVE but with a PVP Area with better loot! No Pay2Win, everything that is in the Donator Shop needs to be available by normal playing too! !!! One thing that is really important to us !!! Commitment! If you know that you won't have much time working on the server because of your work/school and your real life than you should probably take care of those things first instead of thinking about creating and leading an exile project. That means, only apply to this sponsorship when you're confident to invest some time, that you really have, into this project. Also, if you don't have a lot of knowledge in arma3, exile and administrating and programming for such a server we probably won't choose you! We want to give this server to those who are really able to get the most out of it. Other things needs to be discussed out in a teamspeak conversation. How can you apply to this sponsorship? Email me: loohney@gmail.com - with some information about you (age, occupation,where you live, knowledge regarding arma 3 (sqf, etc)). Thats it! Hope that someone will take the chance. :) Regards, Loohney
  25. Hey would love to see new players join this up and coming community Server status: Online Map: Chernarus Website: http://armareality.org/ Server ip: name: Arma Reality Exile Chernarus |Deploy Bike|+loot|Virtual.G|25k|missions|Custom Staff: 4 Admins (need more) Come and play :)