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  1. Hello, I've been having this issue for several months, if not years, and I've intermittently tried to get support on it or some forum moderator or staff to have a look over it. I've tried to update my username to the name I've been using for my work online and in the community for the past few years, but nothing has worked. I've searched the forums, I've asked in the Discord a few times, and all to no avail. I've already tried to go on my accounts.bistudio page / BI profile page and changing my name there, and nothing would change. I've logged out and logged back in into the website and that didn't change it either. Is there any chance I could get my name manually changed? The system doesn't seem to work for me, if possible if someone could check my accounts.bistudio page you'd see my nickname is changed there but not here. I'd also need my name changed in the BI feedback/bugtracker, unless they both change simulatenously. I'd really appreciate it. EDIT: It has been resolved, I contacted a community manager who helped me with it.
  2. As you can see by the title, I'm trying to make a custom support CAS menu by utilizing the CfgCommunicationMenu. The script that activates after u call in support would make the player say something with apex subtitles and send in chopper support. Problem is, that it seems like the script only activates to whoever calls in the support. What I mean is that the player who called in chopper support would see the apex subtitles and the chopper incoming for CAS. But to the other players, they won't see the apex subtitles and only see the chopper incoming. Is there any way to make the script activates for all players by utilizing the CfgCommunicationMenu? I'm still considered a rookie when it comes to scripting, so expect me to be a little dumb. And this is one of my first posts on the forums.
  3. Hello there i'm having issues with BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo (the purpose is to create a boomerang system that will have a animated led 3d model in my HMMWV's like my crewduke) , my problem is that it is spamming some random 90, 180, 270 values... (maybe not random but i don't get why i got those values) here is a video (don't mind the generic error i've added a sleep in a unscheduled environment but the detection weirdly seems to work better (Probably just a placebo effect i think^^)) As you can see i have some random values coming in... Video showing my problem For now the script is init by a module (Will add action to add it and activate it later): /* sys_boomerang_animate.sqf Author(s): MrEwok Description: This Animate (for now) the boomerang system and run Boomerang script collection. Note : None. FilePath: \EWK_Boomerang_System\Scripts\sys_boomerang_animate.sqf */ _car = _this select 0; _car animate ["SYS_boomerang", 0]; ////////////////////////////////////////////For Boomerang System/////////////////////////////////////// [_car] execVM "\EWK_Boomerang_System\Scripts\Ewk_Boomerang_Eh.sqf"; waitUntil {!alive _car}; _car animate ["SYS_boomerang", 1]; [_car] execVM "EWK_Boomerang_System\Module\boomerang\sys_boomerang_animate.sqf"; And then it run this script : /* Ewk_Boomerang_Eh.sqf Author(s): MrEwok Description: This Apply FiredNearEH for Boomerang detection. Note : None. FilePath: \EWK_Boomerang_System\Scripts\Ewk_Boomerang_Eh.sqf */ ///////////////////////////////////////////For Boomerang System/////////////////////////////////////// /* this addEventHandler ["FiredNear", { params ["_unit", "_firer", "_distance", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode" , "_ammo", "_gunner"]; }]; */ vclBoomerang = _this select 0; vclBoomerang addEventHandler ["FiredNear", { if ((_this select 2) < 100/*Need To Adjust*/) then { _Shooter = _this select 0; _gunner = _this select 7; hint str _gunner; { _relDir = [_Shooter, vclBoomerang] call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo; if ( _relDir > (_x select 0) && _relDir < (_x select 1) ) then { sleep 0.5; // This is the Generic error in the video... systemChat format["Shooter is at %1 from the Vehicle",(_x select 2)]; systemChat str _relDir; }; }forEach [ ///////////////////////////////////////////This Was Working but not precise enough/////////////////////////////////////////// /* !!!Basic detection system decrepited!!! [45, 135, "to the right of"], [135, 225, "behind"], [225, 315, "to the left of"], [315, 360, "infront"], [0, 45, "infront"] */ ///////////////////////////////////////////This Was Working END/////////////////////////////////////////// [0, 15, "12 oclock"], [-0, -15, "12 oclock"], //0 = 12 donc 0 a 15 [15, 45, "1 oclock"], [-15, -45, "1 oclock"], //30 = 1 donc 15 a 45 [45, 75, "2 oclock"], [-45, -75, "2 oclock"], //60 = 2 donc 45 a 75 [75, 105, "3 oclock"], [-75, -105, "3 oclock"], //90 = 3 donc 75 a 105 [105, 135, "4 oclock"], [-105, -135, "4 oclock"], //120 = 4 donc 105 a 135 [135, 165, "5 oclock"], [-135, -165, "5 oclock"], //150 = 5 donc 135 a 165 [165, 195, "6 oclock"], [-165, -195, "6 oclock"], //180 = 6 donc 165 a 195 [195, 225, "7 oclock"], [-195, -225, "7 oclock"], //210 = 7 donc 195 a 225 [225, 255, "8 oclock"], [-225, -255, "8 oclock"], //240 = 8 donc 225 a 255 [255, 285, "9 oclock"], [-255, -285, "9 oclock"], //270 = 9 donc 255 a 285 [285, 315, "10 oclock"], [-285, -315, "10 oclock"], //300 = 10 donc 285 a 315 [315, 345, "11 oclock"], [-315, -345, "11 oclock"], //330 = 11 donc 315 a 345 [345, 360, "12 oclock"], [-345, -360, "12 oclock"] //360 = 12 donc 345 a 360 ]; }; }]; Please help me! I don't wan't to release my mod without that feature even if it's a little bit harsh (in fact i could already add the boomerang v2 and say "it's the V2 V3 is better ... but i wan't to add a real V3 and make an alternative version for V2 that's add some kind of randomness if some mission maker want to make it harder ). I can provide more info if needed (config or basic models with cfg and cpp to reproduce...)...
  4. Hey guys, I've been fiddling with this all day. I can't seem to figure out how to make my static animation I made in blender work in Arma. I used the addon builder that built the pbo, but my animation didn't work when I went into Arma. This is my file before using the addon builder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UDIDdfdj4MSd4i6jkRyzrNv53shytdpO?usp=sharing Could you guys please share some light on how to make this work? Thank you so much!
  5. Hello. I recently played a mission in Arma 2's Private Military Company DLC which includes a similar feature (or so I believe) to something I want to replicate, and that I believe is possible. The mission would consist of clearing a route from point A to point B. The idea would be to have map markers of designated blocks or roads / areas that are marked as red when hostile/have enemy presence within, and that they then switch to green once they've been cleared. I would also like this to count/include objects aswell (e.g. barricades that would need to be destroyed, or vehicles needing to be moved off of the road, IEDs). There would need to be multiple of these markers/areas for each block or road that needs to be cleared. This would also need to detect when enemies are not alive, or simply not present, same with objects. Is there a way to do this? Kinda like in the mission I'll link below. Also, is there a way to display trigger areas as marker areas, or do I need to individually make both? Here is the example of the mission I'm refferencing that inspired me: https://youtu.be/y0RdVjhsgEk?t=741 Anyone know of a way I could achieve something similar? This way the mission would be non-linear and players could choose their own path to clear. Any guidance, scripts, or code that could help would be greatly appreciated. I don't need the tasks modules for the time being, I just need to do the map markers defining whether an area is clear or not. Thanks!
  6. I’ve just found crossteamers, 1 trio, 2 duos and me and my friend. We almost kill one of the duos when another player walks up behind my friend and kills him, then they loot together and run to exit together. I have the clip and everything
  7. Hey there, just looking for someone that can explain to me the squad.xml process in Arma 2. Nevermind I figured it out and it's not letting me delete the post.
  8. Hello everyone I have done a few smaller mods (mainly retextures) and am looking to get into bringing my own vehicle into the game. Things have been going well so far looking at tutorials and reading up on materials that people have shared in that regard. But I have one thing that i currently can't wrap my head around and could use some advice on. I can't quite figure out where or how the points for entering a certain seat in a vehicle is defined? I am using the Test Tank that is provided in the Arma 3 Samples and the different seats/positions work just fine, but I cannot from let's say the gunner seat switch to the driver. My problem is with the driver seat specifically, if i spawn in it everything is fine, but if i leave the vehicle I can't seem to be able to get back into it. I assume that the positions for entering and exiting certain seats are defined by memory points in the vehicle model. But I'm a little bit unsure what to look for. Anyways, for those curious I have chosen a T-90A model that was free as a sort of first project to see if i could get things working. It drives, it shoots, the turret rotates etc 🙂 so im pretty happy so far. (Obviously no textures yet) I also have a short clip here: https://i.imgur.com/kEfYGRt.mp4 Anyways, all help is greatly appreciated even if you can simply point me in the right direction. I don't mind reading through guides or tutorials, I just can't seem to find one that explains what i'm looking for.
  9. Hi I'm trying to copy over all my files using Arma3P to my (P:) drive but I just keep getting errors. Is there a way using Arma 3 tools to copy these files over or do I have to use the "Arma3P.bat" file? I basically receive the error for every action that the bat file attempts to do and the error is related to DeRapDos.exe & ExtractPboDos.exe. (See screenshot below) I do have all of Mikero's Tools installed. Any help with this would be super appreciated. Have a great day 😊
  10. I'm trying to add a button and a filter dialog on map screens (briefing, in game map), but I've got this error message on mission loading : As if these controls were inheriting from RscListNbox class , ignoring the declaration : class lbl1: RscText For some reasons, a few controls display without any problems : Does anyone have any idea ? My config.cpp : class CfgPatches { class gdc_diary { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Functions_F", "A3_Modules_F", "A3_UI_F"}; }; }; #include "base_classes.hpp" // Ecran carte en jeu class RscDisplayMainMap { //IDD 12 // Ajoute le dialogue de filtre des marqueurs class controls { #include "RscMrkFilter.cpp" }; }; // BRIEFING SCREEN class RscDisplayGetReady: RscDisplayMainMap { //IDD 37 // Ajoute le dialogue de filtre des marqueurs class controls { #include "RscMrkFilter.cpp" }; }; class RscDisplayClientGetReady: RscDisplayGetReady { //IDD 53 // Ajoute le dialogue de filtre des marqueurs class controls { #include "RscMrkFilter.cpp" }; }; class RscDisplayServerGetReady: RscDisplayGetReady { //IDD 52 // Ajoute le dialogue de filtre des marqueurs class controls { #include "RscMrkFilter.cpp" }; }; base_classes.hpp class RscText; class RscActiveText; class RscButton; class RscCheckbox; class RscControlsGroup; class ControlsBackground; class HScrollbar; class VScrollbar; class RscListNBox; RscMrkFilter.cpp : class gdc_MrkFilter_button: RscActiveText { idc= -1; style = 48; type = 11; access = 0; default = true; deletable = 0; fade = 0; //font = "PuristaMedium"; //shadow = 2; sizeEx = 0.4; action = "_ctrl = uiNameSpace getVariable 'crtlMrkFilter';if !(ctrlShown _ctrl) then {_ctrl ctrlShow true} else {_ctrl ctrlShow false}"; color[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.6 }; colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; colorActive[] = { 1, 0.2, 0.2, 1 }; colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,1}; /* soundEnter[] = { "", 0, 1 }; // no sound soundPush[] = { "", 0, 1 }; soundClick[] = { "", 0, 1 }; soundEscape[] = { "", 0, 1 }; */ x = safeZoneW + safeZoneX - (0.020630 * safezoneW); y = safezoneY; w = 0.020625 * safezoneW; h = 0.033 * safezoneH; text = "\GDC_mrkFilter\data\icon-filter.jpg"; tooltip = "Filtrer les marqueurs"; url = ""; }; //Filter control group class gdc_MrkFilter_grp: RscControlsGroup { idc = -1; onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['crtlMrkFilter', _this select 0];"; text = ""; show = true; x = safeZoneW + safeZoneX - (0.1765 * safezoneW); y = 0.032 * safezoneH + safezoneY; h = 0.206 * safezoneH; w = 0.176 * safezoneW; class controls { class Backgrd: RscText { idc = -1; type = 0; style = 96; //x = 0.5; //y = 0.5; h = 0.206 * safezoneH; w = 0.176 * safezoneW; colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; colorBackground[]={0,0,0,1}; text = ""; }; class lbl1: RscText { idc = 1001; type = 0; style = 1; text = "Tous les marqueurs MM"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.04; y = 0.03; w = 0.07 * safezoneW; h = 0.015 * safezoneH; colorText[] = {1,1,1,1}; colorBackground[] = {-1,-1,-1,0}; sizeEx = 0.015 * safezoneH; }; class chkBx1: RscCheckbox { idc = 2001; checked = 1; x = 0.21; y = 0.02; w = 1.2 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40); h = 1.2 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25); }; //box blufor class Bx79: RscText { idc = 2079; x = 0.212; y = 0.08; w = 1 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40); h = 1 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25); colorBackground[] = {0,0.3,0.6,1}; }; //box opfor class Bx89: RscText { idc = 2089; x = 0.262; y = 0.08; w = 1 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40); h = 1 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25); colorBackground[] = {0.5,0,0,1}; }; //box guer class Bx99: RscText { idc = 2099; x = 0.312; y = 0.08; w = 1 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40); h = 1 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25); colorBackground[] = {0,0.5,0,1}; }; //box all class Bx69: RscText { idc = 2069; type = 0; style = 2; text = "Tous"; x = 0.372; y = 0.08; w = 1 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40); h = 1 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25); colorText[] = {1,1,1,1}; colorBackground[] = {-1,-1,-1,0}; sizeEx = 0.015 * safezoneH; }; class lbl2: RscText { idc = 1002; type = 0; style = 1; text = "Marqueurs AAP"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.04; y = 0.13; w = 0.07 * safezoneW; h = 0.015 * safezoneH; colorText[] = {1,1,1,1}; colorBackground[] = {-1,-1,-1,0}; sizeEx = 0.015 * safezoneH; }; class chkBx2a: RscCheckbox { idc = 2002; checked = 1; x = 0.21; y = 0.12; w = 1.2 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40); h = 1.2 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25); }; class chkBx2b: RscCheckbox { idc = 2012; checked = 1; x = 0.26; y = 0.12; w = 1.2 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40); h = 1.2 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25); }; class chkBx2c: RscCheckbox { idc = 2022; checked = 1; x = 0.31; y = 0.12; w = 1.2 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40); h = 1.2 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25); }; class chkBx2d: RscCheckbox { idc = 2032; checked = 1; x = 0.37; y = 0.12; w = 1.2 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40); h = 1.2 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25); }; class lbl3: RscText { idc = 1003; type = 0; style = 1; text = "Marqueurs de zone"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.04; y = 0.18; w = 0.07 * safezoneW; h = 0.015 * safezoneH; colorText[] = {1,1,1,1}; colorBackground[] = {-1,-1,-1,0}; sizeEx = 0.015 * safezoneH; }; class chkBx3: RscCheckbox { idc = 2003; checked = 1; x = 0.21; y = 0.17; w = 1.2 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40); h = 1.2 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25); }; class lbl4: RscText { idc = 1004; type = 0; style = 1; text = "Marqueurs autres"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.04; y = 0.23; w = 0.07 * safezoneW; h = 0.015 * safezoneH; colorText[] = {1,1,1,1}; colorBackground[] = {-1,-1,-1,0}; sizeEx = 0.015 * safezoneH; }; class chkBx4: RscCheckbox { idc = 2004; checked = 1; x = 0.21; y = 0.22; w = 1.2 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40); h = 1.2 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25); }; class lbl5: RscText { idc = 1005; type = 0; style = 1; text = "Tous les marqueurs joueurs"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.04; y = 0.315; w = 0.07 * safezoneW; h = 0.015 * safezoneH; colorText[] = {1,1,1,1}; colorBackground[] = {-1,-1,-1,0}; sizeEx = 0.015 * safezoneH; }; class chkBx5: RscCheckbox { idc = 2005; checked = 1; x = 0.21; y = 0.305; w = 1.2 * (((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 40); h = 1.2 * ((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25); }; }; };
  11. Hello, I'm very new to Arma 3 scripting. I'm trying to figure out how selections in a dialog work (I'm just using the GUI editor via debug menu), and how pulling certain vehicles to assign to each selection (then spawning at marker) would work. Figured I'd ask since I'm not really sure what to even search for. If my prior knowledge of basic HTML coding is correct I'd need to assign some kind of variable to the selected item(s) then pass that to the spawn script, but I just don't know how that works with Arma's code 😛 What I've got so far is my defines and all the code from the dialog I needed to paste into a file, plus the description.ext. Anything helps! Cheers.
  12. it says addon 'A3_data_f_loadorder' requires addon 'A3_missions_f' then crashes my game it did this before with different addons what do i do can someone help? should i reinstall? also its for my mods.
  13. Teflon_Don

    Squad . XML Help

    Just looking for someone that can explain to me the squad.xml process in Arma 2. Nevermind figured it out and it's not letting me delete post.
  14. Bingo-66d21d294c551e45

    Help with car noise

    I'm trying to make a good intro to my mission but you can't hear the voices of the people in the car, you can only hear the car. The issue is that the car is too loud. Would there be a way to lower the volume of the car for an amount of time? Cheers
  15. Hello, For context, I have no previous experience with modelling or any ArmA editors (except EDEN). An interesting idea striked me to create a hand-held HMG (Most likely Soviet DShK or Russian KORD) for infantry use. I tried to find a model ( possibly from the RHS or 3CB mods) to port it into object editor that I would use but no dice. Creating a model from scratch might be too big of a project for me but if there are any ways to do it (somewhat) easily, I will gladly listen. To sum it up with a few questions: How do I create a weapon? Will it be possible to find the models for these weapons somewhere? How does the process of weapon creation go and how can I create one? Will anyone give me a hand with this small project?
  16. Bingo-66d21d294c551e45

    Help with sleep command

    Hello I'm trying to create a battle royal zone type thing. I've been trying to use the sleep command and it does not seem to be working, Any pointers? the error is '...= [1,2,3,4] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; sleep 1; if (_random == 1) then {...' Error Generic error in expression. Thanks
  17. I have a computer for running dedicated servers, everything works fine on LAN connection. But when i try to connect thru IP on direct connect it just gives me "BattlEye initialization failed". When i check the logs it says "BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.218)" and when trying to connect "BattlEye Server: Connected to BE Master". The rpt logs are saying "BEServer: cannot find channel #578315203, users.card=0" I have forwared the ports "2302-2306" and "2402-2406". Anyone had this issue before? Others cant join either
  18. Hey, I would like some help in creating a custom unit voice pack (as in adding another language for a unit). I am green at programming in SQF/Arma 3, but I do have coding experience elsewhere. Unfortunately, I am unable to find any guides on how to do this, and the information that does relate to creating a unit voice pack is scattered and not elaborated well. If there is a good samaritan out there who would be willing to take the time out of their day to help me either by DM or by providing me with a list of resources that can help me learn how to do this would be much appreciated. If, however, you don't want to help, that's fine, but don't ridicule me for being new to making Arma 3 mods -- at least I am trying to learn it instead of begging someone to make it for me. Anyways I appreciate you guys (and gals) for taking the time to read this. Thanks
  19. Hi, i am fairly new to coding and i am wondering is there a way to detect if a player inside of a zone designated by a trigger has a weapon out or equipped and if so change the relation between indie and blufore, so far I am using this; this && !(currentWeapon player isEqualTo "AssaultRifle"); resistance setFriend [west, 0]; west setFriend [resistance,
  20. GaryTheNoTrashCougar

    Help - getVariable (ACE)

    Trying to make a displayCtrl for blood loss when using ace. Problem I'm having is trying to get blood level value: player getVariable "ace_medical_bloodVolume"; This works in debug console but is not recognised in my script. I'm not familiar with returning variables from mods, do I have to define something in order to pass the variable through to my script?
  21. Quite new to the editor and I want to make a trigger that activates their pathing (enableAI "Path") when the units enter a compound so they come out from behind buildings and stuff like that. If anyone who knows how to use a trigger like that or another way to achive that "ambush" effect a reply would be appreciated.
  22. so i have just started making a SCP Mod pack but when i tried to launch it it failed and popped up an error like team leader class undefined and vehicle error and that stuff need help because i really wanna make this
  23. I have a problem, where only in Armia 3 I had 120 hz monitor graphics card 2070 rtx The problem is that the game looks normal when I want to move suddenly the gamma jumps and there is a streak of such white something behind the characters, it can be seen in the recording than in the photos but I can't upload the video here could anyone help? I realy dont know what to do. I am also sending a photo of 2 normal soldiers where I did not move and I took the photo. Other photos 2 with these problem are down on post.
  24. Is it possible to detect if a player has damaged a unit but another unit has killed that unit (kill assist)? I am using a Killed event handler for the unit that is killed & trying to combine that with a HitPart event handler but I can't get my head around the logic. in HitPart EH: playerShooting = (player isEqualTo _shooter); unitShot = _target; in Killed EH: if (playerShooting) //Obviously player is not the shooter when the unit is killed then { if ((_killed isEqualTo unitShot) && !(vehicle player isEqualTo _killer)) then {....blah blah Kill Assist}; }; also tried to use ((damage _target) < 1), but this is not true when _target is killed. Is there a way to check if the player dealt the damage?
  25. Got a Vanilla Server Working great, but when I attempt to add mod files into the server and try to join through the launcher the server is reading it differently. (E.g. (The server has: CBA_A3 V1.23.4)( I Have: CBA_A3) ) I realise the issue is that the mods are different due to the file names, but how can I rectify this issue on the server.