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Everything posted by maxl30

  1. sorry, i mean texture samples like this : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1366715925&fileuploadsuccess=1
  2. any one can do that ?! yea with the dlc stuff, but there is no texture samples for the vanilla stuff ...
  3. Nice, even free platform updates ? :/
  4. I mean we need a Police Update for the campaign and roleplayers of Arma 3. 1. Altis Police with a Police Offroad (texture) and a better Police Boat (texture) i mean the greek blue, withe strips looks really bad. Maybe a Heli like the unarmored WY-55 Hellcat. 2. Tanoa Gendarmerie with Police MB 4WD and Police Boat (texture), Tonoa is a group of islands (it make no sense when the police have nothing on the water). Maybe a Heli like the MH-9 Hummingbird.
  5. Work in the simple flight model the landing gears/wheels ?
  6. yep, i see i had also see that the steering wheel of the heli didnt going with the joistick moves like the planes, i had buyed the helis dlc and i am really disappointed i think the simple flight model needs also the option for taxi and the fix steering wheel/s of the helis must be animated
  7. On the A3 Vehicle Textures (without DLCs) of diffrent Armys (NATO, AAF ,CSAT) arent Country/Army Insignias/Flags/Cockades, why ? There some Pics of Jets (A3 and DLC): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1361596358 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1361596302 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1361596464 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1361596414
  8. the first light (front landing gear/wheel) of the a-143 buzzard isnt textured and it also didnt work as a ligt/lamp Aero L-159 http://www.fguk.eu/images/jdownloads/screenshots/l-159_030.png A-143 Buzzard https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2423376102403548303/CC79542397FCCB0CD337418D8B6FDA2EE554FA09/
  9. How came the NATO and CSAT to Altis and Stratis ? How move the NATO, CSAT and specially the AAF here heavy equipment to the big shooting range (military area) on Stratis ? How it can possible that the AAF (Altis Armed Forces), a local Army of an Island Republic didnt have a Marine ? There are so many beautiful beaches and ports for landing and of course diving missions ! 49 pictures why we need landing ships in Arma 3: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0uv19rnq3zgxvs4/AAAHkQAW_J_BuL9Tfp0TjB_pa?dl=0
  10. maxl30

    Arma 3 Aegis

    why cut BIS the c-192 out of the game, i mean for the AAF is it a perfect transport plane (they have nothing in this direction), i didnt understand that :/ they can transport infantry, fennek (strider), the pandur 2 (gorgon), the kamaz (zamak) serie also the ugv stomper (groundbased drone) and a lot of supply for the troops (amunition, repair and medical stuff) in really short time, unlike the heli supply flying ... this is to Bohemian Interactive Studios, please put the C-192 in the vanilla Arma 3 :) and this is to Bohemian Interactive Studios and the modder or modding team of Arma 3 Aegis Mod, good work, but i have a question, how move the AAF here heavy fighting vehicles (Tanks) to the big shooting range (military area) of Stratis ? ;D it would be very cool when u guys can bring a mod, free plattform update out for adding a landing ship, that can be used as a example for other landing ship mods (Nato, Csat) on altis and stratis there are so many beaches and seaports of course also on malden and specially tanoa with his ferrie ports i mean landing ships like this: http://products.damen.com/en/ranges/landing-ship than we have also a base of small maritime activities for Arma 3 my thread about that:
  11. eliteness, and how u do that ? i need the model.cfg from the zamak for my addon
  12. Hello, i need in my case the model.cfg from the Zamak/Kamaz (arma 3 model.cfg) for my addon there i use the Arma 2 Kamaz.p3d file (public data). How can i open the model.cfg of arma 3 intern stuff, i heard the model.cfg is baked into the (binarized) p3d file ? Is there perhabs any option to contact directly the bi studios for help ?
  13. maxl30

    Laws of War DLC Feedback

    I think the Arma Community and the BI Studios arent interesst about that :(
  14. maxl30

    Tanks DLC 152 mm ShKH DANA

    Hello, i had see in the Dev-version of A3 the Zamak MLR and im really disapointed. I mean special for the AAF is a wheeled Howitzer better and much real than a MRL ... Dana Howitzer https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/152mm_SpGH_DANA Zamak Titan MRL Im really interested what you think about !
  15. Hello, where i can downloading the Vanilla Camo Files [AAF, CSAT, FIA, NATO] ?
  16. maxl30

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    and when u make the AA structure of AAF payable than give the players a free and reality close Artillery System ...
  17. maxl30

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    for the future, i had didnt read all coments ... i dont understand that, thats a Tank DLC ... whats the biggest anemy of a tank ... sure, a Tank/AT Soldier, but 2. there are MINES ! i didnt see any mine roller or any mine destroyer in the dev branch ... and the sapper-engeneering-dozer blade tank (i forgot the name) suks really hard, plz change that also in the close future there arent tanks that can drive above tons of TNT ... thx for the AAF Zamak MRL, but the artillery system isnt the optimal arty system for an small army on small islands with a higly civilian population !!! that crap do only assad or putin in chechenia or syria ... for example, the MLR is a kind rellict of the Cold War ... it didnt make any sance when a small army have it in the year 2035 ... in the future seen its expensiv than a Self Propelled Howizer Artillery System ... I WISH: u include the M1 Dana 152mm Self Propelled Howizer Artillery System it need roads or middle heavy terrain conditions, perfect for Altis&Stratis its in the future a cheaper, effective, arty system than a MRL ... of course for Altis and Stratis ...
  18. Why have Amra 3 no trailer for the Hemtt tractor and why is it in the game ? And why is there only the Hemtt as a trailer variation ?
  19. Is there an option to make in the trailer model a group and in this group is a transparent ... idk ... "ball" and this ball have two axes (vertical, horizontal) ?! Or maybe the trailer as a passenger and then a part of the trailer as turret ... ?! https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Cars_Config_Guidelines#Firing_from_vehicles
  20. Hello, i need to know what the "pin and hole methode" is ? / Hallo, ich würde ganz gerne wissen was die "pin and hole methode" ist ? Greething from Germany ^^
  21. I think, i have understan his work. He bind it with attachto, but the thing is he have in the trailer model a group and in this group is a ball with two axes (horizontal, vertical) and this ball he had bind with a point on the truck model ... And the little gap between car and trailer hitch is against the chrash sound ...
  22. Yep, the Cap is only as Icon avaible ... Is the Vest and the Cap all of the Police stuff, or is there some Uniform texture with an Police sign ?
  23. Hello guys, where are the greek Police Cap and Vest ? I searched all hidden police Stuff ...
  24. Hello there, put this in the Init of your "Repair Offroad" : this animate ["HideServices",0]; this addAction ["turn Beacons ON",{(_this select 0) animate ["BeaconsServicesStart",1]},[],50,false,true,"","_target animationPhase 'BeaconsServicesStart' < 0.5 AND Alive(_target) AND driver _target == _this"]; this addAction ["turn Beacons OFF",{(_this select 0) animate ["BeaconsServicesStart",0]},[],51,false,true,"","_target animationPhase 'BeaconsServicesStart' > 0.5 AND Alive(_target) AND driver _target == _this"]; BeaconsStart = blue Beacons (Police Boat have blue and red Beacons) BeaconsServicesStart = orange Beacons (only in the Repair Offroad)