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I started using the dev branch, as of yesterday, to utilise the new DLC assets. However, this code simply does not work anymore:

["interactionMenu", "onEachFrame", {
	hint "Test";
}] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;

I had code inside the event handler that was not executing, so I put a hint in there which still won't execute. The change log mentioned that the BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler was 'fixed'. Am I missing something?

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Would it be possible to get a leaflet waypoint or module which could be activated by a trigger?

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I can't get updater to run.  It keeps giving me an error and D/C'ing me .  Anyone else having issues with it? It keeps telling me App 107410 App is state 0x206 after update job.


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Seems like you can no longer head shot gunners on Mounted Machineguns like in the Armed Offroad. I got point blank close but after maybe 20 shots he only registered body damage. Was this done to better armor them?


Edit: Crap somehow on my end..

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So the Altis campaign (who's name I am forgetting) seems to be gone now... All I see is Stratis' East Wind, Prologue, Apex Protocol, and Remnants of War. 

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7 hours ago, supercereal4 said:

So the Altis campaign (who's name I am forgetting) seems to be gone now... All I see is Stratis' East Wind, Prologue, Apex Protocol, and Remnants of War. 

Not sure which campaign you're referring to; 'East Wind' has missions on both Stratis and Altis...

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10 hours ago, supercereal4 said:

So the Altis campaign (who's name I am forgetting) seems to be gone now... All I see is Stratis' East Wind, Prologue, Apex Protocol, and Remnants of War. 


3 hours ago, NoPOW said:

Not sure which campaign you're referring to; 'East Wind' has missions on both Stratis and Altis...


East Wind used to be 3 campaigns/parts (Survive, Adapt, Win), as for the original release of the game the campaign was unfinished and parts were released as they were completed, months apart.

They've been all merged into a single campaign now (East Wind) as all 3 parts have been released and keeping them separate served no purpose as they are meant to be played chronologically.

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On 12.8.2017 at 3:56 AM, froggyluv said:


Seems like you can no longer head shot gunners on Mounted Machineguns like in the Armed Offroad. I got point blank close but after maybe 20 shots he only registered body damage. Was this done to better armor them?


Edit: Crap somehow on my end..

To maybe save you some searching: A velociraptor addon had that effect for me

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Did something change with the way error messages are handled? Just recently I am getting MANY error messages for stuff that has worked for years, but partly ONLY if I play my stuff from the campaign menu / use the replay button.

For example this code in a unit init field:

this setCaptive true;
removeAllWeapons this;  
removeAllItems this;  
removeAllAssignedItems this;  
removeVest this;  
{this disableAI _x} forEach ["ANIM", "AUTOTARGET", "MOVE", "TARGET"];  
this setBehaviour "CARELESS";  
0 = this spawn {
 waitUntil {time > 0};  
 _this switchMove "Acts_ExecutionVictim_Loop";  
 removeHeadgear _this;  
 removeGoggles _this;


Works perfectly fine in the editor, but as soon as I test this from within the campaign menu / replay action, it tells me this:




That's not the only thing. My whole addon started throwing errors left and right and honestly, I have no idea why. The one above I can fix if I remove the spawn {} and instead write "this switchMove "Acts_ExecutionVictim_Loop"; " etc. but yeah... the above example is also about 1 years old now.


If I remember right, the only thing that changed on dev-branch is the recent DLC release. Well, at least I am hoping this is the cause. Otherwise I'm a shit script, but that wouldn't be news either.

/Edit: Though, to be honest, I have no idea why I wrote it in spawn{} to begin with. If it had a special purpose or if there was an issue with it back in the days.


Even this is throwing an error message:

_nil = [] spawn {
    sleep 60;
    ambientFly = [getposATL air_start1, getposATL air_end1, 40, "NORMAL", "B_Heli_Attack_01_F", WEST] call BIS_fnc_ambientFlyBy;  
    ambientFly = [getposATL air_start2, getposATL air_end2, 55, "NORMAL", "B_Heli_Transport_03_F", WEST] call BIS_fnc_ambientFlyBy;

"Error Undefined variable in expression: normal"


Which tells me that something odd is going on?

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Since we are going to spend a lot of time looking down for mines, I thought I would bring this up (again) :


On 24/07/2017 at 10:29 PM, Evil Organ said:



have the Art devs looked into this yet?....https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124606

I appreciate most users either don't notice it or just try and ignore it, but for those of us that can't see past this, it requires a mod to make it acceptable.  

It's worth making the point that these are the same clutter assets on offer to the equally talented community terrain developers, so every map that's made is affected.

Even if this is an engine based issue that can't be fixed, it be nice to be given an insight from a Developer as to why these clutter models render in as they do.


It ruins a lot of the efforts that have been made over the years to make Arma visually more realistic and convincing.

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@Devs: Thanks for the doorState attribute in Eden. Very good ;)

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Would it be possible to get some more conditions for custom entity attributes in Eden? Right now we only have these https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Eden_Editor:_Configuring_Attributes#Condition

and it would be nice if we would be able to make attributes only available for UAVs or vehicles that can fly etc., similar to what we have for the context menu.





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"Added: Sounds during parachute descent for both first and third person views"



Keep it up BI doing a stellar job!


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I noticed something while messing with the uavs. 


you can hover a Uav at 1-9m from ground. release control and it will hover there perfectly.


As soon as you go to 10m or above between say 10 to 30ish and release. the uav will shoot upwards to a certain height. as if programmed this way. is there a specific reason? 


this applies to new dlc Uav and Dartar.


Repro place a Uav set at 10m and release.

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Added: Camo selections to all sidearms which didn't have them before.
Added: Camo selections to both remote designators.
Added: New camo selection for the M-200 machine gun.

Added: Camo selections to all weapons which were missing it.


Awesome fixes this week! Thank you!

Might these fixes be extended to adding camo selections for the weapon attachments? Or is this still an ongoing engine limitation?

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Also this one 

  • Fixed: Visual artifacts on iron sights of weapons with under barrel grenade launcher when certain scopes were attached to them 


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Fixed: Visual artifacts on iron sights of weapons with under barrel grenade launcher when certain scopes were attached to them 



I hoped that this would also fix the MRCO and TWS clipping into the iron sights of the MX rifles ;/



Added: Unexploded Ordnance to the Minefield module 



Could you please give this module a little bit more love? It's missing the training mines and it would be nice if it was compatible with the area scaling widget, similar to how the Cover Map modules works.

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I do not know where the proper place is to post this so I will post it here in the general area for the dev branch. 

I have been playing the beta versions of the "Laws of War" DLC a lot recently and I like the idea of it. However, I have a few issues with it. Hopefully they can be resolved.


Firstly, the new UAVs look very cool and are an interesting idea, however I feel like they are lacking (Especially the medical drones) as I am unable to drop the package. In the heat of battle a UAV might not be able to land so it would be nice to see a way to drop the package and fly away giving the troops on the ground a small box full of medical supplies.


Secondly, the new helicopter is well made, however it seems rather pointless as I cannot load crates of supplies into it to transport. Sure I can cargo lift them but that is only one at a time (or two if I use mods). It would be great to see a system put in allowing me to load crates of food, water, ect. into the helicopter for transport to a relief area. (Same goes for the cargo version of the van)


On the topic of cargo, the APEX VTOL heliplanes are used in the new mini-campaign for dropping cargo, it looked awesome to see it slide out the back like it does in real life. I have searched for hours trying to find a way in game to replicate that but to no avail. I don't know if I am missing something or it just doesn't work. If that latter is true, I would like to see a way to load cargo into the back of the vehicle version as to allow air drops in game. 


Finally, the idea of adding an ambulance is very interesting and I like it. However, when I load a victim inside of it he enters into the passenger seat, then the first seat, second seat, and finally the two stretchers. I wish there was a way to pick which seat they go to, as a medic would not place the victim in the passenger seat if a stretcher is available. 


Other than that I don't have any other major concerns with the DLC and I am really excited to play it with friends upon release. I am a huge fan of the game and I just recently broke 1,000 hours in it. Looking forward to what BI does in the future!



PS. If anyone has an answer for these comments I am more than happy to discuss it with them, or if you want to yell at me for not putting this is the correct thread you can do that too. 

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Just FIY, the latest adjustment to CCIP didn't help. Xi'an rockets and bombs still hit nowhere near the reticle. Tested with pilot-operated weapons, dunno about the gunner.

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17 hours ago, Electricleash said:


Awesome fixes this week! Thank you!

Might these fixes be extended to adding camo selections for the weapon attachments? Or is this still an ongoing engine limitation?


 I am glad you like it, I was surprised when I found out that it's missing, so I added that to all weapon.

Also, sadly, attachments can't be retextured.


16 hours ago, R3vo said:


I hoped that this would also fix the MRCO and TWS clipping into the iron sights of the MX rifles ;/


I might look into it.

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On 09/08/2017 at 3:59 AM, GuyWithaJeep said:

If we're throwing out minor but longstanding bugs, I'm pretty sure the Black MX and MX 3GL have been this way since their introduction in the beta.




If you get just the right angle with a light source, all the text is still there, it just happens to be the same color as the rest of the weapon.


Has a ticket been made for this? Black MX looks so whack without all the markings haha

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  • Added: Sounds during parachute descent for both first and third person views 
  • Tweaked: Utility Worker is now able to fix vehicles 
  • Added: Camo selections to all sidearms which didn't have them before 
  • Tweaked: The CCIP for Kajman & X'ian were slightly adjusted 
  • Fixed: Ambient Occlusion related visual bugs with the Flat TV prop 
  • Fixed: Visual artifacts on iron sights of weapons with an under barrel grenade launcher when certain scopes were attached to them 
    Tweaked: Spotting and aiming error values of AI were improved

    And this is changes i very like to see - good direction BIS!

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