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  1. This is what I made but nothing is showing up on the spawn menu in warlords I did choose the correct asset list but still nothing is showing up its also saying there are not issues //Description.ext class CfgWLRequisitionPresets { class SyRHSAssetList { class WEST { class Infantry { class rhsusf_army_ucp_rifleman_101st // { cost = 100; requirements[]={}; }; }; }; class EAST { class Infantry { class rhs_msv_emr_rifleman // { cost = 100; requirements[]={}; }; }; }; }; };
  2. I spent the last two weeks making a Mission, ive probably spent well over a hundred Hours making it. Today i was about 99% done. When i wanted to test my recent changes (I Built a Trench and wanted to see if the player can go through it without issues) i pressed "Play in Multiplayer" like you would normally, however instead of the over 100 playable Units that i placed down, only the one that i specifically placed down to test showed up in the Role assignment. I went back into the editor and discovered that Literally EVERYTHING except that last playable Unit that i placed down was gone. If you press "Play" the Mission will autosave and therfore overwrite itself. Is there a way to recover the older Version of the "mission.sqm" ? Im willing to try just about anything at this point as recreating a mission with over 100 Playable Units that all have indevidual Loadouts, all the custom Vehicles and especially all the scripted Triggers will be a Pain to recreate and honestly my motivation to do so is also gone after this ordeal. (sorry for any spelling mistakes, english is not my native languidge.) Please Help 😕
  3. I don't see any servers in the ingame server browser, quick find doesn't work, official servers don't work. When I join servers through the launcher it's just stuck on the loading screen and I can't do anything. I reinstalled Arma eight times, valdated files twenty times, reinstalled BattlEye, checked firewall and added every single exe from game folder in there and gave full permission, launched as admin, reset router, reset pc, reset all settings, reset launcher settings, reset profiles and even deleted everything from Local/Arma3 but it's still not doing anything.
  4. Olliestir4884

    unit media upload issue

    Hello, i am currently having problems uploading media for my unit, whenever i upload the media it says it ran into an unknown error, i have been trying two days in a row now. I use opera GX and run an ad blocker, not sure if this has an effect? thanks, ollie
  5. I have with the help of others created a script that spawns and despawns furniture in houses. Download: https://github.com/Tinter/Tinter-Furniture/releases At the moment it currently is more of a tool-suite as I'm not an impressive interior decorator. I would very much like to gather up a library of compositions with the help of the community, although I'm not entirely sure on how to organize this yet. Github: https://github.com/Tinter/Tinter-Furniture Steam workshop (Does only have a test mission): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1895377640 Showcase of the script: Quick showcase of how to add make and add compositions: It spawns furniture locally as simple objects in nearby houses, despawning it when you're far away. The furniture is defined by compositions that you make in eden and using the scripts provided, organize them into files. The compositions are defined on classnames, but a lot of work has gone into trying to make similar buildings compatible, for example the buildings on Altis and Malden are different, but the script will recognize them as the same. Info on how exactly to do this is in the readme file. Furniture is also spawned on the server so that AI will also (hopefully) consider it. I have no indepth test of performance with this script active, but I have played missions with it active and it didn't slow the mission to a crawl at least. At the moment it currently is more of a tool-suite as I'm not an impressive interior decorator. I would very much like to gather up a library of compositions with the help of the community, although I'm not entirely sure on how to organize this yet. Thanks to Diwako, G4rrus, Tennessee, jonoPorter, Meanwhile
  6. What's up Arma community! Throwing this out there because I am terrible at this and stuck with getting a conversation scripted. Below all the posted scripts I describe how I am currently experimenting with it What I am trying to do is get an interactive conversation flow between the player and an NPC with the scroll menu and different response options, like in Arma 2. BI has a pretty decent conversations page for this exact subject, with lip synch and all, I have copied it and made only minor tweaks to make it more readable for myself, and for my sound files to play. The example mission is here if someone who knows this stuff wants to take a look or if someone wants a good starting point for conversations in their scenario ----> Google drive example mission What works - I have kbTell working fine, so I know the code and folder set ups are ok, and my sound files play just fine. What is the problem? - when using kbAddTopic nothing! No errors!, no RPT log suspects, no stuttering... but also no functionality 😔. It must be something I am doing wrong but I cannot for the life of me debug it or figure out why. So here we are. It would be super cool to have AI conversations with player choices, especially for the SP crowd My directory - kb --------------- folder with bikb and sqf sounds ----------- folder with a few test samples in .ogg that are confirmed 100% to work in game description.ext mission.sqm Scripts - Description.ext class CfgSentences { class event1 { class talk { file = "kb\talk.bikb"; #include "kb\talk.bikb" // avoids a double declaration }; }; }; kb\talk.bikb class Sentences { class sentence1 { text = ""; textPlain = "Shuuuush"; speech[] = { "\sounds\officer_intro_1.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "officer" }; class sentence2 { text = ""; textPlain = "Go Away"; speech[] = { "\sounds\officer_intro_2.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "officer" }; // these sentences are EH options for later class response{ text = "response"; speech[] = { "\sounds\squelch.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = nomad; }; class option1 { text = "op1"; speech[] = { "\sounds\squelch.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = nomad; }; class option2 { text = "op2"; speech[] = { "\sounds\squelch.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = nomad; }; class option3 { text = "op3"; speech[] = { "\sounds\squelch.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = nomad; }; // the Interrupted sentence triggered when the conversation menu is closed without answering (e.g using backspace) class Interrupted { text = "SideChat text"; speech[] = { "\sounds\officer_intro_3" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "officer"; }; }; // Needed parameters. class Arguments {}; class Special {}; startWithVocal[] = { hour }; startWithConsonant[] = { europe, university }; kb\talk.sqf I am also not entirely sure how this one works, I am somewhat scripting literate (after so many hours trial and error) but I don't know if I should replace all the private _variables with the planned interlocuters or...??? that cant be right can it?, idk!? 😟 /* -------BI notes I kept-------- here we will be storing all the sentences from which the player will choose (left side menu) if there is only one option in the array, the sentence will replace the "Talk to" action name we want the player to be able to approach his buddy and talk to him via the action menu. we need to check: if the player is pointing at his buddy if the player is not answering any of his buddy's sentences if the player has not told him hello already then we add that array to _convMenu - the parameters are mostly self-explanatory: ------BI Params--------------- (do these have to be replaced?) _this: Object - the player receiving the sentence. Must have had this particular script assigned via kbAddTopic Player, AI player talking with or both?? _from: Object - the unit that told the sentence _sentenceId: String - the sentence the player is reacting to. Defined in .bikb in class Sentences _topic: String - topic name used in kbAddTopic */ private _convMenu = []; if (_from == officer && _sentenceId == "" && !(_this kbWasSaid [_from, _topic, "sentence1", 999999])) then { _convMenu pushBack ["menu text", _topic, "sentence1", []]; }; // here we make the unit say the proper sentence based on the one he just received // switch-case-do is used here but it is only one solution to manage sentences (if-then etc could do) switch (_sentenceId) do { case "sentence1": { _this kbTell [_from, _topic, "a player response?"]; }; case "sentence2": { _this kbTell [_from, _topic, "????"]; }; case "responses": { // the player will have 3 answers to choose from: _convMenu pushBack ["op1", _topic, "option1", []]; _convMenu pushBack ["op2", _topic, "option2", []]; _convMenu pushBack ["op3", _topic, "option3", []]; }; }; // return the sentence list pool _convMenu; the above is kind of hard for me to make sense of honestly with all the scopes and the switch-case-do wizardry. I have the player named nomad and a BLUFOR AI named officer. I have two triggers one for kbTell and one for BIS_fnc_kbAddTopic When I trigger kbTell all is good, would be great if you only needed to fire off some sentences and be done. ["the topic", "Cfg of topic"] spawn BIS_fnc_kbTell - no issues all is good But with kbAddTopic no such luck here using the following on player only, officer only, both, as objects or as strings, and for any of the methods below: X kbAddTopic ["myTest", "kb\talk.bikb", "kb\talk.sqf"]; X kbAddTopic ["myTest", "kb\talk.bikb"]; X kbAddTopic ["myTest", "kb\talk.bikb", "compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "kb\talk.sqf"]; what I mean by X --> (player, nomad, officer, with and without"") from trigger, from unit init, from a script. Nothing Again no errors or anything to start chipping away at like usual. Here are the resources I have already tried and poured many hours over: Conversations official Biki, 99% of what I have is from the source already, read many times over kbAddTopic Jezuro's old posting HateDead's old posting IndeedPete's pretty cool conversation system that I may just have to adopt if I cant figure this out. Also where I got the sample sound files. Youtube, but kind of like the BI fourm threads a lot of the stuff is outdated Google of course Prayer and hope Anything you guys have would be MUCH appreciated. Thank you so much!
  7. Three nights ago, my ARMA 3 launcher simply stopped working. I've re-verified all my content three times, I've restarted my PC a number of times, I've deleted the launcher.exe and replaced it through verifying files, I've launched ARMA and Steam as an administrator and it hasn't changed anything. Only at one point did the launcher.exe even appear in Task Manager, which was when I launched the battleye.exe and then launched the launcher.exe, however it has since stopped doing that. The most recent thing I did with ARMA 3 was install a preset of mods from a trusted friend, which worked for quite a large number of people (it was a unit op). I would like to delay reinstalling ARMA because I have so many stupid mods that would take forever to redownload or relocate from the workshop. However if required I can reinstall ARMA. Currently I'm installing arma3sync, in an attempt to see if another launcher will band-aid my current issue.
  8. Whenever I start Arma I get this error message: "Problem occurred when saving profile data. The file may be set to read-only or can be blocked by another instance of the game (e.g., dedicated server.)" I've tried everything I could possibly find on Google without any success. I just got the game and I'm so ready to get it going, but nothing saves... Not my settings, not my profile "avatar" and not any of the missions. I start the game and I'm greeted by that horrendous message and the "New To Arma? We recommend playing through the bootcamp-" YES I KNOW, I'VE TRIED TO A MILLION TIMES BUT YOU WON'T LET ME SAVE!!! It's so fucking annoying, (pardon my French), to buy a game and then you have to spend two days to even get it running properly. I'm so sorry for this aggressive little post, but I'm starting to get moderately pissed. I... ...just... ...want... ...to... ...play... ...some... ...Arma.
  9. Hi I created a mission through the editor using modules, but when playing on the server the mission does not appear in the "task" section, I think this is due to the player's side at the exile start. Can anyone help? https://ibb.co/W5SQGkx When choosing a spawn https://ibb.co/744VzF1 After spawn https://ibb.co/m48b0y9
  10. My terrain starts with wierd incline on the left side and is continuously going right with broken textures. Below are two screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0oprYqd What the map is supposed to look like according to L3DT and the texture map: https://imgur.com/a/Gu7hPgb Here are the settings for my mapframe: https://imgur.com/a/Bgueul4 I used snow textures from CUP winter Charnarus map and edited the rvmats using mikeros tools to correct the directories to my own. The terrain has been like this since the first layers generation. This is the guide I used: Here is a link to my entire mod file: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xQD12u3ey1BbZONiH753O-Fw2k0GZBae?usp=share_link please help
  11. I've been trying to get TFAR working for me and my mates to play arma with. I'm currently testing it and it's not working. We're connected, we get switched to the correct channels, we both have the correct addons but we just can't hear each other in game.
  12. Someone pls halp, I am hosting one of the only populated servers in the game right now and I have been racking my brain trying to implement a custom scenario/map. I have applied the proper formatting for the mod in my config JSON file to no avail. "mods": [ { "modId": "5A54BB9103829754", "name": "BARZAN", "version": "1.3.0" }, What am I doing wrong? Right now, I suspect it is not possible at the moment but I am persistent and want to deliver a fresh experience for my community. Thank you for any clarification.
  13. Hello, Disclaimer: This is my first time delving into arma mission files, a have a small idea of what I am doing, but do not know what these files or folders should look like, nor have I ever dealt with a script before. Thank you for any help in advance. I am trying to set the addon free radio script into my LAN Antistasi Plus server. I have done what the video tutorial and what the written tutorial say to do, but cannot seem to get it to work. The script in question: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/200791-release-addon-free-arma-radio/ these are the photos of my folders, description.ext, and init.sqf file: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14UhTYxi86fVse8sKlMElOdvngPFOnRse?usp=sharing (Idk how elese to link photos, I am horribly unsavvy with tech, sorry for odd formatting. Again, thank you.) -PlagueDoctorCat
  14. Hey, tudo bem com você? 🤓 Gentlemen, I've read the Jets DLC functions to understand how the USS Freedom Carrier accepts landings by planes with tailhook, 'cause I wanna print out a hintSilent "You did it!", but only and precisely at that cables area (X, Y, Z), even if the Mission Editor changes the carrier's spot. A3_Jets > BIS_fnc_AircraftTailhook A3_Jets > BIS_fnc_AircraftTailhookAi How can I smartly track that area to print out the message with no triggers and hidden objects dropped around?
  15. Hi, I couldn't get around with the config to create my own flag. Texture not found pops up and the flag is invisible. config.bin class CfgPatches { class ESAT_flags { author="Blacky"; units[]= { "ESAT_Flags" }; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion=0.1; requiredAddons[]= { "A3_Structures_F_Mil_Flags" }; }; class Markers { units[]={}; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion=1; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class FlagCarrier; class ESAT_Flag_F: FlagCarrier { author="Blacky"; _generalMacro="ESAT_Flag_F"; scope=2; scopeCurator=2; displayName="Bandera ESAT"; editorPreview="banderas_esat\preview\prev.jpg"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Flags\Data\Mast_mil_CO.paa" }; hiddenSelectionsMaterials[]= { "\A3\Structures_F\Mil\Flags\Data\Mast_mil.rvmat" }; class EventHandlers { init="(_this select 0) setFlagTexture 'banderas_esat\flag\flag_esat.paa'"; }; }; class Banner_01_F; class Banner_ESAT: Banner_01_F { displayName="Banner ESAT"; editorPreview="banderas_esat\preview\prev.jpg"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "banderas_esat\flag\flag_esat.paa" }; }; }; class cfgMods { author="Blacky"; timepacked="1622227573"; }; Perhaps I can't get the pathing right bc I'm kinda new in this. My addon structure is: Inside the pbo is the config file and 2 folders "flag" containing the flag_esat.paa and "preview" containing prev.jpg images. I checked the names multiple times and they should be all correct. What am i missing?? Thanks in advance
  16. BUGGaming

    Need help in zeusing

    I have had this problem since I started zeusing around 1 month ago, so I'm still new to it, but is there a way to let the AI squad leader (or any squad member) actually give out commands when I take it over using the remote control module. To clarify I want to know how can I give out commands while remote controlling the squad leader of a squad
  17. FIXED: First I stripped back a few larger & unnecessary mods & verified the game files through Steam. With Game Logic in mind, I investigated the timings of the errors to what I was doing and deduced: Turns out I had 4 certain persistent scripts running using Game Logic Modules when they didn't need to be. I also had scripts running which made map markers of 'locations' appear and disappear on arrival & when the location is cleared (ect ect) on a Repeatable basis, meaning the engine was attempting to create the already deleted & already created map markers over and over again when leaving and re-entering the vicinity. I've migrated the functions described above to pre-existing triggers (which now delete themselves after use) & almost instantly the issue is gone, no error in RPT logs anymore. I assume it was the map markers causing the issue predominantly and the scenario has gone from gradual degradation right back to 40-60fps with everything still present and working as it should. I also added a task cleanup system where when all of a 'locations' tasks have been finished, the Create Task Modules are deleted upon the final trigger, along with the trigger itself constantly freeing memory. Still a long way to go correcting all mission triggers & Task Modules with this technique but immediately the difference is day & night with only a fraction done so... result. Thanks for the assistance with this all. Also, if you'd like to test the next available version early September, message me over on Reddit ( proj_drk ) where I'll be sharing any news about this scenario. - I am almost finished creating a single player open world operation & in the last few sessions I have been getting the error... 'Tried to create group when group limit reached side Game Logic' The error doesn't specify the script(s) which are causing it. It will trigger after around 25 minutes of gameplay & will continue to do so a dozen times within a second every 45-70 seconds, each time dropping FPS more & more until it becomes unplayable. I am aware that it is perhaps tied to a certain script repeatedly trying to spawn a group. Anyone else had to deal with this / find a fix? I am willing and able to dig deep into the scripts to find & fix or even fully remove the error but right now, I'm not too sure where to start apart from group spawns. I am also open to the idea a script which will perhaps 'kill' this looping error when it first starts if at all possible?
  18. I am having an issue, I tried modifying Y-31 CSAT VTOL. Editing some coef, but mainly adding AWS capatibility as well as giving it a lot more munitions. Issue I ran into is this: Open Ramp option is no longer there, as well as more importantly, the radar is gone. Here is the code:
  19. Essentially, when I have a specific NVG equipped I want to get an option in ACE Self Interact to be able to replace my NVG with a different NVG class Ace_Mf_Divisiontech_Category_Main_Red_NVG { displayName = "Division Tech"; condition = "count (['MF_Division_Beacon_Red_1_NVG', 'MF_Division_Beacon_Red_2_NVG','MF_Division_Beacon_Red_3_NVG','MF_Division_Beacon_Red_4_NVG','MF_Division_Beacon_Red_5_NVG','MF_Division_Beacon_Red_6_NVG','MF_Division_Beacon_Red_7_NVG','MF_Division_Beacon_Red_8_NVG','MF_Division_Beacon_Red_9_NVG','MF_Division_Beacon_Red_10_NVG'] arrayIntersect assignedItems _player) > 0;" icon = "DivisionBeacon\data\beacon_categories_red.paa"; class Ace_Mf_Divisiontech_Category_Red_1_NVG { displayName = "Adjust Strap (1)"; condition = assignedItems player in ["MF_Division_Beacon_Red_1_NVG", "MF_Division_Beacon_Red_2_NVG","MF_Division_Beacon_Red_3_NVG","MF_Division_Beacon_Red_4_NVG","MF_Division_Beacon_Red_5_NVG","MF_Division_Beacon_Red_6_NVG","MF_Division_Beacon_Red_7_NVG","MF_Division_Beacon_Red_8_NVG","MF_Division_Beacon_Red_9_NVG","MF_Division_Beacon_Red_10_NVG"]; exceptions[] = {}; statement = "params ['_target','_player','_actionParams']; _player addItem 'MF_Division_Beacon_Orange_1_NVG'; _player assignItem 'MF_Division_Beacon_Orange_1_NVG';" icon = "DivisionBeacon\data\beacon_categories_red.paa"; }; class Ace_Mf_Divisiontech_Category_Red_2_NVG { displayName = "Adjust Strap (2)"; condition = assignedItems player in ["MF_Division_Beacon_Red_1_NVG", "MF_Division_Beacon_Red_2_NVG","MF_Division_Beacon_Red_3_NVG","MF_Division_Beacon_Red_4_NVG","MF_Division_Beacon_Red_5_NVG","MF_Division_Beacon_Red_6_NVG","MF_Division_Beacon_Red_7_NVG","MF_Division_Beacon_Red_8_NVG","MF_Division_Beacon_Red_9_NVG","MF_Division_Beacon_Red_10_NVG"]; exceptions[] = {}; statement = " params ['_target','_player','_actionParams']; _player addItem 'MF_Division_Beacon_Orange_2_NVG'; _player assignItem 'MF_Division_Beacon_Orange_2_NVG';" icon = "DivisionBeacon\data\beacon_categories_red.paa"; }; ... the reason why conditions are different for Ace_Mf_Divisiontech_Category_Main_Red_NVG and Ace_Mf_Division_Category_Red_1_NVG is because I was testing to see if any of those 2 conditions work and none did. Right now I can equip MF_DIvision_Beacon_Red_1_NVG, but nothing shows up in ACE Interact Also I get this error while ingame:
  20. Good morning! I was just wondering if there's a script to hide objects and make them reappear, using another object as an interactable? In this image, I'd like the green console on the right to have an interactable menu that will be able to "deactivate-" aka hide- the red bridge. How would I go about doing this? Any and all help will be appreciated, Thanks!
  21. I'm trying to disable the save, load, and random features on an arsenal for my limited arsenal but It seems like the script is only being ran on my client even though the script is set in the objects init box, which should mean that its being ran on every persons client right? When I place down the arsenal from Zeus, it works fine for me and the save/load features are correctly disabled but, for all the other players their arsenal is unchanged. Why is this and what can I do? here's the code [ missionNamespace, "arsenalOpened", { disableSerialization; _display = _this select 0; { ( _display displayCtrl _x ) ctrlSetText "Disabled"; ( _display displayCtrl _x ) ctrlSetTextColor [ 1, 0, 0, 0.5 ]; ( _display displayCtrl _x ) ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers "buttonclick"; }forEach [ 44151, 44150, 44146, 44147, 44148, 44149, 44346 ]; } ] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler; [missionNamespace, "arsenalOpened", { disableSerialization; params ["_display"]; _display displayAddEventHandler ["keydown", "_this select 3"]; {(_display displayCtrl _x) ctrlShow false} forEach [44151, 44150, 44146, 44147, 44148, 44149, 44346]; }] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler;
  22. as the title says I'm trying to do some light retexturing to a CUP helmet model and I used the CUP_H_LWH_MARPAT_des_CO texture from the cup_creatures_people_military_usmc data folder in the CUP units mod. Once I Retextured it I made a config file (https://imgur.com/a/MF7Ll8g and https://imgur.com/a/del2Vo7) and packed both the retex and config file as a PBO then put it into a data folder within a Addons Folder within the main mod folder but I think I messed up around line 40 or 33 of the config where I try to grab the LWH helmet model and I don't know if that is the correct way of doing it or not. happy to answer any questions.
  23. Schwarzerhund

    I freeze everytime

    I have been trying to find a solution to this for a while now. I stream and wanted to stream Arma and SP was my go to. So I have some mission by Tomahawk and others I play and about an hour or so I freeze hard into the stream and can't alt-tab out its a complete reboot. Any ideas I can send my pc specs and all rpts needed I just need to figure out what's up I have did two reinstall's and wipes. I don't know what else to do.
  24. When I open Arma 3 server lists on my windows 10 PC, my internet starts acting weird and not working correctly! My browser stopped working, discord does not work, but Teamspeak works smoothly. But when I exit the steam.exe, everything works as it is. I already tried these fixes: 1 - https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/2EA8-4D75-DA21-31EB 2 - HKEY Current User > Software > Valve > Steam ( CafeRate = 1000-9000) 3 - Lowering the server pings in steam client I already disabled my windows firewall and didn't have any antivirus software. I have an old-school router (iBall iB-WRB150N), and it doesn't have any DDOS protection, so I can't disable it. I appreciate any help you can provide.