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  1. In the last say 48 hours of gameplay, I am recieving the following message thousands of times in my RPT logs. 'Obselete'. This is literally all the message / error States & it flags up literally thousands of times when playing. Performance in terms of FPS is totally fine & I have no noticeable gameplay issues happening that I can link it to but I have a feeling it could be connected to the extremely mild micro-stutters I have been seeing recently. Anyone know how I could go about stopping this 'Obselete' message showing up? Would a fresh install of the game and mods do the trick or could this be specifically attributed to something? Thanks in advance all.
  2. Yeah I hear you, testing proved the Map Markers played a big roll but in hindsight, it could of possibly of been NiArms and it's staged reload system, Bullet Casings with the creation of spent rounds upon every shot, Alias Fog with its particle spawners & almost certainly the Game Logic Modules with the looping scripts in. The Recurring error stopped upon removal of certain scripts attached to the Map Markers, so maybe not directly the markers themselves but the scripts attached to them which were set up poorly at first. I have saved all the potential offending scripts & set ups as Compositions so I'll likely do further testing in future and deduce which it actually was causing the root problem & report back in future. If I can't find it, it's safe to assume it was a mod as suggested. Whatever it was, im glad its gone, all is back on track & i hope this thread may help someone in the future. If I can offer any advice to new mission makers, it is to be clinical with everything. Set everything up properly first time, even if it means one script takes 5 hours to finish, it's better to do that as one small error from rushed work can have a major detrimental effect on your mission further down the line.
  3. Absolutely. I wish there was a detailed debug option which lists scripts as they run, live feed style but as far as I'm aware this isn't possible in Arma 3 or am I mistaken?
  4. Understood. Along with some self deleting triggers & Create Task Modules, is there a way to restrict the amount of logics to something like 30 below the allowed limit, deleting older ones after about 10-15 minutes?
  5. I think your right, I believe the ambient spawner is not deleting groups of wiped z'ds when they are dead. I'm going to implement a script to delete empty resistance groups to attempt to stop the ott spawning. Edit: (something like this?) #loop {if (count units _x==0 and side _x==resistance) then {deleteGroup _x}} forEach allGroups ~1 goto "loop" Any thoughts?
  6. Thanks a ton. This will be done first thing when I'm back at it!
  7. I attempted to use the Show / Hide Modules on entire layers (props, ai, logics ect) to alleviate it but the only gain it gave were around 5fps overall but the hitching script still occured even faster. Any better ways to do this to entire layers your aware of please?
  8. Not a problem at all! Yes that most certainly is the question. Solutions I can think of (unsure if possible) are: 1. Pinpointing the script & destroying it. 2. Implementation of a script which detects when side logic is full and deletes older logic entities or stops new ones arriving outright.
  9. This may be hitting the point here... Okay, I have many create tasks, set task states, creat diary record's, game logics present to run tasks and systems of the mission. Would each one be in its own group per item? If so, how would I go about compiling ALL my sideLogic entities into one single group or several larger group instead of past the 288 group limit? *Edit* - maybe a script that is something like: If the side is sideLogic Then Set grpNull Or something as such?
  10. Understood & appreciate the advice, I'll try a new ambient spawner system using the Z's from the mod instead of the RVG one built in. I welcome you to test the current version if you get the time, I'll provide whatever you need to get off the ground with it make the process as painless as possible. It's very different to anything I've found yet on the workshop & is something I've personally not found an equivalent of within the Arma 3 community. The feedback I've received from my testers on what's complete has been resounding, hence why I'm so keen to alleviate this problem & finalize rather than abandon the project. I'll definitely be taking a more clinical & minimalist approach next time around, keeping the rookie errors along the way I've made to a minimum.
  11. Understand why you would say that & that's fine, nobody is obligated to play it but I would however like to finish and upload for those I have waiting. I've been totally transparent with those interested & they have no issue with the mod list despite it being non ideal, also this issue has been flagged by 5 voluntary testers, 2 of which weren't keen on the mods list size but stated the gameplay itself justifies them... It's more apparent when playing & they are seen working in sync. The only debilitating issue out of all of them being this one singular hanging script. *Edit* - I should also state most the mods are tiny tweaks worth a few kB of memory each like a new Camera Angle, Faster Ladder Climbing Speed, Different Crosshairs ect... Would you be interested in getting hands on with the mission too? Or do you have any advice regarding my question about pinpointing this script please?
  12. Okay, personally no not groups. I have a few individual props hidden via script and set to spawn when something else dies but that hasn't been an issue as it was added way earlier in development. I have added Alias' Fog Script to the mission which when executing, causes small fps drops. However, I have these hooked up to triggers to start & end it's functions when needed. I use RVG mod Ambient Zombies spawner only and hasn't been an issue so far either. I have a rather lengthy mix of mods (80+) which I can share when I'm at the desktop no probs. I will share the full RPT LOG today when I am at the desktop also The error stated is the only problematic one which seems to loop itself, is there a way to specifically pin this generic error to a specific file?
  13. FIXED: First I stripped back a few larger & unnecessary mods & verified the game files through Steam. With Game Logic in mind, I investigated the timings of the errors to what I was doing and deduced: Turns out I had 4 certain persistent scripts running using Game Logic Modules when they didn't need to be. I also had scripts running which made map markers of 'locations' appear and disappear on arrival & when the location is cleared (ect ect) on a Repeatable basis, meaning the engine was attempting to create the already deleted & already created map markers over and over again when leaving and re-entering the vicinity. I've migrated the functions described above to pre-existing triggers (which now delete themselves after use) & almost instantly the issue is gone, no error in RPT logs anymore. I assume it was the map markers causing the issue predominantly and the scenario has gone from gradual degradation right back to 40-60fps with everything still present and working as it should. I also added a task cleanup system where when all of a 'locations' tasks have been finished, the Create Task Modules are deleted upon the final trigger, along with the trigger itself constantly freeing memory. Still a long way to go correcting all mission triggers & Task Modules with this technique but immediately the difference is day & night with only a fraction done so... result. Thanks for the assistance with this all. Also, if you'd like to test the next available version early September, message me over on Reddit ( proj_drk ) where I'll be sharing any news about this scenario. - I am almost finished creating a single player open world operation & in the last few sessions I have been getting the error... 'Tried to create group when group limit reached side Game Logic' The error doesn't specify the script(s) which are causing it. It will trigger after around 25 minutes of gameplay & will continue to do so a dozen times within a second every 45-70 seconds, each time dropping FPS more & more until it becomes unplayable. I am aware that it is perhaps tied to a certain script repeatedly trying to spawn a group. Anyone else had to deal with this / find a fix? I am willing and able to dig deep into the scripts to find & fix or even fully remove the error but right now, I'm not too sure where to start apart from group spawns. I am also open to the idea a script which will perhaps 'kill' this looping error when it first starts if at all possible?