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  1. Hey all, I have a question I haven't managed to find a solution for... Is there a way to get the aiming deadzone somehow via script? If not, do any of you guys have any idea how I could "approximate" it, or an alternative way to get the "offset" which the gun has relative to the unit's (mostly interested in players, not AI though) looking direction (the "hard thing for me here is to exclude a unit's looking direction). Thanks in advance.
  2. I use this to add an IFF light to units, IRLight= "NVG_TargetC" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _unit removeMagazine "B_IR_Grenade"; IRLight attachTo [_unit, [0,-0.03,0.07], "LeftShoulder"]; Which is great because removeMagazine deletes the IR light object (the grenade) but not the light effect. I also use, light = "Land_PortableLight_single_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; light attachTo [cockpit, [0,2,-1.35], "vez"]; To create a cabin light for vehicles. This is a hilarious solution though because it's like duct-taping a construction lamp to the vehicle. How can I delete the world model for the lamp but leave the light source, like removeMagazine does for the IR grenade? note: I know how to make lots of different kinds of lights but only lights attached to models seem to be able to keep up with attachTo on a vehicle (especially a jet). This is the whole block, cockpit = playerJET; CPlight = "Land_PortableLight_single_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; CPlight attachTo [cockpit, [0,2,-1.35], "vez"]; addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { CPlight setVectorDirAndUp [ (cockpit selectionPosition "pohon") vectorFromTo (cockpit selectionPosition "vez"),[0,0,0] ];
  3. The script I'm working on calls for random sqf selection. I found this, here, and I want to make sure I understand the function. Please advise if my comments to the script are correct. _script = [1,3] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; //defines a range for cases, actually says 1-3 or 1, 2, 3. Selects one randomly. switch (_script) do { // -- I think it says if "_script" is defined, do case 1 : { [] execVM "1.sqf"; }; //put script names here case 2 : { [] execVM "2.sqf"; }; case 3 : { [] execVM "3.sqf"; }; }; SwitchDo So I could, EMERGENCY = [1,3] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; switch (EMERGENCY) do { case 1 : { [] execVM "searchZONE.sqf"; }; case 2: { [] execVM "searchZONE2.sqf"; }; case 3 : { [] execVM "noEMERG.sqf"; }; }; Can I increase the probability of a script by using it for multiple cases? Or would I use something like selectRandomWeighted?
  4. I want to make a ring course to fly through. The ring course will be defined by several markers (ringMARK1_1) and the ring itself has a trigger attached. Each time a ring is cleared I want it to snap to the next position. There is only one ring which moves from marker to marker. ringCHALLENGE.sqf ringChallenge = [] spawn { waitUntil { ring1==1 }; hint "Ring Challenge Activated"; currentRING= [ringMARK1_1,ringMARK1_2,ringMARK1_3] select 0; sleep 1; ["task1",[currentRING,true]] call BIS_fnc_taskSetDestination; ringGOAL setpos (getpos currentRING); }; What's the best way to update the ring position in a sequence? Can "select 0;" in the array be called something like "select next"? Is it better to use IF/WAIT for the next ring? Am I starting this all wrong?
  5. I propose a community project for this thread, BAD LUCK. Write a script snippet that applies a negative effect on the player character whenever the variable Badluck==1. Example Engine overheat EngineStallh = [] spawn { waitUntil { sleep 0.5; Badluck==1 && (getPos xPLANE) select 2 > 300 && speed xPLANE > 400 }; xPLANE engineON false; vehicle player setHit ["motor", 1]; sleep 40; hint "Try the engine again"; vehicle player setHit ["motor", 0]; sleep 4; hint "": }; It could be anything. A fog cloud suddenly obscuring a target, equipment lost to a hole in a sack or weapon jams. Anything that makes the player hiss and say, "Damn-it! Bad luck!". Submit your script snippets below and let's see what kind of mean, gnarly challenges we can come up with. It would be hilarious to spawn a tank on the player's head but not very useful in a real mission. Try to keep it useful-- but still clever and fair. One more example, //naked player if (Badluck==1 && getdammage player > 0) then { hint "Your uniform is tattered and fell off"; removeUniform player; sleep 120; player addUniform "U_C_poloshirt_salmon"; hint "You found some common clothes"; sleep 4; hint ""; };
  6. Can I use one Task Marker and move it around like I do with triggers and WP? I'm able to create a Task Marker in position but I can't make it move to the next position. It would be much easier to just move the uncompleted task around (in my usage case) than it would be to complete/create new each time it moves. I don't want there to be a hundred completed tasks by the end of the scenario. This is how I create the Marker, [true,["task1"],["Approach Vector","Approach","Plane"],objNull,1,3,true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; ["task1","ASSIGNED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; ["task1",[approachAP1,true]] call BIS_fnc_taskSetDestination; task1 call BIS_fnc_taskSetCurrent; running the same script again with a new destination doesn't work. How do I move an active Task around?
  7. This page is for discussion of script features in Fly Tanoa Air. Mod page available now. Dev Files Current Version 0042 This download is compatible with APEX game version 1.7 and higher Live readMe [FTA] Guidebook
  8. Does anyone know how to add a scroll wheel option (vanilla action menu) to an ace arsenal so that the ace interaction menu is not needed to open it while still being the ace arsenal interface. Help appreciated.
  9. so I'm relatively new to Dialog Scripts in Arma 3 but what I'm trying to do is if the player selects an item in the Listbox. The item will then display a picture on the right and side depending on what item I select in the list box I've made sure my images can be linked to the display as entering them into the ctrlSetText works, but I can't figure out how I can go about making it display the image depending on what item I have selected. At first, I thought of just using if statements but I saw problems with it and an if statement for each item seems a bit of a workaround. so I decided to use Switch {} do and a case for each image as the _index gets a number that I assumed would work if I placed them into different cases like this. switch {_itemNumber} do // gets value { case (0): {ctrlSetText [1200, "images\1.paa"]}; // displays first item image case (1): {ctrlSetText [1200, "images\2.paa"]}; // displays second item image default {ctrlSetText [1200, ""]}; // if no item is selected displays nothing }; but I couldn't get it to display even though when I print it using the HINT command it prints the item selected via a number here is the full script: recipes.sqf disableserialization; _recipeArray = ["Food Materials", "Raw Materials"]; // array of items in list _ctrl = (findDisplay 3663) displayCtrl 1500; // finds dialog { _ctrl lbAdd _x; } forEach _recipeArray; // adds the _recipe array to list box while {!isNull (findDisplay 3663);} do // only loops when the display is open { sleep 1; _index = lbCurSel 1500; // gets _index value from selected item hint str (_index); // prints selection value for testing switch {_index} do // gets the _index value { case (0): {ctrlSetText [1200, "images\1.paa"]}; // displays first item image case (1): {ctrlSetText [1200, "images\2.paa"]}; // displays second item image default {ctrlSetText [1200, ""]}; // if no item is selected displays nothing }; }; if anyone could help I would be grateful.
  10. Hey,i am new to scripting and changing configs and this is my first try at it.I am trying to add a target lead indicator,like the ones you see in Cheetah and Tigris to other vehicles with electronic turret optics.Now i digged in through CfgWeapons info and saw that i just had to change the value for "ballisticscomputer" in CfgWeapons.But the problem is,......where is the location of CfgWeapons,under what pbo does it exist? I went and opened the config.bin of Prowler and there is nothing called CfgWeapons there either. The "ballisticscomputer" value that i want to change should be under "HMG_127_LSV_01",but can't find the location of it
  11. My two current projects contain dozens of script references from this forum all in one place with a script description text to find what you're looking for. JET TOYS SWO Mission Control DEMO If you're an experienced script writer you probably won't learn much from the references. However you're welcome to make suggestions for improvement. Keep in mind the theme of making simple scripts that are accessible to new users and not fellow computer science majors. This forum page is WIP and will expand as the above projects progress.
  12. May I have some help to compile this script, if (Plight == 0) then { playSound ["click", true]; cockpit = playerJET; CPlight = "#lightpoint" createVehicle [0,0,0]; CPlight setLightBrightness 0.1; CPLight setLightAmbient [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]; CPlight setLightColor [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]; CPlight attachTo [cockpit, [0,5,-0.5], "vez"]; addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { CPlight setVectorDirAndUp [ (cockpit selectionPosition "pohon") vectorFromTo (cockpit selectionPosition "otochlaven"), [0,0,1]; Plight=1; ]; }]; } else { deletevehicle CPlight; Plight=0; }; It reports "Missing ]" but I don't know where it is. Before the "else", likely. Thanks!
  13. Description: Script that turns your screen black & white gradually as you get fatigued, and returns color as you recover. Long description: Notes: Works with ACE and Vanilla. It does not affect ACE3 values. It's not configured to run on respawn. Credits: Bohemia Interactive ACE Team BI Arma Forum Contributors PS: If there's problems with the ACE code being used please delete this thread. PS2: If you wanna help and get values directly from ACE3 addon (#include "\z\ace\addons\advanced_fatigue\script_component.hpp"), i'd appreciate it. Thanks. Script: //fatiguebwfx=execVM "fatiguebwfx.sqf"; if (hasInterface) then{ //JIP player waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 46}; private _ppcolor = ppEffectCreate ["ColorCorrections", 8989]; _ppcolor ppEffectEnable true; _ppcolor ppEffectForceInNVG true; if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_main")) then{ //ACE //#include "\z\ace\addons\advanced_fatigue\script_component.hpp" #define ACE_AE1_MAXRESERVE 4000000 #define ACE_AE2_MAXRESERVE 84000 #define ACE_AN_MAXRESERVE 2300 while{sleep 0.5; alive player} do{ //Source: ACE3/addons/advanced_fatigue/functions/fnc_mainLoop.sqf private _ae1Reserve = missionNameSpace getVariable "ace_advanced_fatigue_ae1reserve"; private _ae2Reserve = missionNameSpace getVariable "ace_advanced_fatigue_ae2reserve"; private _anReserve = missionNameSpace getVariable "ace_advanced_fatigue_anreserve"; private _aeReservePercentage = _ae1Reserve / ACE_AE1_MAXRESERVE + _ae2Reserve / ACE_AE2_MAXRESERVE / 2; private _anReservePercentage = _anReserve / ACE_AN_MAXRESERVE; private _perceivedFatigue = (_anReservePercentage min _aeReservePercentage); //aerobic fatigue _ppcolor ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, (_perceivedFatigue max 0.1)], [0.199, 0.587, 0.114, 0]]; //_ppcolor ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, ((1-(missionNameSpace getVariable "ace_advanced_fatigue_anfatigue")) max 0.1)], [0.199, 0.587, 0.114, 0]]; //anaerobic fatigue _ppcolor ppEffectCommit 0.1; waituntil{ppEffectCommitted "ColorCorrections"}; //hint str [_perceivedFatigue, (missionNameSpace getVariable "ace_advanced_fatigue_anfatigue")]; }; }else{ //Vanilla //mrcurry https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215365-extend-stamina-duration-with-commands/ player setUnitTrait ["loadCoef", (player getUnitTrait "loadCoef")/2]; //<--- optional while{sleep 0.5; alive player} do{ _ppcolor ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, ((1-(getFatigue player)) max 0.1)], [0.199, 0.587, 0.114, 0]]; _ppcolor ppEffectCommit 0.1; waituntil{ppEffectCommitted "ColorCorrections"}; //hint str (1-(getFatigue player)); }; }; _ppcolor ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0, [1, 1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1], [0.199, 0.587, 0.114, 0]]; _ppcolor ppEffectCommit 5; sleep 5; _ppcolor ppEffectEnable false; ppEffectDestroy _ppcolor; };
  14. Hello, I am trying to figure out how to keep an AI controlled SUV to sit still until a specific AI unit enters that vehicle. So far I haven't gotten it to work, nor could I find anything to help online with something this specific. Hopefully someone has the solution. Thanks
  15. Hello, I have made a mission using a script made by an Armaholic profile called ESO. It simply spawns units when Player/Player's(MP) are in its desired distance. BUT. I wunder if it is somehow possible to make the Players that are in Plane or Helicopter not be able to activate ESO script. Other words that they can fly inside a marker with ESO without any units spawning. Could any1 help me out on this? Would be really helpfull! 🙂 Regards Sorry for bad English.
  16. Hello there, as the title already states my script is missing a semicolon but my 2 friends couldn't figure out where it was missing and neither could I. The following is the code: run = true; task_1 = player createSimpleTask ["Kill Bob"]; task_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Kill Bob that stupid prick","Kill Bob"]; task_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getPos bob); task_1 setSimpleTaskType "attack"; player setCurrentTask task_1; while (run){ if (alive bob) then{ hint "Bob is dead"; task_1 setTaskState "Succeeded"; run = false; }; }; The error says it missing in the same line in which I start my while loop. Quick sidenote this script is just something I created to learn to script for missions. I also have another question because I want to be able to execute this script from my main script how do I do that because I couldn't get execVM to work and how can I check within the main script wether task_1 is finished and then start task_2? Thanks for your help Cheers, Nope.X
  17. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EDIT: Solution here. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hi all, I've been spending a while trying to figure out the proper method to attach a vest to a dog and correctly move it with the animations. Creation of dog and initial AttachTo are working fine, but I'm having trouble matching the direction of the vest to the dog's position. This is what I have been trying to work with so far, but it does not match correctly: _dog = dogDmy; _vest = "Vest_V_HarnessO_gry" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _vest attachTo [_dog,[0,-0.4,-0.54],"spine2"]; _n=[_dog,_vest] spawn { _dog = _this select 0; _vest = _this select 1; while {_vest in (attachedObjects _dog)} do { _vest setVectorDirAndUp [(_dog selectionPosition "spine2") vectorFromTo (_dog selectionPosition "hips"),[0.01,0.01,-0.99]]; sleep .1; }; }; There are similarities between this and a couple other scripts people have written, but they don't seem to work entirely for a dog. https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/189737-attachto-trying-to-attch-a-lamp-on-torret/ http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-uav-r2t-and-pip/ At the minute I am using While instead of a Draw3D or EachFrame EH to avoid unnecessary use of resources. Dog creation for testing: Thank you in advance!
  18. Hello! I get straigt to the point: I am creating a mission in 3Eden and I have stumbled on an holdback. I have used the ALIVE modules to make civilians spawn on the map. (Standard ALIVE Civilian spawn) And if I use Allow interact in the module "Civilian Population" We can interact with them in-game to detain, tell go away and so on... But I wish to have this on the ACE interaction menu instead. How do I make this? I belive this is done tru scripting. Regards!!!
  19. Hey all, I am quite new to scripting and have been looking into eventHandlers a bit lately. I stumbled across the scriptedEventHandlers. I am not sure I really understand the concept of a scipted eventHandler against a "normal" eventHandler. So, what exactly is the difference between those two? I mean, that in my understanding (which I believe to be incomplete) both "kinds" of eventHandlers are called when a specific event is happened and if this is the case what is the difference then? 😕 So, the question I am posing here is quite broad, I know, but if there's any good text I could have a look at somewhere online, or a video or some educational material I would really like to have a look. Otherwise if anyone here could throw some clarifications (without having to spend too much time as to write down a full guide on eventHandlers) they would be extremely welcome. Thanks, Achilles.
  20. Thats the script I am using but once the mission starts it says their is a generic error, and it just teleports the object up. Basically I want to be able to move an elevator up and down from two different points! Thanks for any help provided!
  21. Hey all, I have been messing around with lineIntersectsSurfaces command in order to check for visibility between two units. I can't really say I had problems making it work, but even after having a look at both LOD's and command's Wikis I can't really say I have understood what LODs are exactly and how they can be utilized in various different scenarios. For example, what will the difference be if I call lineIntersectsSurfaces with "VIEW" and "FIRE" (which are the default) as LOD1 and LOD2 respectively or with "GEOM" and "VIEW" for LODs? I understand that this may (or may not) be quite a long subject to cover in just a forum post, so any additional information is most welcome (whether a link to a text, a short or long explanation, etc.). Best to all and thanks in advance, Achilles.
  22. Hi there. So I've been trying to make a script that drops an object on a players head. I need it to be able to work even if the player is standing in a building. The two commands that are supposed to disable collisions are `enableSimulation false` and `disableCollisionsWith`. `disableCollisionsWith` would be harder to implement considering it would have to detect any possible map and mission placed object. And, unfortunately, even though I set Enable Simulation to false for the dropped object, if I am standing under a roof or another object, the obstructing object is destroyed (sometimes exploding) when the falling object lands. player switchMove "HubSpectator_stand"; _unit = player; [] spawn { _cTime = time; _pos = position player; _typeObj = selectRandom ["Land_FieldToilet_F","Land_ToiletBox_F"]; _fallObj = createVehicle [_typeObj, [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,(_pos select 2) + 10], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _fallObj enableSimulationGlobal false; _fallObj allowDamage false; while {(getPosATL _fallObj) select 2 > 0.01} do { sleep 0.01; _fallObj setPosATL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,((getPosATL _fallObj) select 2) - 0.2]; if (time - _cTime == 5) exitWith {}; }; sleep 5; deleteVehicle _fallObj; }; sleep 1; player setDamage 1.5; player switchMove ""; sleep 5; hideBody _unit; I have tried the non-global `enableSimulation`, as well as `while {!simulationEnabled _fallObj} do` loops. Anyone have any idea how to go about this?
  23. Hey all, I am (still :D) trying to create a medical training framework for a unit playing a persistent mission. All is going (quite) good so far and now I am stuck with an issue. The unit uses players to practice medical and some of them die in the process. They have a respawn time (I think is somewhere around to 1 minute, but this is irrelevant) to discourage ramboing. So, the goal is to find a way to respawn instantly (override the normal respawn time) those who didn't make it through the medical practice of their fellow aspirant medics and then move them back to the medical training facility where they died. I believe the second part to be quite easy. Probably with just a setPos (although this may not be the case if I don't have access to the unit object). So, at the moment I am stuck as to how I can instantly repsawn units (but not all units, just specific ones). I have looked at the BI's respawn functions, but there are no examples and the wiki/docs seem to be completely deserted. I did try to use BIS_fnc_respawnInstant but seems that it does NOT do what I want it to do. After quite some time searching I was unable to find something (or was unable to recognize it) that would help me accomplish my task. Any insight, ideas or suggestions would be most welcome. Thanks in advance, Achilles.
  24. Hello guys, I'm experimenting with creating a simple driveable helicopter carrier that also works with AI-controlled helicopters. The carriers is a simple ship with a large cargoBayDimension specified in the carrier class, and the AI helicopters don't have any problem loading itself into the carrier, but once it's loaded, it will never turn off its engine as engineOn command doesn't seem to work on attached vehicles nor vehicles loaded on transport vehicle. What I had in mind was to create a script that instantaneously turns off the engine and sets the rotor speed to zero right before the helicopter is loaded into the carrier. I have tried using setWantedRPMRTD AI_chopper setWantedRPMRTD [0, 0, -1] and setEngineRPMRTD AI_chopper setEngineRPMRTD [0, -1] to no avail. It seems that most engine-related RTD commands only work on player vehicles and only when the advanced flight model is enabled, and some are only available to take-on helicopters. Any ideas what command or possible workarounds I could use? I did try putting the exit points of the cargo bay just barely above the carrier deck, and since I do have the WMO mod loaded, the AI choppers can be unloaded onto the deck and somewhat safely spool up before flying off, but this doesn't work for spooling down after landing, and since WMO is a bit wonky, I'd like to not rely on it as well if possible.
  25. DynamicCamo (Updated Version 1.5 ) 17/5/19 What does it do? It takes account of players stance, uniform and environmental factors to adjust the players and/or AI unitTrait CamouflageCoef and audibleCoef A low camouflageCoef and audibleCoef gives greater camouflage to the unit and makes it harder for ai to see and hear you. Units appear to be created with camouflageCoef set t0 1 as default. This script dynamically resets this depending on a number of factors. It does this each time player changes stance and at set intervals. This is not just a "stealth" or Ghillie script and will provide camo benefit in all infantry combat. No distinct handling of urban environment at this time. Maybe later. Why? Player may feel AI are not sufficiently impaired in detecting player by factors such as uniform camo, light level, rain, Overcast level, Fog, and Wind, and Trees, Bushes and rocks near player. Script allows player to determine what impact these factors will have on AI ability to detect player or ai unit by sight and sound. It does not alter AI ability to detect movement. When the script is run on an ai unit it impacts the ability of other ai iunits to see or hear that uit depending on environmental factors etc just as for player. What influences the Dynamic Camo? Units stance, units uniform, Fog, Rain, Overcast, light level,wind and bushes or trees and some other objects ( rocks, telephone poles so far) adjacent to unit. Changes happen automatically on change of stance (a minimum 3 second cooldown is built in.) and at scheduled intervals of around five seconds. Can the effect be adjusted ? User can adjust impact of the Dynamic camo by passing the range for the impact for both caounflageCoef and AudibleCoef . These are passed as arguments when calling the script. See guide to adjusting the effect. Installation Copy script as camoscript.sqf to mission folder. In player init ( and/or the init of any other ai unit you want to have dynamicCamo running on) put camo = [this, "DEBUG", 0,1,0,1,5] spawn compile preprocessFile "camoscript.sqf"; will run script in DEBUG mode with a five second recalc delay and a full effect.. Remove DEBUG to turn off and just play. IMPORTANT - the script monitors keys associated with stand/crouch and prone through the use of User1. It will work if you don't do this but you will only get the automatic calculation every five seconds and not the additional stance change triggered recalculation. Go to the menu - controls>custom controls > User1 and ensure you set both the prone key AND the crouch stand key for User1. ( usually z and x keys) If you want to use a different User number select User2... User20 as desired, set keys as stated and change User1 to your desired User,n in script. USE You don't need to do anything other than occasionally crouch, stand up , go prone and watch the different camouflageCoef that is being set for you. Try at night V day, with and without rain, fog etc and watch result. In general I am trying to adjust the impact of the various factors so that they combine together sensibly. User can adjust impacts via linearconversion. If anyone doesn't understand anything please ask. Script prints calculated values when DEBUG on. A BRIEF GUIDE TO ADJUSTING THE EFFECT - NOTE 1- It takes quite low values of camouflageCoef to make detection quite hard so this version comes with the factors and the result scaled towards that direction. 2 - I am tuning the impact of factors as the script develops. If you want to try your own tuning try the graph calculator link below then adjust linear conversion output ranges or specific values ( eg for stance) as required. The values currently in the script give a fairly good out of the box result though. Further Development Plans 1) make specific calculation for audibleCoef- done.2) weighting for unit being near bush(s) - done 3) same for tree(s) 4) parameterise adjustables so that they are supplied by array? done 5) handling of weighting for uniform ( ie ghillie suits etc) done ( may upgrade further) 6) test and weight for inside building 7) useable for squad and other ai. (partly done) 8 ) consider MP and JIP compatibility. Version/ Update Notes This is an annotated fully working version. I trust the annotations make the script self explanatory. Version 1.1 - included setting of audibleCoef. Make unit harder to hear. Separate scaling of effect for audibleCoef to allow user to define how much they want impact on audibleCoef. Version 1.2 - handling of light level significantly improved around dawn and dusk. Light level impact adjustable via linearconversion. Version 1.3 - audibleCoef calculation now uses specific factors which can be weighted separately from those for camouflageCoef. Other tweaks include adjustment of range values Version 1.4 - 1) script now auto recalcs every 5 seconds as well as on stance change. Soldier can keep lower stance camo max five seconds on bob down and up. 2) calculated values shown by systemchat and hint for camouflagecoef , audiblecoef and number of trees/bushes/hides found in 2m radius. Turn of by setting DEBUG to empty string in call ie camo = [this,"DEBUG"] spawn etc. See installation. 3) calculation now influenced by near proximity of trees bushes and hides to player. 4) sleep after stance change calculation shortened to 2s for better responsiveness. Version 1.5 1) script now has parameters which can be passed to it allowing easy adjustment of Dynamic Camo impact. See USE. 2) Script now gives different DynamicCamo depending on uniform type. 3) Script works with ai to ai. Ai running the script benefit from DynamicCamo. 4) Recalc interval can be specified per instance of the script. The Script - The script was starting to clutter up this first post so I have removed it. The script is available via the download link for the test scenario at the bottom of this post. If you have any problems getting it from there let me know. All comments welcome. I set up this graphical calculator to show how the function works - just mess with the sliders. https://www.desmos.com/calculator/buiia4zs2j Test scenario mission with v1.5 https://www.dropbox.com/s/xf6x34963ixjue0/camouflagescript.Altis.zip?dl=0 Watch camo level change on stance change. Watch values change as you move about (script in this version also shows opfor man knowsabout unit value with debug set.) Try to escape across the patrolled fields. For me the effect is a bit strong at this point but you can change values in script call. See adjusting the effect above. Make sure to set User1 keys to x and z as instructed above before playing or recalc on stance change wont work. Sept 2022 - Now available on steam Workshop as a MOD whcih autoruns on player unit at teh start of any scenario, ,mission etc with standard settings giving a reasonable camo impact. THis autorun dynamic Camo can be stopped and mission makers can still use their own parameters or mess with debug mode using the mod.