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Found 282 results

  1. dlegion

    eden editor bug

    hello, i discovered after the 1.68 update, that in eden editor, many properties in list, like a common trigger "activation - none" , does not work. for example, in a common trigger, "type" list works (clicking let you choose the guarded by... end... ecc.. as usual) but the "activation" field does not work. clicking on it doesnt open the list to choose your option. same for respawn modules and many others. pretty total-broke the editor right now :(
  2. Hallo, i had an idea for a Multiplayer Editor because i want to Male Missionsziel Witz my Friends, i think Mandy other people want ist top.
  3. Hi! I tried using Dynamic Simulation to increase framerate in my mission, but surprisingly it doesn't work. The units which have DS enabled don't "wake up" at all. The simulation does not start, therefore I have quite a big problem. If I disable DS for a unit, the simulation goes normally, same for global disabling of DS - all units behave as they should. I'm using 3den Enhanced, but don't think that's what's causing this situation, since I've read that it works normally with 3E. Any ideas where the issue lies?
  4. My question is the next: Can you put conditions in "onPlayerRespawn"? The problem is that the mod "Australia" has a block for the prisons and curators that is solved by putting in this link: https://epochmod.com/forum/topic/36799-solved-australia-prison-and-police-station -unlockedenterable / Where the question arises is if you put a respawn for civilians and Bluffor, civilians have the powers that I do not want, only those of Bluffor. If anyone wants to help or does not understand the question, do not hesitate to consult it.
  5. Howdy, as described in the topic title, within the editor a drop-down menu is malfunctioning in my marker attributes menu. It is persistent between fresh and loaded missions, and while it wasn't affecting markers I had placed for other missions (I could still change their color despite not being able to do so for new markers), as of writing this post it is now universally not functioning. I recorded a bit of video so you could see the issue exactly: It sounds as though this chap is having similar issues with a different drop down too?
  6. I got a problem and i have trying to figure it out all day long. I tried to create trigger for chopper support but i starded encountering a problem that even if i create the first waypoint in front of the chopper and link it to the trigger point, and then create the following path to the mission area for the choppers where they needed to be it just dosent work, choppers fly straight to the mission area even if the trigger is not enabled. I tried some simple ones too, like just when you walk through the trigger music starts playing but even that doesn't seem to work. I dont know what the problem is and i cant find the solution from anywhere. Please somena help me???
  7. ***I'm unsure if this is in the correct section if not please move it I haven't seen anything like this but to me it seems like a really useful function. I've recently been in the situation where me and a buddy were both working on a mission file. We would use drop box and obviously couldn't work on it at the same time but that got me thinking - why not add a way to "host" an Eden session much like a server but that would allow others to work collaboratively on a mission file at the same time using the Eden interface. Surely this wouldn't be that difficult to implement? What are y'all's thoughts?
  8. Hi! As the title says, I can't figure out how to use Murklor's AI Spawn Script. I'm a total noob in scripting, therefore I can't really understand what should I do. I'd gladly use some detailed instructions on how to use this script or a description of another way to despawn editor-placed units and spawn them later using trigger, while maintaining all the setup like waypoints etc. Murklor's script on Armaholic: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26909
  9. Hello everyone! Sooooo, I have a giant problem that will make me loose the Armachinima Contest. Whenever I launch arma 3, and go to the editor, as soon as I press the "Open" button on the top left to open a scenario, in this case a scene my game crashes. Arma 3 for me has never done this before and only started doing it on Tuesday of last week. Since then I have verified the integridy of game cache and reinstalled the games couple of times. I also formatted my PC and even after the format everytime I launch the editor and press "Open" and instead of seeing a dialog to select a scenario to load I just see my desktop with a crash report. I also tried recreating some of the scenes but when I would save the scenario for the first time, again instead of seeing a dialog to name the scenario and save, it just shuts down back to my desktop with a crash report. The specs of my current pc are: i5 4690k 3.50GHz 8 GB RAM AMD Radeon R9 200 Series Z97X-Gaming 3 And before anyone asks YES I did launch arma 3 and tried it without mods but still crashes. Screenshots: Crash Report (Vanilla) Crash Report (WITH RHS & PROJET OPFOR RUNNING):
  10. How can I make an AI hold a non-primary weapon (launchers or pistols) in his hand while in an animation? They will only equip their primary weapon while playing the animation. If I take away their primary and just give them, for example, a launcher, they will not equip it and it will remain on their back.
  11. When i start creating an scenario and export to multiplayer. I can't change the attributes -> multiplayer so in other words. Can't place down a respawn point (interface also), can't toggle on the revive. the checkboxes are greyed out. I can see everything but can't click on them Things that i do: - I verified allready. - Reinstall the game. - I send my mission file to a friend and he can change the attributes. - Changed min - max players.
  12. Dylan Ahmad

    Eden editor attributes

    When i start creating an scenario and export to multiplayer. I can't change the attributes -> multiplayer so in other words. Can't place down a respawn point (interface also), can't toggle on the revive. the checkboxes are greyed out. Things that i do: - I verified allready. - Reinstall the game. - I send my mission file to a friend and he can change the attributes.
  13. Hi, i want to find out vehicle weapon/magazine classnames in order to be able to change the armament of them. As far as i remember there was some kind of command for that, but i am not sure... And no, i cant use the wiki because i am talking about modded content.
  14. As of currently i am wondering how to place down single weapons in the arma 2 AO editor, i looked up a guide on youtube, and it did not work. the weapon im attempting to place is a makarov, yet when i type in the code the video is asking me to type, it doesnt work, if anyone knows a solution to this please let me know alongside where i can go to find other weapons and ammo. The map im working on is a attack where you are a civilian who is frantically searching for weapons to defend themselves against enemys who are attacking their neighborhoods
  15. Hello all. For cutscece need bombing area with vanalla jet - A164. I use this code in script file: veh1 fireAtTarget [z1,"Bomb_04_Plane_CAS_01_F] ~0.1 veh1 fireAtTarget [z1,"Bomb_04_Plane_CAS_01_F] ~0.1 veh1 fireAtTarget [z1,"Bomb_04_Plane_CAS_01_F] ~0.1 veh1 fireAtTarget [z1,"Bomb_04_Plane_CAS_01_F] But he dropp only 1 bomb of 4,and then fly away.How to make it all the bombs dropped? Thank you in advance
  16. I tried to create a zombie (Zombie & Demons mod). Looks like they work fine. But they doesn't move. The zombie can turn right or left, but he can't move. I read, that if you create unit with this command - he will have an animal logic. Is there a way to make him act like normal unit...? Command 'createUnit' is not an option, because of the limit. You can't create so much zombies like in dayz with that... Anyone knows maybe the solution...? :)
  17. As title says. enabled the mod as i would normally do. dont get it. Every other map shows up. its signed and key is present Help
  18. So from what I've been able to figure out the code "player allowDamage true;" only gets done on the client that it's called on. In my mission I'm making this turns out really strange. In the begining everyone are unkillable (using allowDamage false) and then when the mission actually starts I want them to take damage. However, due to it not being called properly the players can kill themselves with grenades but not kill eachother.
  19. How do i make wrecks dissapear after say 1 minute, like in King of the Hill?
  20. When a jet crashes on a runway for example, it creates this weird dirt/crater which makes landing impossible. I know how to remove the jet but how can i prevent that dirt from appearing? Sa-matra figured out how to do it appearently as such dirt does not create in king of the hill.
  21. Greetings everyone, I am sorry if my question is not apropriated here but I have searched and I have not found that which I seek. Is there any plugin, mod or custom settings that improves Arma 3's ingame editor scripting capabilities (the code windows in init, triggers etc) ? It would be great if it was possible to make those text boxes behave more like a normal text editor, with line droping, bracket completion and other things. Does anyone know something of the sort? Cheers, Tansvanio
  22. WurschtBanane

    need help with this script

    [] spawn { if (isServer && {isDedicated}) exitWith {}; waitUntil {!isNull player}; private "_jet"; _xEHx = player addEventhandler ["respawn", { _jet = createVehicle [selectRandom ["I_Plane_Fighter_03_AA_F", "O_Plane_CAS_02_F", "B_Plane_CAS_01_F"], getArray (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"), [], random 10000, "FLY"]; (_this select 0) moveInDriver _jet; }]; }; This script makes players respawn in jets. But the problem is that the jet spawns at 100m altitude and often spawns nose down and ends up crashing. Is there a way to make the plane spawn at 1000m or so so that it doesnt crash?
  23. WurschtBanane


    I want a create a safezone similar to the one in KOTH. No i tried to create a trigger and put (vehicle player) allowDamage false; into "on activation" and (vehicle player) allowDamage true; into "on deactivation". The problem is that the mission is a multiplayer one and when i do this it prevents ALL of the players and manned vehicles on the server from taking damage...
  24. WurschtBanane

    How do i create a safe zone?

    I want to create a safe zone similar to the one in King of the Hill by Sa-Matra. The problem is that when i use a trigger it works for ANY altitude means that when a heli flys over at 1km height he will still be save. So is there any way to disable bullet/explosion damage for vehicles and players if they are close to the ground or standing on it (means a jet or heli will only be save if it landed or is 5m above)?
  25. ZECCUP A collection of many small to medium compositions for use in Eden/Zeus using CUP Objects. CUP Terrains is REQUIRED. This addon is planned to be used along beside ZEC, which provides a much larger selection of compositions using vanilla objects. BUGS: Compositions don't all show in Zeus The compostions are 100% functional in the Eden Editor, so this addon may still be useful for some. SAMPLE IMAGES: http://imgur.com/a/yqgH8 DOWNLOAD (v1.0.2): Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=750186990 SOURCE: Want to make your own addon or help expand ZECCUP? Source below: https://github.com/LISTINGS09/ZECCUP/