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  1. This script is a bit of a doozie and I generally wanted it to be handled within all one SQF... Or at least thats what I thought I could do. But my issue is with every attempt at (albeit randomly) changing scopes/globals I always get 'error undefined variable in _' and to be quite I have no idea what I am doing outside of looking at several examples of several things, then attempting to combine them. So I have a scenario involving 4 groups, in a traitor-survival permadeath like scenario. Campers, killers, hunters, and guards. I wanted to an add action script on a Bell to ring that, in this order: Institutes a 30 second COOLDOWN for the addaction. Initiates a titleText BLACK FADED screen when activated, that pauses then shows text like "12 hours later" Hidden by that screen I wish to teleport players to certain markers And skips time 12 hours, more pause BLACK IN titleCut when then the teleportation has happened and they see a different time of day upon lifting Script/Addaction resets/loops Technicalities: Script must be repeatable for my purpose I want a UNIT VARIABLE NAME array, 1 for each pre mentioned group that is NOT SIDE dependent. All units are on Indfor. And a TELEPORTATION MARKER array, and code inserted to the teleportation bits so that once activated, for example, all campers will randomlytravel to one of the several CAMPER markers. This allows for rounds to not be the exact thing. CODE MUST NOT BE SIDE DEPENDENT. Ive clearly tried to make 3 arrays, one for each 'type', the reason why all units are Indfor is for smooth 'roleplay' purposes What Works: I believe the time passage works. The black screen fade in/out/text works. The teleportation does NOT WORK. I am screwing up with scopes/globals in accessing the array's Ive set up... Genuinely would like some help but have no idea how to proceed forward and I thank anyone in advance bellInteraction.sqf // Define the unit and marker arrays outside the function to avoid redefining them every time the script runs. campers = ["cpr1", "cpr2", "cpr3", "cpr4", "cpr5", "cpr6", "cpr7", "cpr8", "cpr9"]; campMarkers = ["campMarker1", "campMarker2", "campMarker3"]; scouts = ["sct1", "sct2", "sct3"]; scoutsMarkers = ["scoutMarker1", "scoutMarker2", "scoutMarker3"]; hunters = ["htr1", "htr2", "htr3"]; huntersMarkers = ["hunterMarker1", "hunterMarker2", "hunterMarker3"]; guards = ["grd1", "grd2", "grd3"]; guardsMarkers = ["guardMarker1", "guardMarker2", "guardMarker3"]; // Teleport function _teleportPlayers = { params ["_unitArray", "_markerArray"]; { private _unit = missionNamespace getVariable _x; if (!isNull _unit) then { private _randomMarker = selectRandom _markerArray; _unit setPos (getMarkerPos _randomMarker); }; } forEach _unitArray; }; // The main script that will be executed when the bell is rung _bellScript = { params ["_target", "_caller", "_id"]; // Check for cooldown if (!isNil {bellCooldown}) exitWith { _caller sideChat "The bell is on cooldown. Please wait."; }; // Set cooldown bellCooldown = true; _target removeAction _id; // Screen fade out to black titleText ["", "BLACK FADED", 1]; sleep 5; titleText ["<t color='#ffffff' size='5'>12 hours later...</t>", "BLACK FADED", -1, true, true]; sleep 2; // Skip 12 hours skipTime 12; // Teleport each group [campers, campMarkers] call _teleportPlayers; [scouts, scoutsMarkers] call _teleportPlayers; [hunters, huntersMarkers] call _teleportPlayers; [guards, guardsMarkers] call _teleportPlayers; // Screen fade in from black titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 5]; // Reset cooldown after 10 minutes (600 seconds) sleep 600; bellCooldown = nil; // Re-add the action to the bell _target addAction ["Ring Bell", _bellScript]; }; // Execute the script with the provided parameters params ["_bell"]; _bell addAction ["Ring Bell", _bellScript]; The Bell Init Code: bell addAction ["Ring Bell", "mscripts\bellInteraction.sqf"];
  2. Hey! I am a part of an Arma 3 unit with around 50~ players using a custom modlist (which can be attached) and a battalion size Armahosts server with 0 HCs (250+ player slots, should be more than capable). We've been having extreme desync to the point of server failure, whenever desync starts, the server RPT stops logging, and on top of that, the server RPT reaches incredibly large file sizes (for a text document), upwards of 5mb. In order, we have 1. Trimmed the modlist to bare minimums (anything left *could* be removed but would permanently force us to make massive changes) 2. Upgraded the server to maximums (based off of 2 other Arma units using an incredibly similar modlist, with identical playerbases) 3. Each time we try to do an operation, the desync happens at seemingly random moments, but always towards the beginning of the op, and sometimes even before a firefight has broke out 4. Completely reinstalling every mod and server data, using a base Arma 3 mission file (as a test) 5. The ONLY common denominator in the operations is that the desyncs and the crippling desyncs start when we are around 20-30 minutes into the server being up (around when we step off), and someone either joins late or rejoins after disconnecting, and the server log sends in a million errors, before completely halting all logging around when major desync occurs, crippling the entire server. We have waited around 20 minutes post desync with every player still on, and to no avail. We have consulted our peers extensively, and come to the conclusion that we have no choice but to just keep doing what we know, and we don't want to force our player base to go through any more desync. If ANY of you have ideas or thoughts, any at ALL, please let me know. https://gist.github.com/BeaniePope/1bf6a3e5f15b357bcf14c5ab41f49dc1 <--- Last log file, 6/5/24 https://gist.github.com/BeaniePope/8b34f56cdf08e4b32af0fefe31e474b6 <---- Current modlist 6/5/24
  3. Ctr. Lewandowski

    TADST problem

    Hello, I need help. I trying to create a dedicated server with TADST. My only problem I don't know how should I, in which formatum put the mission into the mpmission folder. I tryed pbo, but than it is say it can't read it, and if I convert it, than it is smaping into the server log "Mission missionname read by directory.", and the server doesnt start, but It is start to load the mission map. Any idea? Maybe I put wrong pbo in it? (Thanks for the help in foward and sorry for my english)
  4. FNskyline

    Xbox mods

    So my mods keep uninstalling, which wouldn’t be a big deal but they take all day to download. Im trying to play the darkgru #5 server. I have them saved to preset, but that hasn’t helped. Anything I could be doing wrong?
  5. I’ve been trying to make a conflict server on my pc so I can play with my friends on Xbox but every time I try to join my own server on my Xbox it just keeps saying session error connection has failed, with this code: Kick cause code: group=1 REPLICATION, reason=3 CONNEGTION FAILURE any help would be appreciated:)
  6. Hey guys, So everything is running great in the editor and is running during the in-game play test, When I upload and send it over to the workshop to host the terrain becomes invisible. additionally building just float at the bottom of the map vs the points placed on the terrain. I went to rebuild my terrain I get the error " RESOURCES (W): Non standard build technique used" Thank you for any assistance, Snow.
  7. Bolockaye

    L3DT freeware

    Howdy gang, Been wanting to get the pro version of L3DT for a while now. However the site is so dead I cannot seem to get an email back for a pro key, and cant purchase it either. was wondering if someone had a version they could send me/ link me to where to download. Not trying to pirate or steal, just want to make some fun maps for my friends. thanks blake
  8. I have been getting this problem consistently. i don't know what to do anymore can anyone help me ?
  9. So my request is simple, how can i know the total deaths during the battle? like a scoreboard for blufor, opfpr, ind, civilian etc, and of course including zeus units (like the deaths also counting for units spawned during zeus for each faction), is there anything im missing in the features or is there a mod or a way to do this? any help is highly appreciated
  10. Hello all, I have little expirence with Arma 3 mission editing and am looking to learn more in my down time. Some time ago, I put the Addon Free Arma Radio script into an antistasi mission. After some time and getting back into Arma 3, my group began a new game of antistasi plus and I would like to add this script again. The issue I have run into is that I cannot find the mission files. I have created a new Arma profile for misc reasons, so I figured the path to the mission files would be: C:\Users\nucl\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\PlagueDoc\Saved\steamMPMission However, this folder is empty. The old antistasi mission folder shows under C:\Users\nucle\Documents\Arma 3\Saved\steamMPMission, but it is not the one I am looking for. I feel I am overlooking something simple. Any and all help is appreciated, thank you in advance!
  11. So ive been looking around for decent server hosting/ rental services for a reforger private server for myself and my friends I’ve found a lot of interesting options but nothing solid at this moment we need something that’s cross platform friendly so that friends on Xbox can actually join and play I’ve specifically been looking at this company called Streamline servers And they have reforger servers available but say nothing about crossplay, does anyone have any experience with streamline or any other services they can recommend? Anything helps
  12. Hello, im trying to make a A-143 with jericho trumpets, so when diving it makes a sound. I have the following code so far, but I have trouble attaching the sound to the airplane. I know of say3D, however I don't think the volume can't be changed in that command, furthermore this script is supposed to be a composition so that it can be spawned on the fly in any mission. Any input is much appreciated! this addWeaponTurret ["cannon_125mm_advanced",[-1]]; this addMagazineTurret ["24Rnd_125mm_APFSDS_T_Red",[-1]]; this addMagazineTurret ["24Rnd_125mm_APFSDS_T_Red",[-1]]; nul = [this] spawn { params ["_this"]; while {alive _this} do { _velocity = ((velocityModelSpace _this select 1) - 100) max 0; _vol = _velocity / 10; playSound3D [ "a3\sounds_f\sfx\alarm_blufor.wss", _this, false, _this, _vol, 1, 300 ]; sleep 3; }; };
  13. Hello all, A while back I used to host a Arma 3 Dedicated server on Linux. After a while I stopped hosting it and deleted the Dedicated server off the linux box to make room for other applications. But now I have decided to reinstall the arma server again so I can host my mission once more. However I am stumbling into a weird problem when it comes to connecting to the server. Everytime a player connects, the player gets stuck in the loading screen. On the server side, the following line is spammed into the terminal until the player disconnects: 13:28:57 Server error: Player without identity Altay (id 1727490217) This happens on all missions. If I don't specify a startup mission in the config cfg, and then manually load my own mission using the #mission command then it loads without any problem. But setting my own mission as the default startup mission is a no-go. One thing that seems to fix it is to disable verifySignatures in the config file but I don't think this is a good solution to this. The server itself is just a vanilla install with no mods loaded. It was installed with SteamCMD using the guide found on the bohermia wiki. The server is started with the following command: ./arma3server -config=aad_config.cfg -name=AAD It is weird because this is the same exact mission file that I used to run in the past on the same machine and it just worked. But now it doesn't anymore. I setup a local Windows Server instance and tested the windopws version of the server there and it works fine without any issues. I tried both Debian 10 and Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS and both didn't have an impact. Here is the full console output from server startup to shutdown: Here is the config file that I use:
  14. PLEASE I am searching how to respawn with a choice of classes, for example when the player die he can choose one of the multiple classes (Sniper, Rifleman ..) But the problem is that I can't make a choice I have just the sniper... Sorry for my English I am french :/ I hope that my screens are going to better explain my problem ^^
  15. Hello, I'm new to this forum but not new to ofp or arma assault.... I started with ofp cold war crisis then moved up to Arma assault which I did manage to play it on a dedicated server along time ago, kind of ended the game play in 2009. Well life went on and here I am again with both ofp and Arma 2 ultimate sim along with arrowhead staring at me from my computer shelf....needless to say fast-forward to now I'm not tech savvy at all. I'm hoping I could get help with reinstalling Arma 2 on a new system that has windows 11 installed on it only. From my understanding now it's pretty easy to install off of steam I hear now a days, which later on I will upgrade to Arma 3.
  16. I've used the Arma Reforger Tools for a few hundred hours and have made a modified version of C&H. I'm running into issues setting up the ability to save loadouts. I've referenced the conflict mode a few times to try and figure it out. I see that you need a playerarsenalloadout with the base player. I also see the components in the arsenal itself to addaction save loadout. I cant figure out why I'm unable to save the loadout once in game to be selected upon respawn. Could someone do a walkthrough on how to set this up? I'm sure it's some obvious thing I've missed, please help me out! Thanks.
  17. Hello, I just a little help with the missileTargetPos command. When running it on the VLS Missile it seems to return a random position mid air near the launcher, but not where the missile is actually intended to go. Is there a reason for this or a different way to find the target position?
  18. All of my arma reforger settings are bugged besides my graphics settings. for example all 3 field of view sliders in game are capped at 50%, my aim down sight focus intensity and my all my sensitivity settings go up to 5000% (all these settings should cap at 100%) on top of that the settings don't save they simply revert back when i close out. my knowledge with pcs is not too strong so im not sure how to diagnose this. if more info is needed I can go more in depth about what ive been experiencing through out this via screenshots, etc. Anyone who is familiar with this or can help fix. PLEASE REACH OUT!!!!
  19. Hello, i need some help; im trying to make a humvee like hunter, so with a manned HMG. My thought process was to attach a prowler HMG to the Hunter and the turn everything but the gun invisible. I'm not sure how to do this or if this is the best way to do it.
  20. Hello I want to spawn the explosion of the 30 mm MP-T from the LDF APC using createVehicle. I know you can spawn "HelicopterExploBig" and I was wondering if there was a CFGAmmo for the 30mm explosion.
  21. Greetings to members of the Arma 2 community. And even though A2 is already outdated, it never ceases to be interesting. We need your help with an artillery support script from one of our community users (Bon). The script is excellent in implementation, but there is a condition for the presence of a Game Logic object - Server. But, since not all maps and missions have this module, artillery support does not work properly. Who can help remove the condition on Game logic? So that the script works without it. Help me please. My knowledge in writing scripts is not enough. The authorship of "Bon" will be preserved. I apologize if a duplicate thread has been created or not in that section.
  22. When I load my model into object builder it loads in fine, but when i load it into blender via .fbx or .p3d file, then it is all distorted. What do I do?
  23. So I wanted to make programmable AB rounds that explode a few meters beyond the turrets current zeroed distance. I thought I could use currentZeroing but it only gives the manually zeroed distances (100,200,300,400,...), however i need to know the distance the gun automatically adjusts to when lasing the range. Is there any way to get that value? Thanks in advance
  24. I'm trying to make ambient urban combat sounds around a group of players that will be moving through a city by placing units that fire at different intervals with different weapons in order to use less entities than if I were to place squads to fight eachother for the ambience. I have searched high and low for a scrip to put into the Eden Init of an entity to make a unit fire in bursts instead of just 1 shot every x seconds. null = this spawn {_this dotarget t3; sleep 0.5; while {alive t3 and alive _this} do {sleep 0.2; g1 action ["useweapon",vehicle _this,_this,0]; }}; sleep 1 This is the script I'm using, but with this script the AI just shoots once every 0.2 seconds, realoads then fires every 0.2 seconds again. I want the AI to fire a burst of 5 shots, wait for 2 seconds, fire 5 shots and wait for another 2 seconds, then fire a longer burst of 7 shots then wait for 30 seconds. I am terrible at understanding codes like these and every thread I've found on this issue is years old and doesn't answer my question directly but instead basically sais ''Play around until it works'' well I can't cause I'm dumb Sorry if there is an answer for this somewhere and I'm just blind. Thanks for any help I can get!
  25. I'm totally new to scripting for custom missions in ArmA, and I'm running into an issue with the execution of a .sqf file. The game knows the file is where it's supposed to be but nothing happens after. execVM "SpecOps.sqf"; I put the above into the init boxes of several units but the commands I put in the file wont execute. This is how they are written verbatum spaces and all: player enablestamina false; player enablefatigue false; player setAnimSpeedCoef 1.1; player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0; player setCustomAimCoef 0; I don't understand why they aren't working or how else to write them and i'd like it to only execute on certain units. I apologize for my ineptitude, i used the wiki but not very well apparently.