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Everything posted by andersson

  1. andersson

    Tank drivers interior

    I have not driven tanks since 2006. Can't stand being glued to a view port.
  2. andersson

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Drop one car with one single AI and give it a few WPs and you can see the problem. It's not like we are overloading the system.
  3. andersson

    Eden Feature Requests

    Half arsed attempt to give us bindable keys:
  4. andersson

    Camera controls in Eden

    I guess nothing new here BI? Kinda gave up on editing as I got tired of this and the vehicle AI.
  5. This reminds me of a BAS blackhawk back in the OFP days. But that is only up to the devs to know, and if they don't it's strange indeed :)
  6. andersson

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Some of us remember when AI could drive just fine. Then BI broke it and it's still not fixed. I've given up on making missions as I can't rely on vehicles moving where I want them. A simple move command that later will trigger something can not be trusted, and can in some cases ruin a small simple mission.
  7. andersson

    Jets DLC Terrains

    That "nasty" overlap could be used to move a campaign "seamless-ish" from one map to another. You end you mission at far west in one map, next mission starts at the same airport but this time you are far east on the map and the area of operation will be even further to the west over new terrain. I would say keep them as is.
  8. andersson

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    Keeps me from playing. Might seem a bit drama to write that but it's really not. I just can't enjoy the CUP islands where I like to roam.
  9. andersson

    Slow learning curve for some new players

    The editor is that way to go. Create your own small simple scenarios. Put a few enemies in a small town, take them out with your friends. Expand that scenario with some vehicles. Maybe just go out flying fooling around. That way people get used to the controls, you can have a fun time with stupid things and all learn how to think in this game. It's not only to beat the mission, it's to accept the new boundaries, or lack of them really. If people go in with the notion it's player centered they never will grasp the beauty of this game.
  10. andersson


    Please don't write in capital letters. Be specific, describe more of your problem. Right now noone can give you any help as we don't even know if your problem is related to hardware, software, bugs or game mechanics. Heck we don't even know if you really have a problem, maybe you just want some guidance in how to play? So please read and look around on the forum to see if you can find any answers to your problems(?), or some answers to what you wonder about. If you can't THEN make a topic that do hold some information so people can help you.
  11. andersson

    Game Engine: Multiple Water Levels?

    IF I remember this right it was BIA (Bohemia Interactiv Australia) that was part of BIS (Bohemia Interactive Studios), but a new company called BISim (Bohemia Interactive Simulation) was created for BIA. The BIA office is today part of BISim. I think it was at that time BIS changed their name to BI (Bohemis Interactive), probably to look less like the "S" in Sim(ulation)?? So unless I'm wrong BISim has never been part of BI(S), but BIA was. So yes it used to be a part, but at the same time no :)
  12. andersson

    Game Engine: Multiple Water Levels?

    Not BIS (BI), that is BISim.
  13. That reminds me, I have too book an appointment for my tooth....
  14. andersson

    Call of Duty WW II

    Would be nice to see some gameplay. Or maybe it doesn't matter, it will probably be the same in different textures.
  15. andersson

    ~ ArmA 3 Sound Modding 101 ~

    Would love to but tbh I don't have much time for A3 anymore. And I know how time flies when I'm immersed in configs, so it would eat up time I don't have. So sorry.... I do miss our sessions.
  16. Very nice :) No need to mention that the virtual horizon is going the wrong way I guess?
  17. Yes. Unless it's days or decenniums.
  18. andersson

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    I seen videos where one can see how the AI vehicles plan their route. If the foot soldier AI could be aware of that route 50m infront of the vehicle and move a few steps away. In RL people move out of their way from vehicles. But I guess easy to dream up and hard to implement.
  19. What about SpecOps? With alotta M4s!
  20. I don't really know but have a look at x-cam. If I remember right the objects are placed in the editor and later converted into another file for visitor. So maybe the work is not wasted?
  21. Sounds more like an issue with a mission than the game itself?
  22. andersson

    Was the tank AI always this crazy?

    Oh yes the AI is really amazing in A3! Just not suitable for tanks. There I would like OFP simple AI.