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Well the vermin and the acp2 are .45's now;-)

You are right - acp2 uses 9Rnd_45ACP_Mag and vermin 30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01 , so yay :)

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Just a thought dev's, could we get rid of the nodding donkey effect on the helicopters when hovering. The problem was resolved before A3, its been back in A3 from kick off, I think.:)

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Couple of issues that seem easily fixable still present in Beta:

0009340: AI gets stuck in prone after crawling under obstacles in SAFE or CARELESS.

0009341: Random placement of units/waypoints does not work near buildings.

The crawling bug causes ridiculous behaviour for units patrolling places like Agia Marina. One guy might be out in front patrolling while the other members are elsewhere in the town crawling around. The random placement bug is a serious issue for missions.

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ammo in ammobox in challange 1 is still 9mm while the weapon in the first range is now .45

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Strangely MXM from ammo crate now has 3 round burst instead of full auto - but not for the weapons with the units they're pre-assigned to like the standard marksman?

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Just a thought dev's, could we get rid of the nodding donkey effect on the helicopters when hovering. The problem was resolved before A3, its been back in A3 from kick off, I think.:)

YES I have always noticed the noddy flying :( please fix

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I cant find any new content in the editor so i think that can be ruled out.

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Hmm they didn´t fix the 5.1 and 7.1 issues...

I noticed that the BLUFOR Recon guys have rifles that are capable of single and 3 round burst fire, however if you take off the silencer they can fire full auto. Why?

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Hmm they didn´t fix the 5.1 and 7.1 issues...

I noticed that the BLUFOR Recon guys have rifles that are capable of single and 3 round burst fire, however if you take off the silencer they can fire full auto. Why?

I noticed some very wierd glitchiness around silencers months ago. I would attach a silencer to the 100 round full auto Blue team machine gun and it would drop from full auto only, to semi only. Wierd.

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Hmm they didn´t fix the 5.1 and 7.1 issues...

I noticed that the BLUFOR Recon guys have rifles that are capable of single and 3 round burst fire, however if you take off the silencer they can fire full auto. Why?

Probably a bug similar to the MX SW, where the silencer makes the gun a semi auto and taking it off it's full auto again.

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imagine BIS released this game without us testing first ;) fuuu*(k)

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imagine BIS released this game without us testing first ;) fuuu*(k)

well, *cough* arma2 *cough*

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EXE rev. 107070

Size: ~360 MB

Fixed: Start-up error about a sign

Fixed: Stratis world scene time of day

Fixed: Brightness of nearby objects in the first frame after map display is closed

Removed warp when reloading in 3D optics

Fixed: Players could not access vehicles that cannot move

Fixed getting in UH-80 as pilot for more players simultaneously

Added parachutes to light helicopters

Cargo of light helicopters is now able to eject and paradrop (the latter if they take parachute bags first)

Weapons of CH-49 cargo no longer stick out of the roof

Tweaked hit points of the CH-49 Mohawk

Parachuting soldiers aren’t sad anymore

Tweaked basic setting of the direction of grenade throws

Changed magazine for Green faction pistol in equipment

Fixed: Custom layout settings did not work

Fixed: Resizing elements didn't work in custom layout menu

Added: Notifications now support independent definition of picture color and picture text color

Animal Site generation reworked into a function

Disabled levitation of the Strider wheels

Introduced several variants (5 up from 1) of glass shard effects for destructible glass based on size and shape of windows

Fixed: Selections of windows on airport control tower (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=9507)

Aiming of the ACP-C2 has been adjusted

ACP-C2 uses .45 magazines

Improved ASRAAM behavior

Tweaked recoils for Scorpion and Vermin

---------- Post added at 02:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:56 PM ----------


EXE rev. 107070

Size: ~360 MB

Fixed: Start-up error about a sign

Fixed: Stratis world scene time of day

Fixed: Brightness of nearby objects in the first frame after map display is closed

Removed warp when reloading in 3D optics

Fixed: Players could not access vehicles that cannot move

Fixed getting in UH-80 as pilot for more players simultaneously

Added parachutes to light helicopters

Cargo of light helicopters is now able to eject and paradrop (the latter if they take parachute bags first)

Weapons of CH-49 cargo no longer stick out of the roof

Tweaked hit points of the CH-49 Mohawk

Parachuting soldiers aren’t sad anymore

Tweaked basic setting of the direction of grenade throws

Changed magazine for Green faction pistol in equipment

Fixed: Custom layout settings did not work

Fixed: Resizing elements didn't work in custom layout menu

Added: Notifications now support independent definition of picture color and picture text color

Animal Site generation reworked into a function

Disabled levitation of the Strider wheels

Introduced several variants (5 up from 1) of glass shard effects for destructible glass based on size and shape of windows

Fixed: Selections of windows on airport control tower (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=9507)

Aiming of the ACP-C2 has been adjusted

ACP-C2 uses .45 magazines

Improved ASRAAM behavior

Tweaked recoils for Scorpion and Vermin

Parachuting soldiers aren’t sad anymore <<<What's that about ?

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Parachuting soldiers aren’t sad anymore <<<What's that about ?

Probably the parachuting animation which made the soldiers look sad

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Fixed: Players could not access vehicles that cannot move


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I noticed some very wierd glitchiness around silencers months ago. I would attach a silencer to the 100 round full auto Blue team machine gun and it would drop from full auto only, to semi only. Wierd.

Doesn't that make sense though, that a gun can't fire as rapidly with a silencer attached, maybe due to not being able to cope with the heat generated?

On another point, why do the characters heads bob about constantly? It makes it very hard for me to read something on a board for example, whilst the view is bobbing about like I'm on a boat. Do all ArmA3 soldiers just have very weak neck muscles ;)

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Hmm they didn´t fix the 5.1 and 7.1 issues...

I noticed that the BLUFOR Recon guys have rifles that are capable of single and 3 round burst fire, however if you take off the silencer they can fire full auto. Why?

Upvote :) http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=10058

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Parachuting soldiers aren’t sad anymore

This is the best worded change

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When I used to jump of an aircraft my face looked like I was crapping myself!

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Parachuting soldiers aren’t sad anymore

This is the best worded change

A Screenshoot after and before ? Lol

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I still can't get parachuting to work :/ taking the bag from the helo inventory and equipping it and still no dice. I eject from the helo and just free fall to earth with no way of opening my chute. Looked through the entire control list and saw nothing about it. Tried looking at the context menu while falling and no choice to open chute. Any tips?

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