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2 hours ago, Nightmare515 said:

Dunno if this has been noticed before or how long it's been available but...



Dynamic loadout for the buzzard.


Also, developers, can we get some new skins for some of the existing jets with Jets DLC? e.g the white and black digital, brown and grey hex for the buzzard, blue and grey hex for the Neophron?


Are you using a mod in that image as that is not a bomb im familiar with in vanilla arma 3?

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11 minutes ago, Imperator[TFD] said:


Are you using a mod in that image as that is not a bomb im familiar with in vanilla arma 3?

Mk82, it is indeed part of vanilla Arma 3, though never used on any of the jets.

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7 hours ago, ampersand38 said:


I hope this will be available for helicopters also.

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15 hours ago, Nightmare515 said:

Dunno if this has been noticed before or how long it's been available but...




Dynamic loadout for the buzzard.


Any other helicopters have the option yet? Didn't even see the Buzzard get added.

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is there going to be a nice and polished dog fighting DM mode? would be great to have something nice and streamlined for quick join and stuff. with the new targetting stuff i could see it being fun to have a simple focussed game mode like that. could potentially help balance Air vs Air stuff too.

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14 hours ago, darksidesixofficial said:

 Didn't even see the Buzzard get added.

Or the ability to single cm. Tisk tisk. This boy is so ungrateful. 

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2 hours ago, teabagginpeople said:

Or the ability to single cm. Tisk tisk. This boy is so ungrateful. 

Excuse me, that's not ungrateful. We're getting dynamic loadouts, sensors, extended damage model, and your telling me a simple countermeasure parameter that's already in the game can't be tweaked? For the better? Pffft, who needs immersion I guess. XP

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5 hours ago, darksidesixofficial said:

Excuse me, that's not ungrateful. We're getting dynamic loadouts, sensors, extended damage model, and your telling me a simple countermeasure parameter that's already in the game can't be tweaked? For the better? Pffft, who needs immersion I guess. XP

Alas. I never said that. Perhaps you read it wrong. ;p.

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9 hours ago, bad benson said:

is there going to be a nice and polished dog fighting DM mode? would be great to have something nice and streamlined for quick join and stuff. with the new targetting stuff i could see it being fun to have a simple focussed game mode like that. could potentially help balance Air vs Air stuff too.


That would be splendid. Some mission to quickly hop in and have some fun.

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1 hour ago, R3vo said:


That would be splendid. Some mission to quickly hop in and have some fun.

Maybe also something like a flying version of combat patrol. Even a collaboration. 


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Loving the CCIP markers for the gunner in the Blackfish but I noticed it's only for the Right gunner who mans the 30mm and the 105mm.  The Left gunner with the 40mm does not get a CCIP.

Are BI hoping to have CCIP for all helo/jet gunners?  Blackfoot and Kaijman could really use them too.

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Would like to see a more sohpisticated landing autopilot too. Like how they are landing in them movies,not just a reel it in -type one.

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5 hours ago, Imperator[TFD] said:

Are BI hoping to have CCIP for all helo/jet gunners?  Blackfoot and Kaijman could really use them too.


It would be more appropriate for the attack helo gunners to have laser range finders and FCSs instead of CCIPs, similar to what is currently being tested and implemented for ground vehicles.

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13 hours ago, teabagginpeople said:

Alas. I never said that. Perhaps you read it wrong. ;p.

Forgive me, it was late and i was half asleep. Lol, yes, i indeed misread.

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Added: Animations for wheels of locomotives and railroad cars, and lever and switch blades of railroad switches, for use by scripts (mainly the animateSource command). The names of animation sources can be found in config viewer (available in context menu in Eden Editor).



Added: The screen texture of mobile phones (Land_MobilePhone_smart_F and Land_MobilePhone_old_F) can now be adjusted in the Eden Editor attributes

Does anyone know if these have a papir selection? If not it would be a nice addition, I know its something I need to have a look at in the not to distant future.

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Does current FCS account for the motion of the shooting platform? A helo turret would constantly need to be changing its firing solution just to hit one spot.

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3 minutes ago, ampersand38 said:

Does current FCS account for the motion of the shooting platform? A helo turret would constantly need to be changing its firing solution just to hit one spot.

I assume everyone on this forum that has access to youtube would at some point have come across the AH-64 guncamera footage.


Even with a gyro-stabilized, Inertial Navigation Unit corrected, laser rangefinder adjusted targeting system, the constant changes in target and helicopter movement will throw some shots off.


You can clearly see in many of these videos that even when the Fire Control System has calculated lead, it is possible to miss, by a fair amount.


Gunners have to train frequently in order to learn the quirks and weaknesses of these advanced systems. It actually takes a fair amount of skill to pull it off, under stressful conditions where your life is at stake.


For arma, I think we should hope for an accurate shot when aiming at a steady point when the chopper is holding a steady course, velocity and altitude. These are optimal conditions for target calculation.

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Tweaked: The flame of various missiles now starts in a more splendid way and properly disappears after the motor burns out



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Added: The screen texture of mobile phones (Land_MobilePhone_smart_F and Land_MobilePhone_old_F) can now be adjusted in the Eden Editor attributes



Will the Whiteboard also get a custom texture attribute? It's by far the most important one of the objects in my opinion.

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I'm interested in that new GForceHeadVector parameter.  I am assuming it's a parameter to force the pilots head to whichever side is taking the G-Forces, and changing their POV inside the cockpit?


So..  looking at the new Jets pictures on the DLC order page, it looks like BIS has managed to integrate the TGP view into the cockpit MFD just like Firewill was able to do recently. 
Looks like we'll have quite a bit of time to test stuff also.  Release date has been set at May 30th.

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13 hours ago, Greenfist said:



The AA Titan missile is a bit too splendid:icon_biggrin:

By the way I noticed there is a new tech for showing distant lights. It seems to only work with Tanoan buildings for now, and for some weird reason the lights are red instead of white/amber as streetlights usually are.

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1. can we please have an official "1.68 feedback" (or maybe better "1.68 new issues") sticky thread please (with each major update)

2. as I haven't found a better place a few suggestions for the hotfix list:


> Shots sound is completely blocked by objects, even small ones/Too quiet weapon shooting sounds in some cases



> Can't Place Addon Compositions in Zeus since 1.68

the problem is that now you have to define the side also in the group, while its already defined in the upper level


class CfgGroups
    class West
        side = 1;


but now you need also


    class Indep
//        side = 2;
        class IND_F
            class Infantry
                class HAF_InfSquad
                    side = 2;


aka this broke all cfgGroups definitions for ZEUS outside A3 groups itself


Drop down selection broken if on the third or fourth "slot"


thank you




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On 25/03/2017 at 0:08 PM, kecske said:

By the way I noticed there is a new tech for showing distant lights. It seems to only work with Tanoan buildings for now, and for some weird reason the lights are red instead of white/amber as streetlights usually are.

Is this true? Can somebody confirm that BI actually working on distant lights?
Just imagine having distant lights like X plane 11 :D

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9 minutes ago, nikiforos said:

Is this true? Can somebody confirm that BI actually working on distant lights?
Just imagine having distant lights like X plane 11 :D

I hope so, very cool.

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