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why it needed to change in the first place.

Tactical Pings and Zeus Pings are functionally different feedback systems that we want to have different sounds. That doesn't rule out the possibility of iterating the new sound :)

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BI looking for an engine programmer offering the "Opportunity to work on a popular game franchise". half-life 3...uh i mean arma 4 confirmed.


sorry i had to :P

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BI looking for an engine programmer offering the "Opportunity to work on a popular game franchise". half-life 3...uh i mean arma 4 confirmed.


sorry i had to :P


BI have been advertising two "Senior Engine Programmer" positions for almost 2 years

I guess good programmers aren't easy to find, or they aren't offering enough?


I think the Unreal engine project they have is YLands (actually the Ylands site says it uses Unity)

Edited by ceeeb

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  • The CRV-6E Bobcat and Mi-290 Taru supply variants now also have a near infinite supply of ammunition, fuel and repair resources, just like the other supply vehicles in the game


What exactly was the reason for this?


It's already annoying as hell having multiple fuel trucks / fuel storages with (1e+012 as per config) of fuel,

now it's being added on 2 more vehicles on purpose?


Why another step away from authenticity?



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Some bugs with the new footsteps system.
1) When you move in tactical pace the sound of your footsteps is coming from the left.
2) When you run (not sprint) the sound of the your footsteps is louder on left channel.


This sound bugs made their way into Stable branch. Well done, bohemia)

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Bummer. Was kind of hoping they'd fix the grass/bushes/shrubs LOD issue on Altis. Tough to play the game right now. Pretty neat changelog otherwise! It feels like one of the longest I've read in awhile.

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The game constantly stutters me when I play from the editor. and works well on normal missions and campaign

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Why do I have so much trouble getting an AI to switch to the gunner position in a vehicle? Sometimes using command menu 6 it has the option, sometimes NOT... I was in a fight trying to make this guy get into the GUNNER seat and he wouldn't do it, he's jump in the passenger, no option to switch to... Don't see why it shouldn't work, this was on 1.66 RC I hope it's changed for the full release but I don't expect it...

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Why do I have so much trouble getting an AI to switch to the gunner position in a vehicle? Sometimes using command menu 6 it has the option, sometimes NOT... I was in a fight trying to make this guy get into the GUNNER seat and he wouldn't do it, he's jump in the passenger, no option to switch to... Don't see why it shouldn't work, this was on 1.66 RC I hope it's changed for the full release but I don't expect it...


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This sound bugs made their way into Stable branch. Well done, bohemia)

That sucks. really does. But on the flip side. lots of cool new sound additions. so they were clearly busy at it.

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That sucks. really does. But on the flip side. lots of cool new sound additions. so they were clearly busy at it.

It's kinda typical for BI to add something (like sound when crawling through shallow water),

yet they're absolutely oblivious about the fact that there's still no matching sound when crouching through shallow water.



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Seems like 1.66 fixed most movement issues I had since at least 1.62... Like my tactical pace toggle key combinaison not responding, being locked into movement whenever I switched pace or toggle raise weapon not sticking ect..


It feels a lot smoother now. However toggle raise weapon still feels a bit unresponsive at times and does lock you into movement for a couple of seconds which can be pretty dangerous.


Still props for fixing most of it, I can play the game again without losing my hairs because my character does things on its own.  ;)

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Seems like 1.66 fixed most movement issues I had since at least 1.62... Like my tactical pace toggle key combinaison not responding, being locked into movement whenever I switched pace or toggle raise weapon not sticking ect..


It feels a lot smoother now. However toggle raise weapon still feels a bit unresponsive at times and does lock you into movement for a couple of seconds which can be pretty dangerous.


Still props for fixing most of it, I can play the game again without losing my hairs because my character does things on its own.  ;)

Raising weapon is still bonkers. I tried strafing right and kept tapping "toggle raise weapon" and noticed I kept strafing without any keypress until I pressed "step over".

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Yes indeed, and as I mentioned the action itself isn't responsive at all. With the exception of LMGs and MMGs, You should always be able to raise your weapon instantaneously.


Right now, I'll stick to keep toggle tactical pace and weapon raised at all time in CQC. The raise weapon action is still not reliable and just too dangerous to use.


They fixed the rest though, so it means someone must be working on it.  :o

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Yes indeed, and as I mentioned the action itself isn't responsive at all. With the exception of LMGs and MMGs, You should always be able to raise your weapon instantaneously.


Right now, I'll stick to keep toggle tactical pace and weapon raised at all time in CQC. The raise weapon action is still not reliable and just too dangerous to use.


They fixed the rest though, so it means someone must be working on it.  :o

One thing I noted that there is option for "toggle raise weapon" and just "raise weapon". I expected the latter to behave as hold-action, instead I still haven't figured out what it's supposed to do.


It works almost as if it was toggle and hold in the same key. I always hoped it would work like weapon switching, without interruptions or stops.

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  • Tweaked: The impact origin of ragdolls being triggered is now more precise

I remember reading a comment from KillzoneKid that for various reasons, we might never see a "unit ragdoll" script command. Are those reasons still there? If yes, I'd love to learn a bit about them and if not then would it be possible to look at a ragdoll script command again? :)

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 Tweaked: Collision geometries on various Tanoa structures



There is still a problem with some cargo container models.

Can be seen in the Blue Harbour area, where shots appear

to hit an invisible wall when shooting around the corner

of the cargo containers there.

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@Julien Vida & everyone else


Thanks for the documenation of the DynSimulation, very well written and detailed ;)

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I remember reading a comment from KillzoneKid that for various reasons, we might never see a "unit ragdoll" script command. Are those reasons still there? If yes, I'd love to learn a bit about them and if not then would it be possible to look at a ragdoll script command again? :)

That was probably long time ago. If there is anything you can take for granted about Arma 3 is that it evolves at lightning speed ;)

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did the latest upgrade break the VA again as my "sort by mod" drop down box has disappeared? just says alphabetically now

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I feel like I need to give a little bump to the below issue:


Full Ghillie (Jungle) [CSAT] Colours and NATO Sniper Wrong LOD


I setup feedback tickets back in August, and seeing as 'House Keeping' on bugs is currently on-going, the issues It could do with a looksee.

The CSAT Jungle sniper is essentially useless in it's current state.

Noticed these issues appear to be fixed in current Dev, not sure if it made it into 1.66.

Many thanks!

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