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About emton

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  1. Woah brother why the harsh words, what do you have against the new version it just needs some polish and bug fixes
  2. I got this same problem. Going to try uninstalling and reinstalling A3 to see if that fixes it... I got the problem to clear up after reinstalling, also a patch came out while I was downloading so it was one of those two things that fixed it.
  3. I have this same problem. Going to try uninstalling and reinstalling A3 to see if it fixes it... Edit: Err I replied to the wrong post my problem is the Launcher tells me my settings are corrupted when it starts...
  4. emton


    I'm not sure I only played some Ravage months ago don't remember what character I used then, I'll double check trying civilian again but I'm supposed to use Blufor right? Also where do I find friendly NPCs for trading are they random or do they get placed with camp markers like I think I saw in the mission template?
  5. emton


    Crashes with memory error when I try to play from scenarios (at the map screen when I hit continue) but seems to run from the editor, using Stratis for the map. Edit: I think I made a mistake I was placing the placing a civilian character for the player instead of Blufor (used Blufor survivor) Now it doesn't crash when starting.
  6. Why do I have so much trouble getting an AI to switch to the gunner position in a vehicle? Sometimes using command menu 6 it has the option, sometimes NOT... I was in a fight trying to make this guy get into the GUNNER seat and he wouldn't do it, he's jump in the passenger, no option to switch to... Don't see why it shouldn't work, this was on 1.66 RC I hope it's changed for the full release but I don't expect it...
  7. No I still had a friendly AI get frozen, this guy had perched himself on the hill we were fighting on and I was trying to evacuate but he got this 1000 yard stare... it was like he had really seen beyond. But I'm running with ACE3 ai addon, Arma 1.66 RC, I load vcom last.
  8. Heyy the RC 1.66 is about 10 gb download is that correct? Edit: Ok I found the detailed info https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/183855-release-candidate-branch-announcements/?p=3116566
  9. I tried version 2.8 but still got a friendly AI stuck after some combat he wouldn't move, do you think that will get resolved?
  10. Hey I was using version 2.7 and I still had a friendly Ai get stuck in combat mode, nothing I tried would make him move and the immediate area was free of enemies. Closest enemies were probably on a small separate island about 700m away (if that helps)
  11. emton


    Can I adjust how much damage the zombies can take they seem too weak now. Also it would be neat if there was some particle effects that look like chunks of zombies are getting shot off imagine unloading half a clip in a zombie to kill it with it's guts flying everywhere it would be grandiose.
  12. emton


    Can I use these zombies with Exile mod?
  13. How about this one later on in the script (I'm just haxoring this script to work how I want I'm a noob script kidd, just reminding you) // Create Markers _markers = [ _pos, _missionName, _difficulty ] call DMS_fnc_CreateMarker; (_markers select 1) setMarkerSize [500,500]; Instead of setting 500m for every one I want it to grab the size from the position (in the above array). To me that's just mind boggling where would I begin??
  14. Hey can I have a list of positions that look like this [8675,10225,575] [13875,8400,400] [9425,4050,350] In an array? And then maybe even choose one randomly with _random = selectRandom _array; so I guess like _posArray = [[8675,10225,575],[13875,8400,400],[9425,4050,350]]; _pos = selectRandom _posArray; Or will that not be working too good? Sorry if I've made you spit your drink out because of this noobie question. Edit: Oh I edited it to have more bracket things, I'm gonna try this and see if it works.... .. .
  15. Wow thanks that'll be interesting to try out. If this option can get working it'll really help the mission system, because regular missions already spawn far from the player, so what good is hostile/occupied zones spawning far away too? If they spawn nearby then the player has to get through or go around, also it's cool for pvp the map gives some vague feed back on player positions. If anyone knows more about DMS and want to assist you get to use the final product (anyone can if they want) I got all the positions with radius organized by loot for Altis and Tanoa ready to use. http://imgur.com/a/2dowB