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 if you use the assassin helmet in game at least fix the shadow/artifact's error, It is for two years that is there

Aye, it's been annoying me for years - I almost never use the units with that helmet if possible, because that shadow bug looks awful.

I could understand it when the helmet was one of those hidden scope assets that were in the beta but not really there to be played with. But it's now been a long time in the game properly, and selectable from the arsenal for everyone; so it really should be brought up to visual-spec with everything else.


Hell I'd offer to fix it for them myself without troubling their paid staff, if I had the MLOD.

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Our programmers have decided to make the lives of content creators easier, mainly for those creating new models. They will be able to use a technology that generates shadows of objects on-the-fly based on the shape of a resolution LOD

Has this been implemented yet or is that still to come?

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 Holy fuckin shit when did Arsenal make its way into Eden editor!?!


 I dont care what anyone says about you BI devs -you guys are winners

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Holy fuckin shit when did Arsenal make its way into Eden editor!?!

it was in the changelogs recently...

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in the Eden editor - with the new arsenal - if a weapon is changed in the mission by scripting then im finding that new weapon replaces the weapon set by the arsenal in the editor.


im also finding that scripts set to auto run when a mission starts using CBA, actually run inside the 3d editor during the editing phase.


I also get an arsenal error occassionally. http://imgur.com/3C74yDB

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That gate thing at least is old as the time itself.

That tree vegetation thing looked like AtoC feature.


That gate thing I think was already in Arma 2.

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Would appear that Arsenal in EDEN is not saving any binoculars, at least for me.

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is just me, or there is a problem with asian faces?


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is just me, or there is a problem with asian faces?



Confirmed, using any of the asian faces turns your character literally into a d*ckhead.

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Has anyone else these severe issues? (Check out the videos within the ticket)


For me it more or less unplayable.



I saw you added more videos to the issue. If you can please try to include an exact position of the place where you are seeing these glitches. Thanks :)

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I saw you added more videos to the issue. If you can please try to include an exact position of the place where you are seeing these glitches. Thanks :)

The gate disappearing in your view specifically is not dependent on the place, it happens with ALL the gates like that on Altis.

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I saw you added more videos to the issue. If you can please try to include an exact position of the place where you are seeing these glitches. Thanks :)




The gate disappearing in your view specifically is not dependent on the place, it happens with ALL the gates like that on Altis.



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Yep, this has been the case for quite some time. It doesn't seem to matter where you are or what time of day it is. edit: Guess Raz meant more detailed coords...

I think it may have to do with whether the gate 'post' is in the players monitor view or not.

There's a part of the gate model that if it is outside the players view the whole gate is hidden.

I haven't noticed it occur with the gate closed.

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The high command module is broken in latest build :(

Thanks for the feedback, already working on that.

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one question to BI devs:


do you have already a date to release Apex on dev branch ? Or its possible to get the map on any other way a bit earlier ?

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one question to BI devs:


Or its possible to get the map on any other way a bit earlier ?


Of course, go to Prague and break into their office .


(please don't do that)

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The link is broken. Remove %C2%A0 from the end.

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