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  1. I've seen this issue scattered around before in threads, and it seems the issue has never been resolved in any of them. I am hoping that can change this time. I am working on some scouting missions on Altis, stationed in Gori, during The East Wind campaign. I have just completed the Vet Clinic side mission, and have now driven up to Oerokastro to do the medical supplies mission. It's not marked on my map, but I remember it being there from my last playthrough. The issue arises when I approach the town. In a vehicle, I am able to just get to the entrance of the town before I explode for no reason. The game does not give me a cause of death. On foot I can not get close to the town, I just drop dead with no indication as to why. Again, the game does not tell me why I have died. The only clue I have is that one time, just before dying, Kerry (The player character) states "I must be way off course, better check the map" or something along those lines. Instantly after finishing this sentence I drop dead. I have scouted the area for snipers using a rangefinder, and can spot nothing that would in any reasonable manner explain these deaths. The only thing I can think of is that the game believes I am outside the playable area, and is killing the player for abandoning a mission. However the game does not state that I am outside of a playable boundary, as would be expected if that were the case. As such I am at a loss, unable to explore a large area on the Northern side of Altis, and unable to activate or complete this side mission to get some supplies. Game Version Info: Launcher version: 1.5.147738 Game version: 2.04.147719 Branch: main / beta branch not specified
  2. "So gory, that Bohemia Interactive once banned it from the Workshop!" "The most badass mod you've ever used." Adds various elements of gore to ArmA3 such as blood splatters, blood sprays, blood pooling, bleeding, gibbing, and other misc details. For Multiplayer: Servers and clients must run the addon. Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=667953829 Github: https://github.com/zooloo75/BloodLust/ Requires CBA! The addon must be running on the server and all clients. YOU MAY NOT RUN BLOODLUST ON A MONETIZED SERVER WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! Support my endeavors with a generous donation using the "Donate" button below. Donations go towards coffee/beer and stuff. Thank you for your generosity! 🙂 Changelog:
  3. In my Zeus vs Guerilla Zeus game, there are three BLUFOR Curators vs one Independent Curator. The Independent Curator wins when all of the BLUFOR Curators have died. However, the games can last quite a long time, and it can be quite boring for the dead BLUFOR Curators to sit out for the rest of the game. What I have decided is that once a BLUFOR Curator is killed, he respawns and is forced to play just in Curator mode. He is now unable to spawn more units and is only able to command BLUFOR units already on the map or control said units. I have written a short "onPlayerRespawn.sqf" script to do this (however, it is untested because I am currently at work). Wondering if anyone has any advice on a better way of doing this! Also, I have a problem now with ending the game due to the BLUFOR Curators respawning. Before, I had it so that the game ended and Independent won when all BLUFOR players were dead, which obviously won't work now! Edit: Ok, so I just got back from work and tested my script. It does work, provided that in my "description.ext" I have specified "respawnOnStart = -1;". What I am wondering is how I would then make Independent win when all BLUFOR Curators have died (now that they can respawn). Before, I had a trigger: Obviously, this will no longer work ^^
  4. Ethin Benson

    DayZ: let’s talk about some fixes...

    Ok, so let me just starry by saying, Bohemia Interactive, you have possibly one of the best games for such high potential. Ever since I’d seen gameplay of dayz on pc I’ve dreamed of a day the game would release on console. For the past few months, I’ve been able to live that dream. It’s such a good game that I could honestly play for hours and hours, which is why I don’t want to see it fail. I understand that no game should ever be EASY. I understand that taking the challenge away would make a game dull and boring. However, I and I think every other gamer out there would appreciate getting rewarded with some fun out of any game. I want ant to start with thirst, hunger, and vomiting. When I first started dayz, I’ll admit, I had no idea what the hell I was doing. But I remember dying probably 8-12 times just from THIRST. The fact that I started the game with no drinks, and a thirst meter already halfway empty, and draining fast, was insanely difficult for me. But then I started to catch on to the game. I began to understand the looting process and the while maintaining my thirst and hunger procedure. So months went by of me having a blast on the game. I died a couple times, but no where near as many times as the first day of playing the game. I am currently on my longest lasting character, I’ve kept him alive for about a whole month now, as of October 5th, 2019. I got on today and realized that my regular server was missing. I handled it pretty well, just had to pull out my compass and head south east. However, I did notice something odd. My thirst meter was going down at an alarming rate, a rate that it had never gone down at before. I walked about a mile and drink through all 4 full plastic water bottles, and a full canteen in just one mile. Not to mention that fact that I also kept throwing up because the game wouldn’t tell me if I was quenching my thirst or not which obviously made the situation worse. Staying quenched and full was already a bad enough problem when I first started, I’m begging you to not make it a problem again. I refuse to let my longest lasting character, who’s already been through the toughest situations, die of thirst. A pathetic death. If that means I can’t play the game until you guys fix thirst to actually feel realistic, then so be it. The other thing that I’m not really as concerned about is looting. Now I don’t really mind not finding any AR’s ANYWHERE because I already have a scoped SKS and a kickass pistol, BUT I’m just saying it would be nice to find one somewhere. I’ve seen countless amounts of ammo and attachments for AR’s, especially the AK, but no AR’s anywhere. I’ve only found ONE M4 in the many months of playing the game and that was in a bathroom in the military base south of the main airfield, and then I immediately lost it when it failed me in a firefight. I get it, I mean guns like that should definitely be rare, but not nonexistent. I’ve been to all military-based loot areas COUNTLESS times and never found a single AR ever again. I feel the same way about cars. I’ve only found 2 of those EVER. And I just have to pass them by because it’s VERY hard to build and fix a car to run properly. I think the positions of where certain things spawn should remain the same, but they should spawn more abundantly, which could also help with the thirst problem too. The last thing I wanted to say is a question. How do I setup a good base camp? How do I keep my things from despawning? I want to finally settle down with my character, so he can make regular runs and stuff. He can have a good transceiver and maybe a functioning car and grow a garden and stuff like that. Let me know in the comments.
  5. GF Custom Deathscreen Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: Adding an image of blood and sound when killed to spice it a little bit . You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation: Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Custom Deathscreen Script , please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the init.sqf and the description.ext , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Credits & Thanks: Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.1 fixed name v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums Armaholic GF Custom Deathscreen Script
  6. Hi, i have the following problem... if i kill somebody on my TDM server he dies and i have a respawn cooldown for 3 seconds... so the death person is 3seconds on the ground and then respawns, but in this millisecond the player respawns is spawning a person with no gear only a blue uniform on the death body, after ~0.5 sek the man despawns and the death body is away, if you kill this blue man the person who was killed will die 1 more time... how can i disable those blues on the death/respawn? *sry for my bad english!*
  7. Hello there, How can I give AI a custom death animation. (from an addon) It's for my "cinematic movie" I tried to combine "IF statement" and "switchmove" for example " if _soldier1 alive false switchmove ....; But it didn't work properly. If anybody could help, I would appreciate. Thanks :)
  8. Hi. I'm trying to make a script that triggers on AI death. On death the script will check what magazines the unit has, then remove his weapon (which removes all magazines for some reason) then put 1 magazine back to his corpse. So AI will drop only a single magazine of the ammotype they are using. This is what I've got {_x addeventhandler ["killed",{ _this spawn {_unit = _this select 0; removeallweapons _unit}; }]; } forEach allUnits; Now this is the first time I'm scripting in Arma so please use simple instructions. Thank you in advance!
  9. Hard core gamers will certainly disagree with this, but as a VERY casual player I feel the need to make a suggestion. As a casual I play strictly for fun, when something ceases to be fun, I just don't play it. Another result of my being a casual is my K/D in shooters is anywhere between .50 and .62 depending on the game. In this game that translates to me actually making it out alive with basic loot only one in three matches, and I have never yet actually gotten the drop. That said, only making it out with loot one in three matches combined with loosing everything when you die makes the grind incredible for the casual player. This is exacerbated by the fact that once you reach the max amount of materials for the next upgrade you cease accruing mats. It does me no good to get 915 mats when I die when I'm already maxed out at the 6000 for the next upgrade and that 915 mats just goes into the digital void because my counter can't go above the max for the next upgrade. I propose that the death penalty be reduced to 50% of your loot going away with a RNG mechanic in place to randomly select what that 50% is comprised of. That way players who die more often than they live and / or get a kill can still feel like they're making progression. Now, I'm not trying to convince hard cores to agree with me, I already know from other games and other forums that any conversation along those lines devolves into "GIT GUD" and "But a game should be fun" - already heard that. So, hard cores, just stay calm and realize that I'm making this post for the game developers to see, I'm not trying to convince you personally to be less hard core. Just realize some folks play strictly for fun, and still want to have fun even if they're not that great.
  10. Hey guys, I am working on a winter misssion and was thinking if there is a way to simulate lower temperatures inducing pain unless the player is near some objects such as working vehicles, fires, inside buildings etc. As far as I'm aware, Arma does not handle lower temperatures (i.e. changing temperatures at all, to something like below zero) which would help us in sniping scenarios, where temperature does matter, but that's besides the point. If it's possible to create something like small amount of pain (ACE3 Medical) induced to the player whenever he's not around a certain type of object or potentially a specific-size-marker for a long time, that would only go away when the player is near a fireplace or in a building, that would be splendid! If someone knows a way to do it, I will be very grateful. Thanks! Adam
  11. Forgive me if this is in the wrong section, The map is based on Call of Duty's Black Ops map: Nuke Town but with my twist to keep the Arma feel 20 players but 4 will be reserved so an admin can get on the server, so will be 16 players, 8 per team. You have random spawns at the back of the gardens. You are not locked to teams after 3 minutes so ignore that. 3 Classes (soon to be 6) Medic Silenced ACP-C2 .45 (4x 9rd Mags) Katiba Camo with ACO Scope (4x 30rd Mags) Medikit Smoke Grenades Green (3) to cover up the person he is to treat Engineer ACP-C2 .45 (4x 9rd Mags) MXC 6.5 with ACO Scope (4x 30rd Mags) MineDetector Hand Grenade Sniper ACP-C2 .45 (4x 9rd Mags) GM6 Lynx 12.7 mm (Camo) with SoS Scope (4x 5rd Mags) Smoke Grenade Yellow APERS Range Mine Ghillie Suite I will be adding red and blue class differences then once the server take off ill add more classes. 30 second bleed out with suicide Name: NaughtyBullGaming.com Presents: A3 Nuke Town: Team Death Match IP: Mods Needed: None Mission File Size 3.5MB I have setup a Teamspeak 3 Server for each team as well on: Please put any feedback here and I hope you like it, its took a lot of work to make by myself with some help from a few key people :)