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Found 7 results

  1. GF Temperature Script - Mod by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Temperature Script - Mod , the values are based on real measures. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Temperature Script - Mod please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the init.sqf , to copy paste in your mission. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ ArmA 3 | Notepad ++ SQF tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI5P7gp3x90 and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: The Values are based on real measures and there are 4 different options according to the selected climate. 1 = Hot Desert Climate , 2 = Mediterranean Climate , 3 = Subarctic Climate , 4 = custom The changes are affected from : month time Sun Elevation overcastForecast fogForecast rain gusts Altidude Sea Deep Sea Depth The Temperature Variables are : GF_Temperature_Sum_Air GF_Temperature_Sum_Sea It is possible after the script initialisation , to use them in other scipts etc. This scipt will be used in the future , for other projects as well. It is also included a mod version , posible to unpack and edit. Credits and Thanks to : Big thanks to CarlGustaffa for his Sun elevation code. https://forums.bohemia.net/profile/742616-carlgustaffa/ Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40349 Armaholic GF Temperature Script - Mod
  2. Inspired by MKY's blizzard script, I created functions that provide you with climatological information. The functions contain a simple climatological model and statistical data, that I gathered from all kinds or sources on the web. The climatological data can be overridden by terrain makers, using config entries. I hope that this will contribute to the creation of weather add-ons, realism- and survival mods. The archive includes a demonstration script. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mkwaLX9Mxri2tIQvB-25OJ99t-K_WPq6/view?usp=sharing FEATURES Input variables for functions are mostly limited to time, date and a position or object. Besides climatological data, the functions determine Latitude, time, date, overcast, fog, cloud occlusion, terrain occlusion, and object occlusion to calculate output values. The following features are included: * Air and Sea temperatures (array of numbers: °C) - llw_fnc_getTemperature * Date and time (text: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) - llw_fnc_getDateTime * Shadow detection (boolean: true / false) - llw_fnc_inShadow * Solar Azimuth and Elevation angles (array of numbers: degrees) - llw_fnc_getSunAngle * Solar Elevation angle at 12:00PM (number: degrees) - llw_fnc_getSunElevationNoon * Solar Radiation energy (number: W/m²) - llw_fnc_getSunRadiation * Sunrise and Sunset time (array of numebers: hours) - llw_fnc_getSunRise Please refer to the enclosed README.TXT for further details.
  3. I've been using this script for some time by JohnO that I stumbled across in some forums and I made it a point to make his script even better! This is a good script to use to make any survival scenario better! As In my case I use this script with my Ravage releases. The Script: Changelog/ edit notes: v1.5 JohnO- Removed legacy fatigue settings and put new stamina settings in v2.0 MuRaZorWitchKING - added colorization of effects to make them more "appealing" v2.5 MuRaZorWitchKING - made script compatible with Ravage fireplaces that the player can place on ground v3.0 MuRaZorWitchKING - tweaked distances required to be from fireplaces/buildings for warmth v4.0 MuRaZorWitchKING - added in land vehicles being another form of covering for players to use for warmth so buildings and fires aren't relied upon Readme: In Order to use the script you need to have an init.sqf file that needs this script loaded into it in order for it to be used. In order for the script to work properly you ARE going to need the classnames of the list of clothing you are wanting to use for the player to get cold in. READ THIS: The classnames that you add into the script ARE THE COLD CLOTHING, everything listed will be a cold outfit, everything NOT listed will NOT be a cold outfit. THESE CLASSNAMES NEED TO BE FILLED OUT BY YOU: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //Civilian "", //Soldier "", //Guarilla "", ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Once you figure out the classname of the outfit for example "U_C_Journalist" then you will place the name inside the "" and you will separate each item with a comma as seen in the example. If you want a FULL release of the script (filled out with all the classnames) I will be happy to help, this is more of a very simple layout, and should be taken as such, this script is for YOU to customize to your scenario/map wants and needs. ///////VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Please take note this is NOT my script, this is just someone else's work that I have revamped for a re-release. If the original author of the script no longer wants this up, this post WILL be removed. I hope you all enjoy this, JohnO did an amazing job on the script and is the original Author of it, I just thought it deserved a little more tweaking and a re-release. :) PLEASE REMEMBER TO GIVE CREDITS TO ORIGINAL AUTHOR: JohnO Link to Author's Original release: https://www.exilemod.com/topic/7717-detrimental-weather-effects-script/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Update for Frigid water Settings The Script: Simply add this script into your init.sqf in order to use it :) //PLEASE READ: YOU ARE FREE TO EDIT THIS SCRIPT, CHANGE IT WHICH WAY YOU WANT, BUT I WOULD LIKE CREDITS PLEASE. @GEORGE FLOROS GR Also helped me correct my errors after typing this script, couldn't of done it without this guy! ////NOTES: Both of these scripts are compatible with one another and work greatly paired together. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hypothermia Script / Severe Weather based off of JohnO's weather effects script: Simply put the script in your init.sqf for it to be initialized. Please Read: This script is based off the Detrimental weather effects script by JohnO, so similarities will exist, as I used Detrimental Weather effects as a template for this script. this script uses wetness as a buildable value that can build up to a deadly level and can leave you with Hypothermia... You will need shelter, fire, and of course you will need to stay out of rough weather... This script is only active is severe weather storms, if the weather isn't above a factor of 0.6 then this script will not be called... This script is for a severe weather system only, unless edited. All three scripts seem to work together, I cannot say this is for sure or certain, but in the playtime I have been using them I have seen them work... In order to get all three to work together you must edit out all the "_rainLevel" lines in the weather effects script... So both scripts aren't searching for "rain". ALL FOUR SCRIPTS COMBINED MAKE FOR AN EXTREMELY REACTIVE WORLD THAT IS TOUGH TO SURVIVE IN. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Simple "Cold Altitude" script:
  4. MuRaZorWitchKING

    [SP] [PVE] Ravage Releases

    I have been using the Workshop recently and have released multiple Scenario's to the workshop, I will compile the list of links below and a description of each, Please feel free to comment! Hope you all enjoy! :) "THE BURNING RAIN": https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1431963030 "THE BURNING RAIN" is set 35 years after the bombs fell, you are a sole survivor in the desolate landscape of Chernarus. There is scarce loot, the dead are everywhere, and there are bandits constantly on the lookout for you. Also this scenario has a built in Temperature system, the scripts used are from JohnO and they display your current status or even ailments "sickness, cold, freezing" at the bottom left of the screen, I have made a big dent in editing the script (throwing in more outfits, tweaking the colors of the notifications, and I tweaked the distances required from items such as campfires and the like required to get warm) The Features of this map: Unique player base location Located by the abandoned food shelter. Offers full lighting control, storage, and base defences. Dynamic Body Temperature System Keeps the player notified of Overall Weather, and sickness. (freezing, Cold, Sickness... etc...) Dynamic Ship Wreck Spawner Dynamically Spawned Ship wrecks with loot across the map on the Coasts of Chernarus. Dynamically Spawned Animals Wandering, randomly spawned, food source... Dynamic Traders both wandering and static around the map. Traders Guild Recruitable Survivors Some wandering AI and Townsfolk are recruitable! Towns some are marked, some you'll have to find. Dynamic Weather system Rain, Fog, Sunny, cloudy all Randomly changing. Vehicles some wrecked some you can hop in and drive without repairing. Vehicle repair System Dynamic loot system Dynamic Bandit camp spawning system Bandit camps randomly spawn across the map, and have loot! Infected Crawlers, runners, and the usual Walkers. Chemical Contamination zones you'll need special equipment to enter these areas. Dynamic Survival System Your gonna need food and water to stay alive. Bandits Bandits have always Stalked the lands looking for someone... Someone as unaware as you... Random spawn You never know where you're gonna spawn, always different. Random Loadout on Spawn Each time you restart, your loadout will be randomated. Save System Don't worry, you can pick up where you left off. :) Pure Atmosphere Map Credits: CHR Team Credits, and thanks to : @haleks, @Vandeanson, JohnO, RHS Team, CUP Team, Lord Frith, Lord Booka, EPOCH Team, CBA Team, Assualtboy, MrSanchez and JSHK, Their Scripts, textures and Modules were used, I also received help from @kodabar The next mission on my list is "THE BROKEN" https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1491990072 "THE BROKEN" is set after the events that occurred from the outbreak in Chernarus, mass deployment of nuclear weapons shifted the earths regular seasonal cycles and devastated landscape. Altis, being a somewhat arid and desert type climate was altered and shifted with the events that had happened, making it a vast cold and unforgiving landscape... Once people knew what was happening and it got colder people shifted towards a more easier way of hunting they resorted to fishing rather than hunting wild game for meat, people were hunting because there were no longer anymore incoming shipments of supplies for food markets, people were starving... They thought the fish would keep the hunger at bay, and it did. That was until the fish became infected with the virus that plagued Chernarus.for the longest time, it made its way across the globe affecting all sorts of wildlife, but it didn't have any negative affects of the wildlife. No, the virus was searching for the perfect hosts and it found it, it was the humans consuming the fish. You will be tested here, the cold doesn't forgive any, and your hunger and thirst will also test your true human limits as you battle against the frigid weather. Features: Traders Guild Location can be found on the map! Trading Caravan Their path, and rest areas are located on the map Air Patrols hostile air forces looking for remnant survivors... Dynamic Body Temperature System Keeps the player notified of Overall Weather, and sickness. (freezing, Cold, Sickness... etc...) Dynamic Ship Wreck Spawner Dynamically Spawned Ship wrecks with loot across the map on the Coasts of Altis. Dynamically Spawned Animals Wandering, randomly spawned, food source... Dynamic Traders both wandering and static around the map. Recruitable Survivors Some wandering AI and Townsfolk are recruitable! Towns Dynamic Weather system Snow, Fog, cloudy all Randomly changing. Vehicles some wrecked some you can hop in and drive without repairing. Vehicle repair System Dynamic loot system Dynamic Bandit camp spawning system Bandit camps randomly spawn across the map, and have loot! Infected Crawlers, runners, and the usual Walkers. Dynamic Survival System Your gonna need food and water to stay alive. Bandits Bandits have always Stalked the lands looking for someone... Someone as unaware as you... Random spawn You never know where you're gonna spawn, always different. Random Loadout on Spawn Each time you restart, your loadout will be randomated. Save System pick up where you left off. :) map credits: Crazy Mike Credits: Bohemia, @haleks, @Vandeanson, JohnO, Crazy Mike, and the CUP TEAM, their scripts, and textures were used in the making of this Scenario! I also thank our Amazing Community! Both of these scenarios are Singleplayer PVE and will test your skill in ravage, "THE BURNING RAIN" has many mod requirements as It was my first release on the workshop, "THE BROKEN" has many less both offer almost the same experience but "THE BROKEN" is much harder to adapt to. I constantly try to update these and am always looking to learn more about mission editing, if you have any thoughts or implementations please let me know! Thanks, and enjoy! PLEASE READ: KEEP IN MIND I DO NOT UPDATE MISSION'S FEATURES IN THIS LIST, CHECK THE MISSIONS IN STEAM WORKSHOP IN ORDER TO SEE RELEASE'S CURRENT STATE/VERSION. THANKS :)
  5. Original post obsoleted Check here: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/221056-weather-effects-ravage/?tab=comments#comment-3333711
  6. I have got the "Heroes Survive" scripts to semi work on my template scenario, but when you start "freezing" no damage is shown, and you basically drop dead when your body temperature hits 89F. No warning, just dropping dead. I am no coder, so someone may find the issue right away lol. Thanks for the help!
  7. Hey guys, I am working on a winter misssion and was thinking if there is a way to simulate lower temperatures inducing pain unless the player is near some objects such as working vehicles, fires, inside buildings etc. As far as I'm aware, Arma does not handle lower temperatures (i.e. changing temperatures at all, to something like below zero) which would help us in sniping scenarios, where temperature does matter, but that's besides the point. If it's possible to create something like small amount of pain (ACE3 Medical) induced to the player whenever he's not around a certain type of object or potentially a specific-size-marker for a long time, that would only go away when the player is near a fireplace or in a building, that would be splendid! If someone knows a way to do it, I will be very grateful. Thanks! Adam