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  1. I have been getting this problem consistently. i don't know what to do anymore can anyone help me ?
  2. So my request is simple, how can i know the total deaths during the battle? like a scoreboard for blufor, opfpr, ind, civilian etc, and of course including zeus units (like the deaths also counting for units spawned during zeus for each faction), is there anything im missing in the features or is there a mod or a way to do this? any help is highly appreciated
  3. Hello all, I have little expirence with Arma 3 mission editing and am looking to learn more in my down time. Some time ago, I put the Addon Free Arma Radio script into an antistasi mission. After some time and getting back into Arma 3, my group began a new game of antistasi plus and I would like to add this script again. The issue I have run into is that I cannot find the mission files. I have created a new Arma profile for misc reasons, so I figured the path to the mission files would be: C:\Users\nucl\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\PlagueDoc\Saved\steamMPMission However, this folder is empty. The old antistasi mission folder shows under C:\Users\nucle\Documents\Arma 3\Saved\steamMPMission, but it is not the one I am looking for. I feel I am overlooking something simple. Any and all help is appreciated, thank you in advance!
  4. So ive been looking around for decent server hosting/ rental services for a reforger private server for myself and my friends I’ve found a lot of interesting options but nothing solid at this moment we need something that’s cross platform friendly so that friends on Xbox can actually join and play I’ve specifically been looking at this company called Streamline servers And they have reforger servers available but say nothing about crossplay, does anyone have any experience with streamline or any other services they can recommend? Anything helps
  5. Hello, im trying to make a A-143 with jericho trumpets, so when diving it makes a sound. I have the following code so far, but I have trouble attaching the sound to the airplane. I know of say3D, however I don't think the volume can't be changed in that command, furthermore this script is supposed to be a composition so that it can be spawned on the fly in any mission. Any input is much appreciated! this addWeaponTurret ["cannon_125mm_advanced",[-1]]; this addMagazineTurret ["24Rnd_125mm_APFSDS_T_Red",[-1]]; this addMagazineTurret ["24Rnd_125mm_APFSDS_T_Red",[-1]]; nul = [this] spawn { params ["_this"]; while {alive _this} do { _velocity = ((velocityModelSpace _this select 1) - 100) max 0; _vol = _velocity / 10; playSound3D [ "a3\sounds_f\sfx\alarm_blufor.wss", _this, false, _this, _vol, 1, 300 ]; sleep 3; }; };
  6. Hello all, A while back I used to host a Arma 3 Dedicated server on Linux. After a while I stopped hosting it and deleted the Dedicated server off the linux box to make room for other applications. But now I have decided to reinstall the arma server again so I can host my mission once more. However I am stumbling into a weird problem when it comes to connecting to the server. Everytime a player connects, the player gets stuck in the loading screen. On the server side, the following line is spammed into the terminal until the player disconnects: 13:28:57 Server error: Player without identity Altay (id 1727490217) This happens on all missions. If I don't specify a startup mission in the config cfg, and then manually load my own mission using the #mission command then it loads without any problem. But setting my own mission as the default startup mission is a no-go. One thing that seems to fix it is to disable verifySignatures in the config file but I don't think this is a good solution to this. The server itself is just a vanilla install with no mods loaded. It was installed with SteamCMD using the guide found on the bohermia wiki. The server is started with the following command: ./arma3server -config=aad_config.cfg -name=AAD It is weird because this is the same exact mission file that I used to run in the past on the same machine and it just worked. But now it doesn't anymore. I setup a local Windows Server instance and tested the windopws version of the server there and it works fine without any issues. I tried both Debian 10 and Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS and both didn't have an impact. Here is the full console output from server startup to shutdown: Here is the config file that I use:
  7. PLEASE I am searching how to respawn with a choice of classes, for example when the player die he can choose one of the multiple classes (Sniper, Rifleman ..) But the problem is that I can't make a choice I have just the sniper... Sorry for my English I am french :/ I hope that my screens are going to better explain my problem ^^
  8. Hello, I'm new to this forum but not new to ofp or arma assault.... I started with ofp cold war crisis then moved up to Arma assault which I did manage to play it on a dedicated server along time ago, kind of ended the game play in 2009. Well life went on and here I am again with both ofp and Arma 2 ultimate sim along with arrowhead staring at me from my computer shelf....needless to say fast-forward to now I'm not tech savvy at all. I'm hoping I could get help with reinstalling Arma 2 on a new system that has windows 11 installed on it only. From my understanding now it's pretty easy to install off of steam I hear now a days, which later on I will upgrade to Arma 3.
  9. I've used the Arma Reforger Tools for a few hundred hours and have made a modified version of C&H. I'm running into issues setting up the ability to save loadouts. I've referenced the conflict mode a few times to try and figure it out. I see that you need a playerarsenalloadout with the base player. I also see the components in the arsenal itself to addaction save loadout. I cant figure out why I'm unable to save the loadout once in game to be selected upon respawn. Could someone do a walkthrough on how to set this up? I'm sure it's some obvious thing I've missed, please help me out! Thanks.
  10. Hello, I just a little help with the missileTargetPos command. When running it on the VLS Missile it seems to return a random position mid air near the launcher, but not where the missile is actually intended to go. Is there a reason for this or a different way to find the target position?
  11. I’ve been trying to make a conflict server on my pc so I can play with my friends on Xbox but every time I try to join my own server on my Xbox it just keeps saying session error connection has failed, with this code: Kick cause code: group=1 REPLICATION, reason=3 CONNEGTION FAILURE any help would be appreciated:)
  12. All of my arma reforger settings are bugged besides my graphics settings. for example all 3 field of view sliders in game are capped at 50%, my aim down sight focus intensity and my all my sensitivity settings go up to 5000% (all these settings should cap at 100%) on top of that the settings don't save they simply revert back when i close out. my knowledge with pcs is not too strong so im not sure how to diagnose this. if more info is needed I can go more in depth about what ive been experiencing through out this via screenshots, etc. Anyone who is familiar with this or can help fix. PLEASE REACH OUT!!!!
  13. Hello, i need some help; im trying to make a humvee like hunter, so with a manned HMG. My thought process was to attach a prowler HMG to the Hunter and the turn everything but the gun invisible. I'm not sure how to do this or if this is the best way to do it.
  14. Hello I want to spawn the explosion of the 30 mm MP-T from the LDF APC using createVehicle. I know you can spawn "HelicopterExploBig" and I was wondering if there was a CFGAmmo for the 30mm explosion.
  15. Greetings to members of the Arma 2 community. And even though A2 is already outdated, it never ceases to be interesting. We need your help with an artillery support script from one of our community users (Bon). The script is excellent in implementation, but there is a condition for the presence of a Game Logic object - Server. But, since not all maps and missions have this module, artillery support does not work properly. Who can help remove the condition on Game logic? So that the script works without it. Help me please. My knowledge in writing scripts is not enough. The authorship of "Bon" will be preserved. I apologize if a duplicate thread has been created or not in that section.
  16. When I load my model into object builder it loads in fine, but when i load it into blender via .fbx or .p3d file, then it is all distorted. What do I do?
  17. So I wanted to make programmable AB rounds that explode a few meters beyond the turrets current zeroed distance. I thought I could use currentZeroing but it only gives the manually zeroed distances (100,200,300,400,...), however i need to know the distance the gun automatically adjusts to when lasing the range. Is there any way to get that value? Thanks in advance
  18. I'm trying to make ambient urban combat sounds around a group of players that will be moving through a city by placing units that fire at different intervals with different weapons in order to use less entities than if I were to place squads to fight eachother for the ambience. I have searched high and low for a scrip to put into the Eden Init of an entity to make a unit fire in bursts instead of just 1 shot every x seconds. null = this spawn {_this dotarget t3; sleep 0.5; while {alive t3 and alive _this} do {sleep 0.2; g1 action ["useweapon",vehicle _this,_this,0]; }}; sleep 1 This is the script I'm using, but with this script the AI just shoots once every 0.2 seconds, realoads then fires every 0.2 seconds again. I want the AI to fire a burst of 5 shots, wait for 2 seconds, fire 5 shots and wait for another 2 seconds, then fire a longer burst of 7 shots then wait for 30 seconds. I am terrible at understanding codes like these and every thread I've found on this issue is years old and doesn't answer my question directly but instead basically sais ''Play around until it works'' well I can't cause I'm dumb Sorry if there is an answer for this somewhere and I'm just blind. Thanks for any help I can get!
  19. I'm totally new to scripting for custom missions in ArmA, and I'm running into an issue with the execution of a .sqf file. The game knows the file is where it's supposed to be but nothing happens after. execVM "SpecOps.sqf"; I put the above into the init boxes of several units but the commands I put in the file wont execute. This is how they are written verbatum spaces and all: player enablestamina false; player enablefatigue false; player setAnimSpeedCoef 1.1; player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0; player setCustomAimCoef 0; I don't understand why they aren't working or how else to write them and i'd like it to only execute on certain units. I apologize for my ineptitude, i used the wiki but not very well apparently.
  20. Would love some help figuring out how to make groups retreat back to base when needed. Such as a groups ammo running low, or when a vehicle's fuel/ammo is dwindling. Link some relevant tutorials, script commands/variables etc. This part is probably irrelevant, but to go in depth of what i wishto achieve... I want to make groups I can switch to, but if I havent switched to a group in awhile they will go back to base to replenish. Hoping to have these groups roam chernarus redux in a ravage mod scenario.
  21. So currently I have not found many ways with my small knowledge of SQF/arma natives or finding anyway online thats been demonstrated- But I'd like assistance in creating a script. Currently I am using SOG Prairie Fire Exectutor/Random Site modules to place caches that are all removeable via addAction for a search and destroy type mission- With each cache being randomly spawned via module. All of this works and I wish to to map markers to said caches that do spawn, as the Random Site module chooses several different locations. I would like only for (in this instance EAST or OPFOR) to have markers on said objects that are the caches. What method could I use for this? A snippet in initPlayerLocal? Can someone help create a mockup of what that would be? Id like: Markers to be visible for OPFOR only in mission MOST methods for one side markers Ive seen show ALL the markers in the briefing regardless Dont know how to actualize this. In initPlayerLocal? In seperate SQF script? Have them tied to editor placed objects. In this case, the object name/type in the screenshot: Multiple objects that are names cache_(letter)(number) ex. cache_a1 Any help is appreciated. I dont really know where to start code wise.
  22. I've made attack dogs. Everything works on local hosts or singleplayer, but the agents won't move to a position when they're being create and directed on a dedicated server. Created a simple script for the sake of test: This runs in the init.sqf for testing so I get 2 dogs, one for the server and one for the client to observe the behaviour. The 3 move commands aren't required, but just showing that the server doesn't work with any of them mm_fnc_SpawnDog = { params ["_pos"]; // Variables ============================================================= _Class = "Alsatian_Random_F"; _Anim = "Dog_Sprint"; // Create Unit ============================================================= private _newDog = createAgent [_Class, _pos , [], 0, "NONE"]; _newDog setVariable ["BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour_disable", true]; _newDog setVariable [ "AgentObj" , _newDog , true ]; // Behaviour ======================================= _newDog playMoveNow _Anim; // Indicator ======================================= _Class = "Sign_Arrow_Green_F"; if ( isServer ) then { _Class = "Sign_Arrow_F" }; _Indicator = createVehicle [ _Class , getPos _NewDog , [] , 0 , "NONE" ]; _Indicator attachTo [ _NewDog , [ 0 , 0 , 2 ] ]; _newDog; }; Sleep 3; _Player = allPlayers select 0; MM_TestDog = [ _Player getRelPos [ 15 , 0 ] ] call mm_fnc_SpawnDog; WHile { True } do { _PlayerPos = getPos _Player; MM_TestDog setDestination [ _PlayerPos , "LEADER PLANNED", true]; MM_TestDog moveTo _PlayerPos; MM_TestDog doMove _PlayerPos; Sleep 5; }; The client dog (Green) starts running north (Expected Behaviour) then turns around and heads straight back to the client. The server dog (Red) keepings running north ( Spawns facing north, and setting the run animation keeps it moving indefeinelty ) but will never turn or re-direct. It also doesn't matter if I use an absolute position [ 0,0,0] , [ 10000 , 10000 , 0 ] etc. Edit: The server logs show that the server isn't actually applying the move commands, rather than it just being desync between client and server Server Side Logs: 11:50:51 Agent Destination Player: B Alpha 1-1:1 (Madman) REMOTE 11:50:51 Agent Spawn Pos: [7212.9,3036.77,0] 11:50:51 Agent Created: Agent 0x2c500180 11:50:51 Initiated Move From | To: [7212.9,3036.77,0] | [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] 11:50:51 Agent Position: [7212.9,3036.77,0] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 15 11:50:52 Agent Position: [7212.9,3038.36,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 16.5959 11:50:53 Agent Position: [7212.9,3041.58,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 19.8105 11:50:54 Agent Position: [7212.9,3045.15,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 23.3823 11:50:55 Agent Position: [7212.9,3048.72,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 26.9541 11:50:56 Agent Position: [7212.9,3052.29,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 30.5259 11:50:57 Agent Position: [7212.9,3055.86,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 34.0977 11:50:58 Agent Position: [7212.9,3060.15,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 38.3838 11:50:59 Agent Position: [7212.9,3063.72,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 41.9556 11:51:00 Agent Position: [7212.9,3067.29,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 45.5273 11:51:01 Agent Position: [7212.9,3070.87,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 49.0991 11:51:02 Agent Position: [7212.9,3074.44,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 52.6709 11:51:03 Agent Position: [7212.9,3078.01,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 56.2427 11:51:04 Agent Position: [7212.9,3081.58,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 59.8145 11:51:05 Agent Position: [7212.9,3085.15,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 63.3862 11:51:06 Agent Position: [7212.9,3088.72,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 66.958 11:51:07 Agent Position: [7212.9,3092.3,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 70.5298 11:51:08 Agent Position: [7212.9,3095.87,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 74.1016 11:51:09 Agent Position: [7212.9,3099.44,0.00143862] | Destination [7212.9,3021.77,0.00143909] | Distance From Destination: 77.6733
  23. Hello everyone, Iwant to do some sripting in arma and now I have some time so I wanted to make AI talk in one of my scenarios, more precisely they will give a mission. I followed this tutorial by OnlineCombatBN and the ones giving me quests are talking normaly. I then wanted to add a guard that is closing of an area and when you get near him he will say something but i cant get him to talk i tried many things on my own (adding another class to the description.ext, and stuff like that) but i cant get it to work and i dont know what do do anymore, I know I am probably missing something so easy but again I am new at this stuff and dont know much. Any help would be appreciated. Edit: I also tried to put one convo into a folder. Like Folder Chat1 and the inside all the things I need and but i dont know if it will word and what to type into the trigger
  24. Hello! As the title suggests, I'm currently trying to create a faction in ALiVE that uses only drones, primarily UGVs. I've gotten pretty far with this, but I've kinda hit a wall. My apologies if this is not the appropriate place to put this question, I'm just reposting this here since I don't know if I'll find an answer on Reddit. TL;DR: my current process of crewing the vehicles with AI pilots ends up removing the UGVs from their original group. The UGVs losing the appropriate groupings means that they are no longer receiving their orders from OPCOM, and will idle in place. I need a method to either crew the UGVs while maintaining their original grouping, or to resync the newly formed UGV groups with OPCOM. Reprofiling via the admin menu has no effect; I think this is because the units were spawned by OPCOM and thus considered already profiled? Long version with context: I used ALiVE's ORBAT Editor to inherit some drones from other factions and put them into my custom faction, compiled into a PBO, etc. Currently, the faction consists of just one composition, which is 4 armed stomper UGVs. I set up a small test mission on the VR map, with NATO on one side and hostile INDFOR Drones on the other side. I created a script that populates the UGVs with "AI" pilots and gunners. (These AI units are the same type used in vanilla when you set a UAV to fly autonomously, for example.) The problem arises when the UGVs are created; they are spawned as empty vehicles, and empty vehicles cannot be placed in a group by themselves, as far as I can tell. The groups are still being made by ALiVE when it spawns them at the objective; I could gather that much from Zeus, seeing that group callsigns were not being given sequentially, such as the first UGV on the list receiving callsign Alpha 1-5. To make this work, I think I would have to reassign each UGV back to its original group, or at the very least to some group that OPCOM knows about. This would require me to keep track of three things: 1. Each UGV group spawned by OPCOM 2. Each UGV spawned by OPCOM 3. Which UGVs were spawned as part of which groups 1 and 2 are trivial on their own: I can set up initialization handlers on the composition class and on the UGV class, which is how I handled crewing the UGVs. The problem comes with linking the two in a way that avoids mismatches. I would use the units command, but it returns an empty array when used in the initialization handler, likely because empty vehicles aren't being put into the group at all. I am open to any advice on this, since I am extremely unfamiliar with ARMA 3's scripting. If you are here from the far future seeking answers as well, I have little more to offer you. Here are pastebins with the contents of my mission's description.ext and script file that I am using to crew the UGVs: description.ext onTurretUGVSpawn.sqf
  25. Downloaded a CBRN scrypt form the steam workshop. it's size is 50mx50m. i later managed to increase the size of the trigger and the particle area, however, the particles are sparse and can't be seen easily by themselves, they're the only way to know that there is gas in the area. the scrypt is called "CBRN" by QQ 50x50 área (default) 100x100 área (less particles)