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Found 81 results

  1. Finn the Fox

    Reaction Forces Issues

    I recently purchased the Reaction Forces CDLC on Steam and it does not work, I enabled it but it shows on the main menu as locked/unpurchased, nothing I have done has resolved this issue. Is there anything more I could do to try to remedy the situation?
  2. Prizim-ecd648006ea01d7c

    FoV issue

    my game had a sudden crash yesterday and now no matter what i do my fov will not go back to my saved value it's stuck at 70. Also i have tried verifying files and tweaking some of the settings hoping it would work and so far nothing has helped.
  3. All of my arma reforger settings are bugged besides my graphics settings. for example all 3 field of view sliders in game are capped at 50%, my aim down sight focus intensity and my all my sensitivity settings go up to 5000% (all these settings should cap at 100%) on top of that the settings don't save they simply revert back when i close out. my knowledge with pcs is not too strong so im not sure how to diagnose this. if more info is needed I can go more in depth about what ive been experiencing through out this via screenshots, etc. Anyone who is familiar with this or can help fix. PLEASE REACH OUT!!!!
  4. Here's my problem. Last night I installed 'ReShaders' but I did not realise that the link to it was originally for Ready or Not, And when I installed it to the Arma file, on open, it shrinks, not as in like a program with minimise and close, but for a second shrinks then just crashes. The program is still running, yet same thing happens every time I open it. Now I when to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\reshade-shaders and I think there was a shaders file but now im looking its gone, but I deleted everything in it. The same problem persisted. After that, I then reinstalled arma, hoping it would work, but too no surprise it didn't I've looked at youtube tutorials, and cant find something similar to my problem. Can someone help?
  5. After launching arma 3 through the launcher it get stuck on the loading screen (splash screen) and stays there, I uninstalled every mod and reinstalled the game with no luck, I need help fixing it
  6. Hey so i recently upgraded my computer Specs: Ryzen 7 7700x Asus 4070 Asus x670-p wifi 32 Gb DDR5 6000mhz Samsung 980 Pro And switched to Windows 11 The game will not open, on opening it crashes. Anybody know what might be causing this? Windows update? Drivers? It was a fresh install, nothing on my drives, the game loads for 5 seconds and then crashes.
  7. I've made dedicated server with mods and some of scenarios having small errors like "xxx.sqf not found" or "no entry xxx" and so on. They aren't really major because i can simply press "ok" and scenario will work without any problems if i'll start it in LAN from server browser But if im hosting dedicated server then there is no way to press "ok" button and server not passing through and returning back to lobby with error in console Question is - how to avoid kicking from scenario if it contains small problems like i described above without fixing the problem inside scenario, because it kicking even if it can't find script that i simply not using in scenario and just forgot to delete execution command of this script I remember that i've seen somewhere command which allowing me to start scenario with errors, but i haven't found it anywhere
  8. So I created a mission file for my units new training map. When testing on my own PC I get no errors and see all slots intended. The slot selection screen on my own PC When I upload the mission on server I see no slots to select at all. There are no visible errors. The Slot Selection screen on the server box After doing some testing and removing all objects from the mission file and testing one at a time I discovered my issue is BLUFOR AI that I placed down using animations from 3Den Enhanced. When I remove them from the mission file everything works perfectly. Does anyone know what might be the cause of this ?
  9. Hello everyone i just installed Arma 3 yesterday (again) The problem: When i want to join a server it says: "you are running are running a different version of Arma3 use version 2.08" So on the right bottom the client says im running version 1.8. So i just downloaded it yesterday and it downloaded an old version. Steam doesnt update it. What i tried to fix this: - Searching on google (found nothing that can fix this) - Set arma3 on development build in properties - Reinstalling arma 3 - Restarted steam few times (maybe it would update arma but no) Laptop info: MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports) Processor 2 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5 Memory 16 GB 1867 MHz LPDDR3 Video Intel Iris Graphics 540 1536 MB
  10. Hello there! I've recently set up a dedicated server to play Reforger with my group in a private setting. The server runs and seemingly operates as it should, (no unusual errors in server logs) and everyone can connect and play on the server without issues, except for myself. When I set "gameHostRegisterBindAddress" to my public IP, it prevents me from not only connecting to my server, but seeing any other Reforger servers available in the server browser. Leaving this form blank, (defaulting to allows me to connect and play no issues, but for everyone else trying to connect, the server displays a ping of 999+ and rejects their connections. I wouldn't consider myself an expert of hosting/managing servers, especially dedicated ones like this, but am I missing something to enable connections both locally and externally, or is this just not possible with Reforger's current state? If anyone has any recommendations, I would be grateful for any and all of them! If I can provide any additional information which could help solve my issue, I would be happy to provide it! Reforger is a fantastic platform so far and I'm just really excited to play the next generation of Arma as soon as possible :P
  11. I cannot get dynamic simulation to work at all, even in a basic test scenario. In this scenario, I have: ensured dynamic sim is turned on at a scenario level set all unit category types to the minimum of 50m activation created an enemy squad about 1km from the player unit turned dynamic sim on for this squad at a squad level checked that it has been activated on the squad by using dynamicSimulationEnabled But I can till see the enemy squad on the horizon. Surely this shouldn't happen? I am not sure if I have missed something obvious or if it is broken. Anyone any ideas? The only thing that seems odd to me is that dynamicSimulationEnabled returns true for the enemy squad itself but false for individual units. I understand that dynamic sim works at a squad level but surely it should also return true for individual units within that squad?
  12. Hello, i have the problem that I lose connection to every server after 5-30 minutes. I then get the message "no message received for ... seconds" and after that "lost connection to host". I already tried to reinstall the game, restart my router, turn off firewall and antivirus and reinstall battleye manually. Now I'm out of ideas. Would be great if someone finds a solution or has a tipp. It makes the game unplayable for me.
  13. I understand that there are other threads with their own replies, but I figured that - for the sake of convenience - I'd add my own personal details for this error code should none of the replies from other threads help! Attached are the RPT. file for the most recent startup fail + screenshot of the screen itself when the startup process comes to a halt. I hope this gives some insight, been this way for a little over two weeks 😞 Thank you in advance for ANY tips! I really do appreciate it. RPT. file: https://justpaste.it/9i30j Screenshot of Error Message: https://justpaste.it/6u3f0
  14. Got a Vanilla Server Working great, but when I attempt to add mod files into the server and try to join through the launcher the server is reading it differently. (E.g. (The server has: CBA_A3 V1.23.4)( I Have: CBA_A3) ) I realise the issue is that the mods are different due to the file names, but how can I rectify this issue on the server.
  15. Hello After I replaced a new GPU (AMD 6800XT), my video memory occupancy appeared abnormally high. In the case of only running ARMA3, the GPU memory occupancy will start from about 4G as the game time increases. Gradually increase, usually, a server with more people will gradually increase the GPU memory usage from 4G to 16G within 2-3 hours (the maximum memory of 6800xt is 16g), and cause the game to crash, while in single player mode this It will take a little longer but it will still cause a crash, which did not happen when using AMD 5700XT before (Recently, the maximum video memory usage before the crash seems to have become 13G or lower. When the video memory usage reaches a certain value, the game will directly lose response and there will be no crash error as usual, and no error file will be generated. I can only use The task manager ends the process, and the error code shows 0x00000001 UNABLE_TO_INIT_DXGI) Even if I don’t load any mods or plugins, a crash will occur. In order to solve this problem, I tried to limit the maximum memory to 12G and the maximum video memory to 8G in the game launcher, but it seems that this limit does not work. Adjust the texture to the lowest value and then adjust it back to temporarily reset the video memory usage. Is a normal lower state, but it will continue to increase This kind of problem becomes very serious in TANOA, but it is slightly better in other maps. If I run around everywhere on the map, the crash will happen faster, and it won’t happen when I stay in one place. My pc: cpu: AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-Core Processor Motherboard: MSI MAG B550M Mortar WiFi Memory: Essencore KD4AGU880-32A160T 16 GB 3200mhz X2 Graphics: XFX Speedster RX 6800 XT MERC319 System: Windows 10 Pro 10.0.19042.1110 (Win10 20H2 October 2020 Update)C10210910 2020 更新) In addition, I tried replacing the cpu with another 3800x and a 3600x, replacing the motherboard with (MSI)MPG X570 GAMING PRO CARBON WiFi, and replacing the memory with another set of 8x2 3200mhz memory sticks of the same manufacturer, but this problem was not solved. I want to know if you have heard of other people having this situation? Because my hardware performs well when running other games, and this problem is not very likely to be caused by AMD’s infamous graphics driver, I have tried all drivers from 20.11.2 to 21.6.2. This kind of video memory The abnormal increase in occupancy only occurs in arma3 Is there any way to solve the problem completely? Thank you for your answer, and hope you can forgive the incompatibility in my sentence, my English is not good, so I use Google Translate
  16. I have redownloaded arma, visual c++ stuff and other thing many times and it still doesn't work. What should I do?
  17. The game works perfectly fine without the optional DLC loaded. But whenever I try to launch it with the DLC the Arma 3 and Bohemia logos show up like normal. But after this the game menu doesn't load and I get stuck at a black screen. I've tried validating the game files from Steam to no avail. Also the only way for me to get out of this is by task killing the game from task manager. But whenever I try to start the game again with the optional DLC after that the same thing happens. I've also tried waiting it out. I launched the game, went to walk my dog and when I came back 2 hours later it was still stuck at the black screen. Please help!
  18. Whenever I try to join a server, I get this message. I'm using A3Launcher, but it doesn't seem to be working with the normal one either I already tried verifying the workshops, fixing them using the normal launcher and verifying the game. Is there any way to solve this issue? Thanks CONTACT THE SERVER ADMIN. You were kicked off the game. (Files C:\Program Files (x86 )\Steam\steamapps\ workshop\content\107410\450814997\addons\cba_accessory.pbo are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys.)
  19. 18:16:40 WARNING: Function 'name' - 1d328a6c440# 1679036: ia_soldier_01.p3d REMOTE has no unit 18:16:40 - network id 2:6102 *18:16:40 are the time stamps* I can give a better explanation if needed
  20. Hello everyone, and thank you for taking the time. I have returned to Arma 3 mission making and server hosting after a break, and have been really excited to get going. I know some ins and outs how to manage a server, and do some troubleshooting already, when it comes to mission making, scripts, and to find out problems with the server and the logs. However, this issue is not something that I have managed to resolve as of yet; There is some kind of desync issue with the server, sooner or later as I am hosting an operation, or another gamemode such as Escape, sooner or later at some point the server will start to desync strongly in periods .. like when AI is spawning or moving about. I have tried to run the missions without some scripts, to test if it fixes the desync but it hasn't .. so I was thinking maybe there is an issue in the mod list, somehow, or corrupted files in the server, or something to do with the server getting overloaded and too busy .. which has led me to read about Headless Clients, which is too complex for me. Current mod list during operations; Mod list during Escape (custom modded); Keep in mind we experience same desync issues, with both mod lists. Perhaps answers can be found in the log, I appreciate if anyone could take a look; This is the log from yesterday when we were playing Escape Tanoa (custom with mods).
  21. My Arma 3 Contact was lagging really bad and I read online that changing the aspect ratio from 16:9 Stretch to 16:9 Wide should fix the lagging, which seems to work. However I now have a problem were I can't change my Aspect Ratio to 16:9 Wide at all. It default selects "(Auto) (Stretch) 16:9" and changing it to 4:3, 5:3, 21:9 etc. works just fine, but always when I change it to "16:9 Wide" it just reverts back to "(Auto) (Stretch) 16:9". This issue is realy annoying and I can't seem to find a fix for it online. Help would be much appreciated.
  22. Hi so this is my first day in game and I can't board vehicles I can check my inventory using space (default action) but can't board the vehicle how Am I supposed to play further into game ,I even tried to restart the game or the whole application nothing changed . So I checked different campaign option and in none m able to board a car (ground vehicle ) I was able to board a helicopter as I was not driving it
  23. Hello, I am running a vanilla ArmA game without any mods loaded and I am unable to play APEX campaign neither in SP mode or in MP mode. After launching a solo game or a (LAN) server I am just getting a loading screen with mission description with picture, I hear "sound of the sea" like there is an empty world loaded, and the loading gets stuck. After I press "escape", the game shows a multiplayer lobby for a brief moment and then it shows loading screen for another mission which also gets stuck. After pressing "escape" key a couple times it just gets me to title screen. Any other campaign or scenario in SP works normally. In MP when I host any game I am unable to choose any slot. I can join official servers on the other hand, (when BattleEye is on). What might be the problem here? Has anyone had such an issue? Thank You for Your help, MH
  24. I can not use my WASD keys for movement, unless i hold the alt key down before pressing them. I realize ALT is default for looking around, and have thus double clicked, triple clicked, clicked times infinity that particular key to make sure it is being used correctly. I have uninstalled and reinstalled ARMA twice. I have disabled all my mods and just played vanilla arma. The Arrow keys still function as intended for movement purposes. i can still actually control and use wasd to change stances. the only thing i can not use the wasd keys is for movement. i can rebind them to any other feature, and they still will only function if i hold ALT down prior. now if i clear every keybind EXCEPT for WASD, they still wont work. If i go through every key bind, adding left ALT to it along with having WASD they might work, i will let you know if i ever get around to doing that. Otherwise if anyone has any other thoughts on why they are not working, please let me know.
  25. I've had a recurring problem within Arma 3 for the past year or so and it's prevented me from really playing the game. Every time I try to join a server, it doesn't matter what server (as long as it's not an official server), it always says "Battleye Initialization Failed". Every single time for the past year or so i've been trying and without fail it never works. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, installing battleye straight from their website, moving game directory locations, i've tried it all but nothing ever seems to work. I just want to be able to play again and i've tried contacting everyone I know of but nothing i've ever tried has worked.