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Everything posted by POLPOX


    SetObjectTexture Checks

    _count = count getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "hiddenSelections") ; if (_count == 0) then { hint "This vehicle doesn't have texurable selection" ; } else { hint format ["This vehicle has %1 (#0 ~ #%2) texturable selections",_count,_count-1] ; } ; This should work. Simple Objects made by .p3d path directly (Super Simple Objects) don't have classNames as well as hiddenSelections so can't be retextured.
  2. createSimpleObject an weapon/vehicle and do selectionNames to get the data with zasleh/muzzle flash proxy.

    Stuck in prone when I use binoculars

    Too late for this topic though, as far as I know I got nearly same problem like this after using modded animation, even in Vanilla. I forgot how did I do that but I solved the problem with changing branch of the game.
  4. Two small things: If there's olive Hunter, is it possible to add olive variant of Decommissioned Hunter, Vehicle Scrap, Vehicle Parts? (I know these might don't fit into the official lore) Is it possible to add config option to always show NVGs (even it's noon) on a unit who sitting on an FFV seat?
  5. "'expansion' in (configSourceModList _x)" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgWeapons") apply {configName _x}; This is simplest way IMO, this returns all weapons configured in Apex Expansion files. Of course, you need to modify the condition to search only like for scope = 2; assets.


    Yes. Even if you don't press Shift, the _this#2 will always returns the Shift state. Same goes for ctrl(_this#3) and alt(_this#4).


    (on)KeyDown EventHandler will return an array with 5 elements, display, key, shift, ctrl, alt. And the last 3 values are booleans. In that case, if (_shift) then { }; is detecting the shift. For more info, go check with some debug commands. waitUntil {!isNull(findDisplay 46)}; (findDisplay 46) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown",{ systemChat str _this; }];
  8. addAction needs proper code to execute properly and you need to use addMagazine and addWeapon to give someone weapon and magazine. Your code thrown to addAction is just a className, and className does nothing alone and the engine understands your code like this: srifle_DMR_03_F The engine thinks the srifle_DMR_03_F is a variable but it's defined nowhere and that's why it causes the error. Remember the syntax of the addAction? You can achive the goal with the code like this: _crate = sg_classes; _crate addAction ["MK-I", { (_this#1) addMagazine (_this#3#1) ; (_this#1) addWeapon (_this#3#0) ; }, [_sg_mk1,_sg_mk1Mags]]; The argument #2 (I count "Mk-I" as #0) [_sg_mk1,_sg_mk1Mags] is the arguments thrown into the addAction script as _this#3 (aka _this select 3) and can be used in the script now. If you want to change weapons and magazines, you only need to change the arguments.
  9. Devs, this is just my thought and small wishlist, do we have any chance to have ability to spawn entities from CfgWeapons, CfgAmmo, any other p3d models with configs as Simple Object (not as Super Simple Object)? I want to see retexturable weapons for debug purpose. I am pretty sure nobody wants to re-launch the entire game to preview new hiddenSelectionsTextures[] for weapons.
  10. Sorry, it got some characters those shouldn't be there and make it trash. null = this spawn { _this dotarget t1; sleep 0.5; _this addEventHandler ["Reloaded",{ _unit = _this select 0 ; _mag = _this select 4 select 0 ; _unit addMagazine _mag ; }] ; while {alive t1 and alive _this} do { sleep 0.3; [_this,currentWeapon _this] call BIS_fnc_fire; } ; } ; Here's the correct one.
  11. 3 problems there: Missing ;(semicolon) after the while You can't use this inside the spawn, use _this instead The addEventHandler will be executed after the while Also, highly recommend to use forceWeaponFire or BIS_fnc_fire instead of action ["useWeapon"]. And yeah, your code is hard to read, so you'll need to think about indents and line breaks wisely. null = this spawn { _this dotarget t1; sleep 0.5; _this addEventHandler ["Reloaded",{ _unit = _this select 0 ; _mag = _this select 4 select 0 ; _unit addMagazine _mag ; }] ; while {alive t1 and alive _this} do { sleep 0.3; [_this,currentWeapon _this] call BIS_fnc_fire; } ; } ;
  12. Here are a few from my wishlist for the future Arma 3 or Arma 4. ENGINE: Support reload animations for load-for-every-single-cartridges (I couldn't name it - I mean this) Support alternative reload animations for tactical reload Support alternative bullet inside chamber (30+1) Separate animations for unload/load magazine Animations for change firemode Smooth transition for index finger (trigger control) Support diffrent magazine model for a weapon (Is this becoming true? - Magazine Proxies) Thrust reversal for fixed-wings Foregrip (reduces recoil) Expand vault (climb walls) External animation for Aim Down Sight (leans his head to the sight, closes left eye) Picture-in-Picture scope Animation for bolt-action rifle (just like Iron Front: Liberation 1944, but support with the engine) Advanced radio simulation (can be adjusted on difficulty) Limited drone action/connection range Melee / Weapon stock attack Downwashable flags Camouflage advantage for uniforms, weapons, any other equipments. I don't want to bring Arid Ghillie to Tanoa! Malfunctions of weapons Adjustable power for throwing Underground structures Improved gore (destroy of arms, legs and head) More belivable fire effects (animations of tring extinguish, spreading fire to body, burns grasses) River and ponds Seasons for maps Launch with only basic addons/don't load some assets (reduces loading time and useful for frequent re-launching especially modders) Ability to disable wheel brakes of helicopters in Basic Flight Model and able to taxiing Event Handler for expand/collapse Combo EDEN EDITOR: Show/place/move markers in 3D space Let us handle markers more precisious Usable variable name in Eden Editor (Name a unit and can be used in debug console in editing screen) SCRIPT COMMANDS: Smooth move for Object (Move a Object from A to B in N seconds), don't want to use neither setPos nor setVelocityTransformation for every frame Expand attachTo (when attach to a selection, it will rotate simultaneously with the selection) Preload Texture command Aim command (let a unit aim at somewhere you want) Find copilot and controller Adjust fuel consumption (for more frequent refuel) fadeSound but adjust on sarround system (1 fadeSound [1,0] to fade from right) Add special variable that contains index just like _forEachIndex for apply command Create spotlights command Get all localized strings (returns like ["STR_A3_foo","STR_A3_bar","STR_A3_hoge"...]) DATA: Snowy terrain and assets African terrain and assets (Lombakka perhaps?) Quickdraw pistols (fast change weapon) Manned turret for MRAPs (Easy to neutralize gunners) High-quality hand signals Dynamic Loadout for ground vehicles (eg Technicals) VR-themed objects, vehicles, equipments (IMO dirty Offroad in VR is odd) Searchlights Non-steerable round parachute Improved reload animations for CAR-95-1 and AK-12 Monoeye nightvision Expand dive features (new vehicles, new suits, new underwater weapons) Authentic hairs for everyone Texturable Invisible Wall (easy to see, easy to debug positions) Visible lasersight (Non-IR) Dynamic Loadout for KH-3A Fenguhuang Flashlight for handguns (partly possible now) Driveable “non-Wrecked” Minivan Drag and carry body feature for Revive System Correct material for Virtual Human Target in Virtual Arsenal Add filter by Side and Faction on Arsenal Damage model and interiors for Tanoan structures (Developers promised us for once AFAIK) Shotguns Gun Bag (to carry extra rifle) Walking surrender animations RscDisplayBackground - a display with a full-screen background control Landed parachute static object Short variant of Van Alert when a player tries to discard the changes in Options CSAT Navy Interior and elevators for USS Freedom Jettisonable external fuel tanks for jets Ability to change hull numbers and name for USS Freedom (Gerald R Ford class) Navy variants of NATO helicopters (Foldable rotors FTW) Some of ideas are already became true in DayZ? Of course, any new features and assets are always happy for everyone.
  13. I've got two different quick quetsions. Is it possible to execute defaultValue of a custom attribute class in object init? (Like modules do) Is it possible to show NVG on a unit who sits in a FFV seat in daytime? Thanks.
  14. POLPOX

    [Help] Rotating Objects

    So, what exactly are your goal and your current problem? Move furniture? Push Space to rotate for what? When you release Space and it goes to its original position? And, how do you call your “KeyHandler”?
  15. POLPOX

    [Help] Rotating Objects

    Post the entire script. I can't seem your problem at all.
  16. HIGHLY recommend to think about indents and wise case choise. Upper cases, lower cases and indents are never effect to actual evaluation though, readability is really important for you or any scripters. xxx3 = true; while {xxx3} do { sleep 3; if (isTouchingGround player) then { hint "You are on ground"; } else { hint "Game Detected you are in water, will reset position in 3 seconds"; sleep 3; if (isTouchingGround player) then { hint "Not in water anymore"; } else { player setPos [0,0,0]; hint "Position reset"; }; }; }; Also, use the button with <> icon to make a code block into a forum post.
  17. Update is coming in today, but before that... Hey! I am pretty sure you're here because you got this screen, right? This screen is, as shown in the texts, to disable your multiplayer game to prevent cheating. Despite this MOD is not intended to use in actual gameplay, neither multipalyer nor singleplayer, I didn't implement this screen before, but the update in Jan. 2019 introduces almost free vehicle interior camera which is able to travel your camera outside the vehicles so I decided to add this. How should I do? I know this is the question you need right now. The answer is: just remove POLPOX's Artwork Supporter from your MOD collection. Hey, I really want to use this MOD in multiplayer game! Okay, here's the deal... you can disable this screen via modify the mission's description.ext as below. PLP_allowArtworkSupporter = 1; If you are not able to edit it, please contact an admin or mission makers. The update “Props Everywhere” is coming very soon, changelog will be frontpaged!
  18. POLPOX

    Arma 3 Aegis

    https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1127915978 Those're still on early development state, so in this branch yet.
  19. I noticed three-digit Modex texture selections of Sentinel UCAV were removed from its hiddenSelections[] config so it is now unable to change numbers via setObjectTexture. Heard some vehicles or weapons too. I ain't even searched everything though, this is some problem, isn't it?
  20. I didn't meant to that... I hope you can get it. The timing of cartridge sound is legit for me but sound randomizer is not working properly, I think. As shown in the video and in the in-game config, there're some cartridge sounds defined but when full auto it only sounds one sound. I'm not sure I described this well...
  21. POLPOX


    Please read my post again... while {true} do { _time = dayTime; _hour = floor _time; _delayOvercast = 1800; _delayRain = 1800; _delayFog = 1800; _value = selectRandom [0.1, 0.2, 0,3]; if (_hour == 2) then { _delayOvercast setOvercast _value; _delayRain setRain 0; _delayFog setFog 0; }; if (_hour == 4) then { _delayOvercast setOvercast _value; _delayRain setRain 0; _delayFog setFog 0.5; }; if (_hour == 5) then { _delayOvercast setOvercast _value; _delayRain setRain 0; _delayFog setFog 0.0; }; if (_hour == 12) then { _delayOvercast setOvercast _value; _delayRain setRain 0; _delayFog setFog 0.0; }; if (_hour == 16) then { _delayOvercast setOvercast _value; _delayRain setRain 0; _delayFog setFog 0.0; } ; if (_hour == 18) then { _delayOvercast setOvercast _value; _delayRain setRain 0; _delayFog setFog 0.0; }; if (_hour == 22) then { _delayOvercast setOvercast 1; _delayRain setRain 1; _delayFog setFog 0.5; }; if (_hour == 24) then { _delayOvercast setOvercast _value; _delayRain setRain 0; _delayFog setFog 0.3; }; sleep 1800; };
  22. POLPOX


    https://forums.bohemia.net/guidelines/ You missed { after while {true} do, and many of missing ;s
  23. Is this only for me or not? I feel these cartridge sounds aren't randomized well. Every each of pulling the trigger makes the same cartridge sound expect the very last sound. Note that, this video's cartridge sound is boosted by personal MOD.