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ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

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While you guys were at AI some pages earlier in this thread.

4:06 - 4:09 prime example for needed AI improvement.

Missile destroys target and the very nearby patrol just goes on like it was nothing -

see infamous apache guncam video for proper reaction when getting shot out of nowhere.

Should be something like this hx3_skyfall.gif instead of the ArmA-usual kthxbai behaviour.

Also wondering if they´ll try to shoot the drone if it gets compromised, which isn´t impossible at all.

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While you guys were at AI some pages earlier in this thread.

4:06 - 4:09 prime example for needed AI improvement.

Missile destroys target and the very nearby patrol just goes on like it was nothing -

see infamous apache guncam video for proper reaction when getting shot out of nowhere.

Should be something like this hx3_skyfall.gif instead of the ArmA-usual kthxbai behaviour.

Also wondering if they´ll try to shoot the drone if it gets compromised, which isn´t impossible at all.

Well I did read somewhere earlier in this thread that the AI in that part of the clip was possibly dumbed all the way down just to show off the new features.. but idk!?

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the AI was really dumbed down for that demonstration. Watch the bradley footage and you'll see a fella on a static machine gun daydreaming while the apc just drives right on past him chopping up his buddies.

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Which video?

2:16 in the video ( deadfast posted the link above ) a truck appears , cant tell if it's a MTVR or a 5t truck .

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yeah looks like it. and the one right after that and before the bradley i think i saw it was a tan stryker.

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At 4:06 it says

The UAV helicopter isn't compromised because it doesn't shoot any missiles itself so the enemy has no idea where it came from.

They didn't react at-all to the explosion :(

I hope the AI will adapt more to dangerous situations; just because it can't detect enemies, doesn't mean they're completely safe :d:

Apart from that, the uav looks very detailed :yay: and the countermeasures & radar look much better than what vanilla ARMA2 had (hate the current radar system^^)

I'm glad the air-vehicles are recieving at least some attention and improvements!

2:16 in the video ( deadfast posted the link above ) a truck appears , cant tell if it's a MTVR or a 5t truck .

Looks to me like an MTVR

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4:06 - 4:09 prime example for needed AI improvement.

Missile destroys target and the very nearby patrol just goes on like it was nothing -

see infamous apache guncam video for proper reaction when getting shot out of nowhere.

Should be something like this hx3_skyfall.gif instead of the ArmA-usual kthxbai behaviour.

And about what are you dreaming at night :p ?

Read the statement by a BI-Developer in CIS (forgot actual ticket number, sorry), we asked them for a little bit more self-caring AI, that reacts in any way, if getting shot at (hell even in Arma1 they went prone when bullets were passing above them), BI-Dev answered that this is impossible and whatnot else and if we really would think this is actually possible to give AI more self-caring abilities.... :eek: :(

Lol, no words for that i know, but at least we know why they haven't improved it at all since OFP1. :o

That said i wouldn't hope for any improvements in that area... Scripted AI-Solutions however can be able to solve that just fine...

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I´m not dreaming about anything, nor do i expect anything - be it AI or sound (which they said would be completely reworked engine, we´ve yet to see/hear). But i´d really like to be blown away by OA´s improvements, if anyone could make something better than ArmA2 it would be BI. They just need to really badly want to make a mindblowing game experience once again and i think they could deliver. If they want to ....

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Well I did read somewhere earlier in this thread that the AI in that part of the clip was possibly dumbed all the way down just to show off the new features.. but idk!?

Sorry but I find that really hard to believe. Why would you ever intentionally dumb down the AI, which would only make your game look bad when it's in the spotlight. It's the AI responses (or lack of) that are a major deciding point in how engrossing the action will play out, and ultimately, whether or not people want to purchase it.

I heard similar speculatory remarks to that "other game of which we dare not speak", before it's release. "It's not on hardcore"; "It's WIP!" -well we all know now that that was the "finished prduct".

By no means am I stating that what we see in that video is the finished product's AI, but after the last Beta's AI made it into the final patch (which has put my ARma2 time on hold), I'm more concerned than not.

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lol.. I was just sayin'...I wasn't the one who originally stated that.

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lol.. I was just sayin'...I wasn't the one who originally stated that.

No worries mate, my estrogen-y rant wasn't directed at you at all. Ultimately, I just really hope that enhanced AI is still in the top 3 of their priority list.

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Wouldnt desert MTVR mean desert marines? :D

They were in the first ArmA 2, don't see any reason why they wouldn't be in the expansion.

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marines and army use different trucks. marines use the MTRV, wile army use FMTV

but, oh well, they are just trucks. most people dont give a hoot about them

and one of these days, some one, somewhere, will post a link to something with new ingame footage, new screenies, a features list or SOMETHING beyond speculation and shaky/blurry cam footage... one of these days...

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Well since the game takes places in the future maybe the army bought MTVR's , they do use the SCAR in the game.

Also I am hoping for some kind of spawn enemy's on and in buildings since most of them are "usable" now.

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Well since the game takes places in the future maybe the army bought MTVR's , they do use the SCAR in the game.

Also I am hoping for some kind of spawn enemy's on and in buildings since most of them are "usable" now.

Kronzkys UPS script did that in ArmA1 but it doesnt work good at all in ARMA2 unfortunatelly. I thaught it was cause most buildings are leaning and not flat but A2 have a hard time spawning with UPS even onto buildings like those runway ones with 2 levels plus many house positions. Either UPS needs to be better or ARMA2 has to. Im no scripter so i couldnt say. But the buildings in OA seem to be more flat and have balconys etc so hopefully UPS works great there (RANDOMUP). :)

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TeRp + OA embedding into BI Forum :D

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlXa9uoAoXc&hl=de_DE&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlXa9uoAoXc&hl=de_DE&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

btw at 1:16 helicopter taking off without pilot :p

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You can find some green enviroment sshots form arrowhead as 2 last shots in our linda gallery.

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TeRp + OA embedding into BI Forum :D

btw at 1:16 helicopter taking off without pilot :p

Its remote controlled. RC used for good :p

These are the shots Ohara refers to:



Edited by sparks50

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Unmanned AH-6X Littlebirds, German KSK, Czech special forces, CROWS HMMWVs, Stryker MGS

Great video. Loads of interesting new content!

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