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Found 472 results

  1. G'day, I made a mission, it required a large mod that my friend didn't have (Project OPFOR, "po_factions_me"), in my confident ignorance I went and deleted all entries of said mod in the missions.sqm without debinarizing it, after doing so, I now get the error "line 0: '.raP:' ' encountered instead of' =" when trying to open the mission in the editor. I downloaded DeRap due to a suggestion, when I used the tool on the mission.sqm, it said something along the lines of: "deRap: unknown entry:" (I can check again if the exact wording of the error is actually important) Anyone have any ideas? it's a beloved mission me and my friend play very, very often. Here is the mission.sqm: https://pastebin.com/70ECMNgy Thank you so much.
  2. I wanted to work on a mission I'm doing and as I tried to open said mission the error on the title popped up, I dont know how to fix it. can anyone help? this is the SQM: https://pastebin.com/XXNMk4XY thank you in advance
  3. Hello @Melody_Mik. Thanks for the answer) video from this author ( ). I have been to rewrite scripts, but I'm not very good at it, so it didn't work out for me.) The problem is that when I turn on the video, it goes like sound throughout the whole map and if I want to switch the video, then the sound from the first starts to go along with the second at the same time and I cannot turn it off at all, only by restarting the mission. Code "Action 1" tv setobjecttextureglobal [0,"TV\Youtube\Videos\action1.ogv"]; ["TV\Youtube\Videos\action1.ogv",[10,10]] spawn bis_fnc_playvideo; [/code] tv say3D 'bip'; "Open video" removeallactions tv; tv setobjecttextureglobal [0, "TV\Youtube\Pictures\screen.jpg"]; tv addAction ["Menu Screen", "TV\Youtube\Scripts\screen.sqf"]; tv addAction ["Close Youtube", "TV\close.sqf"]; tv addAction ["Watch FAIL ARMY", "TV\Youtube\Scripts\action1.sqf"]; tv addAction ["Watch Moe and ET Hood Pranks", "TV\Youtube\Scripts\action2.sqf"]; tv addAction ["Watch Funny Vines Compilation", "TV\Youtube\Scripts\action3.sqf"]; tv say3D 'bip'; And this plugin have "description" class CfgSounds { // List of sounds (.ogg files without the .ogg extension) sounds[] = {rap,house,rock,bip,bip2}; // Definition for each sound class rap { // Name for mission editor name = "rap"; //Path of the .ogg file. since it's in the same folder just use the filename sound[] = {TV\Media Player\Music\rap.ogg, 1, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class house { // Name for mission editor name = "house"; //Path of the .ogg file. since it's in the same folder just use the filename sound[] = {TV\Media Player\Music\house.ogg, 1, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class rock { // Name for mission editor name = "rock"; //Path of the .ogg file. since it's in the same folder just use the filename sound[] = {TV\Media Player\Music\rock.ogg, 1, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class bip { // Name for mission editor name = "bip"; //Path of the .ogg file. since it's in the same folder just use the filename sound[] = {TV\TV logo & beep\Sounds\bip.ogg, 1, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; class bip2 { // Name for mission editor name = "bip2"; //Path of the .ogg file. since it's in the same folder just use the filename sound[] = {TV\TV logo & beep\Sounds\bip2.ogg, 1, 1.0}; titles[] = {}; }; };
  4. How can i put UnRap-ed file back to bin, cant find any RAP tool. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi, i have a little Problem with my retexture Mod: PboProject says: Building entries:... config.cpp In File Projects\KKA3_SW_IA\config.cpp: Line 59 rap: missing inheritence class(es) this is my config.cpp: class CfgPatches { class KKA3_SW_IA { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"BH_SWIA_Characters"}; }; }; class cfgWeapons { class ItemCore; class HeadgearItem; class KKA3_scout_helmet_des : HeadgearItem { scope = 2; weaponPoolAvailable = 1; displayName = "Scout Helmet Desert"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_H_HelmetB_CA.paa"; model = "\BH_SWIA_Characters\ScoutTrooper\Scout_helmet"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Projects\KKA3_SW_IA\data\ScoutTrooper_des.paa"}; class ItemInfo : HeadgearItem { mass = 100; uniformModel = "\BH_SWIA_Characters\ScoutTrooper\Scout_helmet"; modelSides[] = {3, 1}; armor = 15*0.5; passThrough = 0.8; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; class KKA3_scout_helmet_wood : HeadgearItem { scope = 2; weaponPoolAvailable = 1; displayName = "Scout Helmet Woodland"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_H_HelmetB_CA.paa"; model = "\BH_SWIA_Characters\ScoutTrooper\Scout_helmet"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Projects\KKA3_SW_IA\data\ScoutTrooper_wood.paa"}; class ItemInfo : HeadgearItem { mass = 100; uniformModel = "\BH_SWIA_Characters\ScoutTrooper\Scout_helmet"; modelSides[] = {3, 1}; armor = 15*0.5; passThrough = 0.8; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; }; }; class KKA3_scout_armor_des : Vest_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Scout Armor Desert"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_1_CA.paa"; model = "\BH_SWIA_Characters\ScoutTrooper\Scout_armor"; class ItemInfo : VestItem { uniformModel = "\BH_SWIA_Characters\ScoutTrooper\Scout_armor"; containerClass = "Supply100"; //how much it can carry mass = 50; //how much it weights armor = 5*0.5; passThrough = 0.7; }; }; class KKA3_scout_armor_wood : Vest_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Scout Armor Woodland"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_1_CA.paa"; model = "\BH_SWIA_Characters\ScoutTrooper\Scout_armor"; class ItemInfo : VestItem { uniformModel = "\BH_SWIA_Characters\ScoutTrooper\Scout_armor"; containerClass = "Supply100"; //how much it can carry mass = 50; //how much it weights armor = 5*0.5; passThrough = 0.7; }; }; class KKA3_scout_uniform_des : Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Scout Suit Desert"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_ca.paa"; model = "\BH_SWIA_Characters\ScoutTrooper\Scout_Csuit"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "\BH_SWIA_Characters\ScoutTrooper\Scout_Csuit"; uniformClass = "KKA3_scout_uniform_des"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; class KKA3_scout_uniform_wood : Uniform_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Scout Suit Woodland"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\data\ui\icon_U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_ca.paa"; model = "\BH_SWIA_Characters\ScoutTrooper\Scout_Csuit"; class ItemInfo : UniformItem { uniformModel = "\BH_SWIA_Characters\ScoutTrooper\Scout_Csuit"; uniformClass = "KKA3_scout_uniform_wood"; //would be same as our made soldier class containerClass = "Supply20"; //how much it can carry mass = 80; //how much it weights }; };
  6. I am creating a tool (in C++) which reads a mission (from SQF or PBO), parses the required mods (in the addons[] array) and compares those against a whitelist. This part works well, what I have trouble with is creating the whitelist automatically from the mods installed. My plan is: Crawl the directory for PBOs, read their config.cpp/config.bin to get the CfgPatches and collect all sub-classes therein, as those should be the names on the whitelist (is this correct? Am I getting this wrong?). This works reasonably well (my PBO parser works, my parser for binarized and non-binarized SQF works perfectly) for all but a rare few mods. One of my problems is Isla Duala (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=714149065), which seems to use some kind of "obfuscation" on the config.bin file, i.e. its not the default raP format. For example, the first bytes of the mentioned config.bin are "5F 00 72 61 50 00 01 00 08 05 00 FB F4 BB 0A 00 08 00 43 66 67 FF 50 61 74 63 68 65 73", from which we can plainly see the rap header is shifted by one byte and the rest of the header is mangled as well. Does anyone know - how to de-obfuscate this? (SERIOUSLY: I am not "stealing" something, I _need_ to know the name of the damn mod; how else would I get that; I understand people hiding their scripts/assets, but the main mod info, wth) - where the raP parser in Arma3 is located (location in the binaries), since I would love to replicate its behavior, since it seems to accept this ill-formatted file... If anyone has any pointers or insight, I'd be grateful. Once this is done, it will be published open-source on GitHub.
  7. Matthew Aiken

    Shelter keeps resetting.

    The rap traps, box of herbs and crown tower were all altered intentionally with lowered max storage but higher production rates so that’s apparently normal. The shelter though is most definitely bugged, this most probably due to the fact that this would have been how many of those materials would have been stored at that level of shelter I’m willing to bet. Hopefully this bug will get fixed though!
  8. Hey Everybody, Currently working on a retexture for the mod Imperial Conquest - Warhammer 40k. I've retextured all of the uniforms and the .PAA files and mod structure are ready to go, but now I've gotten to the part that halts me every time I try to make a retexture mod for Arma 3, which is the config. Can anybody help me figure out why I'm getting an error when I try to convert my files into a PBO? This is the error I'm getting: <adding entries:...> config.cpp:compiling... In File C:\Eliteness\ICSN_cad_inf\config.cpp: circa Line 35 rap: missing inheritence class(es) Rapify error Config can be found below. Any help is much appreciated:
  9. Pierre,  I am trying to change the appearance of this civilian group created in the code below.




    hint parseText "<img size='6' image='images\rap.paa'/><br/><t align='center' color='#b80406' shadow='2' size='2.75'>WARNING</t><br/><t align='center' color='#FFFFFF'>------------------------------</t><br/><t align='center' color='#FFFFFF'> Suicide Bombers Have Been Detected.</t><t align='center' color='#b80406'></t><br/><t align='center' color='#f6d140'> Stay On High Alert!</t><t align='center' color='#b80406'></t>"; playSound "nukewarn";

    private ["_k_unit","_grp","_ksound","_chasep","_distep"];

    if (!isServer) exitWith {};

    _origin = _this select 0;
    _no        = _this select 1;
    _ksound = _this select 2;
    _chasep    = _this select 3;
    _distep    = _this select 4;

    if (_no>0) then 
        _nr_k = 0;
        while {_nr_k<_no} do 
            _grp = createGroup civilian;
            _type_k = ["C_Man_casual_6_F_afro","C_man_1_1_F","C_Man_casual_1_F_asia","C_man_1_3_F","C_man_polo_1_F","C_man_polo_1_F_afro","C_Man_casual_3_F_asia","C_man_polo_1_F_asia","C_man_polo_2_F","C_man_polo_2_F_afro","C_man_polo_2_F_euro","C_Man_casual_4_F_euro","C_man_polo_3_F","C_man_polo_3_F_afro","C_Man_casual_5_F_euro","C_man_polo_3_F_asia","C_man_polo_4_F","C_man_polo_4_F_afro","C_man_polo_4_F_euro","C_man_polo_4_F_asia","C_man_polo_5_F","C_man_polo_5_F_afro","C_man_polo_5_F_euro","C_man_polo_5_F_asia","C_man_polo_6_F","C_man_polo_6_F_afro","C_man_polo_6_F_euro","C_man_polo_6_F_asia","C_man_p_fugitive_F","C_man_p_fugitive_F_afro","C_man_p_fugitive_F_euro","C_man_p_fugitive_F_asia","C_man_hunter_1_F","C_Orestes","C_Nikos","C_Nikos","C_man_sport_2_F_afro","C_man_sport_3_F_asia"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
            _type_k createUnit [getMarkerPos _origin, _grp, "[this,_distep,_ksound,_chasep] execvm 'Scripts\kam.sqf'",1];
            _nr_k = _nr_k +1;
            sleep 1;



    I added these three lines of code below to try and  change just the uniform and headgear


    _uniformTypes = ["U_I_C_Soldier_Para_1_F"];
    _type_k_unit addUniform (_uniformTypes call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);
    _type_k unit addHeadgear "H_ShemagOpen_tan";




    hint parseText "<img size='6' image='images\rap.paa'/><br/><t align='center' color='#b80406' shadow='2' size='2.75'>WARNING</t><br/><t align='center' color='#FFFFFF'>------------------------------</t><br/><t align='center' color='#FFFFFF'> Suicide Bombers Have Been Detected.</t><t align='center' color='#b80406'></t><br/><t align='center' color='#f6d140'> Stay On High Alert!</t><t align='center' color='#b80406'></t>"; playSound "nukewarn";

    private ["_k_unit","_grp","_ksound","_chasep","_distep"];

    if (!isServer) exitWith {};

    _origin = _this select 0;
    _no        = _this select 1;
    _ksound = _this select 2;
    _chasep    = _this select 3;
    _distep    = _this select 4;

    if (_no>0) then 
        _nr_k = 0;
        while {_nr_k<_no} do 
            _grp = createGroup civilian;
            _type_k = ["C_Man_casual_6_F_afro","C_man_1_1_F","C_Man_casual_1_F_asia","C_man_1_3_F","C_man_polo_1_F","C_man_polo_1_F_afro","C_Man_casual_3_F_asia","C_man_polo_1_F_asia","C_man_polo_2_F","C_man_polo_2_F_afro","C_man_polo_2_F_euro","C_Man_casual_4_F_euro","C_man_polo_3_F","C_man_polo_3_F_afro","C_Man_casual_5_F_euro","C_man_polo_3_F_asia","C_man_polo_4_F","C_man_polo_4_F_afro","C_man_polo_4_F_euro","C_man_polo_4_F_asia","C_man_polo_5_F","C_man_polo_5_F_afro","C_man_polo_5_F_euro","C_man_polo_5_F_asia","C_man_polo_6_F","C_man_polo_6_F_afro","C_man_polo_6_F_euro","C_man_polo_6_F_asia","C_man_p_fugitive_F","C_man_p_fugitive_F_afro","C_man_p_fugitive_F_euro","C_man_p_fugitive_F_asia","C_man_hunter_1_F","C_Orestes","C_Nikos","C_Nikos","C_man_sport_2_F_afro","C_man_sport_3_F_asia"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _uniformTypes = ["U_I_C_Soldier_Para_1_F"];
    _type_k_unit addUniform (_uniformTypes call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);
    _type_k unit addHeadgear "H_ShemagOpen_tan";
            _type_k createUnit [getMarkerPos _origin, _grp, "[this,_distep,_ksound,_chasep] execvm 'Scripts\kam.sqf'",1];
            _nr_k = _nr_k +1;
            sleep 1;



    After doing this now the AI Groups do not spawn. Any Ideas why.... any help appreciated.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Antman2o1o


      Thanks, Pierre that worked Happy holidays to you.

    3. pierremgi


      Same. Happy holidays to you and your family.

    4. Antman2o1o


      Thanks, brother appreciate all  you guys do for the community.

  10. purepassion

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    Is Arma 3 Authentic? Do you think Arma 3 looks oddly futuristic? Do you think it looks more like a fantasy game than Arma? Have you never seen some of those weapons or vehicles? Then this Thread will help you! It is dedicated to people who, from the first impression, think Arma 3 is not authentic. People who would like to easily show someone that in fact the opposite is the case and last but not least also people like me, who just like to discover all those little interesting details. I hope this collection might actually help and open some eyes to get over this first impression of "future stuff". Please keep in mind that this list also contains placeholders and concept assets that are not in the final game but kept in this thread for the sake of the comparison. Get comfortable, lay back and just assure yourself! :popcornsmilie: Vehicles: Merkava tank Here it is in real life and that's how it looks like in Arma 3. Also notice how it uses the "Trophy" active protection system. Patria AMV Real life - Arma 3 Oshkos M-ATV Real life - Arma 3 "Ansyr" M-RAP Real life - Arma 3 Comanche Helicopter Real life - Arma 3 Mi-48 "Kajman" Codename ONNTSA Real life - Arma 3 2T "Stalker" ARV Real life - Arma 3 LGS Fennek Real life - Arma 3 L-159 Real life - Arma 3 YABHON-R UAV Real life - Arma 3 KA-60 Real life - Arma 3 "Crusher" UGV Real life - Arma 3 AH-6 Real life - Arma 3 V-22 "Osprey" Real life - Arma 3 MK.8 SDV Real life - Arma 3 F-35B Real life - Arma 3 HEMTT Truck Real life - Arma 3 special version Real life - Arma 3 Car Real life - Arma 3 Namer APC Real life - Arma 3 Weapons: NEMO mortar system Real-life - Arma 3 GM6-Lynx Real life - Arma 3 KAC LMG Real life - Arma 3 caseless ammunition CZ EVO 3 Real life - Arma 3 XM-25 Real life - Arma 3 Railgun concept Real life - Arma 3 XM312 Real life - Arma 3 MK14 EBR Real life - Arma 3 TAR-21 Real life - Arma 3 Butterfly Real life - Arma 3 Other: Camo Scheme Real life - Arma 3 Radar station Real life - Arma 3 Leather Moccasins Real life - Arma 3 MCCS Micro Climate Cooling System Real life - Arma 3 Transparent display/HUD technology Real life - Arma 3 Greek Seagull Real life - Arma 3 F-35 pilot helmet Real life - Arma 3 Olive Trees Real life - Arma 3 Maroula, Limnos Real life - Arma 3 Spartan Trail Real life - Arma 3 ISO-Container Real life - Arma 3 Ops Core FAST Helmet Real life - Arma 3 Another important element of Arma are the environments. Arma 3 will take place on the island called "Limnos". Its real-life counterpart is called Lemnos and is situated in the Aegean Sea. The second island is called Agios Efstratios. If you are interested, I made a Picasa Web Album with a huge collection of pictures from Lemnos, Agios and similar places you can find here. Now, let's take a look at some comparison shots of Limnos vs Lemnos. • Nr.1 • Nr.2 • Nr.3 Agios Efstratios: Arma 3 vs Real life • Nr.1 • Nr.2 • Nr.3 Next to the general outlines of these islands, the team even accurately modells characteristic buildings one can find there. One example for that is the Limnos Power Plant. • Arma 3 • Real life As you can see, even the ventilators and the fucking pipe are in the correct place! I hope you enjoyed taking a look at this collection and maybe look at things from a different angle now ps. Huge shoutout for the team! When researching all the pictures and information for this thread, I was really astonished by the amount of detail and love you put into the game. kind regards pure
  11. vilas

    USA General

    what to say , criminals robe, loot, when police kill criminal people riot some groups instead of study, work - prefer being "gangsta" . people have ability to educate but some prefer listen to rap and say "i am poor", i have the same in my country, group called "dresy" (dres = sportswear), idiots wearing sportswear, listening to rap or techno, instead of go to school (which is free , free of charge) prefere to rob someone, to steal something, than go and drink , and have party and "i am poor, they must give me" - and they are white here and we have such groups, there is always in every society group of people dealing with criminal activity but i cannot imagine riots in defence of someone who had sentences , criminal is criminal for me, no excuse, no saint, if someone had several sentences ... i cannot imagine how people can defend criminals, for me it is unimaginable and than i read that some groups must be extra treated i think USA is great country especially states such as Tenessee , Arizona, Texas - you can defend your property when you study, work hard - you have results - but our generation is retarded - we (some of us) think that "i should get all free cause i deserve it" instead of "i must work, study, learn, work and than i have result" i always hated criminals, robbers, looters etc. i always stood for property rights, for taking care about right to defend property politicall correctness is new form of cenzorship that i know from communism - i hate communism
  12. It's not like your character in the middle of a firefight is gonna stop and listen to a song, much as he might like to. Perhaps a solution: instead of playing a few bars of any given song, maybe hear the old fashioned radio tuner scanning radio stations, similar to what you hear during Reservoir Dogs film. Maybe scan between three randomly selected songs or so, less than a bar or two, then a click or static or silence. Fancy bit of programming to be sure, but it could increase sonic ambience/realism. Same with radio broadcasts of sporting events, news broadcasts and the like. It doesn't always have to be music all the time. I could stand to listen to someone switch between Russian rap, Russian country music and Russian rock, Russian military music for example.
  13. So im working on a mod pack for a friend trying to modify some capacity's for certain items and when i try to edit the config.bin file all i get is a bunch of random characters and I cant figure out how to modify the values or how to view the file the correct way For example of what i am talking about - raP Qà CfgPatches Ä
  14. Janez

    Music Recommendations

    I remember these guys from late 90s - early 2000s, the glory days of rap and hip-hop, especially on war-torn Balkan. Times of great thefts and horrors but also incredible display of humanity and the Christian way. It is pleasant to see how they matured into what seems like a positive, much like this community I would like to think. For any kid of the 80s, if you understand Serbo-Croatian, you'll probably appreciate this. It kinda points out the obvious though, there is so much to talk about in life but unfortunately the music industry is focusing only... well, on just that, being an industry. Београдски синдикат - Данима or Belgrade Syndicate - ~Days
  15. mikeben

    Music Recommendations

    I would recommend you to listen Self care by Mac Miller. It is my favourite song. Mac Miller was a great artist and and exceptional rapper of his time. I used to collect Mac Miller caps and posters as a great fan of him. Sadly, he left this world so early but in such a short span if time he made his impact in the rap industry. Here is one of my favourite song of him would
  16. Maxwell Kingston

    Music Recommendations

    As a rap music fan I love to listen lucid dream by Juice Wrld. He was a great rapper. I still remember I bought his Wrld 999 sweatshirt in my college days and listen this song. Unfortunately, He left us too early but made his name in such short time. Do listen this song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzB1VGEGcSU
  17. Dear Community.... Hello My name is Mero 🙂 New Here 🙂 I need grief help editing this wepaons.cfg file from OFP resistance PC game - for campaign-playing missions . the game's original cfg is unreadable like this( raP version Weapons items Item0 Unit side GUER idGroup id name Victor Troska weaponSlots “* Weapon0 Bizon Weapon1 RPGLauncher Weapon2 So i took another game folder's CFG - specifically the American cold war 1985 's game one. I load up the mission from resistance campaign and find out the handgun's slot + its magazines slots are gone...... so its like this in the file items=7.000000; class Item0 { class Unit { side="GUER"; idGroup=1.000000; id=1.000000; }; name="Amr Wayne"; weaponSlots=10769.000000; >>> WHAT's IS THE Correct number for this unit to have the Handgun visible + there magazines slots????.... class Weapon0 { name="M16"; }; class Weapon2 { name="Binocular"; }; class Weapon4 { name="CZ75"; }; class Magazine0 { type="M16"; ammo=30.000000; reload=0.115273; id=669.000000; }; class Magazine1 { type="M16"; ammo=30.000000; reload=0.130977; id=670.000000; }; class Magazine2 { type="M16"; ammo=30.000000; reload=0.131332; id=671.000000; }; class Magazine3 { type="M16"; ammo=30.000000; reload=0.122653; id=672.000000; }; class Magazine4 { type="HandGrenade"; ammo=1.000000; reload=1.424001; id=673.000000; }; class Magazine5 { type="HandGrenade"; ammo=1.000000; reload=1.344562; id=674.000000; }; class Magazine6 { type="HandGrenade"; ammo=1.000000; reload=1.381485; id=675.000000; }; class Magazine7 { type="HandGrenade"; ammo=1.000000; reload=1.458408; id=676.000000; }; class Magazine8 { type="SmokeShell"; ammo=1.000000; reload=1.456430; id=677.000000; }; class Magazine9 { type="SmokeShell"; ammo=1.000000; reload=1.325409; id=678.000000; }; class Magazine10 { type="CZ75Mag"; ammo=15.000000; reload=1.325409; id=679.000000; }; }; Thanks 🙂 Hope anyone can figure this out and help cheers mates
  18. Just do it Limp bizkit Yeah!
  19. I looked up how to delete addon dependency for a scenario I made, and I messed with the sqm, not much, I just changed the first two lines or so by copy and pasting from a scenario that didn't require those addons to this one. Both were the same map, stratis. But now it won't even open the scenario editor, even when I log in using those mods again!! I SPENT HOURS MAKING THIS SCENARIO, HOW DO I GET IT BACK?? http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198108784041/screenshot/913542102700024676 raP j version 5 EditorData – addons A3_Characters_F_Exp AddonsMetaData Š randomSeed ”AG ScenarioData ß CustomAttributes ù Mission Û ôÒ moveGridStep €?angleGridStep ’ †>scaleGridStep €?autoGroupingDist Atoggles ItemIDProvider e LayerIndexProvider x Camera ‹ æ nextID Ð x nextID ' ‹ pos +`8EkLB‰ÀEdir ô5¿ô5?up ó5?ó5?aside ÿÿ? €æ List ö ß %items $ Item0 ® Item1 7 Item2 ½ Item3 I Item4 È Item5 a Item6 å Item7 h Item8 Û Item9 n Item10 ú Item11 Item12 ! Item13 ² Item14 5 Item15 ¾ Item16 3 Item17 ¹ Item18 J Item19 Ð Item20 X Item21 é Item22 k Item23 í Item24 ` Item25 å Item26 { Item27 Item28 y Item29 Item30 © Item31 = Item32 à Item33 : Item34 Á Item35 R ß className A3_Characters_F name Arma 3 Alpha - Characters and Clothing author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com 7 className A3_Weapons_F name Arma 3 Alpha - Weapons and Accessories author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com ½ className A3_Characters_F_Exp name Arma 3 Apex - Characters and Clothing author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com I className A3_Modules_F name Arma 3 Alpha - Scripted Modules author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com È className A3_Weapons_F_Bootcamp name Arma 3 Bootcamp Update - Weapons and Accessories author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com a className A3_Structures_F name Arma 3 - Buildings and Structures author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com å className A3_Soft_F name Arma 3 Alpha - Unarmored Land Vehicles author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com h className A3_Air_F name Arma 3 Alpha - Aircraft author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com Û className A3_Props_F_Orange name Arma 3 Orange - Decorative and Mission Objects author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com n className A3_Data_F_Curator name Arma 3 Zeus Update - Main Configuration author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com ú className A3_Structures_F_Heli name Arma 3 Helicopters - Buildings and Structures author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com className A3_Characters_F_Tacops name Arma 3 Tac-Ops - Characters and Clothing author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com ! className A3_Characters_F_Mark name Arma 3 Marksmen - Characters and Clothing author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com ² className A3_Soft_F_Gamma name Arma 3 - Unarmored Land Vehicles author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com 5 className A3_Supplies_F_Exp name Arma 3 Apex - Ammoboxes and Supplies author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com ¾ className A3_Static_F name Arma 3 Alpha - Turrets author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com 3 className A3_Armor_F_Beta name Arma 3 Beta - Armored Land Vehicles author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com ¹ className A3_Characters_F_Orange name Arma 3 Orange - Characters and Clothing author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com J className A3_Soft_F_Exp name Arma 3 Apex - Unarmored Land Vehicles author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com Ð className A3_Soft_F_Kart name Arma 3 Karts - Unarmored Land Vehicles author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com X className A3_Supplies_F_Heli name Arma 3 Helicopters - Ammoboxes and Supplies author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com é className A3_Armor_F_Gamma name Arma 3 - Armored Land Vehicles author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com k className A3_Boat_F name Arma 3 Alpha - Boats and Submersibles author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com í className A3_Drones_F name Arma 3 Beta - Drones author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com ` className A3_Structures_F_Ind name Arma 3 - Industrial Structures author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com å className A3_Structures_F_EPB name Arma 3 Adapt Episode - Buildings and Structures author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com { className A3_Structures_F_Orange name Arma 3 Orange - Buildings and Structures author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com className A3_Signs_F name Arma 3 - Signs author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com y className A3_Structures_F_EPA name Arma 3 Survive Episode - Buildings and Structures author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com className A3_Props_F_Exp_A name Arma 3 Nexus Update - Decorative and Mission Objects author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com © className A3_Structures_F_EPC name Arma 3 Win Episode - Buildings and Structures author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com = className A3_Boat_F_Jets name Arma 3 Jets - Boats and Submersibles author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com à className A3_Air_F_Beta name Arma 3 Beta - Aircraft author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com : className A3_Soft_F_Beta name Arma 3 Beta - Unarmored Land Vehicles author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com Á className A3_Structures_F_Mil name Arma 3 - Military Buildings and Structures author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com R className A3_Modules_F_Curator name Arma 3 Zeus Update - Scripted Modules author Bohemia Interactive url https://www.arma3.com ß author Crøsshair ù Category0 Û name Multiplayer Attribute0 i Attribute1 Ü Attribute2 W nAttributes Û property RespawnTemplates expression true Value ¨ Ü data ¸ Ü type È Ü type ARRAY Ü property ReviveMode expression false Value W data & W type B value €?W type SCALAR W property ReviveRequiredItems expression false Value š Û data ª Û type Æ value @Û type SCALAR Û Intel Entities Connections vÀ ôÒ timeOfChanges áDstartWeather š™™>startWind ÍÌÌ=startWaves ÍÌÌ=forecastWeather š™™>forecastWind ÍÌÌ=forecastWaves ÍÌÌ=forecastLightnings ÍÌÌ=year ô month day hour startFogDecay B`e<forecastFogDecay B`e< ·items 6 Item0 i/ Item1 =D Item2 E Item3 ûF Item4 ,I Item5 ¿J Item6 T Item7 HV Item8 ŒX Item9 ³a Item10 öc Item11 †f Item12 j Item13 äj Item14 ªk Item15 ^l Item16 m Item17 Àn Item18 q Item19 bz Item20 •| Item21 á| Item22 ,} Item23 w} Item24 ¸} Item25 •€ Item26 «… Item27 Õ† Item28 e‹ Item29 b Item30 ¡” Item31 …˜ Item32 ¹š Item33 ¦ Item34 ¡ Item35 bª Item36 •¬ Item37 ^¯ Item38 À± Item39 ¶² Item40 †³ Item41 :´ Item42 ò´ Item43 ªµ Item44 ^¶ Item45 · Item46 Õ· Item47 ý¸ Item48 ¯¹ Item49 fº Item50 » Item51 DÁ Item52 WÄ Item53 3Ì Item54 èÍ Item55 rÏ Item56 …Õ Item57 BÖ Item58 ÙÙ Item59 xÝ Item60 8Þ Item61 áÞ Item62 à Item63 ¯à Item64 Âá Item65 :ã Item66 ¿å Item67 ¹è Item68 3ê Item69 í Item70 ší Item71 7î Item72 øî Item73 ¿ï Item74 Øð Item75 ññ Item76 õò Item77 öó Item78 «ô Item79 `õ Item80 øõ Item81 —ö Item82 W÷ Item83 O Item84 ‚ Item85 l Item86 ½ Item87 l Item88 ¸ Item89 Ä Item90 í Item91 Item92 T Item93 Ô Item94 Item95 Q Item96 ! Item97 ì Item98 ƒ Item99 þ Item100 Item101 ° Item102 9" Item103 # Item104 â# Item105 «$ Item106 „% Item107 _& Item108 {+ Item109 F- Item110 / Item111 0 Item112 3 Item113 Ð4 Item114 „5 Item115 A6 Item116 p8 Item117 ·: Item118 ~; Item119 6< Item120 = Item121 Ê= Item122 „> Item123 >? Item124 ø? Item125 »@ Item126 nA Ite I attempted to share the first five lines of the sqm there. I think there may be issue with it saying I'm only using one or two apex pieces, when I'm using all apex and even parts of the DLCs. But no mods. And i'm trying to get rid of anything that makes it mod dependent. raP j version 5 EditorData – addons A3_Characters_F_Exp AddonsMetaData Š that line right there^ is the new line. Everything else is old edit: some of the initial characters did not carry over, so the lines your're looking at above are not accurately portraying what the sqm file says. Check out this thread on steam to see the full code: http://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/discussions/0/1698294337765043855/?tscn=1521650752
  20. Atm, I am editing the OPFOR and BLUFOR soldiers to have different Normal and SMDI maps. I know BI's standpoint on Hexing, and I didn't want to go through all the hassle of hexing so a friend of mine recommended changing the paths in the RVMAT files. I copied the RVMAT files into the texture directory, here's the path to RVMAT: "A3_Aegis\Aegis\ir\data\characters\clothing.rvmat" <-- SMDI and Normal maps in same directory. Now, I have changed the paths inside to go to the custom textures I've made: BLUFOR: raP StageTI V ambient diffuse forcedDiffuse emmisive specular specularPower – PixelShaderID Super VertexShaderID Super Stage1 – Stage2 P Stage3 Stage4 ª Stage5 b Stage6 Stage7 X texture a3\characters_f\blufor\data\clothing1_ti_ca.paa – texture a3_aegis\aegis\us\data\characters\clothing1_nohq.paa uvSource tex uvTransform õ P aside up dir pos P texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,DT) uvSource tex uvTransform ¥ aside up dir pos texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,MC) uvSource tex uvTransform O ª aside up dir pos ª texture a3\characters_f\blufor\data\clothing1_as.paa uvSource tex uvTransform b aside up dir pos b texture a3_aegis\aegis\us\data\characters\clothing1_smdi.paa uvSource tex uvTransform à aside up dir pos texture #(ai,64,64,1)fresnel(1,0.7) uvSource none X texture a3\data_f\env_co.paa useWorldEnvMap true uvSource tex uvTransform ³ aside up dir pos Injury: raP # StageTI V ambient diffuse forcedDiffuse emmisive specular specularPower – PixelShaderID Super VertexShaderID Super Stage1 – Stage2 P Stage3 Stage4 ¿ Stage5 w Stage6 1 Stage7 m # texture a3\characters_f\blufor\data\clothing1_ti_ca.paa – texture a3_aegis\aegis\us\data\characters\clothing1_nohq.paa uvSource tex uvTransform õ P aside up dir pos P texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,DT) uvSource tex uvTransform ¥ aside up dir pos texture a3\characters_f\blufor\data\clothing1_injury_mc.paa uvSource tex uvTransform d ¿ aside up dir pos ¿ texture a3\characters_f\blufor\data\clothing1_as.paa uvSource tex uvTransform w as OPFOR: raP ú StageTI V ambient diffuse forcedDiffuse emmisive specular specularPower d PixelShaderID Super VertexShaderID Super Stage1 †Stage2 L Stage3 ü Stage4 ¦ Stage5 P Stage6 Stage7 D ú texture a3\characters_f\opfor\data\clothing_ti_ca.paa †texture a3_aegis\aegis\ir\data\characters\clothing_nohq.paa uvSource tex uvTransform ñ L aside up dir pos L texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,DT) uvSource tex uvTransform ¡ ü aside up dir pos ü texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,MC) uvSource tex uvTransform K ¦ aside up dir pos ¦ texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1,AS) uvSource tex uvTransform õ P aside up dir pos P texture a3_aegis\aegis\ir\data\characters\clothing_smdi.paa uvSource tex uvTransform *** aside up dir pos texture #(ai,64,64,1)fresnel(1,0.7) uvSource none D texture a3\data_f\env_co.paa useWorldEnvMap true uvSource tex uvTransform Ÿ ú aside up dir pos ú Injury: raP StageTI V ambient diffuse forcedDiffuse emmisive specular specularPower d PixelShaderID Super VertexShaderID Super Stage1 †Stage2 L Stage3 ü Stage4 ¹ Stage5 c Stage6 Stage7 W texture a3\characters_f\opfor\data\clothing_ti_ca.paa †texture a3_aegis\aegis\ir\data\characters\clothing_nohq.paa uvSource tex uvTransform ñ L aside up dir pos L texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(0.5,0.5,0.5,1,DT) uvSource tex uvTransform ¡ ü aside up dir pos ü texture a3\characters_f\opfor\data\clothing_injury_mc.paa uvSource tex uvTransform ^ ¹ aside up dir pos ¹ texture #(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1,AS) uvSource tex uvTransform c aside up dir pos c texture a3_aegis\aegis\ir\data\characters\clothing_smdi.paa uvSource tex uvTransform À aside up dir pos texture #(ai,64,64,1)fresnel(1,0.7) uvSource none W texture a3\data_f\env_co.paa useWorldEnvMap true uvSource tex uvTransform ² aside up dir pos RVMAT Code is all above. Ingame however, the normal, SMDI, and thermal maps don't show up. I honestly can't figure this out, anyone know how to fix? Thanks in advance.
  21. Boss-Starstreams

    Getting Workshop content for ArmA3, Strage issue

    Hello FallujahMedic -FM- I got it working in the workshop. I ended up entering my username and password a second time for the page outside of steam. If you need the page outside of steam, let me know. I think I just googled it. By the way, Nice Avatar. Dio. I seen them when they opened for Maiden when I lived near Chicago. Those were the days man, the 80s were the best. Now I live in Southern CA, and no one listens to rock and roll out here. I can't stand CA, the job market sucks here. LA use to be the music capital now it's all Rap BS or what ever people today call it. It makes me sick what's happened to our youth regarding music. If it's not Rap people in CA listen to, it's County, which is fine. I like some Country. But out here it's all this commercial Hollywood loving BS. That's what happens when the school board removes music appreciation as a requirement study in our American schools.They will never understand what the thunder of rock and roll was all about.
  22. Hi, when i compiling my map with mikero pbo project making pbo failed. Im having that error error P3D: unknown odol format Output: Majan\cfgClutter.hpp 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\cfgSurfaces.hpp 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\asf1_tak_ca.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\asf1_tak_end_ca.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\asf1_tak_end_nohq.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\asf1_tak_nohq.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\asf1_tak_sm.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\asf3_clear_ca.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\asf3_clear_nohq.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\asf3_clear_sm.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\city_co.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\city_nopx.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\dirt_tak_ca.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\dirt_tak_end_ca.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\dirt_tak_nohq.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\dirt_tak_sm.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\dry_mud_co.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\dry_mud_nopx.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\fondo_co.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\fondo_mco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\fondo_nohq.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\fondo_nopx.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\M_000_000_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\M_000_001_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\M_000_002_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\M_001_000_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\M_001_001_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\M_001_002_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\M_002_000_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\M_002_001_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\M_002_002_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\S_000_000_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\S_000_001_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\S_000_002_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\S_001_000_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\S_001_001_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\S_001_002_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\S_002_000_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\S_002_001_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\layers\S_002_002_lco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\l_middle_mco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\path_sm.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\path_tak_ca.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\path_tak_end_ca.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\path_tak_nohq.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\path_tak_sm.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\pictureMap_ca.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\roads\roads.dbf 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\roads\roads.prj 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\roads\roads.shp 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\roads\roads.shx 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) //forcing arma raP class RoadTypesLibrary { class Road0001 { width = 4; mainStrTex = "Majan\data\dirt_tak_ca.paa"; // lowercase! mainTerTex = "Majan\data\dirt_tak_end_ca.paa"; mainMat = "Majan\data\dirt_tak.rvmat"; map = "road"; AIpathOffset = 2; }; class Road0002 { width = 4; mainStrTex = "Majan\data\surf_roaddirt_path_ca.paa"; // lowercase! mainTerTex = "Majan\data\surf_roaddirt_path_end_ca.paa"; mainMat = "Majan\data\surf_roaddirt_path.rvmat"; map = "road"; AIpathOffset = 2; }; class Road0003 { width = 1.2; mainStrTex = "Majan\data\path_tak_ca.paa"; // lowercase! mainTerTex = "Majan\data\path_tak_end_ca.paa"; mainMat = "Majan\data\path_tak.rvmat"; map = "track"; AIpathOffset = 1; }; class Road0004 { width = 4; mainStrTex = "Majan\data\asf1_tak_ca.paa"; // lowercase! mainTerTex = "Majan\data\asf1_tak_end_ca.paa"; mainMat = "Majan\data\asf1_tak.rvmat"; map = "Mainroad"; AIpathOffset = 1; }; }; rapify x64UnicodeVersion 1.76, Dll 5.66 "roadslib.cfg" No Error(s) Majan\data\roads\roadslib.cfg 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\rock_co.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\rock_mco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\rock_nohq.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\rock_nopx.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\sand_co.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\sand_mco.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\sand_nopx.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\surf_roaddirt_path_ca.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\surf_roaddirt_path_end_ca.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\surf_roaddirt_path_nohq.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\data\s_satout_co.paa 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\Majan.hpp 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) Majan\texHeaders.bin 1 archivo(s) copiado(s) 1 archivo(s) copiado(s). 1 archivo(s) copiado(s). 1 archivo(s) copiado(s). 1 archivo(s) copiado(s). 1 archivo(s) copiado(s). 1 archivo(s) copiado(s). 1 archivo(s) copiado(s). 1 archivo(s) copiado(s). 1 archivo(s) copiado(s). 1 archivo(s) copiado(s). "MakePbo.exe "-PsgW" "-X=thumbs.db,*.txt,*.h,*.dep,*.cpp,*.bak,*.png,*.log,*.pew, *.hpp" "-@=Majan" "P:\temp\Majan" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@Majan\Addons"" MakePbo: Building entries:... cfgClutter.hpp : ignored or merged cfgSurfaces.hpp : ignored or merged config.bin asf1_tak.rvmat asf1_tak_ca.paa asf1_tak_end_ca.paa asf1_tak_end_nohq.paa asf1_tak_nohq.paa asf1_tak_sm.paa asf3_clear.rvmat asf3_clear_ca.paa asf3_clear_nohq.paa asf3_clear_sm.paa city.rvmat city_co.paa city_nopx.paa dirt_tak.rvmat dirt_tak_ca.paa dirt_tak_end_ca.paa dirt_tak_nohq.paa dirt_tak_sm.paa dry_mud.rvmat dry_mud_co.paa dry_mud_nopx.paa fondo.rvmat fondo_co.paa fondo_mco.paa fondo_nohq.paa fondo_nopx.paa M_000_000_lco.paa M_000_001_lco.paa M_000_002_lco.paa M_001_000_lco.paa M_001_001_lco.paa M_001_002_lco.paa M_002_000_lco.paa M_002_001_lco.paa M_002_002_lco.paa P_000-000_L01_L03_L04.rvmat P_000-000_L01_L03_N.rvmat P_000-000_L01_N_L04.rvmat P_000-000_L01_N_N.rvmat P_000-000_N_L03_N.rvmat P_000-000_N_N_L04.rvmat P_000-001_L01_L02_L03_N.rvmat P_000-001_L01_L02_N_N.rvmat P_000-001_L01_N_L03_L04.rvmat P_000-001_L01_N_L03_N.rvmat P_000-001_L01_N_N_L04.rvmat P_000-001_L01_N_N_N.rvmat P_000-001_N_L02_N_N.rvmat P_000-001_N_N_L03_N.rvmat P_000-001_N_N_N_L04.rvmat P_000-002_L01.rvmat P_001-000_L01_L02_L03_N.rvmat P_001-000_L01_L02_N_N.rvmat P_001-000_L01_N_L03_L04.rvmat P_001-000_L01_N_L03_N.rvmat P_001-000_L01_N_N_L04.rvmat P_001-000_L01_N_N_N.rvmat P_001-000_N_L02_N_N.rvmat P_001-000_N_N_L03_N.rvmat P_001-000_N_N_N_L04.rvmat P_001-001_L01_L02_L03_N.rvmat P_001-001_L01_L02_N_N.rvmat P_001-001_L01_N_L03_L04.rvmat P_001-001_L01_N_L03_N.rvmat P_001-001_L01_N_N_L04.rvmat P_001-001_L01_N_N_N.rvmat P_001-001_N_L02_N_N.rvmat P_001-001_N_N_L03_L04.rvmat P_001-001_N_N_L03_N.rvmat P_001-001_N_N_N_L04.rvmat P_001-002_L01_L03.rvmat P_001-002_L01_N.rvmat P_002-000_L01_L02_N.rvmat P_002-000_L01_N_L03.rvmat P_002-000_L01_N_N.rvmat P_002-000_N_L02_N.rvmat P_002-001_L01_L03.rvmat P_002-001_L01_N.rvmat P_002-001_N_L03.rvmat P_002-002_L01.rvmat S_000_000_lco.paa S_000_001_lco.paa S_000_002_lco.paa S_001_000_lco.paa S_001_001_lco.paa S_001_002_lco.paa S_002_000_lco.paa S_002_001_lco.paa S_002_002_lco.paa l_middle_mco.paa path_sm.paa path_tak.rvmat path_tak_ca.paa path_tak_end_ca.paa path_tak_nohq.paa path_tak_sm.paa pictureMap_ca.paa roads.dbf roads.prj roads.shp roads.shx roadslib.cfg //forcing arma raP class RoadTypesLibrary { class Road0001 { width = 4; mainStrTex = "Majan\data\dirt_tak_ca.paa"; // lowercase! mainTerTex = "Majan\data\dirt_tak_end_ca.paa"; mainMat = "Majan\data\dirt_tak.rvmat"; map = "road"; AIpathOffset = 2; }; class Road0002 { width = 4; mainStrTex = "Majan\data\surf_roaddirt_path_ca.paa"; // lowercase! mainTerTex = "Majan\data\surf_roaddirt_path_end_ca.paa"; mainMat = "Majan\data\surf_roaddirt_path.rvmat"; map = "road"; AIpathOffset = 2; }; class Road0003 { width = 1.2; mainStrTex = "Majan\data\path_tak_ca.paa"; // lowercase! mainTerTex = "Majan\data\path_tak_end_ca.paa"; mainMat = "Majan\data\path_tak.rvmat"; map = "track"; AIpathOffset = 1; }; class Road0004 { width = 4; mainStrTex = "Majan\data\asf1_tak_ca.paa"; // lowercase! mainTerTex = "Majan\data\asf1_tak_end_ca.paa"; mainMat = "Majan\data\asf1_tak.rvmat"; map = "Mainroad"; AIpathOffset = 1; }; }; rock.rvmat rock_co.paa rock_mco.paa rock_nohq.paa rock_nopx.paa sand.rvmat sand_co.paa sand_mco.paa sand_nopx.paa surf_roaddirt_path.rvmat surf_roaddirt_path_ca.paa surf_roaddirt_path_end_ca.paa surf_roaddirt_path_nohq.paa s_satout_co.paa Majan.hpp : ignored or merged Majan.wrp scanning wrp checking for missing files... all found checking config.cpp's for land_xx... ca\structures_e\ind\ind_oil_mine\ind_oil_pump_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\households\slum\slum_house01_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\households\slum\slum_house02_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\ind\ind_oil_mine\ind_oil_tower_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\households\slum\slum_house03_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\signs_e\signm\signm_dirdrillingarea_r.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\households\slum\cargo_house_slum_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housel\house_l_9_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_af_1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_af_9.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_af_7.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housek\house_k_6_dam_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housek\house_k_8_dam_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_af_4.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_af_10.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housek\house_k_5_dam_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housel\house_l_4_dam_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_af_5.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_af_2.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housel\house_l_1_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housel\house_l_8_dam_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\ind\pipes\indpipe2_bigl_l_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\ind\pipes\indpipe2_big_9_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\ind\pipes\indpipe2_big_ground1_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\ind\pipes\indpipe2_big_ground2_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_urbana_2.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_urbana_1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_sha_2.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\ind\dieselpowerplant\dp_bigtank_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads2\grav_6konec.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_af_6.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housel\house_l_3_dam_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads2\grav_25.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads2\grav_30 25.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe2\indpipe2_big_18ladder.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe2\indpipe2_bigl_r.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_af_4_a.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads_e\roads\dirt10_w10_l10_term.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures\misc\misc_amplion\misc_amplion_conc.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe2\indpipe2_big_ground1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_urbana_3.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_af_11.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\walls\net_fence_8m_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_expedice\ind_expedice_3.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads2\runwayold_40_main.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\walls\net_fence_gate_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\walls\net_fence_4m_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\walls\mil_wiredfence_gate_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_expedice\ind_expedice_2.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\walls\net_fence_pole_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings2\ind_cementworks\ind_expedice\ind_expedice_1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe1\indpipe1_90degl.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe1\indpipe1_20m.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe1\indpipe1_ground2.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format cwa\cup_terrains_cwa_buildings\cwa_zed_hr.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format cwa\cup_terrains_cwa_buildings\cwa_zedlv.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_af_3.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\wall\wall_l\wall_l3_gate_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_af_8.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings2\ind_pipeline\indpipe1\indpipe1_ground.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_construction\misc_concoutlet_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_construction\misc_concpipeline_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\households\wip\unfinished_building_01_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\households\addons\metal_shed_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_4_dam_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_urbana_5.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\hut06.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format cwa\cup_terrains_cwa_noe_buildings\mbg_tovarna1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_urbana_8.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_urbana_4.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures\shed_ind\shed_ind02.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_urbana_7_a.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads\runway_beton.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_9_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\panelak.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_urbana_6.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_1_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\panelak3.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_10_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housea\a_mosque_small\a_mosque_small_2_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\wall\wall_l\wall_l3_5m_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_urbana_7.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\signs_f\signt\roadbarrier_small_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_sha_1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housea\a_stationhouse\a_stationhouse_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_sha_3.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\households\slum\cargo_addon01_v1_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\wall\wall_l\wall_l_mosque_2_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housea\a_mosque_small\a_mosque_small_1_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housea\a_minaret_porto\a_minaret_porto_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\props_f_exp\industrial\heavyequipment\excavator_01_abandoned_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\households\addons\metal_shed_ruins_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures\house\a_hospital\a_hospital_ruins.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\fot_cara.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\civ\sportsgrounds\goal_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_3_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc_e\bleacher.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_2_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings2\houseruins\r_shed_ind02.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures\shed_ind\shed_ind02_dam.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format cwa\cup_terrains_cwa_noe_buildings\mbg_panelak2.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f_epc\civ\garbage\garbagebin_01_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_square_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\garbage_misc.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_pmc\buildings\generalstore\generalstore_01a_pmc.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_barracon_2.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_1_v2_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_af_10_a.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format cwa\cup_terrains_cwa_noe_buildings\mbg_hlidac_budka.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f_kart\civ\sportsgrounds\oil_spill.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads_e\sidewalks\sw_a_body_6m_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads_e\sidewalks\sw_a_end_r_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads_e\sidewalks\sw_a_end_l_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\ground_garbage_square5.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\ground_garbage_long.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads_pmc\sidewalks\sw_c_turn_pmc.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads_pmc\sidewalks\sw_c_body_6m_pmc.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads_pmc\sidewalks\sw_c_end_l_pmc.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads_pmc\sidewalks\sw_c_end_r_pmc.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_market\transport_cart_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_market\market_stalls_01_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\slunecnik_d.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads_e\sidewalks\sw_c_crosst_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_market\misc_market_proxies_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_market\market_stalls_02_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_market\stand_small_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\misc\stanek_2b.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_market\stand_meat_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\misc\stanek_2.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\misc\stanek_3c.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\misc\stanek_1c.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\misc\stanek_3_d.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\misc\stanek_3.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\misc\stanek_3b.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\misc\stanek_4b.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\misc\stanek_4.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_market\sunshade_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\households\slum\slum_house03_ruins_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\ind\ind_shed\ind_shed_02_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_12_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\ground_garbage_square3.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\households\wip\unfinished_building_02_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\civ\garbage\garbagebags_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\civ\garbage\garbage_square5_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\civ\garbage\garbagepallet_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f_epc\civ\garbage\garbagebarrel_01_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\civ\garbage\garbage_line_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads_e\sidewalks\sw_c_end_r_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\garbage_paleta.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_market\cages_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_10_dam_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_market\stand_water_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\misc\stanek_1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\misc\stanek_1b.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures\ind_sawmill\ind_sawmillpen.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\army_hut_storrage.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\mil\mil_guardhouse_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f_bootcamp\civ\sportsgrounds\gymrack_03_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\ind\windpowerplant\powergenerator_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f_bootcamp\civ\sportsgrounds\gymrack_01_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\walls\city2_8m_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format missing class land_plp_ctm_partitioningfencegreydooropen:house ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_3_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f_epb\civ\garbage\garbagecontainer_closed_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\civ\garbage\garbage_square3_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\plants_f\clutter\c_grass_bunch_small.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\plants_f\clutter\c_grassgreen_grouphard.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\plants_f\clutter\c_strthorngreen.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\plants_f\clutter\c_grass_brushhigh_green.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\plants_f\clutter\c_strthornkhaki.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads_e\roads\dirt7_w7_a80_214_r10.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\walls\concrete_smallwall_4m_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads_e\roads\dirt7_w7_l7.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc2\guardshed.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\walls\cncbarrier_stripes_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\walls\city2_4m_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads_e\roads\dirt7_w7_l7_term.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f_epb\civ\garbage\garbagecontainer_open_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_garbage\misc_garb_4_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\phone_box_north.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\dum_istan3.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\ind\transmitter_tower\tbox_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\fuel_tank_small.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\civ\garbage\garbagewashingmachine_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings2\misc_concrete\misc_concrete_high.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\tovarna2.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_hangar_2.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\ind\ind_fuelstation\ind_fuelstation_sign_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads_e\roads\dirt7_w7_a0_401_r2000.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures\a_buildingwip\a_buildingwip.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures\a_cranecon\a_cranecon.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_11_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\props_f_exp\industrial\heavyequipment\excavator_01_wreck_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f_heli\ind\machines\enginecrane_01_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\fuelstation.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\fuel_tank_big.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\signs_f\signt\roadcone_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\ind\ind_fuelstation\ind_fuelstation_feed_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\ind\ind_fuelstation\ind_fuelstation_build_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\ind\ind_garage01\ind_garage01_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\ind\ind_fuelstation\ind_fuelstation_shed_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_11_dam_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\civ\infoboards\billboard_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\mil\flags\mast_asym_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures\misc\armory\conelight\conelight.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\signs2\signt\sign_fuel.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads_e\roads\dirt2_6010.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format cwa\cup_terrains_cwa_noe_buildings\mbg_panelak.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\walls\wall_tin_4_2.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_pmc\buildings\ruins\rubble_concrete_02_pmc.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format missing class land_garbage_metal:house ca\structures\house\a_hospital\a_hospital.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\ind\reservoirtank\reservoirtower_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_4_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\wrecks\wreck_brdm2_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\wrecks\wreck_car_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\wrecks\wreck_skodovka_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\wrecks\wreck_hmmwv_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\wrecks\wreck_truck_dropside_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\wrecks\wreck_van_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\wrecks\wreck_offroad_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\uaz_wrecked.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\uralt.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures\misc\misc_wellpump\misc_wellpump.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures\wall\wall_cyel_5.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_interier\teapot_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_interier\table_small_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc3\parabola_big\parabola_big.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures\wall\wall_cyel_corner.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads_e\roads\dirt2_6.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\wall\wall_l\wall_l3_pillar_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures\wall\gate_indvar2_5.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads_e\roads\dirt2_6konec.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\walls\slums01_8m.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\walls\slums01_pole.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\ural_wrecked.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\hiluxt.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\datsun02t.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\datsun01t.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\wrecks\wreck_car3_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\wrecks\wreck_cardismantled_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\wrecks\wreck_offroad2_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\wrecks\wreck_car2_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\wall\wall_l\wall_l1_gate_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\misc\plot_green_branka.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\misc\plot_istan1_rovny_gate.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\wrecks\wreck_truck_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\bvp1t.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\wrecks\wreck_ural_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\wrecks\wreck_uaz_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\brdm2_wrecked.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housea\a_citygate1\a_citygate1_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures\shed_ind\ind_sideroof.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ffaa_casas_af\ffaa_casa_af_3_a.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_5_v2_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\kasna_new.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\dum_istan4_chodnik.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\misc\zavora_2.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc_e\guardshed_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\signs2\signb_hotel_cz2.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\ind\solarpowerplant\spp_panel_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_5_v1_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads\kos12.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f_epc\dominants\ghosthotel\gh_stairs_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housea\a_villa\a_villa_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f_bootcamp\civ\camping\partytent_01_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\civ\ancient\ancientpillar_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f_epc\civ\camping\sunshade_02_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\buildings\misc\nam_dlazba.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\civ\camping\sun_chair_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_water\nagara_pond_1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\housec\house_c_5_v3_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_market\market_shelter_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f_epc\dominants\ghosthotel\gh_pool_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f_epc\civ\accessories\lifeguardtower_01_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\walls\canal_wallsmall_10m_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\barel7.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads2\grav_6.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\misc\misc_market\tires_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\roads2\grav_22 50.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\misc\barels.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\civ\accessories\loudspeakers_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\ind\fuelstation\fuelstation_build_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\walls\wall_indcnc_4_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\ind\shed\i_shed_ind_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\ind\tank\tank_rust_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\ind\fuelstation_small\fs_roof_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\structures_f\ind\fuelstation_small\fs_feed_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\props_f_exp\commercial\market\woodencrate_01_stack_x3_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\props_f_exp\commercial\market\woodencrate_01_stack_x5_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures_e\ind\ind_coltan_mine\misc_coltan_heap_ep1.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntstone_03.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntstone_01.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntstone_02.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\rocks_f\blunt\bluntstones_erosion.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\props_f_exp\industrial\heavyequipment\bulldozer_01_abandoned_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures\ind_quarry\ind_hammermill.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format a3\props_f_exp\industrial\heavyequipment\miningshovel_01_abandoned_f.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format ca\structures\pond\pondtest.p3d: error P3D: unknown odol format Problem is with A2, A3 and other buildings. I search info about this fail but i dont find nothing. Thanks!!
  23. kimi_uy

    Usaf tacp mrap

    Update Coming: - Improved UAVs and UGV user interface for the turret. - Added White Phosphorous Rounds for the grenade launchers in the M-RAP and UGV. - Laser Designator for UGV. - Custom TACP Decals (Textures by Patchwork). - New desert version of the UGV. Some pics: http://i.imgur.com/cETLray.jpg (247 kB) http://i.imgur.com/04hzG0f.jpg (599 kB) http://i.imgur.com/izCT1wv.jpg (546 kB) http://i.imgur.com/Q41QKwF.jpg (349 kB) I need to edit the name of the thread to "USAF TACP Assets". ---------- Post added at 18:56 ---------- Previous post was at 17:40 ---------- NEW UPDATE AVAILABLE!!!! USAF TACP Assets by Kimi v2.0: - Changed the name od the addon to "USAF TACP Assets" - Added custom skins for UAV, UGV and M-RAP. - Custom UI for turrets. - Added White Phosphorous rounds to mk19 on the UGV and M-RAP. - Added desert variant for UGV. - Added Laser Designator to UGV.
  24. Obi Juan Kenobi

    "C" encountered instead of "{" Config Error

    Hi guys, I am new to the forum and I didn't find a topic on my problem so there he is... I tried to remove ace addons and I fuck up my file... Now its say: line 0:'.raP':" encountered instead of '=' There is the line 0: raP ¯ version 4 EditorData ð addons A3_Characters_F A3_Air_F_Heli_Light_01 A3_Characters_F_Exp A3_Weapons_F_Exp_Rifles_SPAR_01 cba_jr A3_Weapons_F_Acc A3_Weapons_F_Mark_Acc A3_Weapons_F A3_Weapons_F_Exp A3_Characters_F_Exp_Headgear A3_Weapons_F_Items A3_Characters_F_Exp_Vests A3_Weapons_F_Exp_Rifles_SPAR_02 A3_Weapons_F_Exp_Rifles_SPAR_03 A3_Modules_F_Curator_Flares Ryanzombies A3_Modules_F_Intel ryanzombiesfunctions A3_Ui_F A3_Structures_F_Civ_Camping A3_Supplies_F_Heli_CargoNets A3_Structures_F_Civ_Garbage A3_Structures_F_EPB_Civ_Camping A3_Structures_F_EPB_Items_Military A3_Structures_F_Items_Vessels A3_Armor_F_EPC_MBT_01 AddonsMetaData randomSeed sÒ ScenarioData Å Mission ä ¯ moveGridStep €?angleGridStep ’ †>scaleGridStep €?autoGroupingDist Atoggles ItemIDProvider Œ MarkerIDProvider Ÿ Camera ² nextID ¤ Ÿ nextID ² pos j°ÊE·A?Cl†Fdir ÕP€>D.o¿‚>up àý'??¶>~@*?aside ‚>6? If you have time can you help me removing ace depend
  25.  EO


    Regarding those issues with the loot search action I refer back to a post I made a few months ago... All of the above still happens in a vanilla Ravage environment, meaning running only Ravage/CBA while play testing on a vanilla map. I still don't think the Ravage loot search system should necessarily take the rap when it could be down to a clash/conflict with other external scripted features in a user made mission. The only thing that should be addressed, and was previously acknowledged by Haleks, is the deletion of empty weapon holders to be followed by the "empty" "nothing here" messages as has been suggested by @LSValmont