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Private Evans

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Everything posted by Private Evans

  1. Private Evans

    Faces of War [WW2]

    So it is the 13. of october then ( introducing the new italian faction)
  2. Private Evans

    Arma 4 a look to the future

    I really hope that Arma4 will expand Arma3 and its setting, means adding new maps, factions and features but keeping the stuff from A3 and not starting completely from scratch again with one map and 4 factions and a new setting. A WW II game could be an extra franchise maybe by coorperating with teams like FoW :)
  3. Private Evans

    Faces of War [WW2]

    ...started screaming at 0.47
  4. Private Evans

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Yeah would also guess for a King Tiger and/or Panther..Sd Kfz 234...Sd Kfz 222 ...and yeah the small thingy could be indeed a Sd Kfz 2 ( would be very cool) It is so hard not to break the forum rules and beg for a release date xD
  5. Just a thought... since Iron Front takes place at the Eastern front in 1944 and since you also are cooperating with the CSA38 team...why not focusing more on the Eastern frontlines. It was the setting that made Iron Front that good and interesting for me. Why not introducing theatres like Poland, Finland, Russia, Czechoslovakia, the Baltic states, the Balkans, Germany 1945...why desperately trying to cover all theatres including the western frontlines even if you do noy have the assets ( no British no French no Belgean...and not that many US) while at the same time being the only Arma3 WW II mod that has Russian units and gear avaible. Especially when combined with CSA38 you could do so much amazing stuff...Blitzkrieg ...why Belgium ( Dunkirk) and not Case White , Operation Barbarossa or Case Blue...why doing the Ardennes and not a Finland Winter War map ? I mean of course it is your mod and all but since there a two other teams working on Western front scenarios (Fow, Westwall) why trying to do the same thing and not doing something different..especially since you are based on Iron Front and do have the resources. not complaining or requesting ...just some thoughts :)
  6. Private Evans

    Sugar Lake [67 sq km river delta terrain]

    I am still hoping for an apex version without CUP requirement :)
  7. Private Evans

    C.O.R.E -- Options and Ops Center

    Nice to hear :) for the CSAT Pacific Faction...of course for Tanoa but also for the Cambodian Playground ( maybe even better on this one) ....doesn't hurt to have some chineese bad guys in the mix anyway
  8. Private Evans

    C.O.R.E -- Options and Ops Center

    thx for the quick update/fix :) some things I would love to see ...no requests...just some ideas using the Blackfish VTOL for Halo/Para insertion http://static2.businessinsider.com/image/51e0032069beddf452000009/marine-recon-only-exists-because-of-the-atomic-bomb.jpg Zodiac insertion http://www.americanspecialops.com/images/photos/navy-seals/seals-zodiac-team-hr.jpg drone support (intel) during the mission CSAT Pacific faction support please :) cheers
  9. Private Evans

    C.O.R.E -- Options and Ops Center

    Nice....will give it a try btw I use the BIS Carrier as a base, which works amazing :)
  10. So this would be most likely then Aachen/Reichswald, Huertgenwald/Eifel, Bastogne/Foy/Ardennes, Colmar/Alsace/Vosges. Maybe then Remagen and Operation Plunder :) Haha sounds good to me :)
  11. What I think is that a lot of Arma 3 stuff is updated with the dlc's and plattform updates to also work in future games. My guess is that this Arma tech will later be merged with the new enfusion engine, which then will allow things like melee combat, better medical systems and a lot more of features that will come with the new engine but keeping the arma military core features that are not included in the new engine atm. Also we see them testing a lot of features and gameplay modes. So yeah I think as long as enfusion is not final they keep on creating and upgrading stuff which will then maybe included in Arma4.
  12. Will the terrains be standalone like in Unsung or FoW or will CUP be required ?
  13. Private Evans

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Amazing stuff incoming :) I really hope you will not add CUP as a requirement for your terrains cheers
  14. Oh this was not a request...sorry for the missunderstanding. I was just seeing more and more stuff added from the the years after 38 like the MP40 , diffferent tanks ( at least retextures), uniforms and now the Slovakien units. Since the Slovakien army (that was part of the Chechoslovakien army before) was taken part in the Case White and Operation Barbarossa I thought we would maybe see a few Russian or maybe Polish Units later on. cheers and keep it up :)
  15. With all that new stuff for Operation Barbarossa scenarios...will you maybe add russians too later on ??
  16. We are getting more and more stuff from the 40-42 area which is very nice :) Keep it up...
  17. Private Evans

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Soooo... North Africa :) ???
  18. Private Evans

    [WIP] Female base model project

    Will this come at some point with vanilla uniforms ( and pilot coveralls) ?? keep it up this is really awesome :)
  19. Awesome news, especially very nice to see your team getting bigger :)
  20. Private Evans

    Level design feedback

    About the maps...I think it could also be a good idea for the future to reuse some of the smaller A2 Takistan maps like Proving Ground, Shapur and Zargabad .
  21. Private Evans

    Arma 3 Aegis

    haha... of course played it...3 times I think.. what I mean is ION seems now to be more a big professional world wide operating company ( working also for Nato in 2035 as it seems) than a bunch of mercenaries..and I think this should be reflected by the gear their contractors wear :)
  22. Private Evans

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Thx for the latest updates , especially happy about the CTRG UAV Operator. Since this is meant to be a more high tech ( and stealth) unit, this really was missing. Would be cool to see this even extended in the future by adding for example more CTRG Drones, SDV's and diver units :) The other faction I really was waiting for is ION. Would be nice too see them not using FIA clothing though....looks a bit too mercenary style. maybe more like this https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/852719309717120413/3F41FE698CD4C25210B7818EFF8B3B958CDC69A9/ just an idea but for me ION should look more professional and reputable :) However.. it is absolutely cool to have 4 PMC/Mercenary factions in the game now ! keep it up