kozzy420 21 Posted August 13, 2009 (edited) Hear hear! Was Arma2 even distribitued in NA at all? I bought the German DD so I never paid attention. 2 days ago I walk into the local Gamestop and ask to see Arma2 for a backup copy and those emo youngsters started shaking their heads declaring "No, Arma2 was cancelled...never released". I told them they were mistaken as I had it on my HD but they just crossed their arms and got more defiant :confused: Finally, to break the mood I said is there any word on DR and they all chimed in, "Now your talking!" and I shook my head and walked out. Im in Canada and got the game bud :D Mind you a little later then most, but I did get my copy in Canada eventually. Edited August 13, 2009 by kozzy420 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CameronMcDonald 147 Posted August 13, 2009 <releases breath> ...and THAT's why I haven't bothered making anything ACU-like for ArmA II. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-RIP- Luhgnut 10 Posted August 13, 2009 Great news! US Army is OK but I really would have liked to see some other nationalities taking part like UK, France or Germany... France has an army??! I kid... I kid...!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted August 13, 2009 OK since talking alone doesn't help reducing the spam we now start to hand out infractions. :mad: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KillerBunny 0 Posted August 13, 2009 Well I have some doubts about this Exp. Will it be the same price as ArmA 2? Because if is they have to put as much content as in arma 2 or even more since people who bought it already have multiplayer,the editor and mods,and frankly some people only buy the game because of this. I will still buy the game anyway,I just hope they make a really good,long campaign like in OPF and put as much units as in the original. Sorry about my english :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Laqueesha 474 Posted August 13, 2009 I walk into the local Gamestop and ask to see Arma2 for a backup copy and those emo youngsters started shaking their heads declaring "No, Arma2 was cancelled...never released." I can relate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arrowhead 0 Posted August 13, 2009 Love the name. lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lee_h._oswald 0 Posted August 13, 2009 ...I just hope they make a really good,long campaign like in OPF and put as much units as in the original. :) I don't think, that you can make a campaign like "cold war crisis". In CWC we had the USA vs. Soviet Union. -> Two huge armies. In A2-OA we will have USA vs.?!? who?, Taliban/Terrorists? -> One huge army and the "evil insurgents ", hiding in "spider holes". Let's hope the best.. MfG Lee Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Johannes 10 Posted August 13, 2009 Let's see how these ACU units turn out...realistic...or....not realistic... I think you can be pretty relaxed about this point. I doubt that bis is delivering Marines in ACU this time :rolleyes: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cosmokev 10 Posted August 13, 2009 This IS what they are doing with THIS GAME... :j: What about all the people that have already brought a very poorly programmed game you imbecile? The sheer scope of how the numerous bugs, and piss poor performance on all systems, have alienated game buying members of this forum should at least be telling you something. What they are telling you is they are dissapointed in the shambolic state of the released game. Placebo has stated the publisher was responsible for the hurried release of ARMA 2. Well Placebo I have some breaking news that you may want to take on board. Bad releases kill companys irrespective of what the fucking publishers want.Bad releases kill sales.Bad releases kill trust.Bad releases cause a huge amount of damage to series games. I bought the game but by christ I won't touch the expansion with a barge pole until I've fully tested the full demo. Do not offer to fix inherent game problems and frankly an extremely poorly coded release of a game with a fucking expansion. I do appreciate the coding differences in the expansion may help the original game code but this is exactly the wrong way to appease paying customers. Appease the paying customers by giving them content for the game they bought - not what they were promised. You faggot. :D :p :p Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
da12thMonkey 1943 Posted August 13, 2009 I think you can be pretty relaxed about this point. I doubt that bis is delivering Marines in ACU this time :rolleyes: Good to hear. I wonder if they'll have any nice US Army Special Forces models to go with the grunts. They did a good job of the Force Recon units in ArmA 2. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mcbane 0 Posted August 13, 2009 What about all the people that have already brought a very poorlyprogrammed game you imbecile? The sheer scope of how the numerous bugs, and piss poor performance on all systems, have alienated game buying members of this forum should at least be telling you something. What they are telling you is they are dissapointed in the shambolic state of the released game. Placebo has stated the publisher was responsible for the hurried release of ARMA 2. Well Placebo I have some breaking news that you may want to take on board. Bad releases kill companys irrespective of what the fucking publishers want.Bad releases kill sales.Bad releases kill trust.Bad releases cause a huge amount of damage to series games. I bought the game but by christ I won't touch the expansion with a barge pole until I've fully tested the full demo. Do not offer to fix inherent game problems and frankly an extremely poorly coded release of a game with a fucking expansion. I do appreciate the coding differences in the expansion may help the original game code but this is exactly the wrong way to appease paying customers. Appease the paying customers by giving them content for the game they bought - not what they were promised. You faggot. :D :p :p How mature. The expansion has been in development since January. If it's going to be ready to release by the time they want to release it, then why not? BIS is not working on ArmA2 any less. The design bugs are close to being fixed, the bugs that either team (ArmA2 or the exp) finds will be fixed for both games, because they're engine problems. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rasdenfasden 12 Posted August 13, 2009 Good to hear. I wonder if they'll have any nice US Army Special Forces models to go with the grunts.They did a good job of the Force Recon units in ArmA 2. :) Yes! More tactical baseball hats! On a more serious note, I'm wondering about the campaign. I'm not a fan of the "you're a specop/PMC badass" approach and I'd love to see a "you're a grunt and things go terribly wrong" style campaign like in cold war crisis. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Strelok 10 Posted August 13, 2009 Give us a resistance-like campaign, that was the best...scrounging around for decent weapons and building a decent sized force from nothing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sgt. Krapgaim 0 Posted August 13, 2009 I've just heard that 'Operation Arrowhead' can be played alone, which does not need Arma2 installed. Is this true? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alex72 1 Posted August 13, 2009 ...piss poor performance on all systems... Dont drag my system into your nonsence. Im running ARMA2 real good. Crawl back under your stone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thunderbird 0 Posted August 13, 2009 First, glad to hear about the new expansion and about the solid support towards the community regarding the upcoming patching process. I hope the extra-forces available alongside with the US ones won't be limited to only 1 nation. Not that I'm trying to push my luck that far, but having multiple armies will be simply outstanding. Not only for us as players/modders but this game could have the potential to hit a bigger market than any of the previous BIS games did so far. Also, glad to hear that BIS does carefully follow people's feedback and complaints, Glad to hear about the new engine modifications. But please, get ride of these 8 years old bugs forever, focus your efforts on the engine optimizations, hardcode your features as much as you can. I know that time is the biggest DEV's enemy but you have to find the right balance to avoid repeating the same mistakes. And again, thank you for the dedication. Long live BIS. Regards, TB Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted August 13, 2009 I've just heard that 'Operation Arrowhead' can be played alone, which does not need Arma2 installed.Is this true? Yes it's a standalone expansion, however if you have ArmA2 you can use the content in Arrowhead as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sgt. Krapgaim 0 Posted August 13, 2009 Yes it's a standalone expansion, however if you have ArmA2 you can use the content in Arrowhead as well. Thank You Wolle :bounce3: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Callsign 128 Posted August 13, 2009 (edited) @cosmokev, I don't have piss poor performance (perhaps not as optimized as i'd like but not game breaking), and I wouldn't say the game bugs have alienated all the game buying members (otherwise this forum would be empty would it not?). I appreciate your concern on the bugs, but having a go won't really solve anything, just say what your problems are on the relevant thread so that the BIS team know and get an accurate view of everyones views/ problems. W0lle isn't as far as i'm aware part of the dev team and so he's getting his info the same time as us, so having a go at him won't change things either. Remember, a point well made may actually speak louder than a bad point shouted. On topic - I can't wait for this expansion, and only hope the hours contributed to this project will prove fruitful for arma2 as well. Edited August 13, 2009 by Callsign Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
teaboy 11 Posted August 13, 2009 (edited) Relax, Its the same engine, so what gets fixed in Arrowhead will be tranferred as fixes for new patches in Arma2. Atleast that's how I undertstand it. Well i hope so but id much rather have it fixed now rather then wait for the expanison to come out first. When is it released anyway? Because i dont want to have to wait 6 months for an expansion and hope that it fixes the original games problems. or will we have the luxury of the fixes made during the development of the expanison being applied to the original game as patches? so then we dont have to wait for an expansion in order to play the original game properly without issues. In the first 2 patches 1.01 and 1.02 (the hotfix version) the campaign and performance was so bad i could hardly play but was quite happy playing multiplayer games, scenerios and mess around with editor on normal or high settings without problems. but with 1.03 patch its fucked up multiplayer, the perfomance issues havent improved in the campaign so all i got to enjoy now is just the editor and scenerios. so understanderbly i and many others will be pissed off if we have to wait till the expansion is released before the fixes to the perfomance and other issues are applied to the original game. Edited August 13, 2009 by teaboy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Callsign 128 Posted August 13, 2009 patches will apparently be happening regardless of the expansion, but further engine work in the expansion will come as a patch to arma2 as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lwlooz 0 Posted August 13, 2009 (edited) Hello, I know I am not all up-to-date to all the nonsensical rules and methods the current computer gaming industry works by. But if BIS does this expansion like they did Resistance I hardly see what all the commotion is all about. I do know that the current community is quite different from the OFP days , but I seem to remember that "OFP:Resistance" did plenty of good to the game. Now don't yell at me and being a mindless optimist and pushover who doesn't want some bugs fixed. But BIS is going to fix some bugs regardless (if you yell alot,they prioritize by yelling) and some some bugs are never going to get fixed , not by patches , not by expansions and not in 10 years. So in my opinion , as someone who has seen BIS screw lot of things up for the past couple of years , I must admit I fail to see myself how releasing this expansions will have more bad sides to it than good. Then again , it is BIS , and all this this talk of "You can play Arma2 in Arrowhead" is making me look forward to how they can come up with the most complicated way to install and play this expansion mankind could possible imagine. :) Edited August 13, 2009 by lwlooz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TimRiceSE 10 Posted August 13, 2009 (edited) blah blah blah x2 There will STILL be regular patches for ArmA2 from now, upto, and probably after release of the expansion. The majority of content for the expansion will be a lot of work for graphics artists and mission makers (who have been working on it since they finished their work on ArmA2 in January...), meanwhile the team who handles the game engine is still working on fixing that. This information or similar is available on practically every page of this (so far) 33 page thread. 2nd time im quoting this in this thread... Works on expansion CG started at january this year at Brno (ALTAR team) and after A2 release, rest of art people in Mnisek connected to that work. Programmers and designers now fixing A2 and branched project, when fixes are released as patches. As expect that design bugs in A2 are near to be solved (most of bugs is now in engine not in design), designers moved/will move to Arowhead. Programers as they work on expansion automaticaly fixing A2 engine, so dont worry. Quote from a developer. Aside from the imperfect english, you can see that there was no need to shit yourself at all. Edited August 13, 2009 by TimRiceSE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Erskin71 0 Posted August 13, 2009 Well unless it comes out before ofp2 its a no go for me. Not gonna pay for an expansion to fix the beta I paid $50 bucks for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites