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ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

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Why not? Now we will have both...?

In OFP we played as a U.S. Soldier. In ArmA we played as a U.S. Soldier...

Personally I don't think the U.S. Marine Corps gets enough credit in games, and yes as a former Marine myself, I am partial to the Marine Corps.

Everyone knows that mostly, Marine vehicles are different from the Army. Heck, I had been waiting for the AAV7 in OFP and got tired of the wait so I made my own for Tales of War back in 2003. When I saw the AAV7 and LAV-25 in ArmA2 I was stoked! Even though there are still some helicopters missing i.e. the CH-46 and the CH-53.

If BIS must make an Army theme yet again, at least leave the option to play as a Marine and use Marine Corpss vehicles in there. Are there any Marines out there to back me up!

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It was stated several times that Arma2 equipment will be integrated, so you can play as Marine and Army if you have both.

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In OFP we played as a U.S. Soldier. In ArmA we played as a U.S. Soldier...

Personally I don't think the U.S. Marine Corps gets enough credit in games, and yes as a former Marine myself, I am partial to the Marine Corps.

Everyone knows that mostly, Marine vehicles are different from the Army. Heck, I had been waiting for the AAV7 in OFP and got tired of the wait so I made my own for Tales of War back in 2003. When I saw the AAV7 and LAV-25 in ArmA2 I was stoked! Even though there are still some helicopters missing i.e. the CH-46 and the CH-53.

If BIS must make an Army theme yet again, at least leave the option to play as a Marine and use Marine Corpss vehicles in there. Are there any Marines out there to back me up!

Well, what about love for other countries military?, What about the British para's, or the French army, Why does everything have to be centred around the US?

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Personally I don't think the U.S. Marine Corps gets enough credit in games

Think yourself lucky. ;)

We have to wait for the modders for our Brits! :D

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If BIS must make an Army theme yet again, at least leave the option to play as a Marine and use Marine Corpss vehicles in there. Are there any Marines out there to back me up!

It's not like the expansion will remove any content... :j: You can still play the original campaign/SP missions and use all of the USMC content provided you still have the original ArmA II installed. So I don't really see what your problem is.

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Well, what about love for other countries military?, What about the British para's, or the French army, Why does everything have to be centred around the US?

wait for next week ;)

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If BIS must make an Army theme yet again, at least leave the option to play as a Marine and use Marine Corpss vehicles in there. Are there any Marines out there to back me up!

Why no one bothers to read the full thread? It has been said officially that ArmA2 content can be used in the expansion so you still have your Marines. :p

Really people, r-e-a-d the thread before you add something which might confuse others and results in even more complaining and whining.

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So basically if you buy Arma2:AH it will install "Arma2Arrowhead.exe" into the Arma2 folder and install its addons .

If you don't have Arma2 , it will create that Arma2 folder and you obviously won't have the campaign and chernarus specific addons?

there will be any comments from devs?


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Just curious - did BIS developers found a solution for performance issues, LOD switching and issues with AI pathfinding? How many time you have reserved for testing & fixing?

@rothy european task force would be the best idea but sadly the US gaming market is bigger. I guess most US players wont buy a milgame without US units & stuff.

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Big Dawg KS, I think maybe you will have to compile all of Oharas and other dev's answers and post it up as there will be countless questions getting asked over and over and over...

I can understand this to some extent as the thread is now 22 pages long and moving very rapidly... i've been following this thread for over 2 hours now since single digit pages but I know it can be hard to read through 22 pages of questions!

And this will be my last post for tonight (3.30am here!), very happy with this announcement and the community update about patch 1.04, good night!

EDIT: Just saw norailgunners question... I would too be interested to know if the expansion will feature any performance improvements, this is the only thing that annoys me :)


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I do believe the expansion should be cheaper than the full ARMA2 game, as its not a new engine/full release of the game (such as ARMA3 would be), but I dont mind paying a good 70% of the originals price for a new polished ARMA :)

This is similar to what Warhead was for Crysis, it was about an 8 hour game with new MP features and performance improvments, I enjoyed Warhead a lot and didnt mind paying the $30 on Steam....

so far it sounds very much like what Warhead is, price wise. Pretty much a stand alone game at the cost of an expansion.

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there will be any comments from devs?


wtf? :eek::eek::eek:

ohara has almost doubled his post count just in this thread alone! :D

Edited by ck-claw

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Why no one bothers to read the full thread? It has been said officially that ArmA2 content can be used in the expansion so you still have your Marines. :p

Really people, r-e-a-d the thread before you add something which might confuse others and results in even more complaining and whining.

sorry, but it should be your job to compile the infos and put them into a sticky about that expansion, i just read the whole post and it was very annoying!

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In OFP we played as a U.S. Soldier. In ArmA we played as a U.S. Soldier...

Personally I don't think the U.S. Marine Corps gets enough credit in games, and yes as a former Marine myself, I am partial to the Marine Corps.

Don't get it wrong mate, but that's cute somehow. You know, the rest of the world thinks, the u.s. military is portrayed very well on every platform and with every branch it has. So i would say, that it is credited enough already. I mean, i don't really care, so i say...umm...gimme the good guys. Some u.s. troops, whatever, NOW! ;)

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sorry, but it should be your job to compile the infos and put them into a sticky about that expansion, i just read the whole post and it was very annoying!

Not his job to do anything like that technically, just a courtesy if a mod decides to do so. Especially considering all this info will be blurted again when the press release occures, to which there will be a big fat news topic with said info as well as a sister topic in the General section here.

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Well, what about love for other countries military?, What about the British para's, or the French army, Why does everything have to be centred around the US?

Good point. Not sure what to say.

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wtf? :eek::eek::eek:

I mean, there will be any comments from devs, on post from user lwlooz

i am interested too in answer on this issue

P.S. sorry for my english)

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are you serious?

There are dev-posts galore in this thread!

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Why no one bothers to read the full thread? It has been said officially that ArmA2 content can be used in the expansion so you still have your Marines. :p

Really people, r-e-a-d the thread before you add something which might confuse others and results in even more complaining and whining.

Roger that! My bust.

Didn't mean to confuse anyone and didn't mean to whine. I love your games! Keep up the good work. You got it tough trying to keep everyone happy. LOL

Rothy Out.

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Actually, I am very curious what functions which have not been finished before ArmA2 release is BIS going to implement in AH :D

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I must give it to BIS - marketing wise - it is really smart. As they now know what OFP 2 will contain (review copies were send out to magazines etc) and now they can topple that...delivering a knockout....

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Seriously looking forward to a new map! And a developer made Apache! Can't wait. :)

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there are only general answers, that somehow it would be possible to combine normal A2 and the addition to it, but how this can be done - so far unknown. because I wrote something that I wrote

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