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About W0lle

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  • Biography
    CWR III Project lead
    CWR² Project lead, ret.
    BI fanboi, no more
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    Here and there
  • Interests
    Running, cycling whenever I have the chance.
    Drawing on my iPad.
    My Arma3 mission dump @ https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtoFgvVOyY-cbCNW8bHjGj-KFhU?e=62Lctb

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  1. W0lle

    Cold War Rearmed III

    It's fixed now, sorry and thanks for letting us know. 😊
  2. W0lle

    Cold War Rearmed III

    A bit late but if still needed, some of Sander's stuff is still available here.
  3. In the triggers onActivation field: boom="Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle getPos whatever; where 'whatever' can be any object at which the LGB is to spawn. An invisible helipad, for example.
  4. And I won't be home for another two days. That really can't be true. Why now? 😂 Congrats Ice, nice to see that you have finally made it. Can't wait to explore this project in detail. And thanks for always supplying us with high-quality terrains.
  5. We will see. Or to say with it Kozlowski's words: "Yeah, right. I've heard that before..." 🙂
  6. W0lle

    Cold War Rearmed III

    No plans to make the campaigns playable in COOP. Too much work with too less time. Also there are missions where you are alone, which then makes no sense when all of the sudden there is more than one player. With Mikero's tools you should be able to extract the files.
  7. W0lle

    Cold War Rearmed III

    There's indeed a problem with the stringtable in this mission. For whatever reason the one from the previous mission was copied in that mission folder. Restored from backup and will update the campaign within the next hour. Sorry. 😔 Fixed, should be good now. If not: complain again 🙂
  8. W0lle

    Cold War Rearmed III

    Minor Mod update: FIXED : Shadow issues with US M65 uniforms CHNGD : Correct UI picture for the PT-76B
  9. After the rampage of the Armaholic "admin" I had repeated requests for the CWR² mod files. And after our website went down last year, the last download option was also lost. We are really spared nothing. 🙁 However, I have now uploaded the latest version of the mod (v1.7) to Google Drive and Onedrive. Included are the mod, all terrains, expansions and campaigns. Currently the SP/MP missions are missing, I'm working on those. And my only surviving archive of the Netherlands expansion is corrupted, so the Dutch are MIA. If anyone has them, please contact me. Downloads: Google Drive OneDrive
  10. W0lle

    Cold War Rearmed III

    Steam Workshop doesn't work as he's looking for the CWR2 Campaign. 🙂 Talos, I upload the campaign asap and send you the link.
  11. W0lle

    Cold War Rearmed III

    Just a minor Mod update: FIXED : The capacity of the ammunition boxes was too small, so that not all of the added weapons were actually included ADDED : Backpacks to all military wheeled and tracked vehicles ADDED : Ural MedEvac for the Rebels (East) ADDED : V3S MedEvac for the Rebels (West)
  12. Just release it already! 😃 Looks very promising, can't wait to get my virtual feet on it.
  13. W0lle

    Middle East Crisis

    Obviously. But more likely with your mental issues. Maybe it's not clear from panzergrenadier's post: you won't get any help for your "non-steam" arma here. How stupid do you have to be to ask for help in the forum of a game developer whose game you don't want to pay for? I would look for help where you got your Arma from.
  14. W0lle

    Cold War Rearmed III

    We wish all fans, supporters and contributors a happy and peaceful Christmas and happy holidays.
  15. W0lle

    Cold War Rearmed III

    After a long time, a new update for the mod and all extensions. Unfortunately without any significant new content but some bug fixes and minor improvements. After months away from Arma and a temporary breakdown of our repository I have lost track of what has been done in detail. Therefore no changelog this time. Yes, it's getting worse and worse. 😀 The problem that some units/objects are not available in Zeus should - hopefully - be fixed. At least for the most part. If something is still missing, please specify what it is. A report with "Some objects are not available in Zeus" doesn't really help locating the issue when you have hundreds of objects.