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[Poll] ArmA Reforger / Arm4

ArmA Reforger / Arm4  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you bought ArmA Reforger or are you waiting for Arm4?

    • I've bought ArmA Reforger
    • I'm waiting for Arm4

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Have you bought ArmA Reforger or are you waiting for Arm4?

And why?

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I bought it as I wanted to see where BIS are heading and I can honestly say, even as a hardcore singleplayer gamer, I'm not disappointed. I think it's still very early days and there's loads to fix and add, but I'm glad BIS seem to be keeping to the authenticity of the Arma series.

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I bought it. Simply because I believe these devs deserve the money. The ArmA franchise is the last huge one which comes from a small developer. They created not only the games, but also the engines etc. all by themselves. I want ArmA 4. So I will invest in BI if I got the bucks. I bought the big, fat Supporter Edition of ArmA 3 when it was released, and I am very happy I did, because I enjoyed all of the content they released. Nothing comes close.

Hopefully, BI will do something similar with ArmA 4. A "buy once, get it all" edition right at the start, which costs more, but gets some later DLCs for free. Funny enough, BI is the only studio I still trust to listen to the community and give them what they want. They earned my trust. So I want them to succeed and bring us more from what they brought us before. And that needs money.

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I bought Reforger because I like BIS products and want to mess with the new scripting before A4.

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I bought Arma Reforger because I'm an Arma fan and I like Beta testing and from what I've seen there's quite a bit to do.

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I will not pay to be an alpha tester. From a game that doesn't look like "ARMA" to me.

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Unwilling to pay to be a beta tester for Arma 4 lol

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i had the game gifted to me, but was on the verge of buying it myself. Yet, I'm more than happy to part with my money for something like this, because 15 odd years playing arma titles, and reforger is another worthwhile experience which attempts to push at some boundaries. So far, I like the direction it's all going

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Simple curiosity, and I'll admit my first impression was mixed. It'll take some time to get used to, I miss Eden and it almost feels wrong without ACE but I'm warming up to it every time I load the game.

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i bought 2 copies - because it reminds me of what arma originally used to be (OFP) and that was a highwater mark in demanding uncompromising combat for the time - but with so many engine improvements that had been requested for years and years.


Im really NOT fond of the MP focus but i hope modding/BIS can sort that out so i can spend time enjoying it  SP and Co-op until arma 4 comes out.

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I bought it because I want to learn how to use the new Enfusion tools. 90% of my time in OFP-Arma has always been editing or creating stuff more than actually playing it. 

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Although im a somewhat vocal *cough* critic of the lack of AI progression as well as the seemingly want to turn towards MP only -godamned if that promo didnt have me swipin my credit card within minute -it was that fancy APC going over the trench in the rain at night....i feel cheap.


Seriously tho, im kinda swaying between mixed emotions, but i gotta say, im pretty optimistic for the future of Arma with this necessary stepping stone platform. Man did we need more fluid animations, better interiors, a more robust reactive AI, and the lighting (!!). Seems like the AI had been in a sense simplified -maybe its because theyre not a slave to stay oriented to their squads formation , i dont know - but almost seems like theyre going to build modular AI off of this simplistic model -to fit the scenario/campaign/Dlc whatever. That Tool set looks sick but im totally befuddled by it and also miss eden, as long as we get our SP at some point -im pretty pleased if not perplexed. I dont mind paying to help the progress of this series.

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Bought straight away just for access to the tools. Sure there's no in-game mission editor but the Workbench (while complicated to use) is fantastic compared to tools of the past.


As for Reforger itself...meh. Not a fan of the generic Cold War-gone-hot setting or the MP-only focus. Story-wise, Reforger makes even less sense...not to mention that just like Malden, Everon's magically been teleported to the mid-Atlantic...

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Bought for two reasons. 

1. Curiosity and nostalgia since it takes me back to the times when I first played OFP back in 2001.

2. To show interest and support for the developer in the progress towards Arma 4


However a bit disappointed on the current state of the Alpha, mainly due to the huge connectivity issues (it takes 20-40 attempts before being able to join a server and have max 15-20 min. playtime on servers before loosing connection).

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Instabuy. Need to gain experience in Enfusion - have zero. Don't know yet how much scripting/modding is possible in Reforger.
Also, that ArmA itch. Longh time no see. I instantlich felt like I need to visit Altis or Chernarus badly.

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Waiting for Arma 4. The big problem is that Reforger won't run on my PC - a bit of disappointment because DayZ SA has better performance on my 1945-era calculator than Arma 3 with CUP Chernarus. But the game itself just doesn't jive with me - Cold War setting but on a small island, with no tanks, arty, aircraft is just plain worse than OFP that I'm still playing to this day, especially when it's all MP only. In Arma 3 I can make a vast Cold War scenario with tank assaults, objectives, cutscenes - the whole shebang. Playing a limited version of CTI/mini-BF, or some C&H is just not what draws me to Arma.


As for learning Enfusion - until I'll see that the engine allows to well, make scenarios/mods that I'd want to play and make, I see no point. At the moment I feel it's better to learn some other publicly available engine like Unreal or Unity. Now, you can't really have Arma 3 style of gameplay in them, but 1. Reforger doesn't have that either, 2. Unreal is used all over the industry, so that way I can umm... "monetize" my interest in modding.


Edit: as for the argument "play Reforger to tell BI how you would want Arma 4 look like", well... If BI, after over 20 years, has to be told what people want to see in Arma game, and why we love them, then... something real bad must have happened regarding either communication or overall development philosophy.

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I bought Arma Reforger to support BI, and because its Arma, not the Arma we're used to with an ingame editor hint hint,

although the GameMaster (zeus) could pass for it for now if we could just save what we create.


    Aside the above, being this is the stepping stone to Arma 4 which tbh is refreshing to hear/read

considering how much the community has been asking about Arma 4 for like the past couple of years.  So now we all can remove that

speculation and make it an expectation, really i cant believe its happening, anyways so with reforger we have the opportunity to give our

feedback via the feedback from within the game which i like.


I love the fact that BI is open to suggestions, reports, ideas, what works, what dont, what needs to be added, fixed ect,.

The other thing is being an early access which i might add aside the known issues its pretty decent, i was austruck, blown away by

the sheer detail and beauty of Everon prior to getting the game, and once ingame using the Gamemaster to look around and run around!


The map seems so much bigger vs the other Arma's, whats really neat is .... i know every location on the map aside the new stuff they added

as i been there so in that is very Nostalgic for me!


For those of you who dont know what the name Reforger means, it actually has history, Reforger name is set to the era,

the time, and the war at which the game takes place, or is set.

     Its actually an acronym for  Reforger ---> Return of forces to Germany



Overall i'm looking forward in seeing what becomes of it as we all know how Arma 3 started, look where it is now, and not

to put Reforger in that light but after playing Reforger and then playing Arma 3, it seriously makes me appreciate where and what we

are able to do in Arma 3, and i hope that AR will reach that level if not exceed it!

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Of course I bougth Arma Reforger. I fully support what BI do and this is my way of contributing. Besides that I like to beta test stuff and give feedback. Been onboard since the launch day of Operation Flashpoint though.

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Since it is almost solely MP (so not for me gameplay-wise), while hardware requirements too high for my PC and also no really funds now for such luxuries, I figured, I'll wait, maybe for Arma 4, maybe just to see, how Reforger will expand... and then it was gifted to me. 🙂 


So I own it, I learned, at least on default settings (not so impressive visually) I can even run tutorial to walk around with OK-ish FPS. Also checked tools, namely scripting editor. Of course, there's no more SQF, so after more, than a decade of coding I'm back to not knowing anything about scripting in Arma. New language may be more approachable for programmers, but on the contrary for me. And I'm 11 years older than back in 2011, when I was learning SQF. Not sure if I motivate myself and be able to re-learn scripting from null. Not now anyway, too busy with other works. 

So I have Reforger, although not bought it, and it seems, I wouldn't do much about it for now.

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I've bought Reforger primarily for supporting the studio.


I was not expecting much anyway, I'm just disappointed with the absence of a proper mission editor within the game.

We will see in the upcoming weeks what modders will bring to this game.


Regarding Arma 4, I hope we will have the freedom to use/store the mod like the previous title and to have a ingame Editor.


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I've bought Reforger because I'm a fan boy and have nothing better to do with my free time than toil away re-learning 17 years of modding experience and starting my workflow from near scratch...

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I bought Reforger, and am quite impressed even though it feels like a cash grab. It runs well on my 6month old PC, and the world looks beautiful and very detailed. I love the little details like ignition keys, and radio interference. The included MP missions are a strange choice as they could run for many hours and players spawn far from the action. With a new game release they should include a simple SP mission to get used to controls and weapons, and they should have included a smaller scale MP mission (one town control point battle or CTF) to make it very easy for players to get into the action without having to drive or run many km. I want to get into the combat without learning about resource points, supply missions and base building!

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I bought reforger, "played" 22mn and then asked for a refund.





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Because I'm curious.

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1. I support BI.

2. I need to learn how to create in the new environment.

3. I hope that what small contribution I make now, will make Arma 4 better when released.

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