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Some Dev must have liked it to put it in, so no, there's two of you now. :) heh

I suspect DnA :p

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Well, what about the british then ? Do they also get to wear US flags ?

I hope that it's at least possible to override that part of the texture with a hidden selection. I really "hate" that it's always US troops, completely ignoring that NATO is a lot more than "just" the US

I don't have a problem with the flags, as long as they are in the color/diffuse map. This could be easy retextured and changed with "hiddenSelectionsTextures".

To put the flags in the specular map is just anoying and can't be changed without hacking the model (rvmat-stuff), which is not allowed...

What happens is shown in the screenshot... :butbut:


See ticket 12360

P.S. Flag is also in the ambient shadow texture (AS)... :(

Edited by Leonardus
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New return of rain : Rainbow fail ^^

Maybe fail also for rain in the chopper with full windows. (rain filter actually have only one direction, not wind impact, no problem to wait the improvement for me)

And the stars under the chopper on the ground, hum...^^


PS : I'm not a judge : if a guy want to open a ticket in the feedback tracker if he think than theses little problems would necessary to be resolved. Thank

Edited by GranolaBar

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The moon doesn't appear to 'Glow/shine' now. Not sure whether that's by design.

I haven't changed my scenario settings between updates.

Date and Time set to August 11th 4:30AM Stratis West Coast.

I have made the ticket here but can anyone else confirm?


Edited by Electricleash
Couldn't get steam screenshot url link to work

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If the orange is only for the dev build and the stable is different, I'm completely ok with that, I think thats really cool

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If the orange is only for the dev build and the stable is different, I'm completely ok with that, I think thats really cool

That's because Dev gets the release updates sooner and so stable would eventually be changed to it. :x

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Anyone else having issues with ATOC... I have NOT changed any settings or updated my video driver.. Everything was working fine last night .. the new dev patch released, and suddenly Everything in game has a blue lineing...

It is only present when i have enable ATOC in video settings.. All settings produce the anomaly, only disabling it removes the problem..

As i just stated i had not changed Anything only the recent dev patch to the game itself ... I did NOT download any drivers or mess with my video settings .. this is a direct result of the latest patch..

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One problem of the rain effect is, that it appears to rain inside of buildings if you look through the door. I'm not sure if this can be fixed easily...

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One problem of the rain effect is, that it appears to rain inside of buildings if you look through the door. I'm not sure if this can be fixed easily...

And If you are inside some buildings you don't see the rain anymore.

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If the orange is only for the dev build and the stable is different, I'm completely ok with that, I think thats really cool
Menu colors changed to release skinning

If only...

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Aww thats a shame. I kinda wish they would go back to the green Alpha colouring. I think that fit the theme of the game the best, IMO. Or allow us to choose. That would be cool.

The orange is just obnoxious.

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Aww thats a shame. I kinda wish they would go back to the green Alpha colouring. I think that fit the theme of the game the best, IMO. Or allow us to choose. That would be cool.

The orange is just obnoxious.

Can't you easily adjust the color ingame?

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You can, in fact the beta (and alpha) color scheme is actually one of the pre-defined setups that you can choose.

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With all the issues in this game currently, who gives a rat's ass about the default menu color scheme? Which you can change with two clicks of the mouse anyway.

There are nine preset color schemes or you can customize it exactly the way you want it.

By the looks of things, more work has been put into the color choices of your menus than the new rain effect. :confused:

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Not thrilled with the rain (actually like the orange menus, though! LOL). If set to 100% at night in a completely dark area, it comes down in a near opaque sheet that is at least two shades lighter than the night sky, which is odd. The indoor rain is bizarre as it seems to happen several feet away from the player, like a wall of rain, and moves around with you, but never rains ON you until you step back over the door threshold, where it takes a second before switching back to the buckets o' rain look. It also seems to vanish completely when you turn on your NV. It's markedly better in a lighted town or in daylight, but I'll avoid using it at night until BIS fixes it or someone mods it to look more like rain and less like a waterfall. Do like the sound, however. It's quite immersive. It's a shame as the rest of the game is pure "Next Gen" stuff. The rain just looks like something from ten years ago. There are definitely more important things to fix now, but I do hope this is something that will get revisited. :(

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Not thrilled with the rain (actually like the orange menus, though! LOL). If set to 100% at night in a completely dark area, it comes down in a near opaque sheet that is at least two shades lighter than the night sky, which is odd. The indoor rain is bizarre as it seems to happen several feet away from the player, like a wall of rain, and moves around with you, but never rains ON you until you step back over the door threshold, where it takes a second before switching back to the buckets o' rain look. It also seems to vanish completely when you turn on your NV. It's markedly better in a lighted town or in daylight, but I'll avoid using it at night until BIS fixes it or someone mods it to look more like rain and less like a waterfall. Do like the sound, however. It's quite immersive. It's a shame as the rest of the game is pure "Next Gen" stuff. The rain just looks like something from ten years ago. There are definitely more important things to fix now, but I do hope this is something that will get revisited. :(

Shhhhh..... they know. Most of the people have been begging to get rain back even if it isn't up to par with the rest of the game in terms of quality. They had disabled it months ago and never really worked on it. Why, I guess to prevent a ton of people complaining about it just like you, but we all realized we'd rather have SOMETHING than nothing. So please, be quiet lol

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Shhhhh..... they know. Most of the people have been begging to get rain back even if it isn't up to par with the rest of the game in terms of quality. They had disabled it months ago and never really worked on it. Why, I guess to prevent a ton of people complaining about it just like you, but we all realized we'd rather have SOMETHING than nothing. So please, be quiet lol

Eh, by complaining about it (and I thought horrorview's post was very good for constructive criticism) we can let them know we do consider it to be quite a problem, it certainly does need work.

Some more problems:

1) The rain is clearly just a 2D square around the player, you can tell that it isn't falling the distance (there should be a fog effect with a noise texture overlayed automatically when rain falls)

2) Rain falling around dynamic lights is not lit, probably due to the fact that it's just a 2D box. It's also far too light at night.

3) There's no detail to the drops, which wouldn't be an issue except that the drops fall and hit your character's arms whilst still having detail made to look like the drops are meters away.

Edited by SQB-SMA

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The thunder sound needs a lot of work, can only hear it if fairly close to the lightning and even then the sound is terrible. Also need far more lightning when it's set at high values, at the moment it's like a very weak storm that throws out a bolt every now and again plus the lightning never pulses which would be nice if it did sometimes.

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@BI: Do not, and I repeat, do NOT show off rain at Gamescom. We know you'll get it right eventually, however, atm it is really bad :)

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@BI: Do not, and I repeat, do NOT show off rain at Gamescom. We know you'll get it right eventually, however, atm it is really bad :)

Why? Everyone knows it's still Beta and things get fixed. They will not say "Man, this huge ass military sandbox looks awesome, all this mod support, community, realism and... oh my god. What... what is that? Is that supposed to be rain? Oh my god I'm not playing that."

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Many that are playing my custom SP mission are complaining of crates that cant be opened (even I have cratename allowdamage false activated for those). Also all AI units still get sometimes unresponsive for some players. AI dont shoot anyone, except very rarely after minutes of waiting. And game may crash for them after some time from the issue. The issue happened for me too once week ago. After I sent crashdumps, not sure if you fixed something, but havent got AI issue after that. Seems like its fixed for some machines. :S Both issues started around the date when UAV/UGV's were released. We are all using DEV-version of the game and AI issue may be there even there is no error-messages or bad FPS present.

As other note, the transport chopper support module, makes the chopper land to poor places like in forest sometimes. I would have own script to replace the chopper function, but I would want to use this official one since it have fancy radio voices, notifications and access from 0-8 menu.

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I like the Credits, but there should be some music playing in background :-)

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