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Correct TT17  and TT18 , incorrectly determined the time for gold in the competition.

The time for the entire route is set to 00:00:05

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6 minutes ago, lex__1 said:

Correct TT17  and TT18 , incorrectly determined the time for gold in the competition.

The time for the entire route is set to 00:00:05


Yeah I can confirm this.

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18 hours ago, lex__1 said:

Correct TT17  and TT18 , incorrectly determined the time for gold in the competition.

The time for the entire route is set to 00:00:05

It's deliberate until we find reasonable (read: internal best * community skills ^ ninjas) medal times to set. Several more structural changes were still happening, such as new CPs, so medal times would not yet mean much. The final times will probably be plugged in next week.

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Would it please be possible to seperate the gunner controls from driver controls? Because if you map the turret movement to WASD (because that helps immensly with fast turret rotation in urban and on the flight combat where you as the gunner have to react fast) and then later on try to go to the driver seat and you try to move the tank it won't move because the game is trying to move your turret instead of the actual tank. So everytime you'd have to add/remove keybindings and thats kinda annoying.


Also it would be greatly appricated if the helicopter pedals get a seperate keybinding from the jet pedals. Some people like me prefer to use A/D for helicopter pedals and Q/E for jet pedals. Constantly changing keybindings is kinda annoying.


I would greatly appricate it to see these QOL changes in game.

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Thanks for the update! Are you guys working holidays now to press the release or are you taking some days off?



Added: Cannon-launched missiles, Jian, Macer, Sharur, Vorona, Firefist, RPG42, RPG7, MRAAWS, SPG9, Tratnyr, Shrieker, DAR and DAGR now use HEAT submunitions 

Added: Scalpel and Macer top-down flight profile 



Yeah! You go guys! Fantastic :)



Tweaked: Increased hit damage dealt by HEAT submunition 


Hmm... I take it the internal hit damage is going to get a buff from this, and increase hithull damage and crew damage, regardless of where the shot lands. Not sure how I feel about that.




Fixed: Speed property in the CfgArmorSimulations did not work 


Can you elaborate? What was broken? Did the new components fail to add/remove projectile velocity? There have been reports of ERA not working well against single HEAT warhead munitions.



Happy Easter guys :)

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 1:58:44 I_LT_01_AT_F: cannon_ready_light - unknown animation source muzzle_hide_cannon
 1:58:44 I_LT_01_AT_F: indicator_com_turret_mfd_driver - unknown animation source obsturret
 1:58:44 I_LT_01_AT_F: indicator_com_turret_mfd_gunner - unknown animation source obsturret
 1:58:44 unable to connect anim. source "Hit" to hitpoint "HitComTurret" in I_LT_01_AT_F
 1:58:44 Error in expression <(ammo1+ammo2)>
 1:58:44   Error position: <ammo1+ammo2)>
 1:58:44   Error Undefined variable in expression: ammo1
 1:58:44 unable to compile MFD condition '(ammo1+ammo2)'
 1:58:44 Warning: Convex component representing Track_L not found

RC 1.82.144574

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5 minutes ago, Night515 said:

Could we please get camo selections for backpacks on tanks?

Yes, please!

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Could someone please either confirm, or deny that the following is still a problem on the devel branch?



1) doStop all units (with scripting)

2) try to make them follow you again with direct commanding (radio 1-1)


Does it work/do AI units follow you again?

For if not, this kind of AI direct command deadlocking seems to be pretty game breaking to me.

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How do you get the achievement "No Requiem"? I finished the "Altis Requiem" campaign but didn't get it

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So Scalpel missiles might need a slight adjustment to their maneuverability.  The first target is destroyed while launching at almost 90 degrees while the second target is launched with the target 180 degrees behind me.



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Just now, Imperator[TFD] said:

So Scalpel missiles might need a slight adjustment to their maneuverability.  The first target is destroyed while launching at almost 90 degrees while the second target is launched with the target 180 degrees behind me.



Yup, agreed!

Biggest rule of Proportional Navigation: NO U TURNS!


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Does anybody notice the Pistol Flashlight for ACP-C2, 4-Five, Zubr? When and why it is now available in vanilla? IIRC it is not available in vanilla recently...Z69YuUK.jpgogxCc0e.jpg

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It's been there since sometime last year. To my knowledge it wasn't mentioned in any of the changelogs though. Nice little surprise.

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Wasn't it added with Tac Ops?

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1 hour ago, R3vo said:

Wasn't it added with Tac Ops?

No. It was add last year.

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so, since the new camo nets for vehicles will reduce your heat signature, will that also work for AI or only human players?

in other words, does AI with thermal capabilities (thermal weapon-scope, vehicles with thermal sights, but no automatic "sensor array") have spotting capabilities dependant on varying heat signature?


i did some very quick tests back when jet dlc released, but did not get definite results... (a tank is obviously still a big target, even when cold...)

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I suspect the camo nets are largely there for visual variation as I have not seen any connection/link to vehicle detectability for sensors or AI.


I have asked the devs for this, but not really got an answer, but I do believe they make a difference in what you, as a human player, will see in IR mode and therefore how hard it is to detect you.

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Strike_NOR, have you seen today's tweak about interior geometry not overlapping crew fire geometry?
Possibly a fix for all the external damage killing crew without penetrating the vehicle?


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53 minutes ago, ski2060 said:

Strike_NOR, have you seen today's tweak about interior geometry not overlapping crew fire geometry?
Possibly a fix for all the external damage killing crew without penetrating the vehicle?



Yeah, I don't know. Will have to perform tests - I am working on something else at the moment, maybe I'll have something to show for tonight :)

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1 hour ago, Strike_NOR said:

I suspect the camo nets are largely there for visual variation as I have not seen any connection/link to vehicle detectability for sensors or AI.


I have asked the devs for this, but not really got an answer, but I do believe they make a difference in what you, as a human player, will see in IR mode and therefore how hard it is to detect you.


the question is, if IR detection is based on some config/variable, or if detection probability is somehow taken directly from the brightness value of the thermal texture, in which case there would not be a seperate config linking the nets to AI detection.

the latter does seem a bit to sophisticated to be true, but i would not rule it out...

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On 27.3.2018 at 12:20 PM, lexx said:

I'm curious, is it even possible for "generic folks" to get a full vehicle crew in multiplayer? All the times I played online and had matches where vehicles were a thing at all, everyone used their own.


Play with a Coop-oriented clan, and you'll get there in no time :)

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Anybody else experience crashes in the Tank Destroyer showcase when engaging the tanks coming after you shot the spotter? Especially when firing your main cannon and hitting them? Could be my system, but outside of this mission everything seems fine. Full system crash btw.

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8 hours ago, Strike_NOR said:

I suspect the camo nets are largely there for visual variation as I have not seen any connection/link to vehicle detectability for sensors or AI.


I have asked the devs for this, but not really got an answer, but I do believe they make a difference in what you, as a human player, will see in IR mode and therefore how hard it is to detect you.

Well, they're definitely good for visual camouflage. On Tanoa, especially, compare Green Hex tanks with and without camo nets. The latter are definitely harder to spot, especially at a distance. Didn't test in NV, but I'd expect similar results. If it doesn't affect AI, it definitely should.

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