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I don't believe that such a system could account for how many weapons a modder could stack onto a single gunner seat...

They have 4 keybinds now, that should be plenty. I don't think I ever had more than 4 weapons as a gunner, but if a modder really needs more, he can always add aditional keybind for fifth weapon in CBA, or custom controls (use action).

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Hi devs,


Why does this happen?


(testing on hosted and dedi MP)



I think it's respawn related (Waves are fine at start of mission, then after player is killed and respawns, they get weird)

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^^ Hey DA, this isn't something to do with accelerating time is it ?  I sometimes see this on clouds when accelerating time.

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The mission does use setTimeMultiplier so maybe - I'll have a check next time I boot it up.

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Dunno if this is a known issue, but today's dev branch update shows cross-hairs for all Person turrets if cross hairs are enabled.

CORRECTION: Even shows them when crosshairs are disabled.

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Dunno if this is a known issue, but today's dev branch update shows cross-hairs for all Person turrets if cross hairs are enabled.

CORRECTION: Even shows them when crosshairs are disabled.

It's a part of the Targeting improvements (more info in there). It's not configured yet. Will be retained only in vehicles where a precise information about other crew's aiming direction makes sense (mostly for commander+gunner in tanks).

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It's a part of the Targeting improvements (more info in there). It's not configured yet. Will be retained only in vehicles where a precise information about other crew's aiming direction makes sense (mostly for commander+gunner in tanks).


Understood. It was just weird to suddenly see four crosshairs in a boat :)

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Devs please if it is not too late :D

add this to Tanoa if you already didn't.
this would be cool to swim trough in shallow waters,where seaweed is stretching to the surface. Waters are so empty in arma please don't do it in Tanoa :D




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Fixed: Using the system memory allocator would cause a heavy performance degradation


Any input from someone that actually tested dev build today?

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Some times there are problems with animations in MP:



Can select weapon in action menu MX 6.5mm (Black) when switch on auto firing mode:


Same weapon but on single firing mode:


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I would really enjoy that they make Sitreps about the upcoming week instead of the past week.

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I would really enjoy that they make Sitreps about the upcoming week instead of the past week.

I'm not sure how that would be that different from the existing Roadmap that they have already released. Also, if they started doing that they would have to deal with the multitude of feedback along the lines of "You said you were doing this, but you did that!!'.


Existing system seems to be working as it should.

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Info for the devs:


The minmal system requirements listed here state that 15Gbyte of hard drive storage are required. Arma 3 1.58 is currently using 14.8 Gbyte for me, so that's extremely close. You should consider to raise that to 20Gbyte.



About the score table:


Would it be possible to have a feature which allows us to quickly view the steam profile of a player? It doesn't actually need to be possible via the score table, but when I read it's becoming interactive that was the first thing that came to my mind.

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Devs please if it is not too late :D

add this to Tanoa if you already didn't.

this would be cool to swim trough in shallow waters,where seaweed is stretching to the surface. Waters are so empty in arma please don't do it in Tanoa :D




Tanoa is meant to be "geotypical Fiji". There's no kelp around Fiji, but there are extensive coral reefs.

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Bug: when pressing J to bring up the diary, your rank symbol on the top right will be corporal, no matter what rank you are

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Bug: when pressing J to bring up the diary, your rank symbol on the top right will be corporal, no matter what rank you are

Also if you press J it will bring up the group menu even if you disabled it in the description.ext before using showHUD array.

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Tanoa is meant to be "geotypical Fiji". There's no kelp around Fiji, but there are extensive coral reefs.

You're right but coral is prolly difficult to model.

So ditch the coral, ditch Tanao and shift the DLC to Ireland!

Seriously the kelp is a great idea, shame that it isn't that credible for Altis & Stratis:


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Yeah but (based on some previous additions) the kelp would be indestructable, would not allow anyone to pass, and due to PhysX would shoot the sub/diver out of the water at high speed !

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The green chemlight is still mis configured after loads of patches.


Here's a comparison a between a blue and green chemlight. The blue is working as intended but the green one lacks light.



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Any news on fixing the forced walk while wounded? So many other great and much anticipated chanegs have happened recently. But this particularity ugly bandaid is the epitome in frustration while in the middle of a firefight. Take a few hits and bam you can only walk. A kind on limping run or something would be better than this.


Worst of all, it feels claustrophobic trying to control a wounded character - and not in a way that adds to the depth of a game but simply in control being taken away from you as a player at a time you need it most.

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IRL chemlights dont emit as much light as the game do

At least, unless their military grade. Military grade stuff is always better. =P


Though, despite that, chem lights, no matter the color, aren't always consistent with the amount of light they give off. Same deal with road flares.

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Quick feedback regarding today's update:

Markers seem to be broken and pressing LCtrl+LMB while dragging the cursor on the map interface seems to crash the game 100% of the time.



Regarding night time improvements, is it possible to look into the sky color banding:


More easily observable by looking just at the blue channel.

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There was a very similar issue with triggers placement a few days ago, I would not take a while to fix it.

Can  you list the steps to reproduce to crash the game ?

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Guys, I'm looking at the hotfix changelog with amazement. I thought it will fix the problem we are facing since the last version, I'm amazed it was not included. 

You guys removed the ability for the server to have its own customized default setting. the server should have its own, independent setting for difficulty that does not depend on the admin's setting.
We had that ability before, since OFP, and now it's gone.

Can you at least confirm that this is the intended design? Please.

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