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Oh fuck off.


You and everybody else knows that outright changing scripting commands OR classnames alike is a terrible idea. You can deprecate a command all you want, but it should still be available.


For the 100th time, while generally this is a bad idea, this is not the same thing in this case. Let me ask you, were you born knowing how to code in SQF or did you buy a book? I guess neither, you learned lust like everyone else by looking at other people's scripts. The use of "private" is much more intuitive, transparent and consistent. Not changing wording of "local" or even leaving duplicate in this case is worse than a few broken scripts because the owners were eager to try new discovered feature ASAP. I hope you understand what I mean.

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I agree with KK, when I first stumbled upon the local keyword it confused me. So in my opinion it was the right decision to rename/remove/replace the command completely, to avoid further confusion, especially for new players in the future. It might cause some issues now, but in most cases these can be fixed quite quickly.

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It's great, we will see some improvements on "hit markers"  ;)


 This realization is creeping me out -Hit Markers. I thought they were adding blood for realism, effect and immersion but now its dawning on me that it's merely for twitcher's to quickly know they gotta hit like Battlefield.


 Sigh. Blame dumbing down of the masses via overstimulation and way too much soy in our diets.

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 This realization is creeping me out -Hit Markers. I thought they were adding blood for realism, effect and immersion but now its dawning on me that it's merely for twitcher's to quickly know they gotta hit like Battlefield.


 Sigh. Blame dumbing down of the masses via overstimulation and way too much soy in our diets.

What do you have against Battlefield? It was a great game until it got dumbed down to compare with CoD. Arma still has a long long way to go to match it.

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 Match it in terms of what? Sales? Animations? Sounds? Yes to those three. The rest of that killed-the-entire-AI-system-took-away-my-bots-chase-the-icons-twitchMovelike28DaysLaterZombiesOnCrack-suckballsOriginEntrySystem-noEditor-overyHyped-ExcuseForaTechDemo-wannaChargeforBullets-canKissMyAss-game?


 Not so much.


 BF is BF. If I wanna indulge in fast twitch, follow the arrow blow some shit up at a really fast pace cause I have 20 minutes to kill till work - ill load it up. OFP/Arma has always gone a different route and appeals to entirely different side of my prefered gaming style. A style that I never thought would gain much traction with the masses and I cant blame them that there's $$$ on just on the other side of that Dayz/Life rainbow but gonna do my damndest to stave off that flood for as long as I can.


 If they wanna copy BF, copy their animations and sounds -not the kiddie sh*t.

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What are you guys complaining about? The new blood effects? I can't see any negative about that, and after all, you can turn it off..

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IRL blood does not splatter all over the place in a visible cloud - if anything, Saving Private Ryan got it pretty close with dust from the clothing being the most visually pronounced evidence of a positive effect on target.

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If engine limits knock out effect I don't mind bit more pronounced blood effect to identify hit.




Just wanted to share a quick note about this one. Part of the motivation for adding more feedback to engaging targets relates to some of the inherent limitations we face. During the Apex pre-production phase, we asked ourselves if it would be feasible to create a more advanced system, where successfully engaged target could, for example, be knocked down.


Unfortunately, our animation system, together with a number of other related factors, wasn't able to support this. We had to consider other methods. Particle effects linked to the calibre of the round are a fairly robust, intuitive, compromise (although players should be able to disable these in the game options if it's not to their taste).


We asked this question because we felt our existing solution both failed to adequately represent its real-life analogue, and to meet our design goal of letting players know when their shots connect. Indeed, the fact we have large terrains (and, therein, potentially large engagement distances) makes it more important to offer this type of feedback.


While I don't think it's pandering to a 'casual audience' to reach that conclusion, I also recognise it's not up to players to care about the constraints of our animation technology. We'll take that hit (*cloud of blood spawns*). I could go on about everything else happening under the hood when a target is struck (recently added dynamic aiming error, etc), but this topic is about fatigue feedback, and I've derailed things for quite long enough. :)

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IRL you don't get any "falling dead/knockout animation to identify the hit" either (exception being 50cal+ rounds) and you spray the position without 100% knowledge until a flanking unit clears the position.


Actually ArmA 2s inferior animation system is extremely good at replicating this behavior and forcing to suppress already destroyed positions until cleared (in A3 you get the good-but-way-too-obvious ragdoll + now that splatter effect makes it super obvious)

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IRL you don't get any "falling dead/knockout animation to identify the hit" either (exception being 50cal+ rounds) and you spray the position without 100% knowledge until a flanking unit clears the position.


Actually ArmA 2s inferior animation system is extremely good at replicating this behavior and forcing to suppress already destroyed positions until cleared (in A3 you get the good-but-way-too-obvious ragdoll + now that splatter effect makes it super obvious)

I agree.You don't get knocked down or anything like this.But it does hurts and you are unable to fire at that time.

Simply the pain of ballistic plate impacting against your body.

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What are you guys complaining about? The new blood effects? I can't see any negative about that, and after all, you can turn it off..

 i like the blood effect. but would really like a 'going down like sack of potatos knock down' on high impact hits or death but the previous jerking while hit ragdoll wasnt good..

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i'm very much against knockdown effect (unless 12.7mm rounds or bigger...) because this would only really happen if the target is completely unaware of danger and is on light footing. And that's not traceable for a human player / it is always assumed that shots are fired in a default arma mission...

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Well the new blood is a little improvement but it could been more , like you know the other games have it?  :P

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There is a post from a dev in the fatigue thread which says that a knock down animation it not possible with the current animation system, that's why they decided to add the blood effect.

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There is a post from a dev in the fatigue thread which says that a knock down animation it not possible with the current animation system, that's why they decided to add the blood effect.

It has some glitches but on the whole TPW's FALL mod does a very fine job on knock down animations. (I prefer playing the mod with animated falls instead of ragdolled.)

So I think BI should be able to come up with something better in that area being able to tweak the engine itself.

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  • Fixed: UGL - a different grenade is loaded after a reload

there is a 3d grenade in the animation?

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There is a post from a dev in the fatigue thread which says that a knock down animation it not possible with the current animation system, that's why they decided to add the blood effect.

This whole trajectory is mind boggling. No animation is possible..? What happened to the vision you sold us since OFP of 'if you get hit in the legs, you may be crawling for an hour or so..' realism? I bought in to that shit and assumed you did to BI. Kinda feel like an idiot now as apparently, that was just your interpretation of realism till you found a wider audience. You won't even give us back wounded crawling cause it slows down gameplay too much for some people.

Maybe I'm just getting too old for this now..:(

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 You won't even give us back wounded crawling cause it slows down gameplay too much for some people.



This was the most shocking change to me when I first played the Arma 3 alpha. Kinda saddened me.

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There is a post from a dev in the fatigue thread which says that a knock down animation it not possible with the current animation system, that's why they decided to add the blood effect.

Not only is it possible, I've been using it in TPW MODS for several years so that units fall down or ragdoll when hit. What is really needed is a non kludgy way to make a given unit enter a ragdoll state when hit, then no animation is actually needed since the ragdoll physics will handle it. 


EDIT: Oops, didn't see Oldy41's post.


EDIT 2: I'm not convinced that the gradual erosion of Arma's fabled realism aspects in search of accessibility and a wider user base is such a great thing. There are numerous accessible and cinematic military shooters, but only one consumer grade military simulator. It runs the risk of alienating the long term fanbase who have supported, evangelised and enhanced Arma for years, in favour of the shooter crowd who will just move on to something newer and shinier after a couple of months. If you strip away the realism from Arma, you're just left with a large map sandbox shooter which is pretty much totally outclassed in terms of presentation/animations/audio/visuals/framerate/multiplayer by the latest generation of shooters. And with these AAA military titles, presentation/animations/audio/visuals/framerate/multiplayer seem to be what attracts users. All just my opinion of course.   

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IRL blood does not splatter all over the place in a visible cloud - if anything, Saving Private Ryan got it pretty close with dust from the clothing being the most visually pronounced evidence of a positive effect on target.


I'm pretty sure, that you will get a cloud if you get hit by .50 sniper at your upper arm, because your arm blow up.

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I'm pretty sure, that you will get a cloud if you get hit by .50 sniper at your upper arm, because your arm blow up.

I actually like the new blood. Tanks armor piercing rounds vs infantry = :o

Also it was fun to see infantrys blood even with Wipeouts cannon, from the air :D

Btw, does all ammo have their own blood effect? I recall tanks cannon making a huge cloud compared to smaller cannons.


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Curious to know what this is about:




  • Fixed: Changed behavior of introduced manual off on Zeus cameras to not block the whole camera simulation
  • Fixed: Broken manual on / off in Zeus camera due to yesterday’s changes

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