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Not true. Ideal landing path is half lights red and half lights white. Full white is too high (= steep).


I stand corrected! :)

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"White White... Too Much Height"

"Red White... Just Right"

"Red Red... You're Dead"

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Sorry guyz..

Anyone has any info on when next stable version patch will be released?

Lots of fixes didn't make it through 12 Sept. and there is lots of fixes afterwards that wanna see on stable.

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Flocking, just not waving their arms around like true Greeks! I'm frantically searching for replacement anims. To be honest I hope this is just a bug and not removal of "unwanted" features because of the campaign reprioritisation.

:( sadly this happens sometimes. i hope they stop cutting. not everything BI doesn't need is not needed. we need all we can get our hands on to make cool stuff. beta is over and i think it would be best to ask before removing anything people might use from now on. you might want to check and see if they just changed the class names though. could be a reason.

and for the love of god. port over the dancing animation from arma 2 already! it's too good to be left to rot in an old game.

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Sorry guyz..

Anyone has any info on when next stable version patch will be released?

I guess some time in October, when the first part of the campaign is release.

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:), angle, distance, always the same problem with all the lights of the game... the only great new it's than the dev's works again on the lights and don't lost it. Maybe a day, we could have all the lights without a very crappy LOD, maybe a day^^

i hope it will be in game too as soon as possible....(reasonable compromise)


and here


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Question to devs, will we see an overhaul of the gun firing effects for tanks? Right now they are lacking compared to Arma 2 and its oft mentioned and very dead competitor. I have a ticket here, along with videos of actual shooting of tanks.


The effects of rounds hitting are also weird, and may need a bit of work. Is there any possibility for removing the extremely performance intensive box-shaped texture particle effects for large, high-framecount, assymetric particles like they have been used in battlefield? The particle effects are massive performance drains, and with large amounts of them you can even observe particles disappearing when their count gets too high as shown here:

Go to Timestamp 07:56 and observe particles disappearing on shells striking the ground. This is horrible!

For performances sake you could even use a high res bitmap of the detonation at the point of impact and mirror and scale that to increase variations and have three of those, and then just use a couple of the normal dust particles at the base. Good looking effects are not about the amount of individual particles you can cram into a single cell (which is a rectangular cell, as can be observed in the video above: if you look closely, the footprint of the detonations is square and not round: this has been such with OFP ever since the first game, and by now I find it rather noticeable and annoying. It becomes obvious when more particles occupy a cell.). The lack of animated impact clouds also makes the mortar and artillery impacts look bad: note in the same video at 7:53 how the impact cloud just magically pops up as a stack of round cloudlets instead of an expanding, vertical column of dirt and debris.

An example of such can be seen here:

http://youtu.be/GUmK7baFCCA?t=13m (These are probably training rounds: the effect is basically what you get from the round striking. Modern HE rounds do not explode in the ground as much as on the ground, because of this there are no large columns of debris thrown up. Instead, the debris is thrown every which way.

This video shows good footage of impact effects from the NLAW (Also the fact that it is a top-down attack weapon.)

Is there any chance that the effect system will be improved, or are we stuck with this because of another engine limitation?

Edited by InstaGoat

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Sorry guyz..

Anyone has any info on when next stable version patch will be released?

Lots of fixes didn't make it through 12 Sept. and there is lots of fixes afterwards that wanna see on stable.

I think they said they were planning on a stable patch every two weeks or so

---------- Post added at 10:44 ---------- Previous post was at 10:36 ----------

I'm still having trouble with binoculars (and rangefinders). basically they won't go into their slot. I can put them into a crate, and even into my inventory, but not into the slot to actually use them. anyone else?

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There is a problem with animations since one of the latest DEV-branches. For example this code

[this,"SIT1","FULL"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim;

or that code

this switchMove "Hub_Wounded_Prone_idle1";this disableAi "Anim";

dont work anymore.

i also noticed that the "other" section in the animations is gone

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I'm still having trouble with binoculars (and rangefinders). basically they won't go into their slot. I can put them into a crate, and even into my inventory, but not into the slot to actually use them. anyone else?

Yes, same for me.


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BIS, while your at it tweaking and adjusting those runway lights, turn on the Control Tower Beacon....that would be a nice touch (I've never known a nice sized airport to be without one). I see the beacon light on top of the tower, but it's turned off. Also, whoever has control of the Airfield should have the power to turn all the lights on and off (runway, beacon, airport lights, etc)...... how about a 'hot key' to turn the runway lights on and off?

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Hum, i had test the new lights on the end of the airport.

With NVG it's funny to see the big circle ^^, i test on ultra the lights, there is always a problem in Agia Marina, so many lights in this city who cut the light on the road to the airport, it's the only area in Stratis where there were this problem.

After, there is also only one light with a boring LOD in the Airport.

If i must use my time to discover all the light problem, i'm here :)

On Altis, in the huge city, no comment, it's impossible to have all the lights actually^^, please correct the lights of chopper with NVG and vehicules in priority (for me the work was not finish for there, also visible in the last video of community on Facebook, a little shame as we know than the bug of light was on the feedback tracker since 4 months...

Ok for the luminosity of moon, great work, but if we use a basic scope we can see all the crappy texture for the moon and the stars, (same work on the runway, a bad work when we see the amazing stair texture on the lights).

I have not problem with Arma, the engine was so old, i don't have any hope, just waiting the new engine for the next Arma in 6 or 10 years :)^^

We can rage againts the animations, lights, textures or other, but we can't have all the things we want's with this engine. In comparaison of 99% of the game, we can't rage with the huge possibility than BIS give to the players.

Arma was not perfect but the video game without Arma could be dramatic when we see all the very bad studio and game in the world.

Good luck for the future BIS :) on Arma 3, DLC and next projects.

Edited by GranolaBar

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This bug has been claimed to be fixed by an earlier build, but in fact isn't fixed at all. The game still crashes after three or four times clicking on "Preview" in the editor. Still starts the mission , going slow and then grinding to a halt

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BIS_fnc_ambientAnim got some changes

The "SIT"-anim is removed, but the new anims "SIT1", "SIT_U1","SIT_U2" or "SIT_U3" don't work at all. "SIT_SAD1" works, but AI is misplaced under the chair.


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This bug has been claimed to be fixed by an earlier build, but in fact isn't fixed at all. The game still crashes after three or four times clicking on "Preview" in the editor. Still starts the mission , going slow and then grinding to a halt

this happened to me last night with a SP mission. normally when the mission started, the player was a unit in the back of a truck, and the truck would immediately start to move to it's destination. one time I previewed it, and things started to kinda stutter. what I really noticed was I could look around and such, but the truck didn't start moving at all. then a few seconds later it froze completely and CTD. the way it happened made me think maybe something screwy happened with the pathfinding

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Not sure why I need to point this out, but there are more than enough "disappointed with A3/BI threads" floating around, and this is not one of them.

Thread cleaned up.

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BIS_fnc_ambientAnim got some changes

The "SIT"-anim is removed, but the new anims "SIT1", "SIT_U1","SIT_U2" or "SIT_U3" don't work at all. "SIT_SAD1" works, but AI is misplaced under the chair.


just use setpos to set it on a higher position

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BIS, while your at it tweaking and adjusting those runway lights, turn on the Control Tower Beacon....that would be a nice touch (I've never known a nice sized airport to be without one). I see the beacon light on top of the tower, but it's turned off. Also, whoever has control of the Airfield should have the power to turn all the lights on and off (runway, beacon, airport lights, etc)...... how about a 'hot key' to turn the runway lights on and off?

I'm finding the edge lights are much, much, much improved, although they are still a little bit small and faint from a distance (but still, better than flickering and disappearing)

I'd support all of those suggestions, though may I add I'd like to see some taxiway lights as well :)

As for the sit animations - I was noticing it too. Loved it while it still worked though noted that it only worked on certain chairs. Anyway - the issue's been covered in the latest SITREP :)

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Hopefully with the new idle animations in the latest sitrep, the lowered weapon running animations can be looked at. In particular the swinging arm when running and not in combat pace, and the overall bouncyness of shoulders and torso is too accentuated in the combat pace.

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Game is working very smooth after the recent updates. Much less FPS hit with villages and other heavy object areas with many AIs.

As annoying feature the civilian vehicles explode very easily. I had engine damaged, but could still drive a truck, but then I hit rock quite slowly (that broke nicely the tire) which made, after tiny timeout, the vehicle to explode. Would be better if the engine would first start to smoke and burn slowly and then randomly after 0,5-2min have some tiny explosions maybe near the engine that could do only minor harm to units.

Edit: Or/and the water cooler could leak out as white steam.

Edited by SaOk

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Would be better if the engine would first start to smoke and burn slowly and then randomly after 0,5-2min have some tiny explosions maybe near the engine that could do only minor harm to units.

Now this would be a very welcome change, ATM I abandon the vehicle almost certainly if the engine hits red, I's too unpredictable how and when they're gonna explode.

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Is there a changelog for the recent dev build changes? I can't seem to find any info.

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