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Is anyone else getting the issue of not being able assemble static weapons?

Is this a known bug or am I doing it wrong?

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Why is there such a fuss about FIA being Blufor... you guys get crazy over the tiniest little things I swear.

A) It's probably campaign related


You're just picking on anything and everything and hating on BIS because it's cool at the moment. Stop it. There are bad aspects to the game, if anything you mask those issues by making points about this useless shit.

Oh, no, I wasn't referring to the FIA, but to the pics in the post.

My bad, sorry.

My point is that I'm not impressed. I'm not saying it's an awful game that only has issues, it's a great game. But, as for now, I'm not impressed.

There just seem to be too many things out of place: the attachment system, that renders weapons modding a chore (and ArmA lives on Mods); still a lot of bugs in the engine, that are not addressed or fixed (someone mentioned wrong drivers after a month, I bet we still have broken UGVs and UAV waypoints after more than a week); a very clunky editor; a strangely limiting animation system (devs stated that switching weapons on the move was impossible, yet a Mod fixed it); a CAS plane with no working CCIP or Rocket Pods; blatant unit copy-pasting; no briefing loadout selection; a messy and inconsistent in-game selection menu; no vanilla suppression system, and on.

What I am impressed about for example is Altis, or the stance and movement speed system, UAVs generally speaking, and on.


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Why should we have to do extra work for something that should be in the game in the first place? I could always re-equip CSAT to have insurgent-style combat, but then we get FIA which is perfect... saves time. Then it gets switched with no real explanation. That's why people are upset.

I myself have no problem of doing the things the old way.

That work for changing the side of the faction is very easy, the best way is to change the side from WEST to EAST or GUERRILLA in mission.sqm. ArmA 2 didn't have Russians as independent even some people wished it was. In addition the Russians weren't the bad guys if you played the campaign with right decisions.

But, as pettka :icon_twisted: said some pages back, the BIS will possibly (no promises) unhide the hidden FIA troops on all sides.

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I still wonder whether there are plans for unique OPFOR guerrillas sometime in the future. i.e. FIA are a distinctly NATO-backed/loyal faction, but theoretically there may be a pro-CSAT militia and maybe on GREENFOR there will be guerrillas who are sort of not on anyone's side, per se (or quite literally - bandits, for example - I seem to remember bandits being mentioned before, but that could have been referring to FIA)

Wishful thinking perhaps, but it wouldn't really take much.

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We are not able to launch some of our mp mission anymore (some are working fine)... no mods were launch on both side (server & client).

Works fine in the editor but once it's on our dedicated it doesn't launch.

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We are not able to launch some of our mp mission anymore (some are working fine)... no mods were launch on both side (server & client).

Works fine in the editor but once it's on our dedicated it doesn't launch.

Check server RPT?

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Check server RPT?

I've got that:

13:48:12 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.A3_Characters_F_Gamma

and for an other one:

13:52:56 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.A3_Armor_F_T100K, a3_soft_f_gamma_truckheavy, a3_static_f_gamma_at, A3_Armor_F_Slammer, a3_static_f_gamma_aa, A3_Soft_F_Gamma_HEMTT

I just checked all the server file and they are up to date and correctly downloaded...

Edited by Papanowel

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blah blah

Open mission.sqm in Notepad++ and delete all of the items in the addons areas near the top.

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I've got that:

Have you tried validating your Steam game cache?

I could see not giving him a medkit to make them sort of "guerrilla" style, but not even being able to heal with a first aid kit (which he DID have in his inventory)?

You can't do that anymore?

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Have you tried validating your Steam game cache?

Twice and nothing came up.

I'll stop to pollute this topic, thanks for your help guys.

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I just checked all the server file and they are up to date and correctly downloaded...
Perhaps those vehicles have had their class names changed?

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Perhaps those vehicles have had their class names changed?

I made a quick mission after the release of the last dev update. As I said, I can open the mission in my editor without any trouble. Same goes for mission made by others.

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Three posts about this rant I explained that FIA are still available on the INDEP side.

I'm not psychic, sorry for this :raisebrow: And I must add them in mission via script? Nice method, quotha! Especially, when you try start new mission and see no FIA on their place.

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Is there any insight into the things the DEV work on and how the tickets are categorized/assigned/reviewed? There are so many tickets with high vote counts marked as "reviewed" or "assigned" but no one really knows if it is useless to add to that ticket or not.

I would write a huge ticket about the completely messed up weapon physics and ballistics, a compendium so to speak, but I am afraid it might be a waste of time, given the fact that many seem to be "in the know" of everything and professionals at that.

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Is there any insight into the things the DEV work on and how the tickets are categorized/assigned/reviewed? There are so many tickets with high vote counts marked as "reviewed" or "assigned" but no one really knows if it is useless to add to that ticket or not.

I would write a huge ticket about the completely messed up weapon physics and ballistics, a compendium so to speak, but I am afraid it might be a waste of time, given the fact that many seem to be "in the know" of everything and professionals at that.

Just write it up... If the devs think it can be done and the end result is worth the effort, they might make it happened. If you keep it to yourself, it's already confirmed it wont reach them

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last night I made some scriptlets for persian looking and speaking gurillas with the new FIA content. For my mission I need Opfor-gurillas:

a class O_G_Soldier_F allready exists, but they have greek face and speak greekEng, so I added something like this

class Masood


name = "Masood";

nameSound = "Masood";






to class CfgIdentities in description.ext and do

_gur1 setIdentity "Masood";

after a createunit O_G_Soldier_F

A3 allready contain some different OPfor nameSounds to have some variation.



it doesn't matter where FIA is listed in the editor... there are no restrictions...


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I would write a huge ticket about the completely messed up weapon physics and ballistics, a compendium so to speak, but I am afraid it might be a waste of time, given the fact that many seem to be "in the know" of everything and professionals at that.

It really depends what you mean by 'completely messed up'. If you mean in a binary state of broken/not broken as compared to OA state, we'd love to have a repro of this, as it would be a bug. If you mean something more like "should be more like this than that" or "should also take into consideration this", then it would be a feature request (which is a category in the tracker), similar to requests like Weapon Resting.

If something is clearly wrong, then it follows you should be able to provide a simple repro, and these kinds of things can be fixed (recent progress with AI being a testament to this type of feedback loop). Feature requests wouldn't need a repro, but might have some references. However, 'huge tickets' generally aren't advisable, as that's creeping into design/feature analysis. Short, to the point tickets are more feasible all round.

Anyway, let's get this thread back focused upon current state of dev branch.



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I'm finding the map extremely slow to draw now. It was nice and quick on Stratis and I thought that this had been fixed compared to A2OA, where it was quite slow/laggy when zooming in/out manually (or when it automatically did it to center the map on a task when clicking on one in the Tasks menu) but now on Altis it's worse than ever.

Anyone else getting this?

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But, as pettka :icon_twisted: said some pages back, the BIS will possibly (no promises) unhide the hidden FIA troops on all sides.

why is it such an issue to just do it? it's like there's some mysterious factor that has caused a lot of bizarre recent changes

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Driving AI is for real pants on head retarded again. 4 tanks driving down a more or less straight, paved road should not be bohemias best attempt at making me tear my hair out (if that is your intention, then good work!).

Even just an offroad driving down a dirt path (an actual dirt road, not just the satmap texture looking like one) it stutters and stops and generally drives around like an idiot. Before the road changes (which I have seen zero performance impact from, by the way) everything was hunky dory.

While I'm here, could we pretty please get something functionally similar to selectPlayer working for MP?

Something like

alpha1 selectPlayer bravo1;
alpha2 selectplayer bravo2;
alpha3 selectPlayer bravo3;

A mission where you play as Alpha squad creating a diversion for Bravo squad. When you make the diversion, fade to white, selectPlayer moves your players to Bravo squad, fade from white, "roger moving out". I do this in my SP missions and it's awesome and gets a very good reception. I really, really wish there was a way to do this. Or force team switch, the functionality of which definitely works in MP.

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why is it such an issue to just do it? it's like there's some mysterious factor that has caused a lot of bizarre recent changes

Yeah, it would be the best solution to me ( to have FIA in all the three sides ); and as far as I know, it shouldn't have much technical complication.

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Been requested for ages, same as other simple yet powerful changes....

rly, how hard can it be


I guess it's not that hard because we already had a module which changes the faction alignment of a single unit or group of units... but guess what... that module disappeared...

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I guess it's not that hard because we already had a module which changes the faction alignment of a single unit or group of units... but guess what... that module disappeared...

Yeah that too, whats with the removal of the fully functional and very useful modules

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I'm finding the map extremely slow to draw now. It was nice and quick on Stratis and I thought that this had been fixed compared to A2OA, where it was quite slow/laggy when zooming in/out manually (or when it automatically did it to center the map on a task when clicking on one in the Tasks menu) but now on Altis it's worse than ever.

Anyone else getting this?

Exactly my experience. A few days after Altis was released there was no stuttering or freezing when opening the map or switching to UAVs/UGVs further away. Iirc textures and objects were loaded while you could still move. This caused objects and textures to pop up, but I'll take that over the mini-freezes and stutters I experience now.

The game even crashed on me while quickly zooming out the map. I created a ticket: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13959

I wish there was an option to turn off the textures for the map/UAV Terminal/Artillery computer by default, I like the plain map without textures.

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You're just picking on anything and everything and hating on BIS because it's cool at the moment.

I have to say, that is about the dumbest comment I've seen here. What the hell is "cool" about complaining? This is a development branch thread because they want to know what isn't working for us so that they can reflect our input into the final product. They made a change to the game with the F.I.A. going to Blufor, and a lot of people are telling them that we don't like that change. Yes, it is taking over this thread, FOR NOW. That is what the thread is for. It has nothing to do with "cool". It has to do with what we expect from a game that we have come to love. If you don't want to read it, then stick to the feedback tracker.

You are correct though. We aren't thinking so much about the final product. We are thinking about editor stuff. The campaign is what the game is designed for, along with missions. Many of the complaints people have are story related. That's one of the problems. BI presented us with a story and the community has been making plans based on that story. FIA are Guerillas. Guerillas are fighting for their county and communities. They fight ANYONE who opposes that. Just like Afghanistan. They fought Russia which was opfor, now they fight blufor. AAF is the country they fight for (as far as what we've been told) and i'm willing to bet FIA are made up of AAF soldiers. THey were AAF colors for a reason. They are independent. However, we can calm down with all the posts about it.

The problem isn't so much that though. Why is there only 3 options anyway? Outside of the obvious countries, most factions could be put under all three categories.

We need just relax a little and see what happens. There are only a few days left.

I think what needs to be addressed is that this game and it's evolution is still being made using earlier thinking. This game isn't about the campaigns anymore. It's about the community. I mean look at your "B)" you need to be a mission maker. They give us a skeleton and addon makers do the rest. And the community addons is what keeps people buying the game after it's release. I think they should start focusing on releasing more content after the initial release. I'm getting tired of fighting as a faction that only has a fuel truck as support, or one apc and a couple jackals, etc...

Anyway, we can work around the FIA thing but we shouldn't really have to. So lets keep this thread going with what it's supposed to be about. Have some faith in BI, we don't know everything about the game, and obviously what we knew has changed. So until they tell us the new story lets focus on the games playability and errors etc...

Edited by Victim9l3

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