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About bonham

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  1. bonham

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    Not just an excavator, but also a heavy mining truck!
  2. bonham

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    Nobody mentioned the excavator? Digging and terrain deformation confirmed. :D Not really, would be nice to have subterranean facilities though.
  3. Since there's a lot of work being done on the animations right now, is there a chance this can be given some attention? Raising or lowering weapons is usually done frequently during combat. Yes, just like in RL I don't like to point guns at people (unless they're bad guys). And that means being able to quickly lower it and NOT have to endure a few steps of forced movement. Workarounds like coming to a stop first or using the step-over action are not a solution.
  4. Is there a way to define building interior with a script? Currently, when you're outside a building and there's a sound source behind said building (a flying helicopter for example), its loudness is the same as if there was no building at all. I've seen an earplug script at some point, but that muffles all sounds until you take them out. I guess at some point in the future BIS introduces audio occlusion for terrain and objects, but it would be nice to be able to simulate such a behavior. Also, I played Deus Ex some time ago and I really liked how they handled sounds inside buildings, namely that conversations and SFX would be audible through doorways and windows, even though the source was further away to the sides. Basically sound waves bouncing around corners. It would make it very difficult (and interesting) to locate a shooter outside a building for example.
  5. Cool stuff, didn't know you could actually lock on with the AP. Works like a charm, even on stable. The only issue are UAVs sometimes derping around when they reach target altitude and thus throwing off the laser.
  6. bonham

    Marksman DLC - Thank You

    Thank you BIS. The last patch, including the DLC, changed the whole game.
  7. Eye wear of a vehicle's passenger is not affected by vehicle shadow, aka the "Glowing goggles glitch": http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23835
  8. Throwing smoke grenades at vehicles of the "car" class creates smoke, debris and a physical impact. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=22843
  9. Accessing VA for the first time in a mission removes backpack, stable and dev: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23632 Also would you consider adding all tracer belts for the Navid and the SPMG? http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23065
  10. I don't agree with OP, I absolutely love the new sound features (which are also still WIP, as RiE wrote in the audio discussion thread over in the DEV forum). If you don't like specific samples, wait for sound mods, they will undoubtedly provide Hollywood bang.
  11. Barracks (u_barracks_v2_f) have indestructible and invisible windows: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23581
  12. You must've mixed something up. We were talking about this: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=23555 Fingers crossed for today's release. I must say this is probably the best patch for Arma 3 since release. It feels like a new game.
  13. bonham

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Well, roadside detail has increased by multitudes since then. The current AI has no issues navigating through less cluttered towns on older islands.
  14. It's already marked as fixed in the feedback tracker. My game crashes pretty much every time I close it after a MP session.
  15. @R3vo 1. Cannot confirm, the MX SW is always set to full auto for me, from VA or when picking it up from a crate. 2. Compare the magazine with the one in a MX, it's much wider and also slightly longer and could easily hold 100 rounds in three rows. Editz: 5.56 mm 100 round mag But since we're bringing up random stuff, I use the "Tactical pace 3 secs" option, the problem is: it doesn't activate tactical pace for 3 secs! Ticket #9392