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  1. Long story short I can successfully change the cloud cover in the beginning of mission with sleep 0.5; 0 setOvercast 0.3; 0 setRain 0; 0 setFog 0; forceWeatherChange; ran on server. But I am greedy and now I want the weather to change gradually over the mission time (around 2 hours). Without using forceWeatherChange the clouds are totally missing. I tried sleep 0.5; 0 setOvercast 0.3; 0 setRain 0; 0 setFog 0; forceWeatherChange; sleep 60; 7200 setOvercast 0.8; 7200 setRain 0.5; 7200 setFog 0; setWind [10, 0, true]; it changes everything but the clouds - shadows on surfaces, it starts raining little by little, wind changes immediately (I am ok with that). But clouds are just like in the beginning ... I really need some help. 😟
  2. Good day BIS! Over the past two months, I have seen a lot of changes for Thermal Vision Arma3 in the Development Branch Changelog. This definitely makes me happy, but I would like to write to you so that you also try to eliminate the main Thermal omission of Arma3 that has been all this time! The fact is that Arma3 has never taken into account the current weather and time of day for Thermal Vision before, and this does not look good. In Arma3 (all versions including 2.08), at any time of the day/any weather, the thermal vision looked the same. Unfortunately it was looked like a terrible flaw, like cheating/imbalance, because all targets looked like torches from huge distance on a dark background and only the ACE3 mod some smoothed out this problem. My Main message: In addition to temperature differences, the thermal imager must be affected by wind, rain or sun, which can heat up or cool buildings or the landscape, and this must affects the accuracy of the result. For example, In sunny weather, on midday, when houses or landscapes are warmed by the sun, they must emit heat.This means that in such situation, the determination of targets should be difficult, because everything should radiate warmth - as target itself and its background also. In this case, the target should simply blend into its background. But if at this day time, with such weather we look at vanilla Thermal Arma3, then we will see flaming targets, as if everything else will not radiate heat! It doesn't look real... Conversely, at night, when the entire landscape cools down, targets should be more clearly visible. Please, due to the latest changes for Thermal Vision, try to also create at least the some influence of weather/time of day in the same way. It seems to me at the current stage of Arm`s life, this is not a super difficult task. Also, your recent Thermal Vision overhaul can help you do just that. Thank you for Support our favorite game!
  3. Hi, I have working weather script that is used with mission params to change the weather. The only problem is weather changes after the mission start and is quite immersion breaking for the players. Can somehow pre-init the script, so weather change before players can see the changes? The script itself (very primitive but works): //initServer.sqf private _weather = "Weather" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue; if (_weather == 1) then { sleep 3; 0 setOvercast 0; 0 setRain 0; 0 setFog 0; forceWeatherChange; ["weather", []] call BIS_fnc_showNotification;}; if (_weather == 2) then { sleep 3; 0 setOvercast 0.5; 0 setRain 0; 0 setFog 0; forceWeatherChange; ["weather", []] call BIS_fnc_showNotification;}; if (_weather == 3) then { sleep 3; 0 setOvercast 0.6; 0 setRain 0; 0 setFog 0.1; forceWeatherChange; ["weather", []] call BIS_fnc_showNotification;}; if (_weather == 4) then { sleep 3; 0 setOvercast 1; 0 setRain 0.5; forceWeatherChange; ["weather", []] call BIS_fnc_showNotification;}; Mission parameters: class Params { class Weather { title = "Choose weather conditions for the mission"; texts[] = { "Clear", "Cloudy", "Fog", "Rain" }; values[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; default = 4; }; };
  4. anyone know how to setup a weather system in a new world?
  5. Sil's Simple Random Weather Script "A very simple approach to generating random weather patterns in Arma 3." by Sil Carmikas Version: 1.0 Final setRandomWeather.sqf Description: This is a bit of a mashup using manage_weather.sqf files from the original Liberation 0.924 mission from [GREUH]zBug and [GREUH]McKeewa. The below code will execute within the mission to add random weather pattern generation making use of the newer selectRandom command (Arma 3 Version: 1.56) This does not offer parameter selection for servers, the only customization that can be done is within the SQF file. This is a very basic script I am working with to learn scripting for Arma 3. Anyone is welcome to use this as they see fit. Instructions: Instructions: 1) Place anywhere you see fit, preferably in the root directory of your mission. 2) In your init.sqf, make sure to type in the following: [] spawn compileFinal proprocessFileLineNumbers "setRandomWeather.sqf"; 3) Save your init.sqf, load Arma 3, load the mission and test using setTimeMultiplier. You can decrease the "sleep 900;" command to observe the random changes more frequently for debugging and testing. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?8mapw7zpwiwspc5 Here is the code below: if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _setRandom = [0,0.1,0.15,0.2,0.25,0.3,0.35,0.4,0.45,0.5,0.55,0.6,0.65,0.7,0.75,0.8,0.85,0.9,0.95,1.0]; // Initial Weather skipTime -24; 0 setOvercast selectRandom _setRandom; // Initial Weather Set Values: 0 = Sunny, clear skies 1 = Stormy, complete overcast skipTime 24; sleep 0.1; // Keep this at or above 0.1, or else simulWeatherSync command will not work properly. simulWeatherSync; // This command will sync the selected weather pattern to appear as it should right away instead of having to wait. // Random Weather while { true } do { 300 setOvercast selectRandom _setRandom; // selectRandom is the new engine solution to BIS_fnc_selectRandom. This will select a random weather pattern from the array in variable _setRandom. Values: 0 = Sunny, clear skies 1 = Stormy, complete overcast. sleep 0.1; }; sleep 900; // Rests for 15 minutes real-life time before selecting new weather pattern. For 24 hour day cycles (1 in-game second = 1 real life second) or whichever you prefer, you will want to update this to make sure weather shifts as appropriate. Changelog: v. 1.0 Final: -Made a variable for the values for the Initial Weather and Random Weather sections = _setRandom -Made both setRain and setFog options available now. Refer to the setRandomWeather.sqf file for instructions on how to add for FPS control. v. 0.3 Beta: -Made setRain entries optional. The script will now automatically select the appropriate rain amounts without any restriction. If you want the restriction still for FPS purposes, then use the "If Then" statements provided in the script comments within the SQF file itself. -Added more options to the setOvercast arrays. This gives an increased range of options for selectRandom to be able to use. v. 0.2 Beta: -Removed setFog entry from Initial Weather section -Changed setFog settings in Random Weather to the following ----> 0 setFog [0, 0, 0]. This update ensures that the fog level is zeroed out, it's intent being to help with FPS issues. -Added selectRandom command to Initial Weather settings to make a more randomized starting weather pattern. Please feel free to do with it as you wish and how you see fit. Tweak it, mod it, break it, anything. I am open to constructive feedback. If there is a better way to do this, please share. I'd like to get as much info available out there for others learning to script as well too for this same type of thing.
  6. Inspired by MKY's blizzard script, I created functions that provide you with climatological information. The functions contain a simple climatological model and statistical data, that I gathered from all kinds or sources on the web. The climatological data can be overridden by terrain makers, using config entries. I hope that this will contribute to the creation of weather add-ons, realism- and survival mods. The archive includes a demonstration script. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mkwaLX9Mxri2tIQvB-25OJ99t-K_WPq6/view?usp=sharing FEATURES Input variables for functions are mostly limited to time, date and a position or object. Besides climatological data, the functions determine Latitude, time, date, overcast, fog, cloud occlusion, terrain occlusion, and object occlusion to calculate output values. The following features are included: * Air and Sea temperatures (array of numbers: °C) - llw_fnc_getTemperature * Date and time (text: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) - llw_fnc_getDateTime * Shadow detection (boolean: true / false) - llw_fnc_inShadow * Solar Azimuth and Elevation angles (array of numbers: degrees) - llw_fnc_getSunAngle * Solar Elevation angle at 12:00PM (number: degrees) - llw_fnc_getSunElevationNoon * Solar Radiation energy (number: W/m²) - llw_fnc_getSunRadiation * Sunrise and Sunset time (array of numebers: hours) - llw_fnc_getSunRise Please refer to the enclosed README.TXT for further details.
  7. Hi everyone, I've created this script to create a random weather and random forecasts each time you start a mission. It automatically passes all weather data to clients. The script is able to filter different kinds of weather based on supported terrain position: - Mediterranean islands; - Europe; - Middle east; Just put the script in the mission directory with the name you prefer and call it from the init.sqf file with the following. init.sqf if (isServer) then { [] execVM "nameYouPrefer.sqf"; }; Hope you enjoy. randomWeather.sqf /* Sets random weather and forecasts based on "real" world positioning. It supports add-ons maps. * Ombra 12/06/2020 * latest update 18/02/2022 */ CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL = 0.6; //To avoid fps issues CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL = 0.6; //To prevent annoying fog _currentMap = worldName; _probabilityFog = random[0,0.5,1]; _probabilityRain = random[0,0.5,1]; //Declaring variables _currentOvercastCoef = 0; _forecastOvercastCoef = 0; _currentRainCoef = 0; _forecastRainCoef = 0; _currentFogCoef = 0; _forecastFogCoef = 0; _windSpeedN = 0; _windSpeedE = 0; _windDirection = 0; switch (_currentMap) do { //Calculating weather for desert terrains case "MCN_Aliabad"; case "takistan"; case "zargabad"; case "Mountains_ACR"; case "fallujah"; case "kunduz"; case "Shapur_BAF": { //Probability of 30% for deserts to encounter overcast (and therefore rain) if (_probabilityRain > 0.7) then { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; } else { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.2,0.5]; }; _forecastOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; //Current rain only if overcast > 0.6 if (_currentOvercastCoef > 0.6) then { _currentRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; } else { _currentRainCoef = 0; }; _forecastRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; _currentFogCoef = 0; _forecastFogCoef = 0; //Some wind like sandstorms _windSpeedN = random[0,10,30]; _windSpeedE = random[0,10,30]; _windDirection = random[0, 180, 360]; }; //Calculating weather for european terrains (Vanilla and CUP) case "Bootcamp_ACR"; case "Woodland_ACR"; case "chernarus"; case "chernarus_summer"; case "Chernarus_Winter"; case "ProvingGrounds_PMC"; case "Enoch": { //Probability of 60% for northern EU to encounter overcast (and therefore rain) if (_probabilityRain > 0.4) then { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; } else { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.2,0.5]; }; _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; _forecastOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; if (_currentOvercastCoef > 0.6) then { _currentRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; } else { _currentRainCoef = 0; }; _forecastRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; //Probability of 30% for northern EU to encounter fog if (_probabilityFog > 0.7) then { _currentFogCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL]; } else { _currentFogCoef = 0; }; _forecastFogCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL]; //Not much wind in continental land _windSpeedN = random[0,10,20]; _windSpeedE = random[0,10,20]; _windDirection = random[0, 180, 360]; }; //Calculating weather for mediterranean terrains case "Stratis"; case "Altis"; case "Malden": { //Probability of 50% for northern EU to encounter overcast (and therefore rain) if (_probabilityRain > 0.5) then { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; } else { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.2,0.5]; }; _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; _forecastOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; if (_currentOvercastCoef > 0.6) then { _currentRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; } else { _currentRainCoef = 0; }; _forecastRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; _currentFogCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL]; _forecastFogCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL]; //Islands are windy _windSpeedN = random[0,20,40]; _windSpeedE = random[0,20,40]; _windDirection = random[0, 180, 360]; }; case "Tanoa": { //Probability of 80% for jungle areas to encounter overcast (and therefore rain) if (_probabilityRain > 0.2) then { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; } else { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.2,0.5]; }; _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; _forecastOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; if (_currentOvercastCoef > 0.5) then { _currentRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; } else { _currentRainCoef = 0; }; _forecastRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; //Probability of 20% for jungle areas to encounter fog if (_probabilityFog > 0.8) then { _currentFogCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL]; } else { _currentFogCoef = 0; }; _forecastFogCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL]; //Islands are windy _windSpeedN = random[0,20,40]; _windSpeedE = random[0,20,40]; _windDirection = random[0, 180, 360]; }; default { //Probability of 50% as default if (_probabilityRain > 0.5) then { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; } else { _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.2,0.5]; }; _currentOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; _forecastOvercastCoef = random[0,0.5,1]; if (_currentOvercastCoef > 0.5) then { _currentRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; } else { _currentRainCoef = 0; }; _forecastRainCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_RAIN_LEVEL]; //Probability of 30% to encounter fog if (_probabilityFog > 0.7) then { _currentFogCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL]; } else { _currentFogCoef = 0; }; _forecastFogCoef = random[0, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL/2, CONST_MAX_FOG_LEVEL]; _windSpeedN = random[0,10,20]; _windSpeedE = random[0,10,20]; _windDirection = random[0, 180, 360]; }; }; //Setting weather 0 setOvercast _currentOvercastCoef; 0 setRain _currentRainCoef; 0 setFog _currentFogCoef; setWind [_windSpeedN, _windSpeedE, false]; 0 setWindDir _windDirection; forceWeatherChange; //Setting forecast 3600 setOvercast _forecastOvercastCoef; 3600 setRain _forecastRainCoef; 3600 setFog _forecastFogCoef; Up here it is posted as script but it can also be used as function: [] spawn YourTAG_fnc_randomWeather; Call the script file fn_randomWeather.sqf and place it in a scenario subfolder names functions. Then edit the description.ext file by putting standard function declaring: description.ext class CfgFunctions { class YourTAG { tag = "YourTAG"; class functions { file = "functions"; class randomWeather {}; }; }; }; If you use it in a function way you MUST call it from init.sqf in this way: if (isServer) then { [] spawn OFF_fnc_randomWeather; };

    GF Breath Script

    GF Breath Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Breath Script , breath particles , for Cold weather conditions. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Breath Script please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the initServer.sqf , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: Breath particle , for Cold weather conditions. The particles will spawn according the fatigue. Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v2.0 Fixed , the cycle of breathing particle , depending on fatique. Added an exclude headgear list. v1.1 Fixed , the particle was spawned ,on dead units v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40267&n=last#bottom Armaholic GF Breath Script
  9. Hey guys, My Real World Weather mod has been out-of-date for quite sometime. So I finally got around to updating it to use a new API provider. Now it uses https://www.weatherstack.com instead of the previous, Wunderground. Also I've never made a release thread for the mod, so I figured I might as well do one now after the update. Anyways here it is. Cheers! WORKSHOP DOWNLOAD https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=879970502 Summary: Integration of a real-time weather API into arma 3. Grabs Real forecast data from an official reliable Weather Provider. Uses terrains Real World Counter-part Predicts future forecasts based on actual weather statistics. Option to sync time with location. Adds extra Immersion and Feel 3den Editor Extension (highly customizable module). Real-time weather Debug console. 32 and 64 bit support Auto config option included Keep in mind, This is a weather prediction system and it may not be entirely accurate at times. (Just like real life weather forecasts). The system does what it can with the data it's provided and makes calculations based on those. NOTES: 1. This mod runs on the server side, but is required by clients due to the newly created module. 2. Set Clouds on "Ultra" in video settings for best effects 3. You do need your own API key. You can get one for free at https://www.weatherstack.com Help/Questions: Where is the module? The module is located in the games editor ("Systems" >> "[HZ] Real-World Weather" >> "Real World Weather") Can I search for my own Weather Stats anywhere in the world?: Yes!, This System allows for dynamic search query's all over the world. With your own key simply enter the Country and City you want weather from. Everything is available to you in a easy to use Module If you are having issues getting data from the places you want, follow the steps below. Can I search using (Lat, Long) co-ords? Yes, If you have your own key. Replace Country with the latitude. Replace City with the longitude. What is a API key and do I need one? Yes, This mod does require you to own a API Key!. In short, API keys are unique id's which allow access to the Specific data services like Google, Weatherstack etc and are needed to prevent abuse and overload of the systems. Free API keys are usually limited to (x) amount of calls per hour or per day. For more info on weather API keys or how to get your own visit. https://www.weatherstack.com/ Additional Credits Daithi: Mods logo! Killzone Kid: Url fetch dll WORKSHOP DOWNLOAD https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=879970502 Pictures
  10. GF Ambient Environment Winter Script- Mod by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Ambient Environment Winter Script , create your desired Environment. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Ambient Environment Winter Script please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the initServer.sqf , initPlayerlocal.sqf and the Description.ext , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: Create your desired , Ambient Environment. This is a compilation of scripts and it is also including , the GF Ambient Environment Winter Script. The included Scripts are : GF Breath Script GF ColorCorrections Script GF Fog Script GF Weather Script GF Ambient Environment Winter Script The GF Ambient Environment Winter Script includes , a snow script and ambient sounds, for animals , birds for day and night , man sounds , forest SFX , wind blowing sfx and weather sound according to forecast. The available options can be edited in GF_AEW_init.sqf It is also included a mod version , posible to unpack and edit. Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.2 GF_Breath Script Updated. v1.1 GF_Breath Script Updated. GF_Fog Script Updated. v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40268&n=last#bottom Armaholic GF Ambient Environment Winter Script- Mod
  11. This page is for discussion of script features in Fly Tanoa Air. Mod page available now. Dev Files Current Version 0042 This download is compatible with APEX game version 1.7 and higher Live readMe [FTA] Guidebook
  12. I've been using this script for some time by JohnO that I stumbled across in some forums and I made it a point to make his script even better! This is a good script to use to make any survival scenario better! As In my case I use this script with my Ravage releases. The Script: Changelog/ edit notes: v1.5 JohnO- Removed legacy fatigue settings and put new stamina settings in v2.0 MuRaZorWitchKING - added colorization of effects to make them more "appealing" v2.5 MuRaZorWitchKING - made script compatible with Ravage fireplaces that the player can place on ground v3.0 MuRaZorWitchKING - tweaked distances required to be from fireplaces/buildings for warmth v4.0 MuRaZorWitchKING - added in land vehicles being another form of covering for players to use for warmth so buildings and fires aren't relied upon Readme: In Order to use the script you need to have an init.sqf file that needs this script loaded into it in order for it to be used. In order for the script to work properly you ARE going to need the classnames of the list of clothing you are wanting to use for the player to get cold in. READ THIS: The classnames that you add into the script ARE THE COLD CLOTHING, everything listed will be a cold outfit, everything NOT listed will NOT be a cold outfit. THESE CLASSNAMES NEED TO BE FILLED OUT BY YOU: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //Civilian "", //Soldier "", //Guarilla "", ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Once you figure out the classname of the outfit for example "U_C_Journalist" then you will place the name inside the "" and you will separate each item with a comma as seen in the example. If you want a FULL release of the script (filled out with all the classnames) I will be happy to help, this is more of a very simple layout, and should be taken as such, this script is for YOU to customize to your scenario/map wants and needs. ///////VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Please take note this is NOT my script, this is just someone else's work that I have revamped for a re-release. If the original author of the script no longer wants this up, this post WILL be removed. I hope you all enjoy this, JohnO did an amazing job on the script and is the original Author of it, I just thought it deserved a little more tweaking and a re-release. :) PLEASE REMEMBER TO GIVE CREDITS TO ORIGINAL AUTHOR: JohnO Link to Author's Original release: https://www.exilemod.com/topic/7717-detrimental-weather-effects-script/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Update for Frigid water Settings The Script: Simply add this script into your init.sqf in order to use it :) //PLEASE READ: YOU ARE FREE TO EDIT THIS SCRIPT, CHANGE IT WHICH WAY YOU WANT, BUT I WOULD LIKE CREDITS PLEASE. @GEORGE FLOROS GR Also helped me correct my errors after typing this script, couldn't of done it without this guy! ////NOTES: Both of these scripts are compatible with one another and work greatly paired together. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hypothermia Script / Severe Weather based off of JohnO's weather effects script: Simply put the script in your init.sqf for it to be initialized. Please Read: This script is based off the Detrimental weather effects script by JohnO, so similarities will exist, as I used Detrimental Weather effects as a template for this script. this script uses wetness as a buildable value that can build up to a deadly level and can leave you with Hypothermia... You will need shelter, fire, and of course you will need to stay out of rough weather... This script is only active is severe weather storms, if the weather isn't above a factor of 0.6 then this script will not be called... This script is for a severe weather system only, unless edited. All three scripts seem to work together, I cannot say this is for sure or certain, but in the playtime I have been using them I have seen them work... In order to get all three to work together you must edit out all the "_rainLevel" lines in the weather effects script... So both scripts aren't searching for "rain". ALL FOUR SCRIPTS COMBINED MAKE FOR AN EXTREMELY REACTIVE WORLD THAT IS TOUGH TO SURVIVE IN. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Simple "Cold Altitude" script:

    GF Weather Script

    GF Weather Script by GEORGE FLOROS [GR] Description: GF Weather Script , simple and configurable to set your desired values. You are free to do anything but i would like to give me Credits for this! Simple and easy to use and adapt . Have Fun ! Installation / Usage: For usage instructions and information of how to use the GF Weather Script please refer to the included documentation and/or example mission. Place in your mission the files . There is everything included , in the initServer.sqf , to copy paste in your mission . https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SQF_syntax Don't try to open this with the simple notepad. For everything that is with comment // in front or between /* means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines. You can open this ex: with notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ and also use the extra pluggins (this way will be better , it will give also some certain colours to be able to detect ex. problems ) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8680 or use any other program for editing . For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/215850-compilation-list-of-my-gf-scripts/ Notes: Simple and configurable to set your desired values. Credits and Thanks to : Thanks to All script contributors Thanks to everyone who tries to do the best for this game! Thanks to BIS for such a great platform . Thanks to BIS Community and BIS Community Forums . Thanks to Armaholic Community and Forums . Changelog: v1.0 Forum topic: - Armaholic forums http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=40261 Armaholic GF Weather Script
  14. Hello :) I used to have syntax that was placed in the players init that would place fog around the player with like a greenish tinge to it and wind and such, it would also be nice if the effect didn't clear up either. Cheers and thanx for any help.. Edit: I do know about 0 setFog [0.5,0.05,200]; by the way, it is not exactly what I'm looking for tho,, or I just don't understand it enough..
  15. So I've been trying to follow the various threads on this topic, but I'm not the greatest at figuring out just where I messed up in my script. I am trying to have my players be able to set the mission time / weather parameters before beginning. Could someone take a look and tell me how to repair it? I get weather parameter working, but the time one won't kick in. Then I can get time working, but weather won't kick in. This is the description.ext class Params { class initialWeatherParam { title = "Starting Weather"; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4}; texts[] = {"Clear","Overcast","Rain","Fog","Random"}; default = 4; }; class TimeOfDay { title = "Time of Day"; values[] = {-6, 0, 8, 13}; texts[] = {"Morning", "Clear day", "Sundown", "Night"}; default = 0; }; }; Here is my init. I think this is where I am lost? weather = paramsarray select 0; timeofday = paramsarray select 1; execVM "briefing.sqf"; execVM "randomWeather2.sqf"; I'm using the RandomWeather2.sqf script from here - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24614 Any help would be appreciated.
  16. Designed to be lightweight only generating 1 - 2 threads at a time. I will improve on it at a later date. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30520 Additional things that will be coming in the future: Improve weather generation cycle to have more gradient change current sinewave generator "works" will need fine tuning Segmentation of client and server code better Improve performance (again) move to completely server-side execution mainly add back in lightning / thunder generating system (currently broken) Change Log: Version 0.11a (PENDING) [uPDATED] Debugging functions [uPDATED] Gradient Curve change improvements [ADDED] _locally defined initial parameters now .hpp file [ADDED] _executionPrecheck functions to confirm a file has indeed run and is completed [ADDED] Macros for debugging functions. [ADDED] debugging function also script limiter. Makes sure all code is initialized before completely executing each script. [ADDED] Documentation of each function. [CHANGED] Beaufort Model system reduced in size 14 lines now replaced all switch cases.
  17. Just Run this on the server only. already Synced to MP and JIP Set All the weather settings to manual and full in the mission editor for your mission Call It Weather.sqf - or what ever you want if (isServer) then {_nil = [] execVM "Weather.sqf"}; // Script by Zonekiller -- http://www.zonekiller.net -- -- zonekiller@live.com.au -- //Set All the weather settings to manual and full in the mission editor of your mission sleep 1; // ARRAY SETTINGS [fog,gusts,(wind dir),(wind force),overcast,rain] // Weather Types _clear = [(Random 1),0,0,0,0,0]; _clearwindy = [(Random 1),(.5 + (Random .5)),(Random 360),(.5 + (Random .5)),0,0]; _windy = [(Random 1),(.5 + (Random .5)),(Random 360),(.5 + (Random .5)),(.1 + (Random .9)),0]; _stillrain = [(Random 1),0,0,0,(.45 + (Random .55)),(.1 + (Random .9))]; _storm = [(Random 1),(.5 + (Random .5)),(Random 360),(.5 + (Random .5)),(.5 + (Random .5)),(.5 + (Random .5))]; _weatherpattern = [_clear,_clearwindy,_windy,_stillrain,_storm]; _weather = (_weatherpattern select (floor(random (count _weatherpattern)))); _fog = (_weather select 0); _gust = (_weather select 1); _dir = (_weather select 2); _force = (_weather select 3); _oc = (_weather select 4); _rain = (_weather select 5); // only foggy in the mornings if ((daytime > 4) && (daytime < 10)) then { 0 setFog _fog; }else{0 setFog 0}; 0 setGusts _gust; 0 setWindDir _dir; 0 setWindForce _force; 0 setOvercast _oc; 0 setRain _rain; _foggy = 0; sleep 120; while {true} do { _weather = (_weatherpattern select (floor(random (count _weatherpattern)))); _fog = (_weather select 0); _gust = (_weather select 1); _dir = (_weather select 2); _force = (_weather select 3); _oc = (_weather select 4); _rain = (_weather select 5); if ((daytime > 4) && (daytime < 10)) then { (200 + (Random 1000)) setFog _fog; _foggy = 0; }else{ if (_foggy == 0) then {_foggy = 1;(120 + (Random 1680)) setFog 0}; }; (120 + (Random 1680)) setGusts _gust; (120 + (Random 1680)) setWindDir _dir; (120 + (Random 1680)) setWindForce _force; (120 + (Random 1680)) setOvercast _oc; (120 + (Random 1680)) setRain _rain; sleep 1800; };
  18. Problem description: The below script is unable to spawn Lightning1_F.p3d and Lightning2_F.p3d files on an if (isServer) then {} condition yet called from debug console via Local execution or Global Execution it works. Is there anyway I could do this? The kind of error I see is the following. a3\data_f_curator\misc\lightning1.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape a3\data_f_curator\misc\lightning2.p3d: No geometry and no visual shape function names: RS_fnc_ThunderGenerator; RS_fnc_CreateLightningBolt; RS_fnc_createLightPoint; Call stack: [true] spawn RS_fnc_ThunderGenerator -> [randomised direction, X axis displacement, Y Axis Displacement,Z Axis Displacement] call RS_fnc_createLightningBolt; LightningBolt is used for reference from which the [X axis displacement, Y Axis Displacement,Z Axis Displacement] call RS_fnc_createLightpoint At which point the code then executes the playSound3D from the references to the vehicle Objects. Thunder generator loop: private ["_randomDisplacement","_randomX","_randomY","_ChanceOfSpawnRepeat" ,"_totalPlayerList","_randomlySelectedPlayer"]; _ActiveThunder = _this select 0; while {_ActiveThunder} do { if (isServer) then { if ((overcast > 0.7) && (rain > 0.6)) then { 0 setLightnings 0; _totalPlayerList = allPlayers; _randomPlayer = _totalPlayerList call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; diag_log format ["Random player was selected successfully %1",_randomPlayer]; _center = getPos _randomPlayer; diag_log format ["Random player Pos %1",_center]; _dir = floor(random 360); diag_log format ["Random player Obj Dir %1",_center]; _strikeCenter = _center; diag_log format ["Random player Obj StrikeCenter Is %1",_strikeCenter]; _RandomDisplacementValueX = floor(random 800); _RandomDisplacementValueY = floor(random 800); diag_log format ["Random Random Displacement X: %1",_RandomDisplacementValueX]; diag_log format ["Random Random Displacement Y: %1",_RandomDisplacementValueY]; _LimitValue = round(random 4); _RandomTimeFactor = [5,15] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; _AudibleDistance = [1500,2000] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; /* Thunder_01.wss (Medium Frequency) PitchLimit 3 - 2; VolumeLimit 3 - 12; Thunder_02.wss (Medium Frequency) PitchLimit 3; VolumeLimit 3 - 12; Thunder_03.wss (Highest Frequency) PitchLimit 0.80 - 1; VolumeLimit 3 - 12; Thunder_04.wss (Lowest Frequency) PitchLimit 0.90 - 1; VolumeLimit 3 - 12; thunder_05.wss (Lower Frequency) PitchLimit 0.85 - 1; VolumeLimit 3 - 11; thunder_06.wss (Higher Frequency) PitchLimit 0.90 - 1; VolumeLimit 3 - 12 */ _Thunder_01LimitsVolume = [8,12] call BIS_fnc_randomNum; _Thunder_02LimitsVolume = [8,12] call BIS_fnc_randomNum; _Thunder_03LimitsVolume = [8,12] call BIS_fnc_randomNum; _Thunder_04LimitsVolume = [8,15] call BIS_fnc_randomNum; _Thunder_05LimitsVolume = [8,13] call BIS_fnc_randomNum; _Thunder_06LimitsVolume = [8,12] call BIS_fnc_randomNum; _Thunder_01LimitsPitch = [2,3] call BIS_fnc_RandomNum; _Thunder_02LimitsPitch = [1,3] call BIS_fnc_randomNum; _Thunder_03LimitsPitch = [0.55,0.95] call BIS_fnc_randomNum; _Thunder_04LimitsPitch = [0.55,0.95] call BIS_fnc_randomNum; _Thunder_05LimitsPitch = [0.55,0.95] call BIS_fnc_randomNum; _Thunder_06LimitsPitch = [0.55,0.95] call BIS_fnc_randomNum; _SoundDataPool = ["A3\Sounds_f\ambient\thunder\thunder_01.wss", "A3\Sounds_f\ambient\thunder\thunder_02.wss", "A3\Sounds_f\ambient\thunder\thunder_03.wss", "A3\Sounds_f\ambient\thunder\thunder_04.wss", "A3\Sounds_f\ambient\thunder\thunder_05.wss", "A3\Sounds_f\ambient\thunder\thunder_06.wss"]; _testPos = [(_center select 0),(_center select 1),(_center select 2)]; diag_log format ["%1",_testPos]; _ChanceOfSpawnRepeat = random 1; _RepeatCount = round(random 3); _randomX = (_center select 0) + (_RandomDisplacementValueX - (2*_RandomDisplacementValueX)); _randomY = (_center select 1) + (_RandomDisplacementValueY - (2*_RandomDisplacementValueY)); diag_log format ["randomised X position : %1 randomised Y position : %2",_randomX,_randomY]; GRandomXY = [_randomX,_randomY]; publicVariable "GRandomXY"; if (_ChanceOfSpawnRepeat > 0.8) then { for [{_i=0},{_i <= _RepeatCount},{_i = _i + 1}] do { [_dir,_randomX,_randomY,_testPos select 2] call RS_fnc_createLightningBolt; [_dir,_randomX,_randomY,_testPos select 2] call RS_fnc_createLightPoint; diag_log format ["RandomX: %1, \n RandomY %2, \n BaseZ %3",_randomX,_randomY,_ChanceOfSpawnRepeat]; DistA = getPosATL _randomlySelectedPlayer distance [_randomX,_randomY,0]; if (round(DistA) <= 100) then { _HighestFreqCreateThun03 = _SoundDataPool select 2; playSound3D [_HighestFreqCreateThun03,PV_LightningObject,false,getpos PV_LightningObject,_Thunder_03LimitsVolume,_Thunder_03LimitsPitch,_AudibleDistance]; }; if (round(DistA) <= 200) then { _HigherFreqCreateThun06 = _SoundDataPool select 5; playSound3D [_HigherFreqCreateThun06,PV_LightningObject,false,getpos PV_LightningObject,_Thunder_06LimitsVolume,_Thunder_06LimitsPitch,_AudibleDistance]; }; if (round(DistA) <= 400) then { _MediumFreqCreateThun02 = _SoundDataPool select 1; playSound3D [_MediumFreqCreateThun02,PV_LightningObject,false,getpos PV_LightningObject,_Thunder_02LimitsVolume,_Thunder_02LimitsPitch,_AudibleDistance]; }; if (round(DistA) <= 500) then { _MediumFreqCreateThun01 = _SoundDataPool select 0; playSound3D [_MediumFreqCreateThun01,PV_LightningObject,false,getpos PV_LightningObject,_Thunder_01LimitsVolume,_Thunder_01LimitsPitch,_AudibleDistance]; }; if (round(DistA) <= 530) then { _LowerFreqCreateThun05 = _SoundDataPool select 4; playSound3D [_LowerFreqCreateThun05,PV_LightningObject,false,getpos PV_LightningObject,_Thunder_05LimitsVolume,_Thunder_05LimitsPitch,_AudibleDistance]; }; if (round(DistA) <=700) then { _LowerFreqCreateThun04 = _SoundDataPool select 3; playSound3D [_LowerFreqCreateThun04,PV_LightningObject,false,getpos PV_LightningObject,_Thunder_05LimitsVolume,_Thunder_05LimitsPitch,_AudibleDistance]; }; }; } else { [_dir,_randomX,_randomY,(_testPos select 2)] call RS_fnc_createLightningBolt; [_dir,_randomX,_randomY,(_testPos select 2)] call RS_fnc_createLightPoint; PV_LightningPos = [_randomX,_randomY,_testPos]; publicVariable "PV_LightningPos"; hint format ["%1",PV_LightningPos]; sleep _RandomTimeFactor; DistB = getPosATL player distance [_randomX,_randomY,0]; if (round(DistB) <= 100) then { _HighestFreqCreateThun03 = _SoundDataPool select 2; playSound3D [_HighestFreqCreateThun03,PV_LightningObject,false,getpos PV_LightningObject,_Thunder_03LimitsVolume,_Thunder_03LimitsPitch,_AudibleDistance]; }; if (round(DistB) <= 200) then { _HigherFreqCreateThun06 = _SoundDataPool select 5; playSound3D [_HigherFreqCreateThun06,PV_LightningObject,false,getpos PV_LightningObject,_Thunder_06LimitsVolume,_Thunder_06LimitsPitch,_AudibleDistance]; }; if (round(DistB) <= 400) then { _MediumFreqCreateThun02 = _SoundDataPool select 1; playSound3D [_MediumFreqCreateThun02,PV_LightningObject,false,getpos PV_LightningObject,_Thunder_02LimitsVolume,_Thunder_02LimitsPitch,_AudibleDistance]; }; if (round(DistB) <= 500) then { _MediumFreqCreateThun01 = _SoundDataPool select 0; playSound3D [_MediumFreqCreateThun01,PV_LightningObject,false,getpos PV_LightningObject,_Thunder_01LimitsVolume,_Thunder_01LimitsPitch,_AudibleDistance]; }; if (round(DistB) <= 530) then { _LowerFreqCreateThun05 = _SoundDataPool select 4; playSound3D [_LowerFreqCreateThun05,PV_LightningObject,false,getpos PV_LightningObject,_Thunder_05LimitsVolume,_Thunder_05LimitsPitch,_AudibleDistance]; }; if (round(DistB) <= 700) then { _LoweestFreqCreateThun04 = _SoundDataPool select 3; playSound3D [_LoweestFreqCreateThun04,PV_LightningObject,false,getpos PV_LightningObject,_Thunder_04LimitsVolume,_Thunder_04LimitsPitch,_AudibleDistance]; }; PV_LightningPos = [_randomX,_randomY,_testPos]; publicVariable "PV_LightningPos"; hint format ["%1",PV_LightningPos]; sleep _RandomTimeFactor; }; }; }; }; Create Lightning Bolt: private ["_class","_LightningObj","_duration","_time"]; _class = ["Lightning1_F","Lightning2_F"] call bis_Fnc_selectrandom; _LightningObj = _class createVehicle [100,100,100]; _LightningObj setDir (_this select 0); _LightningObj setPosAtl [_this select 1,_this select 2,_this select 3]; _duration = random 3; for "_i" from 0 to _duration do { _time = time + 0.1; _LightningObj setLightBrightness (900 + random 100); waitUntil {time > _time}; }; PV_LightningObject = _LightningObj; Create Lightpoint: private ["_LightObj"]; diag_log format ["Passed location data: X: %1\n Y:%2 \n Z: %3",_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2,_this select 3]; _LightObj = "#lightpoint" createvehicleLocal [_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2]; _LightObj setposatl [_this select 0,_this select 1,_this select 2]; _LightObj setLightDayLight true; _LightObj setLightBrightness 300; _LightObj setLightAmbient [0.2, 0.2, 0.1]; _LightObj setlightcolor [1, 1, 3]; sleep 0.15; _LightObj setLightBrightness 0; sleep (random 0.15); PV_LightPointObject = _LightObj; publicVariable "PV_LightPointObject"; deleteVehicle _LightObj; Code Above Adapated from Shpook's Ambient Lightning Script. All code above is also subject to: https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license