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Everything posted by Dedmen

  1. Dedmen

    OGV Video File Paths

    never heard of a description.sqf file. There is a init.sqf and a description.ext. And the description.ext doesn't hold scripts.
  2. Dedmen


    If you make all the animations yourself. Then sure. Others have done similar things. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=854964321
  3. There are many more undocumented effects. "RadialBlur" "ChromAberration" "WetDistortion" "ColorCorrections" "DynamicBlur" "FilmGrain" "ColorInversion" ^ These are documented. And ppEffectEnable/ppEffectCreate only works for these. The ones below throw "Unrecognized post process type" into RPT. But some of the below ones are configurable with ppEffectAdjust. These are not documented on wiki yet: "SSAO" 11 params intensity, threshold0, threshold1, nearRadius, farRadius, nearDist, farDist, depthBlurDist, BlurPasses, HalfRes, BlurHalfRes "LightShafts" (God rays) 4 parameters sunInnerRadius, sunOuterRadius,exposure,decay "HDAO" quality (0-3), downScaleCoef (between 0.1 and 1), blur (bool or scalar as 0/1), BilateralBlurQuality (0-3), rejectRadius, acceptRadius, recipFadeOutDist, intensity, normalScale, acceptAngle, depthFallOff "SSAONew" intensity, downscaleCoef, nearDist, farDist, nearRadius, farRadius, rejectRadiusNear, rejRadFar, rejFadeOutCoef, acceptRadius, blurRejectRadius, blur quality And the rest.. Don't seem to be implemented via ppEffectAdjust/ppEffectEnable. If you pass them they don't error but they are ignored. Unless I'm missing something. "Rain" This is RainParticles effect. You cannot set any parameters. It might work with ppEffectEnable, but it doesn't look like it. As always, I could be missing something. to "CMAA" "SSReflections" "HBAOPlus" "ColorsSimple" Oops yeah I was missing something. .. There is a 14.. SSAONew is 10 and rain is 11.. so 14 is... HBAOPlus.. Well. So much to that. 10 parameters. Which you apparently already knew. Okey.. Uh... uhm.. well... ehh.. Things. First 5 parameters are numbers. 6th is two booleans combined though as a number. 0 means false,default(which is true), 1 means true,true, 2 means true,true. 7/8 are normal numbers 9 is both a boolean and a number 10 is both a boolean and a number. I guess the boolean part is just used internally as a flag. "GFSDK_SSAO_CreateContext_D3D11" may have a clue. https://docs.nvidia.com/gameworks/content/gameworkslibrary/visualfx/hbao/product.html This is the HBAO plus. If you check the parameters here: https://docs.nvidia.com/gameworks/content/gameworkslibrary/visualfx/hbao/product.html#getting-started That's probably them. I'd say either 9 or 10 is the Blur As they also set the enable boolean. I got some default values. Parameter 10 is by default 0 9 is default 2 8 is default 5 7 is default 4 6 is default true (1) 5 is 2 4 is 1 3 I don't know. 2 is 0.3 1 is 2 I'll see if I can grab nvidias library and find out more. Okey got it. My guesses: 1: Radius // The AO radius in meters 2: Bias // To hide low-tessellation artifacts // 0.0~0.5 3: SmallScaleAO // Scale factor for the small-scale AO, the greater the darker // 0.0~2.0 4: LargeScaleAO // Scale factor for the large-scale AO, the greater the darker // 0.0~2.0 5: PowerExponent // The final AO output is pow(AO, powerExponent) // 1.0~4.0 9: ForegroundAO // To limit the occlusion scale in the foreground The boolean part is for the Enable and the number is the foregroundDepth. 10: BackgroundAO StepCount is by default 0 (Use 4 steps per sampled direction (same as in HBAO+ 3.x)) 6: could either be two booleans. Or two enums that have two values. Could be StepCount/DepthStorage/DepthClampMode/EnableDualLayerAO. I'll throw my guessing dart at DepthStorage and DepthClampMode. After rechecking I'm quite sure now that it's DepthStorage and DepthClampMode. Atleast if I can count correctly in Hexadecimal. Okey I just recounted and now I'm not sure anymore. is BlurRadius. Either 0 or 1 or 2. If 0, blur is disabled. If 1 blur is enabled with a radius of 2. If 2 blur is enabled with a radius of 4. 7: Blur Sharpness. 8: has to be depth threshold then? That doesn't match the SDK though. Unless I simply cannot count no matter how hard I try. AHHH. That explains it. BI is still on HBAO version 3.1, they didn't update to 4.0 yet. 8 is DepthThreshold Sharpness DepthStorage is GFSDK_SSAO_FP16_VIEW_DEPTHS DepthClampMode is GFSDK_SSAO_CLAMP_TO_EDGE All solved. Src: https://github.com/NVIDIAGameWorks/HBAOPlus/blob/master/include/GFSDK_SSAO.h#L609 (you need Nvidia gameworks access to see that) BTW HBAO+ requires D3D11 feature level 11 or above. If you don't have that. It will just do nothing. Well. There ya go little over an hour of research. Have fun. TLDR; HBAO+ parameters Radius, Bias, SmallScaleAO, LargeScaleAO, PowerExponent, BlurRadius (read notes above), Blur Sharpness, DepthThreshold Sharpness, ForegroundAO, BackgroundAO. @zooloo75 ppEffectEnable should throw error in RPT on hbaoplus. Can you confirm that?
  4. Dedmen

    Frame rate lag

    They are the base game files. The base game uses the same structure as mods do. That's the only error out of yours that I didn't see before. That really looks like sound problems. When it is out of focus it stops sound processing.
  5. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/playSound The whole reason to add it to CfgSounds is so that you can use the classname to play the sound.
  6. Dedmen


    Quick 2 second google https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_RVMAT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPn4xNuJMts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FC99szGNlAs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfS9fBOE7Gw https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/83674-rvmat-basics-supershadermultimaterialskinshaderprocedural-etc/ Helpful enough?
  7. Dedmen

    Frame rate lag

    Do you have a USB Headset? Try disconnecting it.
  8. Dedmen

    Unit webpage?

    Clicking onto a random unit at the Arma units main page leads me to this: https://units.arma3.com/unit/yoshicolo That looks like a URL to me. And it leads to that unit's profile. You might even call that a "unit profile URL"
  9. If you need any specific help - After you got the basics up and running because I'm kinda fed up with explaining the same stuff over and over again while we have a "getting started" tutorial on the github wiki that explains step by step how to get going (Which btw got rewritten in August, the previous one was kinda bad.) - And if it's not a "Help me I can't C++ at all and don't even understand the basics, please teach me C++" kinda question You can join the Intercept Slack (http://slackin-intercept.idi-systems.com/ which seems to currently be broken, I hate slack anyway. It has a 10k message history limit and tons of important info just disappears -.-) Or message me on Discord (You can find me via Arma or TFAR discord Servers) Or here on the forums, but I take quite a long time to reply here. If something just doesn't work as you think it does, it might very well be because there is a bug. Especially in rarely used SQF command wrappers. We didn't test all the 2500 SQF commands through.
  10. No. Unless the item's owner is friends with the account used to crawl the workshop I guess. If they even use an account for that :D TLDR; no.
  11. You are saving a variable named "west" and put sector_47 inside it. then try to load variable named "sector_47" and expect it to contain "west". You are mixing up variable name and value. Also you cannot save objects into profileNamespace. If you don't understand that then I don't know how else I could help you.
  12. ACE doesn't have a keybinding system. It uses CBA keybinds. They are stored in your profile's variables (profileNamespace) you can copy that file (armaprofilename.vars.Arma3Profile) but that also contains tons of other info. Or you can manually grab the "cba_keybinding_registry_v3" variable out of your profilenamespace. And set it back when you need. That's a chore to do though.
  13. A few tips {format ["%1", _house buildingPos _numOfBuildingPos] != "[0,0,0]"} -> {!((_house buildingPos _numOfBuildingPos) isEqualTo [0,0,0])} _unit = _this select 0; _behaviour = if (count _this > 1) then {toUpper(_this select 1)} else {"SAFE"}; _maxWaitTime = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {30}; _excludedPositions = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {[]}; _startingPos = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {-1}; _stance = if (count _this > 5) then {toUpper(_this select 5)} else {"HIGH"}; _debug = if (count _this > 6) then {_this select 6} else {false}; -> params ["_unit", ["_behaviour", "SAFE", [""]], ["_maxWaitTime", 30, [0]], ["_excludedPositions", [], [[]]], ["_startingPos", -1, [0]], ["_stance", "HIGH", [""]], ["_debug", false, [false]] _behaviour = toUpper _behaviour; _stance = toUpper _stance; _stanceCheck = { _unit = _this select 0; while {alive _unit} do { if (unitPos _unit == "DOWN") then { if (random 1 < 0.5) then {_unit setUnitPos "MIDDLE"} else {_unit setUnitPos "UP"}; sleep random 5; _unit setUnitPos "AUTO"; }; }; }; [_unit] spawn _stanceCheck; Why the variable? [_unit] spawn { _unit = _this select 0; while {alive _unit} do { if (unitPos _unit == "DOWN") then { if (random 1 < 0.5) then {_unit setUnitPos "MIDDLE"} else {_unit setUnitPos "UP"}; sleep random 5; _unit setUnitPos "AUTO"; }; }; }; waitUntil {moveToCompleted _unit || moveToFailed _unit || !alive _unit || _timeout < time}; Not that important. But lazy eval waitUntil {moveToCompleted _unit || {moveToFailed _unit || {!alive _unit || _timeout < time}}}; Don't see anything that would specifically cause la..... Wait a second... while {alive _unit} do { if (unitPos _unit == "DOWN") then { if (random 1 < 0.5) then {_unit setUnitPos "MIDDLE"} else {_unit setUnitPos "UP"}; sleep random 5; _unit setUnitPos "AUTO"; }; }; If unitPos != DOWN. It will loop forever without any sleep.
  14. Did you check in the ingame config viewer if your changed go through? Are you sure your inheritance is correct? including the subclasses?
  15. Dedmen

    Disappointed at the 'money pit' tactics

    Missing patches means they are running Mods you don't have. You have everything from the base game to join whatever server. The only thing you need a DLC for is the Apex DLC Terrain Tanoa.
  16. [[2240,1400,1027,770,1.6,0.55],[23.3333,24,12],[23.3333,20,12],false] Interface size small. And yes that's a weird resolution. 16:10 aspect ratio and custom res.
  17. Dedmen

    Loadout Script

    Already answered: Already answered: replace player addUniform "uniformclassname" with player addUniform selectRandom ["uniformClassname2", "classname2", "classname3", "classname4"] Multiple addActions are already a loadout selector. What do you have in mind?
  18. Dedmen

    OGV video distorded

    What software did you use to convert? Does it play fine in VLC player?
  19. profileNamespace variables Don't you mean class CfgDifficultyPresets ? Also I have "Custom" instead of "custom" I am also using a custom difficulty on my server. Though it doesn't seem to be stored in the .local directory as any files in there don't actually contain the difficulty settings. I have a arma3.armaprofile file next to my server.cfg. I honestly don't really know where the server get's it's difficulty settings from. I just know that it works :D
  20. Dedmen

    arma3 in latest dayz engine?

    You cannot just take Arma stuff and port them to a different game. That would violate the license. Also many mods that are licensed under the APL license cannot be ported to a different game.
  21. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/changelog/1301399507
  22. How about https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/hmd ?
  23. You are saving sector_47 into a variable by the name of the owner variable. And then you are trying to take a variable by the name of sector_47 and store that as the owner variable. Looks like you are mixing up variableName and variableValue here. Let's say sector_47 getVariable "owner" returns "x". Now you are setting the profileNamespace variable "x" to sector_47. When you call profileNamespace getVariable "sector_47" That will return nil. As you never saved a "sector_47" named variable. The variable you saved was named "x".
  24. Adding actions to all units is better. As the condition code should only be checked for the unit that you are looking at. Which will either be 1 or 0. If you add the action to yourself. The condition will always be checked. So on average that would be more checks. Of course I'm expecting here that BI didn't fuck this up beyond repair and does not check every actions condition every time. addAction for example only checks the condition of the thing you are looking at. So what I said applies to that. I haven't checked hold actions myself, but if the guy who wrote the code is not an idiot, it will work like that. alive _target && _target distance _this < 5 && getDammage _target You can optimize that to alive _target && {_target distance _this < 5} && {getDammage _target} That way the next conditions aren't actually evaluated once one of them doesn't match. The code from @Grumpy Old Man is very suboptimal. As it filters through ALL Units. Although you only want the first one. So even if you found the first, it will keep iterating through all others and then throw away the results. With hundreds of units on the map that will kill your performance if you do this in unscheduled. Here is a better variant private _target = test; private _units = allUnits; private _found = _units findIf {alive _x && {getDammage _x > 0} && {_x distance _target < 5} && {[visiblePosition _target, getDir _target, 60, visiblePosition _x] call BIS_fnc_inAngleSector}}; //Notice that I also reordered getDammage to the front. The cheaper, or more likely to be false, check should be placed sooner in the condition if you use lazy-eval. if (_found == -1) exitWith {false}; _target setVariable ["target", _units select _found]; true You can optimize this slightly more by using condition1 && {cond2 && {cond3 && {cond4}}} instead of cond1 && {cond2} && {cond3} && {cond4} I don't quite get your 2nd method. Why are you checking if the target is facing towards whatever unit? The code has very different effect compared to your first method.
  25. Dedmen

    Export items' image

    Yes you can get the paths by iterating through the configs. Weapons have a previewImage entry in their configs. I think in the ItemInfo subclass. Magazines also have one, ammo has no images.