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About inlesco

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    First Sergeant


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    Software Engineering...

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  1. @oukej Glad to have you back. I remember so much optimism around the feature development you've orchestrated back in the day. Especially marvelous forums notes on Tanks DLC physics and all else.
  2. Chiming in after 4+ years here. Just wanted to say - we're all still excited to see this come alive at some point in this timeline of the Universe! Hats off to you for the magnificent work, gents.
  3. inlesco

    EricJ Release thread

    @EricJ Do you have a single Google Drive directory where we could find the latest versions of your creations? That'd be helpful as the central place for easy access.
  4. Hey @Clayman ! Could you upload both of the missions somewhere? Maybe Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox? (These are probably the most reliable, unless the owner deletes the files himself.) The DL links on assaultmissionstudio.de are down, sadly.
  5. @barccy thanks for reuploading these! I've just tried the addons and they're great! Awesome work @Marc13Bautista !
  6. inlesco

    [CAMP] Afghan War Diary

    @Wiki Hello there! Perhaps you still have this campaign somewhere? I'm revisiting Arma 2 and OFP content lately.
  7. inlesco

    1988 - Return of The Red Star Redux | RELEASE

    Awesome campaign @Kalle M.! I've played through all of it recently and enjoyed it. Some missions were tougher, some were easier, but it was a great package of action, ease and all else combined, nonetheless.
  8. inlesco

    20th anniversarry of ARMA:CWA

    @prototype1479 Hello! Are you still running this server and playing OFP? There's an awesome Discord community with some frequent players, in case you're interested.
  9. I'd be surprised if BIS was not partnering with CDLC makers on expanding Reforger's scope!
  10. inlesco

    RHS: Status Quo

    Marvelous work, guys! Enjoyed your addons since the humble beginnings with OFP back in 2003.
  11. inlesco

    Fallujah 2.0 by Shezan74

    Maybe releasing a separate Fallujah version with all buildings enterable could work? (As a separate Steam Workshop entry.) People with high-end modern PCs could try both and pick the one based on their gameplay experience. This'd also fit the mission makers - some of them make CQC scenarios, others - air / armor scenarios with lots of vehicular action.
  12. inlesco


    @krim23 Go ahead! Much appreciated.
  13. inlesco

    @ SAS Task Force Black Campaign

    Hey @Stagler! Do you still have this campaign somewhere with all or some of the addons? I couldn't find the campaign on the armedassault.info FTP here.
  14. Does anybody still have this hosted somewhere or locally on your drive? OP's Dropbox link is dead. EDIT: apparently, Steam Workshop's link wasn't in the OP. Link for the mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=610258115
  15. Just wanted to chime in and thank you for this amazing commanding module. It should've been a part of the vanilla game. If sold as a DLC, I bet a lot of people would purchase it for a much smoother experience in SP.