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Everything posted by john111

  1. Can we get a module that loads vehicles in transport aircraft automatically? Sometimes stuff happens,get short of time.Place module,add a plane,it gets filled with anything that can fit and drives. Thank you.
  2. Some smallish requests: Could I get : Smoke area,make runway with strobe in this area/direction set explosives and use some marker to place on top of a target and decide CAS plane altitude and direction . If I can make him set a small plane in-destroyable and make it land in a set direction,this would be very usable. Mod support for Silent Take Down and some way to record 5-10sec clip and upload to Youtube to make a clip for movie. To make a ai lase would be useful.To tag a target for a sniper and make all retreat and drop a smoke or strobe at own position will be useful and use a camotent and make that tent sink into the ground,making him barely visable . Make them use Flares would be useful.A function that lets ai load passed out ai into vehicles would be something new in game. What if he can put down a bunch of mines ,trip-flares or simply put down smokes on some sort of delayed cock-off that can be set off with a timer that can be shut down if wanted. If we could follow ai-with a camera that track-and-follow at ground level,would be more useful. If he can also make a ViV-- load in vehicle ,that would be just great. If we can make several "pages" of plans at one time ,for certain actions,like scaling buildings or fortify places ,would be great. These are just some quick ideas for you.Great mod ,looking forward to this.
  3. If you could add this GPWS for Ai pilots ,you could make possible to make AI fly using Autopilot Path Following /Altitude Hold ,to set these 2 things are absolutely crucial to make Ai survive in a heavy AAA area. If incorporated,we could fly `movie-like`missions ,if we could decide what altitude the plane beforehand when we put down the WP-and decide the speed with a speed bug connected to speedometer,we could fly low and fast in reduced visibility . If we could make ejection be automatic,it could make for some exiting missions,adding Auto-lock to this might be needed to make things when we need to use high speed just to survive. Some way to make the IR-signature to disappear to lower the hit rate in MP would be neat.Maybe ,even make SAM hits to turn purely FX. Here is how the F-111 aircraft "Fly UP" indicator looked. :https://screenshots.firefox.com/DOUZ5KzcNOtBd12c/www.youtube.com Thanks for the mod. Checked out the TCAS/GPWS video: Clould you change the pull-up a bit? Would like it to find out if there are any monntains in proximity to the plane-if not, just pull up and keep altitude to avoid a crash ,alternatively make it release some flares to protect from sams,if over flat terrain.
  4. Can ECM get changed to make sure it`s always on to protect other planes flying with Ai-planes ? That way we can get close to AAA-threats without the risk to get shot down instantly?
  5. Came to think of EF-2000 Eurofighter plane . I read that it came with "improved AI Ejector seat usage script". Something for this mod? Came to think of the VLS-system: Can it be modified to make planes and helicopters fly better and closer to the ground? Some mods have systems with a limited ability to engage low and fast movers. Is there a chance that CIWS could be down-graded to be less effective? Or if Autocannon could be used ,like German Sky Guard.If Chinese Forces got anything like that.Tracked Point Defence systems would be handy. Cold this come with something like a "auto-loading -into Transport Aircraft"-system -you place stuff down and add a module that loads all the stuff into planes. It takes a lot of time to load tons of stuff into various transports as Zeus and automation would come in handy. About the Argo 8x8: Can this be made to be carry a Stinger guy standing ? Or a AT or RBS-70 or small item. And as a UGV,it will be very useful,thanks. Is 122mm self-propelled gun-howitzers in this?
  6. About Mortar : Maybe there is a way to add a Virtual Mortar that exits and do fire mission every time we use mortar.Then disappear again. Could we be able to make our own Heavy Weapons Team drive there,then pick them up via a "explosives timer" on count-down and then the tank drives there and pick them up? Could the tank stop and kick-out the team and place them some distance away(due to poor driving skills) ?
  7. Is it possible to make the AP to fly pre-set WP and follow altitude setting with it? Missiles fly pretty well with Encore update.Something for planes ,too?
  8. Could you add a "airspeed bug" too? A small arrow that sets a max and minimum speed that can be connected to a autopilot setting. thnx
  9. Could you add an option to make the medic always heal the player if shot and make him bullet proof? Very useful for me.If he would use the GL when saving me,and then try to drag me away also,something like that,I may actually survive some encounters. If we could make Ai-helos use rappel to insert troops and Crew to hose down a area with gunfire,we could make inserts under fire better. If we could add a QRF-force with our own made vehicles ,make them ultra-fast.Maybe,just a button-press. Then,I would like to request a way to make helicopters maintain separation of a few meters,and be able to operate as a team and fly like this:http://www.richard-seaman.com/Wallpaper/Aircraft/Helicopters/American/NellisHueys_1.jpg
  10. Is it possible to add a sides aircraft as a part of missions and waves of infantry to support them by adding air to what is available by adding an "Air Commander" as in Alive? Would give us a reason to add AAA-infantry.
  11. Is there any way to use some systems in the autopilot to do terrain-hugging flight,with auto-lock ? And will there be a autopilot for helicopters? That would be most useful.Would like to have ultra-low height setting and very low speeds setting. Thanks for a great mod.
  12. john111

    WARMACHINE - Game mode - SP/Coop/PvP

    Can this come with native Headless Client support,please? Would be really useful.tnx
  13. john111

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Is there any way to make the ai use helicopters to leap-frog forward and search with small recce-teams for the opponent and set up AAA-defencess on its own? Give them parachute and make them search for targets. Maybe ,direct sniper-spotter teams or somehow ,find single units way to close to the enemy,(with the new grab code) to search and rescue these single units and set up an ambush and put pilots and so on aboard a helicopter.
  14. If you need some old style parachutes ,try BDF Parachutes. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1336791198&searchtext=parachute
  15. john111

    HAFM Submarines V2.0

    How do I get to the controls for this? Btw,any way to get into these subs? Didn`t mannage to make my way into it. Cool with working ships in this game.
  16. What next? A nice A-4KU Skyhawk or something like that ,would be nice.Thank you for a great mod.
  17. A wierd one ;Is it (would it) be possible to add some sort of `battleplan`for the enemy and simply brifly play as the enemy too? Soo we can make enemy movement in advance-and counter them.
  18. Can you make the Harrier land with an invizable landing pad? Can be handy at FARPS.
  19. Could this be possible : To highlight a group and give them acces to a CAS -aircraft? That only they can use ,locally. And a way to Lase a target? In-game ,would it be possible to simply add a invisable landing pad that could be put within a ceratain distance from the team ,no matter the terreain.They seem to be able to land ,no matter surroundings then. With latest update we got a way to "Hold" a person and load them into vehicles.Can that be used to place wounden units and use some sort to Evac-system? Push a button-and they do this with no further input,would be neat. Thank you.
  20. Is there a chance to get a "Land Here" -wp that makes some of the SVTOL/STOL aircraft work? I think an Invizable helopad is needed and some way to make a plane that isn`t a Harrier or helo to land in the direction the we want it to be. Thank you for all your work.
  21. Could we get the Beaver and the Pilatus PC-6 Turbo Porter too? Great VSTOL.
  22. Can we get some gun-pod and Nato Splinter livery on these helos? Sling loading? I would like a Danish Army livery AS-550C3 with Hot missiles, tnx. This is Brazilian forces,but they use somewhat similar scheme ,C2 or C3 versions would more or less just mean some weapons ,the TV-sight system I can do w/o. Sorry for bugging you with this,but would the helo work with https://www.google.se/search?q=as550+c3+fennec&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=_y_UswOJvbyUqM%3A%2CvIrb6-55-fFx6M%2C_&usg=__IolEzQ-JueO4WPIqBrLvE7DDFGA%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiBi5Ks46raAhVmG5oKHSAEAgIQ9QEIQzAC&biw=1798&bih=840#imgrc=fgPB0i4ozfddDM: https://www.google.se/search?q=as550+c3+fennec&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CcPvf7RTIWwSIjgxW5nGAmYQGxbdux2SAPhmYeTIcloQsDadw7UPQalRTz9qkRcWC9wlhB_1zF4GdRpMdiLVqiCRaJyoSCTFbmcYCZhAbEUekcPvfgA51KhIJFt27HZIA-GYR8ktXSuQanvMqEglh5MhyWhCwNhELkvNjpIPKbioSCZ3DtQ9BqVFPEeLvXpqDNsPRKhIJP2qRFxYL3CUR1sqyHFXAgs0qEgmEH_1MXgZ1GkxGz09_1HEkJcvioSCR2ItWqIJFonEd47riWAAABQ&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiGyPTL5qraAhUCG5oKHdnfCdUQ9C96BAgAEBg&biw=1920&bih=916&dpr=1#imgrc=_y_UswOJvbyUqM:
  23. john111

    Parachute MC1/MC4/T11/ W.I.P

    Will this get the bag in a line underneath the jumper ? It would look cool....Tested it out...worked like a charm,thanks!
  24. Here is a Q :Is i maybe useful to make a way to make a way to make the airbreak and the flaps work in unison and make the drag and weight work with buttons that can keep the break extended at a decided position,and a way to make the throttle to keep set % of engine. Came up with something ;It would be very neat if the Tads system could draw a line and the measure the distance of that line and make a box around it 1mile in all directions,then find highest /lowest point and get a measure of planes`altitude 10x/sec, and now with Elevation,be able to always keep that altitude and with HCC mod ,be able to use it as a autopilot. With the Steerpoint system,it should be easy to set the altitude and speed between the points,maybe with a " snapshot" ability for A-A and a auto-lock for A-G. I`m looking for a way to hand a target list to other planes in Arma, could this be used with a Laptop and PDU by Firewill. I need some way to make force the altitude for Ai. I want to be able to make several planes settings that forces them to keep a set height above target when they fly over it. But I also need them to be able to avoid hills,I would need a sort of `radar altimeter`. Maybe ,if there are some definition of "hill/radio tower"?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN5d0cPm2O4