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About amon1

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    Private First Class

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  1. amon1

    [SP/MP]Advanced Fierce Combat System

    here https://sharemods.com/xcrxbiyfmc9x/_AFCS_2fSP_2fAPEX_Advanced_20Fierce_20Combat_20System.ruha.pbo.html ruha pbo mission if you like play with this map. you need only ruha map and cup terrain core and thats it
  2. cannot download from steam PromanA3 , someone know alternate link ?
  3. 556 galil sar (recoil_ebr)
  4. armaholic download link seems to be broken
  5. hk and the treat gets better...ohhoh 24 hrs
  6. amon1

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    change log -Added -Removed -@ Fixed -^ Improved only hotfix update, added nothing
  7. hi thank you for the good sounds. I would like to ask why 6.18.0726 NIA ARSENAL Mod Pack Sound Support does not support sig550 mod
  8. amon1

    [CTI,TvT,CooP] Dissension

    thx good work,this ResourceTimer drop fps very hard
  9. hi thank you very good mission/campaign generator.ruha for wishlist
  10. HQ there i deployed fob,nothing kind of attack.i think normal war 2 side and both side use attack and invade new area.ai don't working sp hosted mode
  11. amon1

    ArmA 3: Callsign Minotaur

    i tested this mission arma v1.84 but much problems
  12. is it normal ai don't attack your hq(hosted server:single player)?