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  4. Hello everyone, I had an idea while I was creating a mission in which I play an undercover policeman who has to infiltrate a drug dealer's hideout. I created an undercover system for the occasion, which I think is perfect. As long as you're not wearing a policeman's uniform or taking your gun out of its holster, enemies consider you a civilian. But as soon as you take out your weapon or put on a bullet-proof vest marked “POLICE”, for example, enemies will start shooting at you. This gave me the idea of creating a multiplayer mode (I should point out that I've never done anything like this, I don't have the skills for it) in which you play as officers from Altis who have to take back the island from the traffickers who have invaded it. The equipment available will be very limited (only pistols and machine guns), and the difficulty high, with a hint of realism. I sincerely think that this would be a very good idea, so I'm taking the liberty of throwing it out there, like a bottle in the sea. The undercover system I just made would be the core of this gamemode. In short, the system is Capture the Island: you have to take over all the towns one by one. To do this, you'll have to patrol the city in civilian clothes, looking for drug dealers' hideouts: houses filled with armed bandits and used as drug-selling grounds. It's imperative that you first go undercover (dressed as a civilian) to steal “evidence” before finally being able to kill everyone, if possible with the help of more heavily armed players/policemen. If the traffickers spot you before you steal the evidence, the mission will fail. After 10 minutes, if no policeman has taken care of the stash, it will disappear, and you'll have to search the city again. What's more, two stakeouts can't appear at the same time, only one at a time. You'll need to collect around 15 pieces of evidence in this way from around the city. This will unlock the “ultimate” mission, which will allow you to recover the city from the traffickers, and continue your progress around the island. The evidence will have enabled you to identify a heavily-guarded location inside or outside the city: a house or building full of drug dealers armed to the teeth, with pickups, assault rifles, bulletproof vests, much better armed than the small traffickers of the 15 missions. Of course for this last mission there is no longer any point in going in civilian clothes / undercover mod : you have to equip yourself with machine guns, police cars and bulletproof vests. At the heart of this place will be the local baron who will either have to be brought back to a nearby police vehicle, or just activate an action with the wheel which will act as handcuffs, or even just kill him. After this objective is achieved, you must kill the rest of the bandits. After that, the mission will be successful, the city will be recovered, and you can advance to the next city. The cities concerned will only be the major cities on the map, in order to reinforce realism. (If all the hideouts are within a 50 meter radius it's ridiculous) There will also be several kinds of side objective in the meantime, for example a hostage situation where it will be necessary to kill the hostage takers, a gofast where it will be necessary to "stop" the vehicle which will pass at high speed near the city, a Bank robbery... There you go, I'm going to try to upload a small mission with my undercover system so that you can try to see what it's worth. Thank you so much for reading, and don't hesitate to tell me what you think. 😄
  5. soldierXXXX

    Recruiting AI Syntax Issue

    Hi. You had a invisible character at the end of the script. To check it, you have to use either some editor that supports showing invisible characters or you can paste it here in the code window and the place where such character is located is usually marked with red dot 🔴 . That sometimes happens when you copy paste code from elsewhere. So if you want to use the original code, just delete the invisible character at the end. (...call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd;🔴) To make it more useful, I added some stuff to the code. Depends entirely on you if you want to use them or not. I further optimized the condition and added lazy evaluation. That means that condition doesn't have to be evaluated further when the condition would return FALSE at some point and thus could not return TRUE at the end. If you wish to know more about lazy evaluation, read Code Optimization page. To further solve the problem with recruiting unmanned vehicles I also added the condition that should check if vehicle has some alive friendly units inside. Then ,because vehicles are also possible to recruit, I changed activation code, so instead of single unit you will recruit whole group. That's because previous code only recruited the commander of the vehicle and I think that's not intended behaviour. If you want to change that to previous behaviour, because you need only single units to be recruited instead, simply replace what I did. Also I changed the activation distance, if the unit is a man then action will be showed at 3 meters from him, if it's a vehicle, then the action will be showed at 7 meters, because vehicles are usually bigger and at 3 meters the action would not be shown. Priority has also been changed, so the action is now visible immediately after you approach the unit. When i tested it I also noticed that if you recruit friendly UAV vehicle, you can totally break its behaviour when you order the AI to dismount 😂, so I added another check and forbid recruiting UAVs as well. [player, "Recruit Unit", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa", "side cursorTarget isEqualTo side _this && {cursorTarget distance _this < ([7,3] select (cursorTarget isKindOf 'Man')) && {group cursorTarget isNotEqualTo group _this && {(cursorTarget isKindOf 'Man' OR {({alive _x} count (crew cursorTarget)) > 0}) AND {!unitIsUAV cursorTarget}}}}", "alive cursorTarget",{},{},{ params ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"]; units group cursorTarget join _target; },{},[],2,12,false,true] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd;
  6. EricJ

    EricJ Release thread

    Decided to trick out the Protector SMGs that the Black River PMC uses. I also made some crew members for the helos so that's an additional archetype to mess with, for the Black River and Raven Warfare Group. I'm debating whether or not to give the same loadout to the crew members, but may just give it as a "perk", and so on.
  7. Hello we are a server provider that is new to Arma Reforger and we use DDR5 for our machines but it seems its working less and having memory issues with us for example like the application crashing or a Memory Dump due to "illegal access" to the memory or corrupted memory I have listed an example error for this below if the issue is DDR5 memory not being able to run on this game then we may switch to DDR4 Memory does anyone have any idea if this could be a fix or it could be the hardware we run? Thank you for anyone who can help "Program: /home/container/ArmaReforgerServer Reason: Unknown malloc(): unaligned tcache chunk detected"
  8. Currently, v1.1.0.42, all you need to turn the spawn-despawn ON is here: Source: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:Scenario_Framework#Dynamic_Spawn/Despawn_2
  9. thy_

    Trigger to de-spawn AI?

    I guess you already found the solution. Can you share your video (or text solution) where the topic is shown? Probably the same subject and from the same author hehe: EDITED: Currently, in v1.1.0.42, all you need to turn the spawn-despawn ON is here: Source: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:Scenario_Framework#Dynamic_Spawn/Despawn_2
  10. I have been getting this problem consistently. i don't know what to do anymore can anyone help me ?
  11. Hello, Recently I had to update something with the driver, now I cannot play Arma. It loads, I press PLAY, then a black screen with the sound of water. I have to shift/tab and windows button to get out. I have had a look online and cannot find anything. My Nvidia driver is up to date. No idea otherwise. Please help, thanks PLEASE IGNORE THIS, I SORTED THE PROBLEM
  12. I recently found a code snippet here on the forums that allows the player to recruit individual AI via the addAction menu and the HoldAction function. Here's the code (sorry, I forgot who initially posted this) that's being fired in the initPlayerLocal file: [player, "Recruit Unit", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\holdactions\holdAction_connect_ca.paa", "side cursorTarget == side _this && cursorTarget distance _this < 3 && group cursorTarget != group _this", "alive cursorTarget",{},{},{ params ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"]; [cursorTarget] join _target; },{},[],2,0,false,true] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; The issue I'm having is that it's giving me an error stating there's an invalid number, Line 7. The script then continues to work fine in the mission (other than it also giving me the option to recruit unmanned vehicles/objects). I'm just trying to clean it up so I don't get the initial error at the start of the mission. Other than the params, it seems like everything is formatted correctly per the Biki. Any help?
  13. OrangeBasket

    506th IRRU (NA EST, Serious Milsim)

    Operation Invictus After a few months of training and cooling down from the last operation, the 506th IRRU is now stepping into Eastern Europe in our first-ever Arma 3 and Arma Reforger dual-campaign. With two Arma 3 Task Forces and one Arma Reforger Task Force, the unit is fully committed to ensuring all billeted personnel are able to participate in the upcoming operation no matter their Arma of choice. Check out the teaser video for the operation below!
  14. oh now I see... the init goes in the object and not in an extra init file ... yeh... that makes sense... sorry. The other script I use to repack mags got an own file to initialize the script. I got told that to be the standard procedure. Nice it's working in my test mission now as well. I guess the main problem was indeed that I have put the init in an extra init file within the mission file, instead for just puting it in the objects init, but somehow there also was another weird problem. The object that I used first didn't respond and instead of a yellow mark it had a grey mark (no idea why because it had the very same characteristics as shown in your test mission). In the end I just deleted it and set a new one and this one had no problems. Thanks again. That's perfect 🙂
  15. Hey man that's really cool thank you ! But I spent the evening trying to make on the other script workand finally managed to get it done ! Just toise 0 or 1 instead of true or false 🥲
  16. Not much news here since last September, but I really wanted to thank you, @Von Quest. Your module is functional, intuitive and easy to configure. I'm using it on my latest assignment, and it's great to have this tool! Well done!
  17. Hello, I'm looking for a ways to execute 2 things: 1. To display a helicopter's cockpit instruments, monitors, or displays without turning on the engine. 2. Spin the heli's rotors without turning on the engine (and probably set the speed as well). I hope someone can answer my question. I've been trying to use animate, animateSource etc, I've looked into the model.cfg's animation but can't do anything with it. THANK YOIU
  18. gopanchik

    All The Weapons

    Hi again. Will you fix it?
  19. XBOX Gamertags: vc2m us7c Last night on XBOX, Elimination game mode. They destroy our team at the same time with only one shot. I attach a download link where you can see the videos where it is clearly seen. Even if Bohemia permanent ban this profiles unfortunately continue to do the same as they are secondary accounts with 1000 and 500 G. And as you can see they are first in the ranking of kills/deads in elimination mode this week. It seems that they take advantage of some kind of BUG or Glich of your software. I have already seen cases like this on youtube with more than a year old. Please take note and correct it as soon as possible. You have a great game that can still be profitable don't let it get completely infected with this kind of profiles. https://1drv.ms/v/s!AlgmVCoCPo2Gh6Nai9XelAhC71Z97Q?e=ofE4fd https://1drv.ms/v/s!AlgmVCoCPo2Gh6NZoZ0dhJTo7b0BLQ?e=i40W0g https://1drv.ms/v/s!AlgmVCoCPo2Gh6NY31FHn6Bw2JXpiw?e=AWkfdl https://1drv.ms/i/s!AlgmVCoCPo2Gh6NvSOOEwptIHODckA?e=JSitSn https://1drv.ms/i/s!AlgmVCoCPo2Gh6Nx990W4e39ODFn-A?e=UOj58n
  20. I think something wrong in the hud code, I gotta check it.
  21. timmo

    change mod folder

    Great! I hope it worked for you.
  22. Thanks for the great release, I appreciate your work. At first glance at the map, I found a place with buildings that overlap at these coordinates [3788.9,11100.5,0].
  23. voks32

    change mod folder

    Thank you very much! Because I wanted the mods to be in the game folder itself, but the name of the game itself already has a space I created a separate folder "ArmaReforgerMods" as well as the game and entered in the parameters: -addonDownloadDir E:\ArmaReforgerMods
  24. Larrow

    Script or EH?

    addEventHandler So we are saying to the engine, when this vehicle is killed can you please notify us when it happens. As per the addEventHandler page, we provide the engine with some code to call to notify us by. The engine passes us some information into this code via the _this variable when the event happens. Event Handlers As per the Event Handlers page for killed you can see what is contained in _this. So we use params to pull the information from _this into some local variables, named whatever we like( although this page does suggest some names based on the information _this is going to contain for that particular event ). All params does is pull information from an array. Unlike when using select where you need to specifically prefix the command with the array to pull the information from, so _this... private _someLocalVar = _this select 0; ... if the prefix array for params is missing it defaults to using _this. e.g _this params[ "_someLocalVar" ]; params[ "_someLocalVar" ]; ...these two lines are exactly the same. In the first we specifically tell it to use _this. In the second the prefix array is missing so it just defaults to using _this.
  25. Hey @Poupoko, i've wrote a little incognito script a few months ago. I don't use setCaptive, but joinSilent to civilian side : //Undercover by P.Milkman - 2023 //bob is your player //1. Place a trigger on the map of any size. //2. Set type and activation to "NONE" //3. Set it to trigger "Repeatedly" //4. In the condition field place the following: currentWeapon bob == "" && secondaryWeapon bob == "" // you can add a lot of condition about gears too with : && vest bob == "" && headgear bob == "" or headgear bob == "H_Booniehat_oli" etc... //to select autorized gears //5. In the "On Act." field place: [bob] joinSilent createGroup civilian; hint "You're undercover !"; //6. In the "On Dea." field : [bob] joinSilent createGroup west; hint "You're hostile !"; I hope it will help you 😁
  26. Hey ! I think support is aware that there is a minority of bad players (hackers) and bans them after having confirmed a cheat. I also reported one here a week ago with a video supporting an aimbot. 🙄 But the real problem is that the game is free, so cheaters just have to recreate an account and they're back in! On PS4/PS5 the most effective way to get rid of cheaters is simple, you take a video of the act of cheating and you contact PlayStation support. As this is a violation of the code of conduct and can be punished with an IP ban, the cheater will have to buy a new console, it will do him good. 😈
  27. Hello, since the release of 1.1 I've been the victim of a major bug that makes the game really frustrating. I've already tried everything, and the only solution is to uninstall all the mods. Being an Xbox Series X user, you can understand that it's not perfect. Every time I try to connect to a modded server, I get rejected and the game gives me the error : Kick cause: group=4 'DATA', reason=1 'RDB_MISMATCH' As a reminder, I only have this problem on modded servers, I have a fast and stable connection, this bug is completely random (one chance in 3) but when it's there, it's persistent, which means I just can't play. Please help me......
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