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  1. I finally got around to doing some youtube video tutorials. Short 15 minutes videos on scenario creation using the framework. Scenario Framework Video Tutorials
  2. This topic will cover the following subjects... 1. Spawn AI randomly in an Area. 2. Spawn AI Way points. a. Follow way point's in specific order. b. Randomize order. c. Cycle way points. I decided to post about this because I am having issues getting AI to go where I want them using way points. I figured out what was going on, and how to fix it. You can use this when creating patrols that need to follow a specific route, like a road, or you are setting a ambush, and need AI to walk by your position. First item is spawning AI randomly in an Area using the scenario framework without any scripting. 1. Place an area.et (PatrolArea) on the world. 2. Set the radius to the area you want to cover. This is not required. But it is helpful for visualization and "trigger activation on area" if needed. 3. Place a layer.et (Patrols) in the area.et, near the center of the area.et. I set coordinates to all zeros so the are on top of each other. 4. Place a several slotAI.et (PatrolA, PatrolB, PatrolC, etc.) in the area.et. Make sure the ground is open, relatively flat, not a lot of trees and rocks. Not required, but helps. TOP LAYER |_Area.et (PatrolArea) | | |_Layer.et (Patrols) | |_SlotAI.et (PatrolA) |_SlotAI.et (PatrolB) 5. Select the layer.et. Set Children -->Spawn Children --> Random One. This will select 1 random slotAI.et from the layer.et, and spawn it at the position placed on map. NOTE: 3 Randomized choices.... RANDOM_ONE, RANDOM_MULTIPLE, and RANDOM_BASED_ON_PLAYER_COUNT. See the SF wiki for more info on these choices. From experience I don't use based on player count because sometimes it doesn't spawn any group. 6. Select the SlotAI.et. Go to Asset --> Object To Spawn. Click on the 2 dots button, and find a character or group you want to spawn in. 7. Set Activation Type to the desired method. Only use one of the first 4 choices from the drop down. Custom doesn't work yet, and you don't want "ON_TASKS_INT" 8. If you want to balance the amount of AI based on player count, check the box in Misc. Next is assigning way points the spawned group 1. Place a layer.et in the same area.et used above, and zero the coordinates. 2. Place several slot.et inside the layer.et. Place as many as you need. These are the way points. Don't worry about exact placement at this time. For our example I will use a rectangle as my patrol area. 3. Perform the same as step 6 above. Search "AIWay" and the list of way points will populate the browser. TOP LAYER |_Area.et (PatrolArea) | | |_Layer.et (Patrols) | | | |_SlotAI.et (PatrolA) | |_SlotAI.et (PatrolB) | |_Layer.et (PatrolWayPoints) |_Slot.et (WP1) |_Slot.et (WP2) |_Slot.et (WP3) |_Slot.et (WP4) Patrol Area.... WP1-------------------------------WP2 | | | P1 | | | WP4-------------------------------WP3 4. Now here is where things go wrong. You would think that the patrol (P1) would go WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4. But they don't, they go WP4, WP3, WP2, and WP1. I don't know why, but I tested this several times, and finally figured out they go in reverse order of the way points. SO if you want them to go clockwise around the square, you have to set your way points as follows. WP4-------------------------------WP3 | | | P1 | | | WP1-------------------------------WP2 5. This is important when placing your way points in their final position. Once you figure out how many points you need, start with the last way point first, and place it at the start of your patrol. 6. If you are using "Select Random Waypoints" then the patrol will pick one of the way points and move to it. 7. If you are using "Cycle Waypoints" the patrol will continue until some action interrupts them. 8. ANY way point that is not on ground level will cause the patrol not to move. Make sure all way points are "Snap to Ground", and not in trees or below terrain. 9. To follow roads, use lots of way points. AI will cut the corner, and go beeline to the next way points. 10. When the AI reach the last way point, they will go straight line back to the first one when cycling way points. They do not follow the line back to the first way point. Good luck in your scenarios creations...... you're going need it. Hope this helps. I am sure that you can script all this, but at this point I don't know how, and this is for the beginner starting out. TIPS: For randomized way points I use a 5 pointed star pattern. You can use 10 points, and 2 star pattern. One pointed North, and one pointed south for good distribution of points.
  3. I have a pretty good system to spawn random patrols using the scenario framework. I get a random number/type of units to spawn when you enter the 1000m Area. And they will select a random set of waypoints to patrol. The issue is each area you enter it spawns the AI. After a while the world is full of AI, with no way to remove them unless you kill everyone of them. What I need is a trigger/method to de-spawn the AI when you leave the area. I am using all the scenario framework components. Can't figure out what would be the equivalent of activate/deactivate trigger.
  4. You can create a vehicle depot to launch wheeled or rotary wing assets in the scenario framework game mode without game master. This tutorial will cover creating a US Depot to create UH1H helicopters. A. Create an override of the US_Vehicles.conf 1. Search for "US_Vehicles.conf" and create an override file. 2. Open the .conf. It lists all the vehicles for US side. Expand the UH1H.et. 3. Expand the "Entity Data List". You can change the supply cost to 0, and change the minimum rank required here. B. Setup the gamemode entity. 1. Place the "gamemode_plain.et" in the world. 2. In the top component, "SCR_BaseGameMode", expand the sub-section called "Unsorted". 3. Change the "Player Controller Prefab" to "DefaultPlayerControllerMP_Factions.et". Now you have several different options to create the depot. This involves placing in the world a vehicle maintenance point or a helipad (Helipad_L_US_01.et). All the components mentioned below are in these compositions. Just make sure you have the slot type size selected in the .conf settings. Or you can do it another way which I will cover here. C. Setup the Depot in the world. 1. In resource browser search for "EntitySpawnerSlot_Vehicle_Large.et", and place it in the world. 2. In resource browser search for "VehicleService_US_Large.et", and place it in the world near the step 1 entity. You may need to adjust positions after spawning in first vehicle. 3. Spawn in the game, and move to the "Vehicle Service Sign", and deploy the UH1H helicopter. That's it. The key thing is setting the "Player Controller Prefab as in step B3 above. You can use other GameMode entities as well.
  5. SCENARIO FRAMEWORK (SF): MOVE TASK Difficulty: High This topic will cover the following subject(s): Creating a randomized move task system for non-AI (Players). As part of my Patrol Operations - ARLAND 1 scenario, I created a randomize move system to simulate performing a dismounted patrol using the SF taskMove.et. The SF will spawn one move task at the start of the mission. You proceed to the first check point and complete the move. At each intersection the framework will randomly select one of the directions to proceed and create a new check point task. This will continue until Mission Complete determined by you. The SF Entities used are Area.et, LayerTaskMove.et and SlotMoveTo.et. Unless otherwise noted, use default values of each scripted component of that entity. There is no enfusion scripting required. For our example, I will use a 3 way intersection, with 4 Check Points. A. INITIAL SETUP Drag and drop an Area.et at each of the road intersections you want the patrol to follow (1, 2, 3, and 4). Drag LayerTaskMove.et to the hierarchy panel, and drop it on each Area.et. This sets the coordinate of the entity to 0,0,0 and centers it in the Area.et. Drag a SlotMoveTo.et to the hierarchy panel, and drop into each LayerTaskMove.et. This sets the coordinate of the entity to 0,0,0 and centers it in the LayerTaskMove.et. Your hierarchy should look like below when finished. One for each intersection. Area1.et LayerTaskMove1.et SlotMoveto1.et Area2.et LayerTaskMove2.et SlotMoveto2.et Area3.et LayerTaskMove3.et SlotMoveto3.et Area4.et LayerTaskMove4.et SlotMoveto4.et Add 2 more slotMoveTo.et to LayerTaskMove2.et. I renamed the SlotMoveTo.et the name of the intersection you are going to. You are not allowed to have duplicate names so adjust your naming conventions accordingly. Area1.et LayerTaskMove1.et SlotMovetoA2.et Area2.et LayerTaskMove2.et SlotMoveto1.et SlotMoveto3.et SlotMoveto4.et Area3.et LayerTaskMove3.et SlotMovetoB2.et Area4.et LayerTaskMove4.et SlotMovetoC2.et In the below diagram, you enter at Area 4 (START POINT) and move to Area 2 at the 3 way intersection, the SF will randomly select one of the 3 options, SlotMoveTo1, SlotMoveTo3, or SlotMoveTo4. 1 <--------------> 2 <--------------> 3 | | 4 (START POINT) B. CREATE MOVE TASKS a. Area.et setup Highlight each Area.et one at a time. Highlight the SCR_ScenarioFrameworkArea in the Object Properties panel. In Debug, check both boxes to show debug shapes. Uncheck both boxes when you've completed your work. In Trigger and change the Area Radius to what ever size you like. I set mine to 15.00 meters to cover the entire intersection. Uncheck Once. b. LayerTaskMove.et setup Highlight each LayerTaskMove.et one at a time. Highlight the SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask in the Object Properties panel. In Children change Spawn Children to RANDOM_ONE. In Activation and change Activation Type to ON_TRIGGER_ACTIVATION. In Task enter the Task Title and Task Description. c. SlotMoveTo.et setup Highlight the SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotExtraction in the Object Properties panel. In Debug, check both boxes to show debug shapes. Uncheck both boxes when you've completed your work. In Plugins expand SCR_ScenarioFrameworkPluginTrigger. Set the Area Radius to 10 meters. Make sure it is smaller then the area radius set in a4. Uncheck Once. In OnTaskFinish expand Actions On Finished. Press the + button, enter in the search box Wait. Select SCR_ScenarioFrameworkActionWaitAndExecute (I use this SCR so there is a delay between task finished(old), and task created(new)). Expand Wait and Execute, set Delay In Seconds to 5 seconds. In Actions, press the + button, enter in the search box Spawn and select SCR_ScenarioFrameworkActionSpawnObject. Expand Spawn Objects. In Name Of Objects To Spawn Activation press the + button. In the 0 field enter the name of the LayerTaskMove.et of the intersection the SlotMoveTo.et will take you to. NOTE: For our scenario example above, the start point is at 4 (Area4.et) and we will move to 2 (Area2.et). We will enter LayerTaskMove2 in the 0 field for step 10. Each SlotMoveTo.et will be different depending on the scenario and the name of the components. Complete steps a, b, and c for each intersection you have placed the components. For our example we will enter the following in the 0 field of step 10. SlotMoveToA2 = LayerTaskMove2 SlotMoveTo1 = LayerTaskMove1 SlotMoveTo3 = LayerTaskMove3 SlotMoveTo4 = LayerTaskMove4 SlotMoveToB2 = LayerTaskMove2 SlotMoveToC2 = LayerTaskMove2 At this point if you have done everything correctly, when you spawn in and enter Area 4 it create a task to move to Area 2. Move to Area 2, and it will create a task to move to either Area 1, 3 or 4.
  6. I'll post up everything I am doing here for reference in regards to creating custom Combat Ops creating for Everon. The basic managers I've used at the start are as follows. I'll cover setups of each manager at a later date. Everon_World Managers (active) - Top layer in world. (Hamburger Icon) CampaignPremanager FactionManager_Editor GameModeSF PerceptionManager SCR_AIWorld TagManager RadioManager ScriptedChatEntity TaskManager_Editor LoadoutManager_Base