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  1. Past hour
  2. @dalber24 Thank you friend, but I've tried that - once I go to checkout to pay, it stops me from paying saying I "already own one of the items" in my cart, even though I obviously don't own it. I've spent some time explaining the problem to Steam support; they made some suggestions at first, but once they understood what was going on, they just told me they can't help me with this, and that I should reach out to the publisher to fix the issue - so I'm out of luck. I will contact BI directly through their support e-mail tomorrow, and hope whoever sees it has the time and patience needed to resolve this - that is if anyone sees the e-mail at all. If it doesn't work, I tried at least.
  3. my buddy isn't able to load or unload his mods in the arma launcher, it says he has to close the game when it isn't on and when he just opened the launcher. any way to fix this?
  4. Is there anyone who can help me
  5. Today
  6. How can I increase respawn time based off of how many players have died on a team? This is for a server than runs both Blufor and Opfor. Here is what I have so far but its not working. addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", { params ["_killed", "_killer", "_instigator"]; if (isPlayer _killed) then { switch (side _killed) do { case west: { WEST_deaths = WEST_deaths + 1; }; case east: { EAST_deaths = EAST_deaths + 1; }; }; }; }]; player addEventHandler ["Killed", { params ["_unit", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects"]; setPlayerRespawnTime (playerRespawnTime + WEST_deaths); }];
  7. My new code currently reflects this: Params ["_unit"]; ["_unit"] = _this select 0; if (random 1 < 0.8) then { _unit setUnitLoadout getUnitLoadout basic; } else { _unit setUnitLoadout getUnitLoadout elite; }; I'm currently getting errors with having not defined "basic" or "elite" variables, and also I'm apparently missing a ; on line 2 which seams like a load of arma 3 bull crap to me. Nevertheless, If it won't function, it won't function, and I need to fix the code regardless. Again, I'm sure there's something like six rookie mistakes I made with formatting in this script, so point that out if you see it.
  8. Another option is to use ACE Arsenal to create each loadout, export it to clipboard and paste into your script.
  9. Good idea, JCataclisma I'm going to do that because apparently: And I do not currently want to learn the code names of every single object and how to do it right. This is a bit easier.
  10. So, I've done that in previous versions. Should I still add it, in addition to the "private _unit = _this select 0;" ABOVE it, or replace it? Or what?
  11. FYI Jackal 326 After a couple of hours of fooling around with keystrokes and looking up various keyboard layouts, swapping mouses, etc. The answer to "cant switch driver to gunner" is: YOU MUST HOLD DOWN THE SPACE BAR WHILE SCROLLING THE MOUSE WHEEL! Pretty simple but is it written down anywhere? not really. Next is figuring out how to administer first aid....
  12. dalber24

    Bradley woodland?

    Here is http://ftp.armedassault.info.jerryhopper.com/armad/addons/TGW_M2A2_Woodland.rar This is not the right place to ask, this subforum is for posting finished/released mods Next time you need to ask here:
  13. Here is my code class CfgORBAT { class 7thrtounit { id = 7; idType = 0; type = "HQ"; side = "west"; size = "Division"; commander = "Mike"; commanderRank = "Colonel"; text = "3ed RTO Brigade"; insignia=__EVAL(getMissionPath "CSATInsignia.paa"); textShort = "%1 RTO %3"; description = "Commmander of the 3ed Brigade";
  14. Does anyone have the woodland re-skin by "thepiespie" for the BIS Bradley? all the links are dead and the Deseret bradley looks out of place on my woodland maps.
  15. Yesterday
  16. You maniac! Your loadout array is completely messed up. See Unit Loadout Array for the correct syntax. Here is a template for reference and to help get you sorted. EDIT: Or you can scroll to the bottom of that link for a better example - D'oh!
  17. EricJ

    EricJ WIP Thread

    Just a quick update. Right now I'm looking to do proper weapons on the AH-1Z, namely the Hellfire racks that it uses. I've bounced the idea of using the Hellfires from the GitHub download from the Hatchet Team (the ones that made the H-60 pack), and incorporating them into the AH-1Z and the EricJ Helicopter Pack. While they're "decent", I could always go with better, so there's that. Other than that nothing else on the horizon, unless I'm missing something?
  18. Do you want to create a sonobuoy or something similar??? You coul create a trigger via oninit eventhandler and delete the vehicle after a predetermined time to represent that the buoy has no energy left
  19. "It is not necessary, they are exactly the same version" I think it is a mission issue, MSO is if I remember correctly, all scripted, the units that appear are created by scripts, surely the problem is due to some script. Many bugs and strange things that happen during missions are not bugs in ArmA itself, they are bugs produced by scripts or mods. The information that there was regarding this problem at the time was from ArmA 2 Standalone when it had just come out, the first versions, but I don't know if it was really like that or if it was just that nobody tested it correctly at that time. To get rid of your doubt, try without using MSO and you will see that you cannot reproduce the same problem.
  20. Jove Chiere

    ToH Characters

    Hi WheelAxle, I use UPSCAYL (https://upscayl.org) but using scaling models (https://github.com/upscayl/custom-models/tree/main) adapted to the textures (4xNomos8kSC or 4xHFA2k). You have more information here: https://github.com/upscayl But it's not just a scaling job, as the face textures in ArmA 2 were totally different from ArmA 3. Some time ago I explained that I did a transformation process using remapping and projecting the texture in a render to adapt the position and sizes. I then ran the heads through an AI to give them more detail and realism. whole path of evolution in the creation of a face texture.
  21. Hi John, I tested with Steam version 1.63, I also have the retail versions of OFP, Armed Assault and ArmA 2 and A2OA, but it didn't occur to me to try with 1.62, I don't know where the FLIR is, I'll take a look to see if I can find the scripts.
  22. After the RF DLC update, the -language configuration command is invalid, and the addition of language= in basic.cfg is not effective. I have been distressed about this for a long time, hoping to find a solution. My English level is poor, and the localization of tasks not available makes my play very difficult
  23. mankyle

    Damen LST collection

    Thanks!!! I know that at least three other members of these boards have suffered (or are currently being treated for) a cancer... I'm not the only one in this situation. I hope I will finally be able to release a worthy addon. Right now I'm texturing the interior of the ship (really boooring)
  24. Ah, never mind. Looks like it's a weird bug in Arma 3 that has nothing to do with my script. I deleted the junk out of my debug console - not sure if that was the cause, but it's working now. I'll leave this here for anyone else on the same journey as I am. Enjoy!
  25. Hello all! I am a moderate beginner with Arma 3 scripting. I have a script that is used with the Survival mod (waves of enemies where you are required to loot bodies in order to find weapons, ammo, and FAKs). One of the problems that our group has is knowing which bodies have been looted or not (in the end, there are hundreds on the field). I am using an InventoryClosed (Script 1)event handler to change the color or remove the uniform (doesn't matter which behavior) after a player has closed the dead body's inventory. The problem that I'm having is that two of the three ways of opening an inventory (scrolling to the action and activating it, or pressing "I" when in range) work just fine. But if the player presses "Use" when the inventory icon is up on the screen, the inventory opens and closes immediately. They can go back into the Inventory after that and loot, but it's an odd experience. I tried switching to InventoryOpened (Script 2), and the behavior now pressing "I" or pressing "Use", and sometimes supports scrolling to "Inventory" action (but sometimes closes the inventory immediately in that case). It seems like an Arma 3 scripting bug to me. Any ideas about what I can try to prevent that weird behavior? Here are the scripts (I placed them in initPlayerLocal.sqf). Script 1: player addEventHandler ["InventoryClosed", { params ["_unit", "_container"]; if (_container isKindOf "Man") then { _container setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0.61,0.65,0.6)"]; }; }]; Script 2: player addEventHandler ["InventoryOpened", { params ["_unit", "_container"]; if (_container isKindOf "Man") then { _container setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0.61,0.65,0.6)"]; }; false; }];
  26. krzychuzokecia

    Damen LST collection

    Just wanted to say that you still working on Arma 3 stuff while having really serious life issues is deserving utmost respect and admiration! I hope it gives you solace in this hard time, and I wish you all the best!
  27. krzychuzokecia

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Yup, learned that the hard way, and @diwako confirmed that in the Steam Workshop comments. It is what it is, it's not like I can script any better solution.
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