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Vilas' addons

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Thanks for criticism and valuable advice; will certainly follow the suggestions.  biggrin_o.gif

At the moment the work is progressing on the Poles, already mentioned by Vilas. Hope to show some WIP shots soon.

No problem. You're guy's stuff is really good, and I just like to contribute.

Another question, would it be possible for you guys to include a model of a soldier in BDUs without any type of gear?

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Clavicula; -> Suppose this should be easy as pie.. therefore will probably happen.


And here's a tiny teaser of the Poles. Main changes -> new model of boots and first try on a new helmet netting. It's in very early development stages; can't show you more atm wink_o.gif

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Wow, nice, made me think of Dog Green beach. - that is, the real beach not SPR.

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Wow, nice, made me think of Dog Green beach. - that is, the real beach not SPR.


My friend saw the models ingame this evening and his 1st guess was I'm playing a WW2 game...

The fact is; our (Polish) troops really looked that way 'till early 90's  icon_rolleyes.gif


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and because my weapon pack will be replacing old, but without normals weapons pack, so this weapons can be used to further planning updated OTHER addons, so here is "real" shape G36C (BIS made not ironsight)

but FIA will be equipped with G3 too

there also will be real M240B and FN MAG

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Those new weapons look just great.

I hope they look just as good in 1pp as they do in these screens, I missed the AKs esspecially.

I wouldn't have guessed these were made in JUST O2. crazy_o.gif

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Excellent work guys.

Glad to have you back into arma Vilas thumbs-up.gif

Looking forward to your upcomming releases.

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all was made in O2, i don't use 3DS Max not licensed, thats why sometimes my models were worse than some other addons

those models were made by editing BIS models (50% of G3, 90% of G36, 95 of AK74, other were my older weapons updated, fixed and etc.)

in oxygen it is possible to make BOX 10/10 segments and to "squeeze" this box edge by edge, pin by pin , than i can get shape i want

FN MAG is BIS "M240" model with reskin and new muzzle brake and rail deleted

M240B is BIS M240 model with anti heat covers and one detail on barrel changed

AKM is BIS AK modified too (receiver, muzzle braker by me, gas barrel)

AK has some textures of receiver, cover from old, very often used by many mods to OFP Counter Strike weapon, wood is just reskin, just like my PK, PKM are edited models too

so all was made in new tools

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Looks nice, btw what is that last weapon? It has the butt and the front post of AKM and receiver and some other parts from AK-47.

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top to bottom:



AK47 (later version of production) wood texture is from AKM, i haven't changed wood texture

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Weapons look very good. I like that you have used BIS models as a starting point. Some other weapons mods have not had a consistent look.

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maybe make the g3 the standard black/greyish look ? instead of the green look ?

i love the US soldiers they look awsome

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if you need pic of the 80's mag puch. pm me i got some.. whistle.gif

that reminds me... the last one did not get through to me.. sad_o.gif

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if you need any specific pics of the us equipment or weapons let me know i am a unit armorer what i dont have i can get...... if its permitted of course thumbs-up.gifthumbs-up.gif

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when it will be ready ?

- i have to test some new sounds for weapons;

- i have to add maybe 2-3 new weapons popular amog guerillas (UZI, FAL)

- we have to finish some Polish troops and 2-3 weapons to this

- maybe we will think about DDR, maybe other country , maybe S8N addon of his CSLA as Warsaw-Pact units , but probably we will not waiste time on adding new weapons, new countries, cause then more western countries should be in confilct and we will creep into dead end street "no missions, just addon that someone will put in editor and thats all" :/ so it is nonsense idea

- so main target is to :

- finish updating VIBI vehicles pack with normalmaps and Poles

- make some missions, i wanna have this addons "alive"

so maybe 1 month ? it will be released but with some missions, cause "empty" addons like some infantry and some weapons is not "enough" for me ;]

time of release depends on missionmakers, or if i will not find hard working, on me :/

i have few offers of help but i must see what will be effects


answer to "maybe make the g3 the standard black/greyish look ? instead of the green look ? "

of course in pack there will be both : black and green plastic G3 A3 and A4

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Hey, I'll totally do missions too! biggrin_o.gif Which I did already offer a few pages back, but can't offer too often eh? Anything I can help with. smile_o.gif

Addons + missions = win.



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Somehow i have a feeling that this could be a smaller style Germany 85 mod ^^

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and small information, while there will be work on mission

i will not forget that my WW2 addon has only retextured soldiers, and now it is possible to set here more realistic soldiers

of course weapons need normals and etc.

but "temporary" update with not SLA reskins will be prepared too

i know there are people who play my WW2 in MP, so they will get better soldiers

this will not be "new" good addon, it will be just temporary "fix"

soldiers will be with different helmets, pouches and boots and caps

but main target is 1985 and missions

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