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About topas

  • Rank
    Sergeant Major


  • Interests
    History, architecture, antropology, foreign languages, space, cultures/religions and a lot more
  • Occupation
    Civil Servant / Central Administration

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  • Biography
    happy husband and father :)

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  1. I'm quite busy in real life now, but last time I checked my progress on it was like: https://scontent-b-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/10648741_10204659674842606_6447782804932330443_o.jpg
  2. I'm a father of two, next week already three, girls with no time anymore to spare for modding. It was nice while it lasted, but was too engaging. I invested too much in it, while my attention and focus were needed elsewhere. It's a hobby and should not consume your time, sleep, nerves; all that you'll never get back and you're not getting younger, right? Soon turning 35, so tough choices had to be made, a line needed to be drawn. W39 was, at the end, too much effort for one man with very little gain.
  3. Sorry folks. No comments from me on this matter; whatever it is being discussed at the moment (TLDR, sorry). Mod legacy has been passed on, it happened, end of story. Has it been passed on to right people?; honestly - I may have my little or bigger doubts, but even more - I have no idea. Truth is they were the only ones interested (mildly put). Haven't I had a sudden change of heart - all of the mod contents would be shift-deleted, I was quite close to doing that. Only with respect to the original team's work in mind have I decided to spare it's such fate and buckled. Point is; I am no longer involved, nor am I interested - even less in your private/team/clan squabbles or personal attacks. I would be more than happy if not being dragged into anything like this. My respectful and well deserved place is in credits, not on a witness stand in your discussions. Also, basic netiquette would require to keep your dirty laundry for yourselves, drop the blame-game in public and do not even hint at a faint possibility of discussing private correspondence we had the other day to be openly discussed, moreover, to be used as bargaining chips or ammunition against your adversaries. That's not how I roll, sorry. Thank you for your time and for letting me know to avoid this thread now.
  4. Some newest Polish softskin, logistic vehicles and a Naval Strike Missile carrier. Addons used; A3MapPack All in Arma Vilas' modern Polish Army and Police (to be updated with above content for August 15th Polish Army Day)
  5. What JonPL and others said. Soronelite - Thank you for this quality work, really looking forward to try these out asap.
  6. 105mm FireSupportVehicle "WILK" 120mm MobileMortarSystem "RAK"
  7. well, I do sporadically, in fact. Retired from active modding I do this as a little private project. If the results are ok I will give it to Vilas to include in the A3 version of his mod, where quality and detail would need to be raised significantly. Having the unique opportunity of access to Vilas' models in MLOD format I couldn't resist to try fixing some of the issues that always bugged me; mostly shadow lods. I reworked all of those including almost all attachements to a vehicle's body (mirrors, antennas, hinges, etc, etc) so shadow lods are the most detailed imaginable. Not sure if this is performance friendly, but this this for my own perverted pleasure. With some of the models I decided to replace elements with more detailed ones, like more round headlights, smokelaunchers, added some stuff that was missing or simplified in the original version (like replacing .nohq elements with proper 3d models). Having the privilege of exclusive-on-demand access to source files (.cdr/.psd) I was able to redraw the original textures from scractch alongside with improved .smdi for detailed scratches, reworked nohqs for better tyre textures etc.) and decided to use the newest camouflage pattern introduced 2013/2014 (sand/olive/black) instead of the mid-90's (brown/green/black) used earlier. Below some examples (watch in full resolutiuon/size): I also experiment with adding functional army licence and ADR plates, tactical signs, numbers, emblems, decals in general. Again; this is a private effort with little to none time to really devote to; so rather a proof of concept than an actual release aimed project.
  8. The reason why Y straps where present in our aplha was simply, because it was an alpha :) It was to be removed in later versions (the models LODU donated came with it already). Once Vilas came along he helped us in editing the models and the Y strap was gone for almost all models, except the few that still were historically correct for 1939 (SS Verfugubgstruppe und some Unteroffiziers in selected units wore brown-leather Y straps that came from the SD). Here's a whole bunch of photos documenting the Y starps actually present in the Polish Campaign ;) http://odkrywca.pl/wehrmacht-1939-mp-38-i-szelki-,642402.html It's not like they appeared as standard equipment out of thin air, the equipment needed to be field tested somewhere earlier, right? ;)
  9. Vilas has no French military vehicles in his packs. Two British vehicles (Scorpion and Trojan) are already there.
  10. topas

    Bundeswehr Retexture

    Just one thought; shouldn't the boots be affected with all that extensive amount of dust on trousers? ;)
  11. topas

    Napoleonic Mod 0.1 Alpha

    Damn, can't believe I missed it! Now eagerly waiting to come back home in the evening to try these out! :) It's very tempting to play around with the mlods and textures, but I already have one unfinished mod I'm hiding from, lingering... would not be able to pick it up. Yet, if anyone decides to continue, feel free to PM for some September1939 assets that may be helpful here (as far as I'm concerned combat boots, horse riding bootsand backpacks with folded blankets/trenchcoats did not change that much and could be used; especially those Prussian fur backpacks). :)
  12. Yeah, the Abrams seems a good compromise, although, as I written in the opening post I'd rather have the AAF rearmed with some European armor. Yet, the M60A3 would be an interesting experiment, I should try to do it soon (maybe the older equipment could belong to some rear AAF units or a sort of national guard). My first thought was Leopards though and I had the 2A5 since the beginning, but it was too sloppy done to be shown. Need to rework it and we'll see how it fits. As for jets and unimog versions; sorry, I'm only working with what I have - Vilas released models - and there's nothing of sorts in there. If, in the future, this was to turn into something like PRACS, then why not include the work of other authors. For now I'm just doing the textures, maybe once the models are properly ported and overhauled this could be a base for something bigger, incorporating other 3rd party assets. We'll see, for now it's just casual fun ;)
  13. I have only presented a retexture of the attack version. Vilas original addon contains several other versions of the helicopter (Navy, SAR, VIP, Police), see here. I just need to come up with some original paint schemes fitting Altis and will present those once ready