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About Sealife

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    Master Gunnery Sergeant

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  1. Sealife

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Hi , Is Ai Totally fucked to Arma 1 standard or my own brain went back in time ? Seems whether Addwaypoint , Domove (moveto in FSM) , (here modeltoworld [0,0,0]) and many fucking more these stupid assed Retarded Ai will not got within 5 meters , it take me back to 2006 all over . I thought it was Meter accurate or even less ? EDIT Forget this i just saw you spent a whole 6 month developing a module that allows me to make flash of lightning to place the thick bastard where i need him , no more need for AI waypoints , i wondered what that tool was for , you need to rename it , Just when you you thought a thick fuck Ai ruined your mission KABOOM FLASH Zues is here to save you. ZAP and the Ai is back on track . I have Entry for MANW in the mean time WANKZ : based on a true story of an AI that only wanted to get to his destination that wasnt a Building POS :). Cheers
  2. Sealife

    Ukraine General

    The first real shot is fired : Gazprom will end discount to Ukraine in April , we begin to see the real rewards for such a strange set of events , European gas prices will almost definitely rise as a result , this will threaten very fragile recovery of western economies . Really big connotations for the domestic bill payers in europe will come to the fore , I can already hear the big 4 in uk crunching their proffit calculators.
  3. Sealife

    Ukraine General

    At the moment it is simple positioning for oligarch wealth west and east each backing their favoured oligarch , UK particularly has major ukranian oligarch money invested in thier banks as other western cities , However in coming days there is chance to see dramatic twist , now we see unarmed ukrain soldiers peacefullystand off against armed russian army and navy , tomorrow or day after we will see shots fired not from these peoples at first but sparked by Ukrainian and Russian nationalist groups , this is the point at which it will require sensible communications or there will be terrible consequences for the poor average person as they will then become involved in a thing that was started on their behalf but not in their interests .
  4. Sealife

    RTM Hanpostioning Problem

    Hi it might not be thE RTM itself but the positioning in the model of a memory point , check the points of the Trigger and things are in the correct place in the model. also Hanggrips are Mask of cerain parts of the body with certain strengths applied to them parts it could also be this from which you inherit is wrong but i doubt you inherited so far back it will matter here. Finally when you save an rtm you must never save it from a full character model window or the Pivot points will be off. try loading your animation to the memory lod and export the rtm from there thats if you cant find a good A3 skeleton p3d . it should only be three frames long RTM -5.00 , 0.00 and 1.00 IIRC. and always place the Model.cfg in the same folder as the .rtm when binarising alternitviely if not already use Blender and Alwarrens tools with Macsers A3 rig (maybe Alwarren already has one too i duuno) hope some of this helps.
  5. remember tot test the correct problem Vehicles drive on geometry or Physx in A3 and not Roadway lods This problem is non existent for these types regarding size the Old problem was a Creature could not stable its footings beyond 25m from an objects centerpoint on a Roadway lod and when viewed from accute angle object would dissapear . it would be good news if they have indeed fixed it .
  6. Wow , today i saw so much incompetence in the dev branch i have to wonder if its really true there is a QC or not ? Zues has brought more complications to an already growing list of unsolved problems absoulutely ridiculous BIS , please sort it out , its one thing to say "it might not be playable" but to subject people to senseless use of bandwidth for school boy errors more and more frequently is no way to show professionalism . How can we defend against "all your Devs are belong to Dayz" or " all your resource belong to VBS3.exe" when we see a poormans quality control like this ?
  7. Sealife

    Altis map - planned changes

    Apparently they have been scouting for next terrain here
  8. Sealife

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    Wrong , ive been chased by the AI in cryengine all week without any waypoints or anything stop trying to fuel a none existent Arma vs other game AI with bullshit . They only react to a pre determined direction haaaaaaa what a weak lie . Read it , hate it , dont reply to it , leave it . But never bullshit to deny it ;)
  9. Sealife

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    Dont come in and shout all hail Arma Ai the only AI that does what it does and no other can come close and then make comparisons right after declaring Arma to be unique . AUTOMINOUS ?? Ha dont make me laugh , just because its already scripted for you as opposed to being able to do it yourself via java or lua or c in an sdk doesnt make it better , it means you have to add a 3rd layer of fsm when the stubborn AI goes to shit and create even more resource hogs .jesus do you know anything about what your comnenting on ? The problem you dont see is or selectively ignore as I pointed out on many occasions is : Arma Cannot do any of the things it is designed to do efficiently or consistently , its flawed beyond comparison that is the only thing it is unique , all the others do what they are designed to do better so dont compare , its silly we here to state facts of inadequacy with Arma not other games . Here is the one and only fix I ever saw since ofp regarding this games game breaking flaw : Problem : AI cannot / will not drive over a bridge Solution : Remove all bridges
  10. Sealife

    No women at all

    Dont worry , most people who enter a discussion and try to be dictatorial and have no counter arguments of substance always end with a denail of understanding post ;) You came here to tell people the things they are already are aware of there is no women, thats easy because its a fact , you then proceeded to mix facts with your own POV about why there are no women and why there own requirements for women are wrong and or unsubstantiated , you knew you couldnt lose or so you thought and at the point you realised that your only contribution was to defend the status quo and not actually contribute to the thread in which the OP and many others have given substantial evidence to change the status quo , you fell back to the old " i will just call them stupid and deny the fact they have a point " I hope you dont get too emotional , we have all seen the light of our own selfishness at some point , it goes away . Just incase my posts are too complicated for a mind that thinks about Giant Rat monkeys i will make it very simple in summary ;) Your resposne to the thread should be to play your combat scenarios without women and continue to be happy that whether BIS add women or not has absolutely no consequence to yourself at all . For me why i am here and contributing , i belive BIS should add women but i wont come here and just rely on it i will get off my laurels and morals and help at least make a stop gap and hope to help those waiting . http://i.imgur.com/K9UpdON.jpg
  11. Sealife

    No women at all

    the OP your denial of someone elses wishes that wont affect you in any shape or form and a response to your request in the OP that you didnt read obviously . Practice what you preach , however seeing your already dictatorial posts , i wonder if its harder for you to do that than it is for someone to request something they wish to have in the game on here ;)
  12. Sealife

    No women at all

    Some players are Female and have been in the Armed forces and would like the same sense of simulation that males get whilst playing the game , similarly some males when playing with females would like there female clan members to be represented visually to match the voice they are hearing in TS :) Stop being so selfish , there are 100 resons for females for every one of yours against it , whetehr females ebter this series or not has no impact on your experinece whatsoever as you have already stated , you are simply here with no other reason than to deny someone elses needs and or wishes , there is no other reason for you entering this dicuission , because if BIS did add females to the series it would not affect your ability not to add them or not .
  13. Sealife

    Post Fukushima. Where Now for Nuclear Power?

    The future is Green not Nuclear Green but artificial leaf Green :) http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/artificial-leaf-breakthrough-brings-energy-efficient-hydrogen-fuel-step-closer-reality-1437232 it wont run Power plants but could bring the source of energy closer to the homes themselves and reduce the need for multiple powerstaions and Grids which obviously is the biggest problem with Energy thinking , nobody wants us to be off the Grid and be independent do they .
  14. Sealife

    Disappointed after 13 years of 'Arma'

    The fact is Cryengine s and CS AI do what they are designed to do and more and more they progress to do it better , Arma AI not only cannot do what it is designed to do , it has taken several steps back anyone who wish to dispute that only has to look at the number of bridges in the modern game in comparison to OFP . Just because you dont place FSM,s and Invisible pathways that are in buildings and roads and sidewalks doesnt mean that there are no pathway nodes in arma too. Just because in Crysis and other games you can switch off and on the ability for an object to block AIs path in a 3d editoror view doesnt make it worse than armas permanently non editable View geometry properties that perma block Ais paths and or vision ,it just mens the former method is more flexible and will help with resource in a dynamic scenario in a game world . In addition many have noticed more and more scenario based sqf and fsm based scritping on Ai in recent campaign on top of the engine based fsm and cpp defined scripts it already has , so maybe even BIS recognise advantages of event and scenario specific AI too.
  15. Sealife

    The Outerra Engine

    Some Nice additions in the latest patch Including the first rudimentary keyframed character and reflections on the textures amongst many. Really enjoying the progress on this and for alpha, $15, access to all further versions, its not a bad thing to at least keep on the HD http://outerra.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/2013-retrospective-2014-look-ahead.html