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Vilas' addons

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Excellent work, ASU 85 will be nice to have for VDV missions and OT62 2AP is very interesting looking. Will the ASU and PT-76 have Soviet skins as well?

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and you have to admit they fit even without texture upgrade) smile_o.gif

Yeeees we definitely have to notworthy.gif. Your "WIP" textures are absolutly great, better than many "completed" textures I've seen on released addons - including mine whistle.gif -

Top work Topas/Vilas. inlove.gif

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my old textures were broken by old Texview 1 from OFP, because I am not working on Photoshop, so i use soft that edit TGA, so all is converted TGA>PAA

new BIS Tools make quality of textures better

but new Oxygen sometimes makes problems with "sharp edges" and two faced meshes :/

thats why I had to reedit some parts of models (old STAR had errors in shadows/lightning on model)

but in Project 85 will be not only:

- completly new weapons pack (not vilas_mod) by me/Yaciek/M_BM

- soldiers pack by me/ShadowNX/Topas

- LWP soldiers by Topas/me and LWP vehicels by Zabix/me/Topas/M_BM

- but VIBI upgrade too (screen of BMP-1 shows), some vehicles of VIBI are updated, some still to be done

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Hi, those GAZ 69A, PT76 and OT62 look great, there's any chance

that we could see an import of the OFP Lavos BTR-T's 1.1?; seems

that PSC and Maa have left the building... but i really miss those

damn amazing BTR-T's and i'll like to play with 'em again. That will

be the best OFP import to me, but i don't know if they were used

back in the cold war days. Anyway... great job on those, they look

really pimp. Let's C ya

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I guess you mean the MT-LB?

Because the BTR-T would be a "little" too new to fit the coldwar packs theme.

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thx, I was merely refering to the talents of original OFP authours; so there's where the credits go* wink_o.gif What I do is only a little 'scratch here, dust & mud there' work on them wink_o.gif

*surely the readme's will contain all of the required nicknames

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thx, I was merely refering to the talents of original OFP authours; so there's where the credits go* wink_o.gif What I do is only a little 'scratch here, dust & mud there' work on them wink_o.gif

*surely the readme's will contain all of the required nicknames

I like dusty, muddy, paint scratched vehicles, they look more realistic.

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god, this all looks so amazing. Seems a new great addonteam is rising smile_o.gif

I hope so too but i think Vilas more sees this as one big addon with some missions instead as a full mod.

Id say lets make it at least a minimod and then think bigger.

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Awesome pics guys. Cold war stuff is coming along nicely.

My question about the ww2 packs...if you are making fictional units that look similar to Germans (but arent) why not change up the uniform colors a bit and use different colors? Or, just call them Germans and use German markings etc etc.

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little "next" bonus to upcoming new weapon pack to 1985 , later used in other addons,Polish community should recognize what is on bottom:


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PT76 is light floating (swiming) tang, it has armor like BMP

it has cannon a little stronger than BMP-1, i don't know why PT76 was called "tank", it has very weak armour , it is swiming/desant light canon for me

It was a recon tank - mostly for regular Army units, and for the VDV & a bit later - for Soviet Marines - similar to the US Sheridan. Some of those things were sold to many pro-EASTern countries, the SLA certainly have a few smile_o.gif

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noone knows what is on bottom of given screen ? it is my little "puzzle" wink_o.gif

of course "beta" model, some rivots will be added on cover :P

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Googled a bit but that nut is hard to crack, in other words, cant find info on this Machinegun.

When i looked on the old OFP page of LWP mod i also just found the PK/PKM under machineguns.

So its a rather rare weapon?

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Yeee! Now I can happilly starve to death!

Anyway, Vilas You've really made a significant progress so far, keep up the good work.

Oh, and thumbs up for the whole project 1985 team!

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now BMP-1 from vibi looks like this smile_o.gif

VIBI updated a little, but still more work to finish Project'85 smile_o.gif

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stupid question but which pack was the VIBI one again?

Checked the first page and i have no idea which one i need to choose

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stupid question but which pack was the VIBI one again?

Checked the first page and i have no idea which one i need to choose

It's 12) vehicles from OFP and new ones.

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