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Good job with the DLC activator ... impossible to get new helicopters for the moment ... :yay: And I have permissions for all DLC, paid in cash at Bohemia Interactive :icon_hm::smash::whistle:

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Metralla, the content is not fully released yet, and nothing has been promised untill 4 november, when it is officially released. You have not ben treated unfair in any way. No reason to complain.

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Metralla, the content is not fully released yet, and nothing has been promised untill 4 november, when it is officially released. You have not ben treated unfair in any way. No reason to complain.

Do not misinterpret the words I'm happy and excited about the work of the new dlc helicopters and clear that we must wait for the release, my comment is funny plan. :rthumb:

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Thanks for the (negative) confirmations above. We'll continue to see what can be going on, but we may have to live with this until November 4 (Steam does not properly support pre-release DLC).

I don't know if this is somehow related or relevant, but last week while I was playing I all of a sudden got a popup saying "Thank you for your purchase". My brother (who also has the supporter edition) got the same popup at almost the same time. I assumed that the helicopter DLC was officially entered at that time. My DLC is also still locked. In any case, I thought I'd mention this :)

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I don't know if this is somehow related or relevant, but last week while I was playing I all of a sudden got a popup saying "Thank you for your purchase". My brother (who also has the supporter edition) got the same popup at almost the same time. I assumed that the helicopter DLC was officially entered at that time. My DLC is also still locked. In any case, I thought I'd mention this :)

I've never reported anything officially but i've been seeing this for the past several weeks. I don't think its related to this release... Also i think it was happening on both Stable and DEV branches

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I don't know if this is somehow related or relevant, but last week while I was playing I all of a sudden got a popup saying "Thank you for your purchase". My brother (who also has the supporter edition) got the same popup at almost the same time. I assumed that the helicopter DLC was officially entered at that time. My DLC is also still locked. In any case, I thought I'd mention this

I seem to remember getting this also, though I forget if it was last week or the one before.

I considered it rather odd at the time, as there was no other apparent effect, I decided to dismiss it as an anomaly specific to my installation, I guess I wasn't alone :)


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Just to confirm with the others above, bundle owner, in game i have all DLCs activated (Karts, ZUES, Helis) but in steam no HELI DLC, only other two plus bundle. Updated this morning and same restrictions even if i start in the heli and exit it. I was hoping this would be fixed :( Guess it will be a waiting game.

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Same here, bundle owner but it's still capped ( I guess until the 4th ).

In any case, I hope a list of classnames is added containing the different M-900 helo textures, IMO the best heli of the pack :)

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the M-900 is a bit too shiny, or am i the only one thinking that ?

and as a bundle owner i haven't been able to fly/enter the new choppers as well

i also read about the buoyancy of the taru pods being disabled, is that logical if it is a fuel pod ? kinda think it would float on water and if the transport&medic pod is air tight then that would float as well ?


[Fixed: Taru pods no longer float on water]

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The black versions of Taru helicopters isn't available directly from the Editor (as it would clutter the selection with all eight variants), but there is a script available to make the helicopter properly black, described in the Features field on Community Wiki

How to use it:

Insert the helicopter in the Editor and put this into init field (example for standard Taru without any pod)

null = [this] execVM "\a3\Air_F_Heli\Heli_Transport_04\Scripts\Heli_Transport_04_basic_black.sqf"

Speaking personally I'd much prefer it if the black variants were their own vehicles with their own classnames, like the Mi-48, Ghosthawk and now the Orca on the basis that it will be a lot easier to retrofit into missions that arent setup for this new system - ie BECTI has a generic vehicle selection menu and creation function which just pulls its info from a list of pre-defined classnames. To make it recognise new vehicles I just have to add the new classnames and voila. However with the Taru black I'll have to shoehorn in a lot of Taru-specific exceptions if I want to implement it (Which I don't really like doing). I'd imagine most other missions that give a player a choice of many vehicles have a similar setup and will therefore run into similar problems with the Taru-black in its current form.

Edited by Sari

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Loving the new objects! Any chance we can get the screens functioning with the setObjectTexture command? They all look fantastic!

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Supporter here; Still restricted.

I'll guess it will remain restricted until official release.

Have not had a chance to try out. Do the passenger seats design at the back serve a purpose? Like you can raise and lower it on sling load?

You can sit in them.

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Ownership of the unreleased Helicopters DLC should now be added to people with the Supporter Edition
We've just added the ownership to another set of Supporter Editions.
I'll guess it will remain restricted until official release.

Now I'm just sad. :( :( :(

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I don't know if this is somehow related or relevant, but last week while I was playing I all of a sudden got a popup saying "Thank you for your purchase". My brother (who also has the supporter edition) got the same popup at almost the same time. I assumed that the helicopter DLC was officially entered at that time. My DLC is also still locked. In any case, I thought I'd mention this :)

We have seen this happening, but so far were unable to reproduce it. It seems as a bug in Steam.

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setobjectexure on civilian AH9 doesn't work,

because the random skin script is enabled?

---------- Post added at 02:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:22 PM ----------

Have not had a chance to try out. Do the passenger seats design at the back serve a purpose? Like you can raise and lower it on sling load?

all are able to firing from veichle and veri useful for diver insertion

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Now I'm just sad. :( :( :(

just start a zeus mission, place a soldier and an empty chopper , move the soldier in the heli, and use zeus remote. and happy flying.

only thing that doesn´t work is releasing wheelbreak. seems a zeus-remote problem.

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the M-900 is a bit too shiny, or am i the only one thinking that ?

and as a bundle owner i haven't been able to fly/enter the new choppers as well

i also read about the buoyancy of the taru pods being disabled, is that logical if it is a fuel pod ? kinda think it would float on water and if the transport&medic pod is air tight then that would float as well ?


[Fixed: Taru pods no longer float on water]

I felt the same way about the floating pods, they kinda should be, especially in 2035, would be used as a safety measure, preventing oil from spilling into the ocean, and preventing medical crew from drowning.

The civilian Helicopter, however, is perfect. Civilian helicopters re shiny for a reason, and it looks damned good. Most civilian air vehicles are like that in real life as well, love it.

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yeah they are more shiny than matt mil vehicles but have you seen the chopper in fog and 50% overcast ? it is like it is made of ice, ? or maybe it is my settings

from north side 50% fog, 50% overcast


south side looks better not so icy


Edited by suiside

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Speaking personally I'd much prefer it if the black variants were their own vehicles with their own classnames, like the Mi-48, Ghosthawk and now the Orca on the basis that it will be a lot easier to retrofit into missions that arent setup for this new system - ie BECTI has a generic vehicle selection menu and creation function which just pulls its info from a list of pre-defined classnames. To make it recognise new vehicles I just have to add the new classnames and voila. However with the Taru black I'll have to shoehorn in a lot of Taru-specific exceptions if I want to implement it (Which I don't really like doing). I'd imagine most other missions that give a player a choice of many vehicles have a similar setup and will therefore run into similar problems with the Taru-black in its current form.

I'm really excited to see these in BECTI, why? Because Logistics is a pain in the ass right now. If i get disabled, shot to hell, and out of ammo, i have to wait for someone to buy a truck and haul it all the way to me right into enemy lines. If i can have a Logistics helicopter fly in and get me out, and maybe even lift my vehicle back to base, that'd be amazing.

---------- Post added at 14:49 ---------- Previous post was at 14:48 ----------

yeah they are more shiny than matt mil vehicles but have you seen the chopper in fog and 50% overcast ? it is like it is made of ice, ? or maybe it is my settings

Maybe your settings, but i'll check. The shininess really isn't an issue.

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No update this day - the Arma 3 development team will be at a shooting range

Have fun guys, and stay safe. :)

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Hopefully they will learn how real weapon behaves and bring that into the game!

Marksman DLC CONFIR-... Oh wait...

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