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That's not a feature but missing textures.

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Boats no longer get stuck when contact is made with the bottom! As long as the engine is in the water, the boat will move. That's a great fix BIS!  :627:

I love seeing water insertions getting some love, lately the AI spotting of divers was tweaked down.

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wasnt it said someday that there will be an option to disable the extream FOV on high speeds in vehicles. if you use trackir5 it looks so wrong and

its hard to read the hud, you always have to move towards the monitor to see something.


i hoped it would be in, but couldnt find any options. i just want to disable these FOV´s ;)

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Yeah, the speed-related zoomout needs to go. It's really annoying. It should be related to acceleration, not speed.

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That's not a feature but missing textures.

 Does anyone have the path to those textures (I'm not on dev)?

I'm thinking it shouldn't be too hard, after BIS fixes it, to reproduce this with a little addon... ;)

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the error that shows up for me has the following.




then there's a config error too.



It's always random, I just opened EDEN and this time there was no "snow"


Not sure if this of any help to you?



It would make me lean towards the sky causing the issue, and not misplaced, or corrupted ground textures, it's kind of cool looking though.

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then there's a config error too.


I had these errors too, but on my side "snow" isn't random, it always happen on Stratis.

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I had these errors too, but on my side "snow" isn't random, it always happen on Stratis.

Yeah same same, but today when I loaded up the screenshot mission, where there was snow yesterday, there was none that last time, up in Camp. Rogain.

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Are the sounds for zeroing sights already ingame? The devlog mentioned that a few day aso, but I cannot here anything.






Here's a video of the new weapon handling improvments. Pretty neat!


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138395: Tanoan houses and buildings no longer register when using nearestbuilding, just return null object instead. I figure this might be related to the work on improving visual identification of unenterable buildings. It's a pain in the arse regardless. 

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Here's a video of the new weapon handling improvments. Pretty neat!

That ADS time still needs to be toned down a lot. For example, in Squad it takes about 1 and a half seconds to aim down the sights of an RPG-7. I think that is pretty reasonable

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biggest "issue" / deviation from RL is the robot precision with which your guy can "home in" on the optics perfect center/focus point.

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biggest "issue" / deviation from RL is the robot precision with which your guy can "home in" on the optics perfect center/focus point.


It also takes away one of the advantages of Colimator sights, i.e. that their target reticle (at a sufficiently good angle) is always where the target is. Iron sights need to be carefully aligned, a process which is much more error prone and takes more time.

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biggest "issue" / deviation from RL is the robot precision with which your guy can "home in" on the optics perfect center/focus point.


 Thanks for articulating what ive always felt but never been able to verbally pinpoint - its always felt just too easy and unchallenging aiming with modern sights in arma -hence why ive backpedaled to iron Front/Nam as it presents more of a challenge.

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It also takes away one of the advantages of Colimator sights, i.e. that their target reticle (at a sufficiently good angle) is always where the target is. Iron sights need to be carefully aligned, a process which is much more error prone and takes more time.


Not a big deal! Instead we have that super realistic weapon sway! :sarcasm: 

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I believe Laxemann (?) had a mod that somewhat countered this. He made it so that it takes a short time to align the sights. 


In ArmA3 we usually have collimators on everything anyway, but this (and other Laxemann's mods) could be a good thing to add. For example, a blur, or rather something akin to a momentary dazzle when firing a powerful weapon is a very real thing. Same with ground shaking due to nearby explosions.

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speaking of ground shaking. i noticed that the cam shake on vehicles going by the player is way too pronounced. i'm talking about fast vehicles, yes, but since it's sopposed to (i think/hope) imitate the vibration you feel in your body rather than your head actually shaking, i feel like it should be way more subtle. i like the effect though. so i'm not hating. but atleast half as much would be already enough imho.

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Not a big deal! Instead we have that super realistic weapon sway! :sarcasm:

*sighs at the mention of weapon sway*

Send from my tablet, so pardon any autocorrect bollocks

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speaking of ground shaking. i noticed that the cam shake on vehicles going by the player is way too pronounced. i'm talking about fast vehicles, yes, but since it's sopposed to (i think/hope) imitate the vibration you feel in your body rather than your head actually shaking, i feel like it should be way more subtle. i like the effect though. so i'm not hating. but atleast half as much would be already enough imho.

Yeah, vibration is not shaking, right now vehicles produce same shaking as explosions from 152mm, or larger caliber. This is why i turned it off.

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I believe Laxemann (?) had a mod that somewhat countered this. He made it so that it takes a short time to align the sights. 


In ArmA3 we usually have collimators on everything anyway, but this (and other Laxemann's mods) could be a good thing to add. For example, a blur, or rather something akin to a momentary dazzle when firing a powerful weapon is a very real thing. Same with ground shaking due to nearby explosions.


*cough* That's right. I'd also like to add that "Align" (The mod's name) also adds a continuous, very subtle offset of the sights, next to the initial alignment time. The offset doesn't really matter at most distances but is noticable at greater ranges.


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I am actually wondering. Isn't the technology for misalignment of sights already ingame? Isn't that what weapon inertia does?

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Weapon inertia is forward sight post catching up usually lateral (left/right) with back sight.


Misalignment implemented by BIS is time to transition from freelook to sight picture

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*cough* That's right. I'd also like to add that "Align" (The mod's name) also adds a continuous, very subtle offset of the sights, next to the initial alignment time. The offset doesn't really matter at most distances but is noticable at greater ranges.

They should really add those small immersion tweaks into ArmA3 proper. :) They're not like ACE, which will kill you for standing next to a tank firing its cannon, but it really allows you feel the power of those weapons. And as I said, it's not a "gamey abstraction effect", either. This "blur" is something you really experience when shooting loud and flashy (not necessairly powerful, a 9mm pistol makes a ridiculous racket compared to its actual power) weapons. The sight misalignment really makes the red dot sights worth it (now, if only they could be re-zeroed like the iron sights can...).


Also, I've got a bug to report. It seems that since a couple of versions, I've had regular items such as the compass or map (not to mention NATO gear from vanilla) marked as Apex exclusive. The result is that if I drop, say, the binoculars on the ground, I can't pick them back up since I don't have Apex. I've even noticed some mod content (from CUP) marked as Apex-dependent for no particular reason. I'd appreciate a quick fix, it makes the vanilla game practically unplayable for me.

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^^^ I have nothing against it, game would get more realism, but..... there is always this BUT. It would work perfectly for MP, PVP etc, but in single player, player vs AI, you would stand WITHOUT chances, its hard enough for now to hit OP AI's at 400M with iron sights, but AI have less problem with that. Now imagine you have to wait till steady line of sight, while ai will fire 6 rounds to you and propably kill you before you will shoot. Its balanced right now, + weapon swaying is always replaced with Revos, removed, or replaced with other addons, changing weapon swaying in all MP games i join, so swaying is something that could be decreased a bit. Its engough hard to hit target, no need to make it harder, specially if AI would be same accurate as now.

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